Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ I Tiếng Anh Lớp 7

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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ I Tiếng Anh Lớp 7
Học sinh cần nắm vững lý thuyết trước mỗi dạng bài tập.
1. The simple present tense ( Thì hiện tại đơn)
Form ( cấu trúc) : 
Câu khẳng định. S + V(s/es) + O; 
Câu phủ định .	S + do/does + not+ V + O
Câu hỏi nghi vấn. 	Do/Does + S + V+ O?
Chú ý câu khẳng định.
I/We/You/They/ plu.N + V . 
He/She/ It / N (số ít) + Vs/es 
Adv: các từ thường sử dụng ở thì này. -Always/usually/ often /sometimes/never/ rarely
Câu khẳng định. Câu phủ định .
Câu hỏi nghi vấn.
2.The present simple tense (Thì tương lai đơn)
S+will +V +O
S+will + not+V +O
Will +S+ V +O?
Ex1:We will go (go) to Lan’s house next week.
Ex2:She will visit (visit) her parents tomorrow.
Adv:Các từ thường sử dụng ở thì này: - tomorrow(ngày mai)/tonight (tối nay)/soon(sớm).
- next (Sunday/week/month/year) tới/this afternoon /this evening /tonight/ oneday(1 ngày nào đó)
3. The present progressive ( Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn )
Câu khẳng định. Câu phủ định .
Câu hỏi nghi vấn.
* form: 
S+am/is/are +V_ing +O
S+am/is/are +not+V_ing +O
Am/Is/Are +S+ V_ing +O ?
Ex1: I’m teaching (teach) now
Ex2: She is reading (read) a book at the moment. 
Adv: ( nhận biết):now, at the moment, at the present:bây giờ.
(teach) à is/am/are + teaching 
(read) à is/am/are + reading
(study) à is/am/are + studying 
(write) à is/am/are +writing
(come) à is/am/are + coming (bỏ “e” cuối ) 
(chat) à is/am/are + chatting 
(swim) à is/am/are + swimming 
(skip ) à is/am/are + skipping 
(run) à is/am/are + running
4.Suggestions: Lời đề nghị
Let’s + V
Why don’t you/we + V ?
What about + V-ing ?
Shall we + V ?
Yes ,let’s
Ok ./ Great / Good idea
No, let’s not
I’m sorry .I can’t
Lời mời:
Would you like + to - V..? 
Will you + V. ?
a.Agree:(đồng ý)
b.Disagree:(từ chối)
OK /That’s a good idea . 
 I’d love to /All right 
I’m sorry.Ican’t
I’m sorry.I’m busy.
I’d love to. But I	
5.Exclaimations: ( Câu cảm thán)
Form :
a. What + a/an + Adj + noun ! Eg: - What a beautiful hat !
b. What + adj + UnN/Nouns ! - What expensive hats !
6. Comparative and superlative (Hình thức so sánh)
6.1 comparative (s.s hơn )
a.Short adj (tính từ ngắn):Có 1 âm,hoặc 2 âm nếu tận cùng= “y , er , ow”
Ex1:She is taller than I. (tall )
Ex2:Nam’ house is older than mine.(old).
 Bất quy tắc :goodà better ; bad à worse ; a little à less ; many/much à more. 
 a few / few à fewer 
b.Long adj (tính từ dài ) 2 âm tiết ä trở lên
Ex1:The new shoes style is more popular than the normal style.(popular)
Ex2:Mr Green’s house is more comfortable than Mr Black’s house.(comfortable)
6.2 superlative (s.s nhất )
a.short adj : (So sánh nhất với tính từ ngắn)
Ex1:The villa is the oldest home .
Ex2:The house is the biggest.
Bất quy tắc: goodàthe best ; badà the worst ;a littleà the least ;many/muchà the most.
b.Long adj: (so sánh nhất với tính từ dài)
Ex1:The villa is the most expensive.(expensive)
Ex2: The house is the most beautiful.(beautiful)
Ex3 :What is the hottest month of the year? (hot)
7/ Prepositions of position: (Giới từ chỉ vị trí, nơi trốn)
«in : trong
+ in + trước tỉnh, thành phố (in Binh Dương/ In Viet nam)
+ in + tháng/ năm (in may/ in 2011)
+ in the morning/ afternoon/ evening
+ in the middle of: ở giữa
+ on + thứ trong tuần (on Monday), ngày trong tháng.
