Đề thi môn Tiếng Anh - Tuyển sinh vào Lớp 10 THPT Chuyên - Năm học 2016-2017 - Cấn Chính Trường

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Đề thi môn Tiếng Anh - Tuyển sinh vào Lớp 10 THPT Chuyên - Năm học 2016-2017 - Cấn Chính Trường
Thời gian 120 phút, không tính thời gian giao đề
You will hear someone talking to a group of students about a visit to an Arts Centre. For each question, put a tick (✓) before A, B, or C. (1.5 points)
1. There are still tickets for
 A. the piano concert.	B. Twelfth Night.	 C. Spider and Rose.
2. The coach will leave at 3.30 because.....
 A. they don’t want to miss the shows.
 B. they want free time at the Arts Centre.
 C. it’s a long journey to the Arts Centre.
3. You have to pay to see...
 A.the Russian ballet exhibition. 
 B. the Scottish jewellery. 	
 C. the South American photographs.
4. You can buy clothes.....
 A. on the first floor.	B. in the souvenir shop.	 C. close to the Arts Centre.
5. If you want a snack and a hot drink, try......
 A. the Fountain.	B. Charlie’s.	 C. the cinema kiosk.
6. Everyone should get back on the coach at......
 A. 10.10. 	B. 10.15.	 C. 10.20.
I. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern. (1 point)
1. A. forecast 	B. grandmother 	C. problem 	D. report
2. A. interview 	B. activity 	C. addition 	D. imagine
3. A. dormitory 	B. dynamite 	C. decorate 	D. disappear
4. A. exist 	B. extensive 	C. energy 	D. environment
II. Give the correct form of the word in capitals. (2 points)
 Mobile phones have increased in popularity over the last few years, and these days almost everyone has one. We (1)......use them mainly to make calls and to send text messages. Soon, however, information such as exactly where you are, to the (2)........few metres, may be available through a mobile. This could be extremely (3)......if you got lost, say when driving a car. There is now no (4).......reason why your phone shouldn’t also be able to tell you that you are entering an area of high (5).......activity. Such technology has been available to (6).......such as the police and pilots for a long time, but now that the (7)....... costs of such equipment have come down, mobile phone companies are looking at the suitability of offering these services to the public. In their (8)......., there will be a great demand for such services. It remains to be seen, of course, whether the public agrees.
3. USE
I. Give the correct tense of the verb in parentheses. (1.5 points)
1. When Michelle lived in Italy, she (always/have) dinner at 9 p.m.
2. I hate (wait) for buses. You (wait) for ages and then three (come) at the same time.
3. I feel a bit dizzy. I think I (faint).
4. John was exhausted because he (work) in the garden all day.
II. The text below has ten words that should not be there. Find them, underline and write them down. (2 points )
 I travelled a lot as a child, which was lucky because I saw some great sights, but it wasn’t until much later that I appreciated them. Some places were more interesting than I had imagined them. Others didn’t really interest me so much. I liked buildings most of all. The New York station, for example – who could to imagine a more impressive building ? It’s a fine example of architecture, even although it’s just a railway station. Its real name is Grand Central, and I have stood in Vanderbit Hall quite many times listening and watching the people running for trains. “Have you read already the report I sent your office?” one man says to another, “Bye, honey, see you later. Don’t forget to call me when you will get to work,” a husband says to his wife. To me, those conversations and the energy of the station were wonderful. I remember visiting New York for the first time . My memory of the city isn’t very good but my mum kept a diary and I must to find it. Thinking about New York makes me want to go back. There’s so much yet I haven’t seen, like Union Square and the Met. If I go enough of times, it’ll soon feel like home.
I. Read the passage and decide which answer best fits each space (2.5 points)
 For many of us, life is full of man-made sounds: traffic, machinery, television and other human beings. It is not surprising (1)....... that camping continues to (2).........in popularity, as it teaches us to take our focus off these distractions and (3).........to enrich our lives. According to a recent report, one holiday (4).........eight in Europe is a camping holiday. Despite that, some would still have you believe that camping should be considered an alternative holiday that you are driven towards because money is (5)..... . Nonsense. It is a lifestyle choice to be embraced and enjoyed, for it (6).........us the freedom to explore in our own time and (7).........our own speed. The opportunities available for (8).........camping with some form of recreational activity are as varied as Europe’s many thousands of miles of hiking trails, cycling routes, canals, rivers and lakes. Whether your chosen form of activity is recreational or competitive, a sociable hobby or a way of (9).........the crowds, there can be nothing more pleasurable than sitting outside your tent after a day of activity with only the hum of dragonflies and the gas stove (10)......... the peace. And just remember: whatever form of camping you choose, as long as you are out there enjoying yourself and the surroundings, the rest of the world can wait.
