Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 (Global Success) - Unit 1+2

IV. Fill in each blank with a suitable word.


1. Mark is ___________________ about sport, and he can play basketball, football, table tennis, and golf.


2. Are you keen _______________________ gardening or going shopping?


3. Many girls are interested in _______________________ DIY.


4. My mum and I love _______________________, so we can spend hours in the kitchen.


5. Is your grandfather _______________________ of collecting stamps and coins? - Yes, he is.


6. What does your brother do in his free time? - He usually _______________________ the net.


V. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D. Sometimes you can choose two answers.


1. According to a survey, 21% of children under 18 in the UK enjoy _______________ football.


A. to play                    B. play                                    C. playing                               D. played

2. About 16% of them love _______________ swimming.


A. to go                       B. go                                      C. going                                  D. went


3. A lot of young families in Viet Nam prefer _______________ time doing outdoor activities together.


A. spending                B. spend                                 C. spent                                  D. to spend


4. My sister hates _______________ up early to do exercise.


A. getting                    B. get                                     C. gets                                     D. to get


5. Our cousins detest _______________ books and _______________.


A. reading / draw        B. reading / drawing            C. to read / to draw                D. read / draw


6. Does your brother dislike _______________ his friends? - Yes, he prefers _______________ them.


A. call / message         B. calling / messaging             C. to call / to message             D. to call / message

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Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 (Global Success) - Unit 1+2
P 1 
Communication: CÂU LỜI KHEN 
*What a beautiful kite you have, Mai! (Cậu có con diều đẹp thật đấy, Mai!) 
Thank you, Tom. Cám ơn, Tom. 
*You really have a nice dress, Hoa. (Cậu có một cái đầm đẹp thật đấy, Hoa.) 
I’m glad you like it, Nick. Tôi vui vì cậu thích nó, Nick. 
Choose the correct option A, B, C, D to complete the sentences. 
Read the text about life in a village in Viet Nam. 
I feel fortunate that I am living in a peaceful village in southern Viet Nam. The 
scenery here is beautiful and picturesque with vast fields stretching long 
distances. The houses are surrounded by green trees. There are lakes, ponds, 
and canals here and there. The air is fresh and cool. Life here seems to move 
more slowly than in cities. The people work very hard. They grow 
vegetables, cultivate rice, and raise cattle. At harvest time, they use combine 
harvesters to harvest their crops. Many families live by growing fruit trees in 
the orchards. Others live by fishing in lakes, ponds, and canals. Life in the village 
is very comfortable for children. They play traditional games. Sometimes they 
help their parents pick fruit and herd cattle. 
P 2 
People in my village know each other well. They are friendly and hospitable. 
They often meet each other in the evening, eating fruit, playing chess, singing 
folk songs, and chatting about everyday activities. 
Match the highlighted words in the text with their meanings. 
1. stretching a. small passages used for carrying water to 
fields, crops, etc. 
2. canals b. place where people grow fruit trees. 
3. cultivate c. covering a large area of land. 
4. orchards d. to grow plants or crops. 
Read the text again and tick (✓) T (True) or F (False) 
1. Life in the author’s village is very peaceful. 
2. The people in the village work very hard. 
3. Villagers live only by catching fish in lakes, ponds, and canals. 
4. The children are always busy helping their parents. 
5. The villagers get along well. 
 Choose the correct answer A, B, or C. 
1. There is a huge cloud _____ as far as the eye can see. 
A. surrounded B. stretching C. vast D. be vast 
2. People in my village are really _____; they are always generous and friendly to 
A. well-trained B. funny C. hospitable D. well 
3. The development of cities destroys _____ areas of countryside. 
A. vast B. much C. stretching D. too 
4. The workers in our factory are very _____ because they took a lot of good 
training courses. 
A. hospitable B. kind C. well-trained D. fanny 
5. The area around the village is famous for its _____ landscape. 
A. picturesque B. boring C. dull D. noisy 
Complete the sentences with the comparative 
1. Every morning Nick gets up ten minutes (early) _____ than his sister. 
2. I speak French (fluently) _____ now than I did last year. 
3. You'll find your way around the village (easily) _____ if you have a good map. 
4. It rained (heavily) _____ today than it did yesterday. 
5. If you work (hard) _____, you will do (well) _____ in your exam 
Underline the mistakes in the sentences and correct them. 
1. I run faster as my brother does. 
P 3 
2. People in the city seem to react quicklier to changes than those in the 
3. We need to work more hardly, especially at exam time. 
4. You must finish harvesting the rice the earlier this year than you did last year. 
5. As they climbed more highly up the mountain, the air became cooler. 
Read & write the sentences and correct them. 
Write a comparative sentence using the information and the word in brackets. 
Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently 
1. A. venture B. future C. mature D. culture 
2.A. tour B. scour C. hour D. sour 
3. A. curious B. plural C. during D. pure 
P 4 
4. A. soil B. hoist C. choir D. voice 
5. A. endure B. fury C. cure D. bury 
Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. 
expectations (n) kỳ vọng under pressure: dưới áp lực 
coach (v) huấn luyện bully (n) bắt nạt concentrate (v) tập trung 
1. To meet her parents' ____, she spends five hours practising the piano every 
2. It's not a problem for the contestants to work under ________. 
3. Their PE teacher ________ them after school every day. 