+ on + tên con phố (on Tran Hung Dao street)
+ on the first/ second floor: ở tầng thứ nhất/ hai
+ on time..
+ on the way to: trên đường đến..
+ on the right/ left
+ on T.V/ on radio/ on the phone
«at:ở tại
+ at + số nhà (at 123 Tran Hung Dao Street)
+ at + thời gian (at 6 o’clock)
+ at home/ school/ work
+ at night
+ at present/ at the moment 
in front of : ở phía trước
behind: ở phía sau
to the right/ left of: bên phải/ bên trái
next to: bên cạnh
near: ở gần
opposite: đối diện
between.... and: ở giữa..và.
8.Các từ để hỏi: What , when , why, who, which, how, where..
What? (gì ,nghề gì) 
Where? (ở đâu)
When? (khi nào) 
Why? (tại sao) 
Which +N? (vật nào,môn nào,lớp nào?)
What time?( Mấy giờ)
How?(bằng phương tiện gì/Như thế nào.) 
How far is it from  to?( bao xa)
How Long? (bao lâu )
How much +...? (giá bao nhiêu)
How often ?Bao lâu 1 lần?
9. Ask and answer about the time: ( Hỏi và trả lời về thời gian) 
	What time is it?
 	 It is +giờ + phút
What time is it ? ( What is the time ? )
Giờ hơn: ðCách  : It’s + giờ + phút ( 5:20à It’s five twenty / 3:15 à It’s three fifteen )
ðCách ‚ : It’s +phút + past (hơn ) +giờ : 
e.g: 5:10à It’s ten past five /3:15à It’s a quarter past three
Giờ kém: To (kém)
It’s +phút + to (kém ) +giờ : 
e.g: 5:50à It’s ten to six /11:45à It’s a quarter to twelve 
( 15 phút =a quarter / 30 phút = half past à11:30= It’s half past eleven. )
10. Adverbs of frequency: Các trạng từ chỉ tần suất: always, usually, sometimes, often, never..
Đứng trước động từ thường Eg: She usually has breakfast
Đứng sau động tobe : Eg: Nam is never late for school.
Đứng giữa trợ động từ và động từ chính: Eg: What do you often do after school?
11. Câu hỏi khoảng cách.
+ How far is it from + A + to + B ? A = địa điểm thứ nhất, B = địa điểm thứ hai.
It is + number + km/m (kilometer(s)/ meter(s))
E.g: Chúng ta muốn hỏi khoảng cách từ Hà Nội đến Thái Bình.
+ How far is it from Ha Noi to Thai Binh?
à It is 120 kilometers.
12. Cách dùng một số từ chỉ số lượng
- much=many= a lot of(lots of) ( nhiều)
* Much +UnN 
* Many + N.plu
* a lot of/ lots of + UnN / N.plu
- few = little (ít)
* few + N.plu
* little + Un N
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II. Exercises
I. Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì đúng :
* Xác định từ nhận biết thì 
* Xác định cấu trúc câu ( Khẳng định, phủ định hay nghi vấn)
* Xác định một số động từ đặc biệt trong câu 
- ( like, love, enjoy, how about, spend  + V_ing ) 
- ( want, need, would like, take + to_V) 
- ( pre + V_ing ) 
- ( let’s , why don’t we , can, must, should + V ..)
1. Lan ( not have) many friends in her new school.
2. Hung (come)from Vinh but he (stay) with his relatives in Ho Chi Minh city at the moment.
3. We (not drive)......... to work every day. We (go). by bus.
4. Trang ...(not be) in her room at the moment. She..(cook) in the kitchen.
5. Would you like .(have) breakfast with eggs , children?
6. Lien .(not go) to the movie theater tomorrow. She .. (stay) at home and watch TV.
7. Let’s ..(meet) at o’clock in front of the park.
8. Ba can ( fix ).the lights.
9. What should we (do)this evening ?
10. Next Sunday is Nga’s birthday. She ( invite)..some friends for her birthday party.
11. He often (play) _________________ volleyball in his free time.
12. Let’s (visit)_________________ our old friends tomorrow.
13. Mai (do) __________________ her homework at the moment.
14. She (go) ____________________ to Nguyen Ba Ngoc school next year.
He ( not do) _________________morning exercises regularly.
