Đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 (Global Success) - Unit 1, 2, 3


1. A. choose B. cool C. good D. tool

2. A. June B. bull C. truth D. flu

3. A. woman B. who C. move D. lose

4. A. pudding B. push C. cushion D. include

5. A. wood B. moon C. soon D. loose


1. A. addict B. affect C. balance D. exist

P 4

2. A. comic B. improve C. bracelet D. cruel

3. A. advertise B. melody C. existence D. organize

4. A. harmful B. data C. effect D. leisure

5. A. relax B. muscle C. message D. puzzle


1. A. shopping B. texting C. watching TV D. doing homework

2. A. hooked on B. bored with C. addicted to D. crazy about

3. A. love B. dislike C. enjoy D. prefer

4. A. adore B. detest C. dislike D. hate

5. A. like B. prefer C. fancy D. hate


1. I'm _____ of taking photos. In my free time, I usually go out and take photos of people and things.

A. interested B. fond C. keen D. into

2. Mai is _____ in history. She often goes to museums to see new exhibits and learn about the past.

A. interesting B. fond C. interested D. about

3. My sister is _____ on cooking. She wants to become a chef in the future.

A. into B. at C. keen D. for

4. My brother spends lots of time surfing the net, but I'm not _____ it.

A. in B. on C. into D. of

5. I'm not crazy _____ doing DIY. I'm never able to finish any DIY projects I start.

A. to B. about C. at D. a mong


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Đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 (Global Success) - Unit 1, 2, 3
P 1 
No. Word 
Part of 
Pronunciation Meaning 
1 Addict n /ˈædɪkt/ Người nghiện 
2 Addicted to adj /əˈdɪktɪd tu/ Nghiện cái gì/ làm gì 
3 Addictive adj /ˈædətɪv/ Có tính gây nghiện 
4 Advertise v /ˈædvərtaɪz/ Quảng cáo 
5 Advertisement n /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ Mẩu / cái quảng cáo 
6 Affect v /əˈfekt/ Ảnh hưởng 
7 Balance n /ˈbæləns/ Sự cân bằng 
8 Bracelet n ˈbreɪslət/ Vòng tay 
9 Ban v /bæn/ Cấm 
10 Craft kit n //krɑːft kɪt / Bộ dụng cụ làm thủ công 
11 Comic n /ˈkɒmɪk/ Truyện tranh 
12 Community n /kəˈmjuːnəti/ Cộng đồng 
13 Cruel adj /ˈkruːəl/ Độc ác 
14 Competitive adj /kəmˈpetətɪv/ Mang tính cạnh tranh 
15 DIY = Do it 
/di:aɪ'waɪ/ = 
/du: ɪt jɔːˈself/ 
Tự làm 
16 Data n /ˈdeɪtə/ Dữ liệu 
17 Decide (to V) v /dɪˈsaɪd/ Quyết định làm gì 
18 Decision n /dɪˈsɪʒn/ Sự quyết định 
19 (Do) harm to 
(ST/SB) v /hɑːrm/ Làm hại (đến ...) 
20 (Be) harmful (to) adj /hɑːrmfl/ Có hại (đối với ...) 
21 Exist v /ɪɡˈzɪst/ Tồn tại 
22 Existence n /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/ Sự tồn tại 
23 Eye-tiredness n /aɪ ˈtaɪədnəs/ Sự mỏi mắt 
24 Folk song n /ˈfəʊk sɒŋ/ Nhạc dân ca 
25 Fold v /fəʊld/ Gập, gấp 
26 Get irritated v /get ˈɪrɪteɪtɪd/ Nổi cáu, cáu gắt 
27 (Be) hooked on adj /hʊkt/ Rất thích cái gì/ làm gì 
28 Have effect on v /ɪ'fekt/ Có ảnh hưởng đến 
29 Hang out v /hæŋ aʊt/ Đi chơi 
30 Knitting kit n /ˈnɪtɪŋ kɪt/ Bộ dụng cụ đan len 
31 Keep in touch v /ki:p ɪn tʌtʃ/ Giữ liên lạc 
P 2 
32 Improve v /ɪmˈpruːv/ Cải thiện 
33 Leisure n /ˈleʒə(r)/ Thời gian rảnh 
34 Melody n /ˈmelədi/ Giai điệu 
35 Message v /ˈmesɪdʒ/ Gửi tin nhắn 
36 Muscle n /ˈmʌsl/ Cơ bắp 
Make origami v 
ˌɒrɪˈɡɑːmi/ Xếp giấy, gấp giấy 
38 Organise v /ˈɔːɡənaɪz/ Tổ chức (cái gì) 
39 Organisation n /ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ Tổ chức 
40 Positive adj /ˈpɒzətɪv/ Tích cực 
41 Pronounce v /prəˈnaʊns/ Phát âm 
42 Puzzle n /ˈpʌzl/ Trò chơi câu đố 
43 Rely (on) v /rɪ'laɪ/ Phụ thuộc (vào) 
44 Relax v /rɪˈlæks/ Thư giãn 
45 Relaxed adj /rɪˈlækst/ Cảm thấy thư giãn 
46 Resort n /rɪˈzɔːt/ Khu nghỉ dưỡng 
47 Prefer ST (to ST) v /prɪˈfɜːr/ Thích cái gì (hơn cái gì) 
48 Preference n /ˈprefrəns/ Sự yêu thích 
49 Savings n /ˈseɪvɪŋ/ Tiền tiết kiệm 
Satisfy v /ˈsætɪsfaɪ/ 
Làm ai đó hài lòng, thỏa 