4. Stay away from him. He is a big ________ at our school. 
5. I started playing chess two months ago, and I can ________ better now than 
Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. 
upload a picture: đăng tải một bức ảnh 
browse a website: duyệt một trang web 
check notifications: kiểm tra thông báo 
log on to an account: đăng nhập vào một tài khoản 
connect with friends: kết nối với bạn bè 
Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the passage 
1. I _____ the school website and found pictures of school activities. 
2. Our teacher _____ a video of our last meeting in our forum for everyone to 
3. She _____ with some old friends at the English club. 
4. Tom _____ the notifications and saw some new posts. 
5. Mi often _____ to her instagram account to chat with her friends. 
Choose the correct answer A, B, or C D. 
1. Our class has a(n) _____, and we often post questions there to discuss. 
A. office B. forum C. club D. notifications 
2. We try to meet our parents' _____but it is hard. 
A. dreams B. interests C. expectations D. forum 
3. He is a big _____ and scares his weaker classmates. 
A. bully B. forum C. pressure D. activities 
4. She was chatting with her friends, so she couldn't _____on the lesson. 
A. concentrate B. coach C. advise D. expectations 
5. We have _____ from our exams, peers, and parents. This makes us feel very 
A. interests B. pressure C. friends D. notifications 
 Tick (✓) the simple sentences. 
P 5 
1. We work together on different projects. 
2. Teens need good friends and tolerant teachers at schools. 
3. She plays chess very well, and she won the first prize last year. 
4. Sports activities at school help me relax. 
5. Teens should learn teamwork, and they should also have communication 
Choose the correct answer A, B, or C. D 
1. Parents should give teens some freedom, _____ they should also set limits. 
A. for B. so C. but D. for 
2. We don't cheat on exams, ______ it is a wrong thing to do. 
A. or B. for C. and D. by 
3. Lan wants to join the school music club; _____ she can't sing or play any 
A. however B. otherwise C. therefore D. because 
4. Schoolwork causes teens a lot of pressure, _____ they also feel pressure from 
their parents. 
A. and B. but C. or D. so 
5. She wanted to prepare for the exam; _____ she turned off her mobile phone. 
A. however B. otherwise C. therefore D. because of 
Speaking : 
Can you tell me more about the music club, please? Bạn có thể nói cho tôi biết 
thêm về câu lạc bộ âm nhạc không? 
- Certainly. Chắc chắn rồi./ Sure 
Could you show me the way to the college, please? Bạn có thể chỉ cho tôi đường 
đến trường đại học không ? 
- Certainly. Chắc chắn rồi./ Of course 
1. Tom: How about playing a game of chess? - Mai: ______. 
A. No, that's a waste of time. 
B. I'd love to. But I have to finish my homework first 
C. Chess is interesting to play 
D. I'm sorry. Don't ask me to do that 
2. Mai: ______? - Ann: Yes, certainly. 
A. Can I join you in this game 
B. Will I join you in this game 
C. Shall you join us in this game 
D. Should you join us in this game 
3. Nick: Could you tell me how I can deal with a bully? - Mi: ______. 
A. That's very kind of you. Thanks 
P 6 
B. Who's he? I don't know him 
C. You should talk to your parents about him 
D. You shouldn't talk to your parents about him 
4. Teacher: Would you like to discuss the causes of your in our forum? - Student: 
A. No, I wouldn't 
B. That's a good idea 
C. Yes, I would join the forum 
D. That's very kind of you 
5. Minh: ______? - Tom: Certainly. Go past this building, then turn left. It's right in 
front of you there. 
A. Would you show me the way to the library, please 
B. Could you show me the way to the library, please 
C. Should you show me the way to the library, please 
D. May you show me the way to the library, please 
Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the 
sentence given. 
1. I'm interested in participating in some club activities. 
A. Joining in some club activities is not my interest. 
B. My interest is to joining in some club activities. 
C. I'm interested in joining in some club activities. 
D. Club activities are what I am interested in. 
2. I play chess to relax, but I'm now confident enough to enter competitions. 
A. Although I play chess to relax, but l'm now confident enough to enter 
B. Although I play chess to relax, I'm now confident enough to enter competitions. 
C. I'm now confident enough to enter competitions in spite of being relaxed. 
D. I play chess to relax, and I'm now confident enough to enter competitions. 
3. Teenagers join the Teen Line forum as they enjoy chatting with other teens. 
A. Teenagers join the Teen Line forum, so they enjoy chatting with other teens. 
B. Teenagers join the Teen Line forum although they enjoy chatting with other 
C. Teenagers join the Teen Line forum, but they enjoy chatting with other teens. 
D. Teenagers join the Teen Line forum because they enjoy chatting with other 
4. Although teens don't know how to avoid bullies, they don't want to tell their 
A. If teens knew how to avoid bullies, they would not tell their teachers. 
P 7 
B. Teens don't know how to avoid bullies, but they don't want to tell their teachers. 
C. Teens will tell their teachers although they know how to avoid bullies. 
D. Teens know how to avoid bullies; however, they will tell their teachers. 
5. If you don't stop spending so much time playing video games, you will get 
A. You should stop spending so much time playing video games; otherwise, you 
will get addicted. 
B. You should stop spending so much time playing video games; however, you 
will get addicted. 
C. Stop spending so much time playing video games, so you will get addicted. 
D. Although you stop spending so much time playing video games, you will get 
Make sentences using the words and phrases below. 
1. Teenagers / should / play / sport / keep fit. 
2. Teens / may feel / stressed / when / classmates / do better / than them / school. 
3. Some teens / participate / school clubs / make / new / friends. 
4. Some teens / feel / pressure / because / they / want / fit / a group. 
5. main causes / teen stress / include / peer pressure / schoolwork pressure / 
pressure from parents. 

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