He (meet) __________________the dentist next week.
He (not swim) ______________________ over there now.
She (come)_________________________ here next month.
He often  (get) up late.
Mr. Brown (listen) _________________to music now
What about ( go)  to Huong Pagoda?
Would you like ( play) .. badminton this afternoon?
Why don’t we ( go ) ..to Huong pagoda?
II. Em hãy xắp xếp những từ sau đây thành câu có nghĩa.
1. House / is/ the market / far / to / from / how / it / Trang’s ?
2. lives / street /grandparents / he / Hoang Quoc Viet / his/ on / with .
3. at / the library / English / of / books / in / the back / are / those.
4. learn / write / literature / about / essays / in / and / we / books / the.
5. play / the / is / room / the guitar / Ba / in / learning / music / to.
6. dinner / like / come / would / to house / you / to / for / my?
III. Choose the best word or phrase to fill in the blank.
1. .class are you in ? ( Where / What / How many )
2. She doesn’t have picture books. ( some/ any/ lot of )
3. Her parents live.Ha Noi. ( on / at / in)
5. Ha Noi is a big city, but it isthan Ho Chi Minh City. ( the smaller / smaller / smallest) 
6. I live..24/3B Tran Phu Street. ( in / at / on )
7. ..is it from here to school ?- About 2 km. ( How far / How high / How long)
8. Minh television every night. ( watchs / watches / watching)
9. is your telephone number ?	
a. When	b. Which	c. What
10. Her birthday is  Friday, August 20th	
a. at	b. on	c. in
11. ..you have a test tomorrow morning ?	
a. will	b. Do	c. are
12. She will have a partyher birthday. 	
a. for	b. on	c. in
13. What’s your?	
a. birthday	b. day of birth	c. date of birth
14. Will he be free ?............................	
a. No, he won’t b. No, he doesn’t	c. No, he isn’t
15. We will .our old friends next Sunday.	
a. to meet	b. meet	c. meeting
16. .you like a cup of tea ?	
a. Would	b. Will	c. What 
17. Whatawful restaurant ?	
a. an	b. a	c. the	
18. Are there ..lamps on the wall ?	
a. any	b. a	c. some
19. This dress is the .expensive of the four dresses.	
A. best	b. more	c. most
20. Benches are comfortable than armchairs.	
A. the most	b. more	c. most
21. Red is my..color.	
a. favorite	b. interesting	c. beautiful
22. The picture is..the clock.	
A. next	b. under	c. at
23. He writes articles for a newspaper. He is..	
a. a journalist	 b. a teacher	c. a musician
24. He .. his teeth after meals	
a. brush	b. brushes	c. brushs
25. We have four.today.	
a. classes	b. class	c. period
26. The class.at 7 o’clock in the morning.	
a. start	b. starts	c. ends	
27. .do you go to bed?- At half past ten	
a. What	b. When	c. What time
28. ..does Nga have history ? – On Monday and Thursday.	
A. When	b. What time	c. How long
29. He looks different.his father.	
A. at	b. with	c. from
30. Students have two.each day	
a. 20- minute breaks	b. 20- minutes breaks	 c. 20 - minute break.