51 Snowboarding n /ˈsnəʊbɔːrdɪŋ/ Trượt tuyết bằng ván 
52 Surf v /sɜːrf/ Lướt (mạng Internet) 
53 Social adj /ˈsəʊʃl/ Về xã hội 
54 Socialize (with) v /ˈsəʊʃəlaɪz/ Hòa đồng (với) 
55 Solution n /səˈluːʃn/ Giải pháp 
56 Stay in shape v / steɪ ɪn ʃeɪp/ Giữ dáng 
57 Strange (to) adj /streɪndʒ/ Lạ lẫm (đối với ai đó) 
58 Trick n /trɪk/ Mẹo 
59 Tool n /tu:l/ Công cụ, dụng cụ 
60 Total adj /ˈtəʊtl/ Tổng cộng 
Volunteer n, v /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/ 
Tình nguyện viên, tình 
nguyện làm gì 
62 Virtual adj /ˈvɜːrtʃuəl/ Ảo 
1. Verbs of liking + gerunds / to-infinitives 
Adore + V-ing E.g. I adore watching movies. 
Love + V-ing / to V E.g. She loves learning English. 
P 3 
She loves to learn English. 
Enjoy + V-ing E.g. He enjoys listening to music. 
Fancy + V-ing E.g. Do they fancy skiing? 
Like + V-ing / to V E.g. I like playing football. 
I like to play football. 
Prefer + V-ing / to V E.g. My sister prefers dancing. 
My sister prefers to dance. 
Not like + V-ing E.g. I don ’t like eating 
Dislike + V-ing E.g. Does he dislike fishing? 
Hate + V-ing / to V E.g. She hates cleaning the house. 
Detest + V-ing E.g. They detest getting up early. 
Not mind + V-ing E.g. I don't mind cooking. 
2. Expressions used with hobbies 
Verb Use Examples 
= Be keen on 
= Be a fan of 
= Be interested in 
= Be hooked on 
= Be addicted to 
I'm keen on music. 
I'm a fan of football. 
I’m interested in action movies. 
I'm hooked on playing board games. 
I'm addicted to playing computer 
Love = Be obsessed with 
= Be mad about 
= Be crazy about 
She’s obsessed with novels. 
He’s mad about painting. 
She is crazy about taking photos. 
Dislike = Be bad at 
= Be terrible at 
I’m bad at swimming. 
I’m terrible at singing. 
Nguyên âm đơn ngắn 
u (full), oo (wood), ou (could), o (woman) 
Nguyên âm đơn dài 
oo (food), ue (blue), oe (shoe), ou (group), ew 
(new), u-e (use) 
1. A. choose B. cool C. good D. tool 
2. A. June B. bull C. truth D. flu 
3. A. woman B. who C. move D. lose 
4. A. pudding B. push C. cushion D. include 
5. A. wood B. moon C. soon D. loose 
1. A. addict B. affect C. balance D. exist 
P 4 
2. A. comic B. improve C. bracelet D. cruel 
3. A. advertise B. melody C. existence D. organize 
4. A. harmful B. data C. effect D. leisure 
5. A. relax B. muscle C. message D. puzzle 
1. A. shopping B. texting C. watching TV D. doing homework 
2. A. hooked on B. bored with C. addicted to D. crazy about 
3. A. love B. dislike C. enjoy D. prefer 
4. A. adore B. detest C. dislike D. hate 
5. A. like B. prefer C. fancy D. hate 
1. I'm _____ of taking photos. In my free time, I usually go out and take photos of 
people and things. 
A. interested B. fond C. keen D. into 
2. Mai is _____ in history. She often goes to museums to see new exhibits and 
learn about the past. 
A. interesting B. fond C. interested D. about 
3. My sister is _____ on cooking. She wants to become a chef in the future. 
A. into B. at C. keen D. for 
4. My brother spends lots of time surfing the net, but I'm not _____ it. 
A. in B. on C. into D. of 
5. I'm not crazy _____ doing DIY. I'm never able to finish any DIY projects I start. 
A. to B. about C. at D. a mong 
1. Mark is ________ about sport, and he can play basketball, football, table 
tennis, and golf. 
A. surfs B. crazy C. doing D. fond 
2. Are you keen ________ gardening or going shopping? 
A. on B. about C. to D. in 
3. Many girls are interested in ________ DIY. 
A. cooking B. surfs C. doing D. into 
4. My mum and I love ________, so we can spend hours in the kitchen. 
A. doing B. surfs C. cooking D. a mong 
5. Is your grandfather ________ of collecting stamps and coins? - Yes, he is. 
A. on B. crazy C. cooking D. fond 
6. What does your brother do in his free time? - He usually ________ the net. 