1. A. therefore 	B. nevertheless 	C. so 	D. though
2. A. enlarge 	B. grow 	C. raise 	D. stretch
3. A. contributes 	B. gives 	C. supplies 	D. helps
4. A. from 	B. on 	C. for 	D. in
5. A. hard 	B. rare 	C. tight 	D. slim
6. A. lets 	B. opens 	C. allows 	D. enables
7. A. of 	B. at 	C. by 	D. to
8. A. mixing 	B. attaching 	C. adding 	D. uniting
9. A. escaping 	B. separating 	C. clearing 	D. departing
10. A. stopping 	B. annoying 	C. disturbing 	D. breaking
II. Choose the most suitable heading from this list for each paragraph of the text. Write the headings above the correct paragraphs and the paragraph numbers next to the appropriate headings. An example is given. There is one extra heading. (1.75 points)
[||0. I |||]
It’s always good to know what you’re aiming for, so that you know if and when you get there. By having an aim for each week, or even each day, it will help you check your progress and show you if you need to change your plans. It’s always good to know what you’re aiming for, so that you know if and when you get there. By having an aim for each week, or even each day, it will help you check your progress and show you if you need to change your plans.
[||1. |||]
Rather than having to work through masses of notes every time you revise something , try noting down things you want to remember on a piece of paper. It doesn’t seem as much to learn that way, but it makes sure you don’t miss out anything important. Once you’ve learnt the main points, rewrite them on another piece of paper without looking at your notes.
[||2. |||]
“If you don’t know it by now, you’ll never learn it for tomorrow.” Everybody says it, but it’s probably true. Don’t stay up all night studying. You’d be better going to bed at a reasonable time, so that you can wake up fresh and alert on exam day.
[||3. |||]
There’s nothing worse than being disorganized. If you have a plan and stick to it, you won’t end up cramming all your revision into the last few hours! Make a list of your exams and what you need to learn beforehand, and then draw up a timetable covering all the topics. You can then work out what you need to do on a weekly basis and when you are going to do it.
[||4. |||]
When you reach each of your targets, give yourself a treat – you deserve it! It could be a drink, a short break to watch your favourite TV programme, a phone call to a friend – anything you enjoy. Test yourself, from time to time, on a topic and if you do well, give yourself a special treat based on how well you have done.
[||5. |||]
By now you will probably have discovered the method of revision which suits you best. But every now and then it might be helpful to try a different method. You could try working with a group of friends, or using a different book which covers things from a new angle. Whatever it is, just try something different occasionally.
[||6. |||]
Some things are almost impossible to remember, so you may need to do something unusual to help you remember. Try writing them down in large letters and bright colors and sticking them on the fridge, on a mirror or on the bathroom door. Try recording them on to a cassette and keep play it back to yourself – on a personal stereo if you’ve got one!
[||7. |||]
Not too many people like exams and most of us get nervous. But if you’ve followed your plan and put the effort into revising, then there is not need to worry or panic. Hopefully these tips will have helped you. Give it your best shot – that’s all that anyone can expect of you.
III. Fill in the gap with ONE suitable word, (2.5 points )
What do you do to help fight climate change? How do you get your friends and family to do their bit to prevent global warming getting any worse? Two teenage boys from Scotland have just won an award for their efforts. Niall Watson and Roarke Hughes call (1)........the Recyclists. They pedal (2)........their neighbourhood on their bikes collecting rubbish to be recycled. In the area (3)........ the boys live, the local council only collects a (4)........types of trash to be recycled, so the boys help their community to recycle more, in (5)........ for a small fee.
 Their business venture started three years (6)........as a way of making some extra pocket money. Now Niall and Roarke have expanded their business. They have invested (7)........ some chickens and now also sell their own organic eggs (8)........they cycle round the town.
 The judges of the “Ethical Kids Award”, (9)........ the boys won, were very impressed by them, saying: “The Recyclists captured our imaginations straightaway. Their idea was innovative and green at the (10)........ time.” As the boys say, they’re going to be on the planet for at least another fifty years, so why not try to make it to be a better place to live?
I. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. (2 points )
1. It isn’t really worth trying to fly the kite when there’s no wind. 	hardly
2. Graham likes to spend time alone just before a race. 	by
 Graham likes to spend time.........................