31. It’s time.recess.	
a. on	b. for	c. to
32. He is a student..Le Loi school.	
A. at	b. in	c. on
33. Mai learnsto use a computer.	
a. what	b. when	c. how
34. We aresome experiments	
a. making	b. learning	c. doing
35. My brother is good.English	
a. at	b. in	c. with
36. Tim and Hoa are the same.	
a. years old	b. tall	c. age
38. Does Nam often play marbles.recess ?	
a. on	b. at	c. in
39. Talking is common way of relaxing	
a. more	b. most	c. the most
40. Children shouldto bed early	
a. to go	b. go	c. going
42. That’s a good.! Let’s go to the beach.	
a. thinking	b. answer	c. idea
43. ..don’t you come to my house ?	
a. Why	b. Let’s	c. What
44. Tam enjoys .soccer	
a. playing	b. to play	c. play
45. Nga is ..a play for the school anniversary celebration 	
a. making	b. rehearsing	c. practicing
46. What about.Ha Long Bay? 	
a. to visit	b. visit	c. visiting
47. Would you like.badminton ?	
a. play	b. playing	c. to play
48. The summer vacationfor almost three months.	
A. longs	b. lasts	c. is 
49. My sister loves ..stamps	
a. collect	b. to collect	c. collecting
50. I..come and see you sometime	
a. will	b. am	c. don’t
51. What will you doyour vacation ?	
a. to	b. in	c. during
52. Mr.Tuan has .days off than Mr. Jones.	
a. many	b. less	c. fewer
54. Jane isbeautiful than her sister	
a. more	b. the most	c. fewer
55. Thanh teaches students . She is a .	
a. doctor	b. musician	c. teacher
56. . .there a post office near here ?	
a. Is	b. Are	c. Does
58. Could you tell you how ..to Ben Thanh Market?	
a. getting	b. get	c. to get 
59. The souvenir shop is .the bookstore and the hotel.	
a. opposite	b. between	c. next to
60. I’d like this letter to Ha Noi	
a. to send	b. sending	c. send
62. Howdoes it take to get to Ha Noi by coach.	
a. far	b. long 	c. much 
63. It.about two hours to get there.	
A. gets	b. has	c. takes
IV. Nối câu hỏi với câu trả lời 
1. When do you have English classes?
a. twice a week
2. Do you know how to use a computer ?
b. Yes, I do
3.What do you usually do at recess?
c. I’m sorry.I’m busy now.
4.What sports do you like playing ?
d. On Tuesday and Friday.
5. How often do you go swimming?
e. I talk with my friends.
6. Would you like to go to the movies with us ?
f. badminton.
7. Let’s go to the cafeteria
g. Oh, I really don’t like watching videos
8. Should we go home?
h. Good idea! I feel hungry now.
9. Why don’t you come and play volleyball ?
i. No, thanks. I’m not thirsty.
10. Would you like some orange juice ?
j. OK. We are all tired.
11. What about watching videos ?
k. I’d love to. I love pop music.
12. Would you like to listen to music ?
l. I’m sorry. I can’t I am busy now.
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                                                                           TEST 1
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
1. A. capital                      B. than                               C. small                                  D. have
2. A. studying                   B. much                             C. subject                              D. music
3. A. children                   B. school                           C.cheap                                 D. watching
4. A. time                          B. minutes                         C. hospital                             D. swimming
5. A. teacher                     B. each                              C. heavy                                D. cheap
II/ Choose the best option to complete these following sentences.
6.       Ha Noi is the capital city of Vietnam, but it is ________than Ho chi Minh City.
             A. the smaller               B. smaller                          C. smallest                             D. small
7.       Minh ________watching cartoon on television every night .
             A. enjoying                   B. enjoys                           C. enjoy.                                D. enjoyed
8.       Students have two________each day.
             A. 20 minutes breaks B. 20-minutes break        C. 20-minute breaks            D. 20- break minutes
9.       They ________English in class at this time.
             A. are studying            B. is studying                   C. study                                 D. studies
10.  It's time ________recess. Children often play hide-and-seek ________recess.
             A. for/at                        B. at/at                               C. on/at                                  D. to/at
11.  Her father is a ________. He works in a hospital.
             A. worker                      B. farmer                           C. doctor                                D. teacher
12.  Vietnamese students have ________vacations than American ones.
             A. few                            B. fewer                             C. fewest                                D. a few
13.  This house is more ________than that one.
             A. cheap                        B. expensive                     C. bigger                                D. small
14.  He enjoys________pictures.
             A. to draw                     B. draws                            C. drawing                             D. draw
15.  Don’t work too much, Mai. You ________now
             A. relax                         B. can relax                      C. should relax                     D. will relax
16.  How many hours a day does Mr John usually work, Lucy?
             A. she usually works 8 hours a day.                    B. he usually works 8 hours a day.
             C. Lucy usually works 8 hours a day.                 D. I usually work 8 hours a day.
17.  How far is it ________your house ________school? - It is about 2 kilometers.
             A. from/on                    B. from /in                        C. from /at                             D. from/ to
III/ Use the given words to make sentences.