A. surfs B. cooking C. about D. into 
P 5 
1. According to a survey, 21% of children under 18 in the UK enjoy ________ 
A. to play B. play C. playing D. played 
2. About 16% of them love ________ swimming. 
A. to go B. go C. going D. went 
3. A lot of young families in Viet Nam prefer ________ time doing outdoor 
activities together. 
A.spending B. spend C. spent D. to spend 
4. My sister hates ________ up early to do exercise. 
A. getting B. get C. gets D. to get 
5. Our cousins detest ________ books and ________. 
A. reading / draw B. reading / drawing C. to read / to draw D. read / 
6. Does your brother dislike ________ his friends? - Yes, he prefers ________ them. 
A. call / message B. calling / messaging 
C. to call / to message D. to call / message 
2. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C. 
1. I love _____, so in my leisure time, I go to some villages near Ha Noi to relax 
and enjoy the outdoors. 
A. travelling B. travelled C. a travel 
2. Tom enjoys _____ puzzles, especially Sudoku. 
A. doing B. do C. to do 
3. When do you like _____ TV? 
A. watched B. watch C. to watch 
4. Do you fancy _____ to the cinema this weekend? 
A. go B. going C. to go 
5. I detest _____. I think it's cruel to harm animals. 
A. hunting B. to hunt C. hunt 
1. Mark _____ (likes surf )the net. 
2. The girls _____ (enjoy water) to water (the) flowers. 
3. My cousin _____(dislike ) dogs 
4. My father _____. (hate go ) shopping. 
5. Tom and his sister _____. (prefer do )DIY. 
Would you like to go to the cooking club with me this Sunday? 
(Bạn có muốn đến câu lạc bộ nấu ăn với mình vào Chủ nhật không?) 
I'd love to. Thanks.(Mình muốn chứ. Cảm ơn đã mời mình.) 
P 6 
Do you fancy going for a walk?(Bạn có muốn đi dạo không?) 
That's great. Thanks.(Tuyệt quá. Cảm ơn.) 
1.A: Would you like to go to the cinema with me? 
B: _____________________ 
A. Yes, I watch films every day. B. Yes, I don't like it. 
C. I'd love to. Thanks. D. We can go there together. 
2.A: Do you fancy going out for a drink? 
B: _____________________ 
A. I usually drink tea. B. Sure, thanks. 
C. Why are you asking? D. No, I prefer coffee. 
3.A: Would you like to come to my house this afternoon? 
B: _____________________ 
A. That's very kind of you. Thanks. B. No, I can go there myself. 
C. Yes, I like staying at home. D. I think I can. 
4.A: What leisure activities do you usually do with your mum? 
B: _____________________A. She enjoys doing yoga. 
B. She goes to work at 7 a.m. 
C. She watches TV in her leisure time. 
D. We cook, do DIY, and cycle together. 
5.A: How do you feel when you spend time with your mum? 
B: _____________________ 
A. Yes, I'd love to. B. I feel very happy. 
C. I like it, too. D. I love cooking with her. 
A. We meet twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays. What about you? What 
do you enjoy doing in your free time? 
B. I usually play sport. You know I love playing sport more than doing anything 
C. Playing football? Would you like to join us this Sunday? We're having a match 
against another school. 
D. Yes. I'm a member of my school's football club. 
E. I can play football, volleyball, and basketball. 
Phong: What do you usually do in your leisure time? 
Mark: (1) __________________ 
Phong: What sport can you play? 
Mark: (2) __________________ 
Phong: Really? Are you a member of any sport club? 
P 7 
Mark: (3) __________________. 
Phong: How often do the club members meet? 
Mark: (4) __________________. 
Phong: I like swimming and playing football. 
Mark: (5) __________________ 
Phong: I'd love to. Thanks. 
Some teenagers enjoy spending free time with their friends. Others prefer doing 
leisure activities with their family members. I love spending time with my family 