3. There aren’t any good restaurants in this village anymore, are there? 	used
4. “I will make the dinner only if you do the shopping,” she told him. 	not
 “I will.......................................................
5. Do you happen to know the time of the next train to London ? 	could
 I wonder...................................................
6. The date for the Barcelona Conference is the 23rd of March. 	place
 The Barcelona Conference..........................
7. It was necessary to send the letters special delivery. 	be
 The letters...................................
8. What attracted you to this part of the country ? 	find
II. Tom and Jonathan are having coffee together. Neither of them has a very well paid job, so they have to be careful with their money. Fill in the parts of the dialogue, numbered (1) to (7) , which have been left blank. (1.75points)
Tom : I’m thinking of buying a car.
Jonathan: Are you sure you need one?
How often (1)..............................?
Tom: Well, I’d use it at weekends to do the shopping and it would mean I could get out of the city into the country.
Jonathan: Would you (2)..............................?
Tom: Oh, no. I’d continue to cycle to work. I need the exercise.
Jonathan : I didn’t know you cycled to work.
How (3).................................?
Tom: Since I changed my job and there was no bus.
Jonathan: And how (4)..............................?
Tom: About eight miles, and that’s a long way! Another thing is I’d like to go abroad on holiday.
Jonathan: That’ll be expensive. Where (5)................................?
Tom: Somewhere sunny like Greece or Italy. That will cost about ₤300 and that’s about what I need for a deposit on a new car.
Jonathan : In that case, why (6).................................?
Tom : I don’t want an old car that’s always breaking down . Oh, I really don’t know what to do. What (7)...............................?
Jonathan: If I were you I’d buy a second-hand car and take a cheap holiday in it!
II. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they are able to do so. Write about 100 words. (1 point)
The End
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C
Phonetics and Vocabulary
1.D 2. A 3. D 4. C
1. currently 2.nearest 3. useful 4. scientific
5. criminal 6. specialists 7. financial 8. judgement
1. always had 	2. waiting, wait, come
3. am going to faint 	4. had been working/had worked
 I travelled a lot as a child, which was lucky because I saw some great sights, but it wasn’t until much later that I appreciated them. Some places were more interesting than I had imagined them. Others didn’t really interest me so much. I liked buildings most of all. The New York station, for example – who could to imagine a more impressive building ? It’s a fine example of architecture, even although it’s just a railway station. Its real name is Grand Central, and I have stood in Vanderbit Hall quite many times listening and watching the people running for trains. “Have you read already the report I sent your office?” one man says to another, “Bye, honey, see you later. Don’t forget to call me when you will get to work,” a husband says to his wife. To me, those conversations and the energy of the station were wonderful. I remember visiting New York for the first time. My memory of the city isn’t very good but my mum kept a diary and I must to find it. Thinking about New York makes me want to go back. There’s so much yet I haven’t seen, like Union Square and the Met. If I go enough of times, it’ll soon feel like home.
1.A 2.B 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.C 7. B 8. A 9.A 10. C
1. G 2. F 3. B 4. H 5. C 6. E 7. A
1. 1. themselves 2. around 3. where 4. few 5. return/exchange 6. ago 7. in 8. when 9. which 10. same
1. It is hardly worth trying to fly the kite when there’s no wind.
2. Graham likes to spend time by himself just before a race.
3. There used to be good restaurants in this village, didn’t there?
4. “I will not make the dinner unless you do the shopping,” she told him.
5. I wonder if you could tell me the time of the next train to London,
6. The Barcelona Conference takes place on the 23rd of March.
7. The letters had/needed to be sent special delivery.
8. What did you find attractive about this part of the country?
1. How often would you use it?
2. Would you drive to work?
3. How long have you been doing that?
4. And how far do you cycle?
5. Where do you want to go?
6. In that case, why don’t you buy a second hand car?
7. What would you do?
 In my opinion, children should be required to become involved in household tasks as soon as they are able to do so because of some reasons.
Firstly, when children involve in some tasks like cleaning the floor and washing clothes, they can make themselves feel closer to their home and proud of themselves as part of their family after they have done so much work. Secondly, doing household tasks is a way of expressing the children’s love for their parents, so children should help with household tasks to let their parents have more time to relax. Finally, children need to get used to the housework in order to take good care of themselves. As a result, they will find it easier to live independently when they are mature.
In conclusion, doing household tasks has many positive effects on children, and they are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. (150 words)

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