18.  They / soccer / play / often / recess / at
19.  his new friends/is/talking/Nam/to/.
20.  goes/bus/My father/work/to/every day/by/.
21.  do / you / physics / When / have?
22.  school/We/to/from/to/ Monday/go/Saturday/in Vietnam./
IV/ Match a question in column A with a suitable answer in column B.
23.  What time does the library open?
24.  Where do you live?
25.  How often do you go swimming?
26.  Would you like to listen to music?
27.  What’s your favorite subject?
28.  When is her birthday?
29.  How do you go to school?
30.  When will your birthday be?
A. Yes, I’d love to
B. It’s science
C. at 7 A.M
D. Next Monday.
E. By electric bike.
F. It’s on 25th May
G. Twice a week
H. At 12 Ly Tran Phu Street
V/ Read the passage and do the tasks that follow.
Lan’s father is a doctor. He works in a hospital in the city. He (31)_______work at 7.00 and returns home at 5.00 every day. He stays in the hospital at night twice a week. He doesn’t have many (32)_______.
In his free time, he often plays (33)_______. It’s also (34)_______favorite sport. He gets about 7 public (35)_______each year.
A. Choose the best option to complete each blank.
31.               A. start                          B. starts                             C. starting                              D. started
32.               A. days off                    B. day off                          C. off days                             D. off day
33.               A. tennis                       B. skipping                       C. games                                D. chess
34.               A. his                             B. her                                 C. its                                       D. their
35.               A. vocations                 B. vocation                       C. holiday                              D. holidays
B. Read the passage again and then answer the following questions. 
36.  Where does Lan’s father work?
37.  Does he have many days off?
38.  What does he often do in his free time?
39.  How many public holidays does he have each year?
40.  What is his favorite sport?
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
1.                A. so                              B. no                                  C. go                                  D. do
2.                A. score                         B. favorite                         C. author                             D. portable
II/ Choose the best option to complete each of the following sentences.
3.       Look! Here is Nam. He __________the guitar in the room.
           A. play                          B. plays                             C. is playing                          D. will play
4.       She __________some of her friends to her birthday party next week.
           A. invites                      B. inviting                         C. will invite                         D. going to invite
5.       I have English class__________seven o’clock __________Monday.
           A. at / on                       B. on / on                           C. in / at                                 D. at / at
6.        __________a lovely living room!
           A. How                          B. What                             C. It                                        D. When
7.       Let’s __________to school.
           A. going                        B. to go                              C. go                                       D. goes
8.       Mr. Jones has __________summer vacation every year.
           A. a three-week           B. a three weeks               C. a three- weeks                 D. a week- three
9.       There isn’t  __________water in the bottle. It’s empty.
           A. a                                B. any                                C. many                                 D. some
10.   I’m going to stay  __________my grandparents.
           A. with                          B. to                                   C. at                                        D. on
11.   It’s  __________in the winter and__________ in the summer.
           A. cold/hot                   B. hot/cold                        C. warm/cold                         D. hotter/warm
12.   What about  __________fishing?
           A. go                              B. going                             C. to go.                                 D. to going
13.   __________a cup of coffee? –Yes, I’d love to.
           A. Would you to like  B. Do you would              C. Would you like               D. Would you
14.   There is __________work in the city than in the country so her father often goes there.
           A. less                           B. few                                C. more                                  D. much
15.   We study about different countries in ______ class.
           A. literature                  B. geography                    C. history                              D. math
 III/ Choose the underlined words that need correcting.