because it’s a great way to connect with them. 
At the weekend, we usually go for a bike ride. We cycle to some nearby villages 
to enjoy the fresh air. We take photos and look at them later. My big brother 
and I are also into cooking. My brother looks for easy recipes. After that, we 
prepare the ingredients and cook. Sometimes the food is good, but sometimes 
it isn’t; nevertheless, we love whatever we cook. The leisure activity I like the 
most is doing DIY projects with my mum. She teaches me to make my own 
dresses and doll clothes. On special occasions, we make special dresses 
together. Once I won the first prize in a costume contest at my school. 
1. The text is about Trang's leisure activities _________. 
A. in the past B. with her friends C. with her family 
2. The word "connect" is closets in meaning to _________. 
A. join with something B. better understand someone 
C. speak to someone by phone 
1. What does Trang do with her family members at the weekend? 
2. Who looks for recipes when Trang and her brother cook? 
3. Which leisure activity does she love the most? 
4. What does Trang’s mum teach her to do? 
5. What did she win? 
Ask and answer the questions. 
1. What leisure activities do you usually do with your family? 
2. Which one do you like the most? Why? 
P 8 
3. How do you feel when you spend time with your family members? 
Interviewer: When do you usually have free time? 
Mark: I usually have free time at the weekend. 
Interviewer: So how do you spend it? 
Mark: I spend time to connect with my family on Saturdays. We do puzzles, play 
board games or go camping. 
Interviewer: What about Sundays? 
Mark: I usually spend Sundays with my friends. I have a group of friends and we 
do lots of things together. 
Interviewer: For example? 
Mark: Sometimes I invite them to my house. We cook our favourite food and 
watch a video. It's fun and better than going to the cinema. 
Interviewer: Do you do outdoor activities together?Mark: Yes, we love spending 
time outdoors. We go to the park to play volleyball or skateboard. It helps us 
stay in shape. Sometimes we go for a bike ride around our city. This gives us a 
chance to see different places in our city. 
Interviewer: Thanks for letting us interview you. 
Answer the questions. 
1. In your opinion, what activities can we do with our friends in our leisure time? 
2. Why should we spend time with our friends? 
1. When does Mark usually have free time? 
A. At weekends. B. On Sundays. C. On Saturdays. 
2. Who does he spend his free time with? 
A. His neighbours and friends. B. His family and relatives. C. His family and 
 Fill in each blank in the table with no more than TWO words. 
Activities Reasons 
Inviting friends to his house. 
Cooking and watching a (1) _____. 
Fun and better than going to the 
(2) _____. 
Going to the (3) _____ to play 
volleyball or skateboard. 
Stay in (4) _____. 
Going for a (5) _____ around our city. See different (6) _____. 
Ask and answer the questions. 
P 9 
1. When do you usually have free time? 
2. What do you usually do with your friends in your free time? 
3. Why do you do these activities? 
Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the 
sentence given. 
1. I like reading books, listening to music, and drawing in my free time. 
A. My after-school activities are reading books, listening to music, and drawing. 
B. I like books, music, and pictures. 
C. My leisure activities are reading books, listening to music, and drawing. 
D. I prefer reading books to listening to music and drawing. 
2. My brother is interested in doing puzzles. 
A. My brother likes doing puzzles. 
B. My brother finds doing puzzles boring. 
C. My brother does puzzles every day. 
D. My brother prefers doing puzzles to anything else. 
3. My favourite leisure activity is doing DIY. 
A. I enjoy doing DIY. 
B. I'm keen on doing DIY. 
C. I'm into doing DIY. 
D. I like doing DIY the most. 
4. They are crazy about cooking. 
A. They like cooking. 
B. They like cooking very much. 
C. They are fond of cooking. 
D. Their favourite activity is cooking. 
5. Phong detests playing computer games. 
A. Phong doesn't like playing computer games. 
B. Phong prefers playing computer games. 
C. Phong isn't fond of playing computer games. 
D. Phong hates playing computer games very much. 
Write true sentences about you and a family member 
1. What leisure activity does he / she like doing the most? 
2. How often does he / she do it? 
P 10 
3. Who does he / she do the activity with? 
4. When does he / she usually do it? 
5. Why does he / she like it? 
Choose the underlined part A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 
1. I don’t like doing origami because I’m not patient enough. 
A. don’t B. doing C. because D. patient 
2. There is many leisure activities you can choose to do. 
A. is B. many C. can D. to do 
3. Children spend too much time to play video games. 
A. spend B. much C. to play D. games 
4. Doing garden is not only exciting but also relaxing. 
A. garden B. is C. only D. but 
5. Are you think that watching people pass by is weird? 
A. Are B. watching C. pass D. is 
6. I’m a crazy fan in watching Marvel’s films. 
A. crazy B. in C. watching D. Marvel’s films 
7. She thinks she is terrible about making crafts. 
A. thinks B. is C. about D. making 
8. Are you keen on train your pets? 
A. Are B. on C. train D. pets 
9. Do you enjoy doing anything at your leisure time? 
A. Do B. doing C. at D. time 
10. My daughter adores to play with her Barbie dolls. 
A. My B. adores C. to play D. dolls 
No. Word 
Part of 
Pronunciation Meaning 
1 Access n, v /’aekses/ (Sự) tiếp cận 
2 Atmosphere n /ˈætməsfɪə(r)/ Bầu không khí 
3 Brave adj /breɪv/ Dũng cảm 
4 Collect v /kəˈlekt/ Sưu tầm, thu thập 
5 Crop n /krɒp/ Mùa màng, mùa vụ 
6 Convenient adj /kənˈviːniənt/ Tiện lợi 
7 Cultivate v /ˈkʌltɪveɪt/ Trồng trọt 
8 Catch v /kætʃ/ Đánh được, câu được (cá) 
P 11 
9 Cattle n /ˈkætl/ Gia súc 
10 Canal n /kəˈnæl/ Con kênh 
11 Combine 
Máy gặt đập liên hợp 
12 Donate v /dəʊˈneɪt/ Quyên góp 
13 Dry v /draɪ/ Phơi khô, sấy khô 
14 Discover v /dɪˈskʌvər/ Khám phá 
15 Explore v /ɪkˈsplɔː(r)/ Khám phá 
Excited adj /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/ 
Phấn khích, thấy hào 
17 Exciting adj /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ Phấn khích 
18 Electrical 
əˈplaɪəns / 
Thiết bị (đồ dùng) điện 
19 Earthen house n / ˈɜːrθn haʊs/ Nhà bằng đất 
20 Equip (with ST) v /ɪ’kwɪp/ Trang bị với cái gì 
21 Equipment n /ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ Thiết bị 
22 Experience v, n /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ Trải nghiệm, kinh nghiệm 
Facility n /fəˈsɪləti/ 
Trang thiết bị, cơ sở vật 
chất (bao gồm phòng ốc, 
thiết bị, ...) 
(City/ country) folk n /fəʊk/ 
Người (thành thị/ nông 
25 Feed v /fi:d/ Cho ăn 
26 Ferry n /'ferɪ/ Phà 
27 Furniture n /ˈfɜːrnɪtʃər/ Đồ nội thất 
Furnished adj /ˈfɜːrnɪʃt/ 
Được trang bị đầy đủ (tiện 
Herd v, n /hɜːrd/ 
Chăn giữ vật nuôi, đàn vật 
30 Harvest v, n /ˈhɑːrvɪst/ Thu hoạch, vụ thu hoạch 
31 Hay n /heɪ/ Cỏ khô 
32 Home-made 
/ˌhəʊm ˈmeɪd 
Sản phẩm tự làm 
33 Hospitable adj /hɒˈspɪtəbl/ Mến khách, hiếu khách 
Household chores n 
Việc nhà 
35 Load v /ləʊd/ Tải lên, chất lên 
36 Lighthouse n /'laɪthaʊs/ Hải đăng, đèn biển 
37 Local adj /'ləʊkl/ Địa phương 
38 Milk v /mɪlk/ vắt sữa 
P 12 
39 Noise n /nɔɪz/ Tiếng ồn 
40 Noisy adj /'nɔɪzɪ/ Ồn ào 
41 Orchard n /ˈɔːrtʃərd/ Vườn cây ăn quả 
42 Offer an 
/ˈɔːfər ən 
ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti / 