16.   It take me ten minutes to go to school every day.
            A                       B                C                 D
17.   I’ll go and seeing mom and dad on their farm.
       A                   B                   C                 D
18.   We work very hardly but we enjoy our work very much.
                A                   B                C                            D
19.   Theater programs usually have lots of informations.
                             A                       B        C              D
20.   There will be more than 8 billion people on the world in 2020.
                  A                                B                 C                         D
IV/ Match column A with column B
21.   How often you clean the room?
22.   Let’s go to the circus.
23.   What do you often do after school?
24.   What is she doing now?
25.   Where are Nam and Minh?
A. Great!
B. She is rehearsing a play.
C. They are in the garden.
D. Twice a week
E. I usually play soccer.
V/ Read this passage and choose the word to fill each gap with only one word.
 A year, or a calendar year (26)            1st January to 31st December, has 365 or 366 days, which are divided into twelve (27)            . The (28)            month of the year is January and the last month is (29)            . February has twenty-eight days. April, June, September and November have thirty days. All the rest have thirty-one (30)            .
26.            A. from                          B. between                        C. among                               D. to
27.            A. years                         B. weeks                            C. months                              D. days
28.            A. one                            B. first                                C. last                                     D. only
29.            A. December                B. November                    C. May                                   D. June
30.            A. years                         B. days                               C. weeks                                C. months
VI/ Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
31.   Tomorrow, she (invite)                                           all friends to her birthday.
32.   My father (not listen)                                       to the radio everyday.
33.   He (do) _____________________ Math now.
34.   Jane (play)                                       the piano at the moment.
35.   Look and Listen! The boys (not play)                                   the guitar.
VII/ Read the passage and answer the following sentences.
Both Nam and Minh are students in grade 7A at Nguyen Van Troi Primary School. Nam is taller and bigger than Minh. Minh is not as good at English as Nam. Nam always studies well and willingly helps worse classmates. Different from Nam, Minh is a bit lazier. He doesn’t even do his homework at home and often goes to internet services to play games. At the end of the first semester, Nam is the best student in his class while Minh is the worst.
36.   Which grade are Nam and Minh in?
37.   Who is the shorter student?
38.   Who studies well?
39.   Who often play games?
40.   Who is the best student?
                                                               TEST 3
I/ Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
1. A  easy                           B  please                            C  people                               D  already
2. A  study                         B  subject                          C  computer                          D  difficult
3. A  music                        B  lesson                            C  listen                                 D  answer
4. A  price                          B  ring                                C  right                                   D  science
5. A  marbles                     B  games                            C  exercises                          D  earphones
II/ Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.
6.       Her full name is Vo Thi Sau so her ________name is Thi.
            A. family                       B. middle                           C. last                                     D. full
7.       How ________is it from the hospital to the nearest bus stop.
            A. far                              B. long                               C. much                                 D. high
8.       ________a lovely view!
            A. When                        B. Where                           C. How                                   D. What
9.       They will ________badminton next Sunday.
            A. play                           B. to play                           C. playing                              D. plays
10.   Which is the ________apartment?
            A. best                            B. better                             C. more                                  D. most
11.   Children should ________to bed early.
            A. going                         B. go                                   C. to go                                  D. goes
12.   ________don’t you come to my house? –OK. Let’s go.
            A. When                        B. Let’s                              C. What                                 D. Why
13.   Tam enjoys ________soccer so much.
            A. plays                         B. to play                           C. playing                              D. play
14.   What about ________Ha Long Bay?
            A. to visit                       B. visiting                          C. visit                                   D. visits
15.   Would you like ________badminton?
            A. to play                       B. play                               C. plays                                 D. playing
16.   Mai learns how ________a computer.
            A. uses                           B. using                              C. use                                     D. to use
17.   My brother is good ________English.
            A. from                          B. with                               C. at                                        D. in
18.   Hoa________more friends in Hanoi than in Hue.
            A. have                          B. has                                 C. had                                    D. to have
19.   Lan is________student in my class.
            A. the best                     B. better                             C. good                                  D. good at
20.   She________at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street.
            A. live                            B. lives                               C. living                                 D. to live
III/ Use a suitable preposition to complete each of the following sentences.

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