Tạo, cung cấp cơ hội 
43 Optimistic adj /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ Lạc quan 
44 Pasture n /ˈpɑːstʃə(r)/ Đồng cỏ 
45 Peaceful adj /ˈpiːsfl/ Yên bình, yên tĩnh 
46 Paddy field n /ˈpædɪ fi:ld/ Ruộng lúa 
Picturesque adj /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk/ 
Đẹp như tranh (phong 
48 Plough v /plaʊ/ Cày (ruộng) 
49 Provide SB with 
v /prəˈvaɪd/ Cung cấp cho ai cái gi 
50 Provide ST for SB v /prəˈvaɪd/ Cung cấp cái gì cho ai 
51 Ride v /raɪd/ Cưỡi; đạp xe 
52 Remote area n /rɪˈməʊt ˈeəriə/ Vùng sâu, vùng xa 
Mountainous area n 
Miền núi 
54 Surroundings n /səˈraʊndɪŋz/ Những thứ xung quanh 
55 Speciality n /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ Đặc sản 
56 Skillful adj /ˈskɪlfl/ Giỏi kỹ thuật 
57 Stretch v /stretʃ/ Kéo dài ra 
58 Transport v /ˈtrænspɔːt/ Vận chuyển 
59 Transportation n /ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃn/ Sự vận chuyển 
60 Urban n /ˈɜːrbən/ Thuộc đô thị 
61 Unload v /ˌʌnˈləʊd/ Dỡ hàng, dỡ xuống 
62 Unforgettable adj /ˌʌnfərˈɡetəbl/ Không thể quên 
63 Rural adj ˈrʊərəl/ Thuộc nông thôn 
64 Vast adj /vɑːst/ Mênh mông 
65 Well-trained adj /wel 'treɪnd/ Lành nghề, có tay nghề 
1. Comparative forms of adjectives: Review' 
- So sánh hơn của tính từ sử dụng khi đưa ra phép so sánh giữa 2 đối tượng hoặc 
nhóm đối tượng. 
Form (Cấu trúc) 
S1 + be + adj-er + than S2 (S2 + be). 
S1 + be + more + adj + than S2 (S2 + 
A car is bigger than a bike. 
He is more careful than his brother. 
P 13 
How to form comparative adjectives (Cách biến đổi tính từ so sánh hơn) 
Đối với tính từ ngắn: (1 âm tiết) 
✓ Kết thúc bằng “e” -» thêm r 
✓ Kết thúc bằng 1 nguyên âm (u, e, o, a, 
i) và 1 phụ âm (trừ h, w, x, y, z) → nhân 
đôi phụ âm cuối, rồi thêm “er” 
✓ Còn lại + er 
Đối với tính từ dài (từ 2 âm tiết trở lên) 
✓ Thêm “more” trước tính từ 
✓ Lưu ý: tính từ 2 âm tiết kết thúc bằng y 
→ đổi y thành ier 
✓ Tính từ 2 âm tiết kết thúc bằng le, er, 
ow,et → thêm “er” 
wide → wider 
hot → hotter 
cold → colder 
interesting → more interesting 
pretty → prettier 
narrow →narrower 
quiet →quieter 
clever → cleverer 
Irregular comparative adjectives (Tính từ bất quy tắc) 
much /many 
little + N số ít, không đếm được 
few + N số nhiều, đếm được 
tốt hơn 
tệ, dở hơn 
nhiều hơn 
ít hơn 
ít hơn 
xa hơn 
2. Comparative forms of adverbs 
- So sánh hơn của trạng từ sử dụng khi đưa ra phép so sánh cách thức thực hiện 1 
việc nào đó giữa 2 đối tượng hoặc nhóm đối tượng. 
Form (Cấu trúc) 
S1 + V + adv-er + than S2 (S2 + Vaux). 
S1 + V + more + adv + than S2 (S2 + 
* Vaux: trợ động từ (be/do/have/can...) 
She came earlier than me (I did). 
She sings more beautifully than me (I 
How to form comparative adverbs (Cách biến đôi trạng từ so sánh hơn) 
Đối với trạng từ ngắn (1 âm tiết), 
không kết thúc bằng đuôi -ly 
✓ Kết thúc bằng “e” thêm r 
✓ Còn lại + er 
Đối với trạng từ dài từ 2 âm tiết trở 
lên), kết thúc bằng đuôi -ly 
✓ Thêm “more” trước trạng từ 
late → later 
hard →harder 
carefully → more carefully 
Irregular comparative adverbs (Trạng từ bất quy tắc) 
tốt hơn 
tệ, dở hơn 
P 14 
far farther/further xa hơn 
Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part. 
1. A. apartment B. afraid C. nation D. banana 
2. A. answer B. mother C. generous D. term 
3. A. continue B. project C. compare D. control 
4. A. uncle B. picture C. suggest D. surprise 
5. A. famous B. dangerous C. journey D. anxious 
6. A. six B. mix C. miss D. mind 
7. A. village B. damage C. cottage D. teenage 
8. A. become B. sentence C. behave D. remind 
9. A. suit B. guitar C. build D. guilt 
10. A. find B. like C. win D. site 
Part 2: 
Find the word having a different sound in the underlined part. 
1. A. activity B. sick C. think D. city 
2. A. busy B. picturesque C. support D. campus 
3. A. orange B. village C. buffalo D. cabbage 
4. A. begin B. women C. harvest D. entertainment 
5. A. police B. cover C. collect D. combine 
Find the word which has different stress from the others. 
1. A. cattle B. ferry C. harvest D. explore 
2. A. atmosphere B. convenient C. cultivate D. furniture 
3. A. collect B. pasture C. canal D. donate 
4. A. discover B. equipment C. mountainous D. experience 
5. A. remote B. orchard C. household D. lighthouse 
Circle the odd one out. 
1. A. charming B. disgusting C. tempting D. appealing 
2. A. country people B. villagers C. city dwellers D. country fork 
3. A. markets B. shopping malls C. shops D. supermarkets 
4. A. a cottage B. a ger C. a cage D. a house 
5. A. grow B. collect C. pick D. harvest 
Read the conversation again and choose the correct answer to each question 
Nick: You look great with a tan, Mai! 
Mai: Thank you. I've just come back from a very enjoyable summer holiday. 
Nick: Really? Where did you stay? 
Mai: I stayed at my uncle’s house in a small village in Bac Giang Province. 
P 15 
Nick: What did you do there? 
Mai: A lot of things. It was harvest time. The villagers were harvesting rice with a 
combine harvester. I helped them load the rice onto a truck. Then we unloaded 
the rice and dried it. 
Nick: Sounds great! 
Mai: And sometimes I went with the village children to herd the buffaloes and 
cows. I made friends with them on my first day. 
Nick: Were they friendly? 
Mai: Yes, they were. They took me to the paddy fields to fly kites. And in the 
evening, we played traditional games like bamboo dancing and dragon-
Nick: Oh, I envy you! 
Mai: Things move more slowly there than in our city, but people seem to have a 
healthier life. 
Read the conversation again and choose the correct answer to each question. 
1. How does Mai feel about her summer holiday? 
A. She likes it. B. She doesn't like it. C. She thinks it was fine. 
2. Where did she stay during her summer holiday? 
A. At her friend’s house. B. At her uncle’s house. C. At her grandparents’ house. 
3. During harvest time, people harvest rice by _________ . 
A. themselves B. using a truck C. using a combine harvester 
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the conversation? 
A. Mai made friends with the village children on her first day. 
B. Mai and the village children played traditional games. 
C. Nick doesn’t like what Mai and the village children did. 
5. Mai thinks people in the countryside lead ___________. 
A. a healthy life B. an exciting life C. an interesting life 
Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 
1. We helped the farmers herd cattle / poultry. 
2. They are helping their parents pick plants / fruit in the orchard. 
3. At harvest time farmers are busy cutting and collecting food / crops. 
4. The driver loaded / unloaded the rice from the back of the truck. 
5. People here live by catching / holding fish from nearby lakes and ponds. 
Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adverbs in brackets. 
1. Mai dances (beautifully) _____ than Hoa does. 
2. Please write (clearly) _____. I can't read it. 
3. Life in the city seems to move (fast) _____ than that in the countryside. 
4. If you want to get better marks, you must work much (hard) _____. 
P 16 
5. Today it’s raining (heavily) _____ than it was yesterday. 
Using the comparative forms of the adverbs in brackets. 
1. The red car can run 200 km/h while the black car can run 160 km/h. 
The red car can run _____________________________________________. (fast) 
2. Nick can jump 1.5 m high while Tom can jump only 1.3 m. 
Nick can jump _______________________________________. (high) 
3. Mai and Hoa both did well on the exam. Hoa got 80% of the answers correct 
and Mai got 90%. 
Mai did ______________________________________________. (well) 
4. My dad expected the workers to arrive at 7 a.m, but they arrived at 6:30 a.m. 
The workers arrived __________________________________.(early) 
5. The buses run every 15 minutes. The trains run every 30 minutes. 
The buses run ________________________________________. (frequently) 
Choose the correct words to complete the following sentences. 
1. The workers are _____ a truck with timber. 
A. unloading B. loading C. taking D. filling 
2. He often _____ holes in his garden to plant trees. 
A. ploughs B. picks C. digs D. collects 
3. My uncle hired extra workers to help at harvest _____. 
A. time B. point C. period D. season 
4. From the hilltop, we can see row after row of orange trees _____ to the 
A. running B. expanding C. enlarging D. stretching 
5. People in my village grow rice in vast _____ fields. 
A. corn B. wheat C. pad D. paddy 
Underline the correct words or phrases to complete the following sentences. 
1. It usually rains (heavier / more heavily) in my country than in yours. 
2. People in the countryside work (harder / more hard) than those in the city. 
3. Nowadays children adapt (more quickly / quicklier) to technical 
developments than their parents. 
4. I think countryside dwellers live (happier / more happily) than city dwellers. 
5. This morning, the farmers in my village got up (more early / earlier) than usual. 
ấu trúc so sánh hơn: 
- Tính từ/ trạng từ ngắn: S + V + short-adj/adv-er + than + N/Clause 
- Tính từ/ trạng từ dài: S + V + more + long-adj/adv + than + N/Clause 
Choose the most suitable response A, B, C, or D 
1. A: You look nice today. 
B: _______. 
P 17 
A. Do you really think so? B. I don't think so. 
C. I beg your pardon. D. I'm fine, thank you. 
2. A: I've had a very enjoyable summer holiday with my family. 
B: _______. 
A. I'm jealous of your holiday. B. I envy you. 
C. That's great, thanks. D. No, I don't envy you. 
3. A: Ooh, what a great tie! Where did you get it? 
B: _______. 
A. Oh, thank you! I got it at a shop in Le Loi Street. 
B. Don't mention it. I bought it at a shop in Ha Noi. 
C. No, it doesn't look great at all. D. Yes. I like it very much. 
4. A: Why do you like living there? 
B: _______. 
A. Because there's a great sense of community there. 
B. Because I like the excitement of the city. 
C. Because life in the countryside is boring. 
D. Because I don't like the public transport here. 
5. A: Let me congratulate you on your cake! 
B: Daughter: _______. 
A. That's my strong point! B. Making cakes is not my forte. 
C. Why do you say that? D. That's very kind of you! 
Choose a-e to complete their conversation. 
A. The city is exciting! It has more interesting things to do than in the countryside. 
And there are more jobs. That's why I'm here. 
B. I like living in the city more. 
C. I agree that countryside people are friendlier. But I think city people aren't 
rude, they're just busy. 
D. Well, this is my first visit to Ho Chi Minh City. I'm from a small village in the 
countryside. I feel a little lost. 
E. I disagree. I think all the different types of buildings in the city are beautiful. 
And I like to watch all the different people. 
Binh: Are you OK? You look ... nervous. 
Lan: (1) _______________ 
Binh: I'm from the countryside too! And I understand. When I first came here, I 
also felt lost. 
Lan: So, do you like living in the countryside or in the city? 
Binh: (2) _______________ 
Lan: Why? 
P 18 
Binh: (3) _______________ 
Lan: Well, there is more excitement in the city and there might be more jobs 
too. But the countryside is closer to nature. The city isn't very beautiful, and it's 
noisy and dirty. 
Binh: (4) _____________

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