Từ vựng, ngữ pháp, bài tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10

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Từ vựng, ngữ pháp, bài tập học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10
Workbook – The 2nd Semester English 10 - Pearson 
Trần Văn Ơn High School Page 1 
- address (v) /əˈdres/ : giải quyết / gửi 
- affect (v) /əˈfekt/ : ảnh hưởng 
- assignment (n) /əˈsaɪn.mənt/ : bài tập lớn 
- caretaker (n) /ˈkeəteɪkə(r)/ : người trụng nom nhà 
- challenge (n, v) /ˈtʃổlɪndʒ/ : sự thỏch thức / thỏch thức 
- discriminate (v) /dɪˈskrɪm.ɪ.neɪt/ : phõn biệt 
  discrimination (n) /dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ : sự phõn biệt đối xử 
- effective (a) /ɪˈfektɪv/ : cú hiệu quả 
- eliminate (v) /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ : xúa bỏ 
  elimination (n) /ɪˌlɪm.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ : sự loại bỏ 
- encourage (v) /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/ : động viờn, khuyến khớch 
  encouragement (n) /ɪnˈkʌr.ɪdʒ.mənt/ : sự động viờn, sự khuyến khớch 
- enrol (v) /ɪnˈrəʊl/ : đăng ký nhập học 
  enrolment (n) /ɪnˈrəʊlmənt/ : sự đăng ký nhập học 
- equal (a) /ˈiːkwəl/ : ngang bằng 
  equality (n) /iˈkwɒləti/ : bỡnh đẳng 
 ≠ inequality (n) /ˌɪnɪˈkwɒləti/ : khụng bỡnh đẳng 
- force (v) /fɔːs/ : bắt buộc, ộp buộc 
- gap (n) /gổp/ : khoảng cỏch 
- gender (n) /ˈdʒendə(r)/ : giới, giới tớnh 
- government (n) /ˈɡʌvənmənt/ : chớnh phủ 
- income (n) /ˈɪnkʌm/ : thu thập 
- limit (v) /ˈlɪm.ɪt/ : giới hạn 
  limitation (n) /ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃn/ : sự hạn chế, sự giới hạn 
- loneliness (n) /ˈləʊnlinəs/ : sự cụ đơn 
  lonely (a) /ˈləʊn.li/ : cụ đơn / vắng vẻ 
- opportunity (n) /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ : cơ hội = chane = occasion 
- personal (a) /ˈpɜːsənl/ : thuộc về cỏ nhõn 
- preference (n) /ˈpref.ər.ənts/ : sự thớch hơn, sự thiờn vị 
- progress (n) = advance /ˈprəʊɡres/ : sự tiến bộ, sự phỏt triển 
- property (n) /ˈprɒpəti/ : tài sản 
- pursue (v) /pəˈsjuː/ : theo đuổi 
- qualify (v) /ˈkwɒl.ɪ.faɪ/ : cú đủ tư cỏch, cú đủ khả năng 
  qualified (a) /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd/ : đủ khả năng/ năng lực 
  qualification (n) /ˌkwɒl.ɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ : phẩm chất / tư cỏch, khả năng 
- remark (n,v) /rɪˈmɑːk/ : sự chỳ ý, sự nhận xột / chỳ ý, nhận xột 
  remarkable (a) /rɪˈmɑːkəbl/ : đỏng chỳ ý, xuất sắc 
- right (n) /raɪt/ : quyền lợi 
- sue (v) /suː/ : kiện 
- treatment (n) /ˈtriːtmənt/ : sự đối xử 
- violence (n) /ˈvaɪələns/ : sự bạo lực; dữ dội 
  violent (a) /ˈvaɪələnt/ : cú tớnh bạo lực, hung dữ 
- wage (n) = salary /weɪdʒ/ : tiền lương 
- workforce (n) /ˈwɜːkfɔːs/ : lực lượng lao động 
I. MODAL VERBS (Động từ khuyết thiếu) 
- Must và Have (got) to cú nghĩa là phải ; chỉ sự cần thiết phải làm một việc gỡ đú. 
E.g: I must / have to go out now. 
- Must : mang tớnh chất cỏ nhõn, để diễn tả sự bắt buộc đến từ người núi, cảm giỏc của cỏ nhõn mỡnh (chủ quan). Người 
núi thấy việc đú cần thiết phải làm. 
E.g: I really must give up smoking. 
- Have (got) to : khụng mang tớnh chất cỏ nhõn, để diễn tả sự bắt buộc đến từ cỏc yếu tố ngoại cảnh bờn ngoài như luật 
lệ, quy định (khỏch quan). 
E.g: You can't turn right here. You have to turn left, (because of the traffic system) 
- Have got to ~ have to nhưng have got to thường được dựng trong ngụn ngữ núi (informal) 
- Nếu have được tĩnh lược 've thỡ chỳng ta phải cú "got" 
E.g: They've got to be changed, (khụng được They've to be changed) 
English 10 – Pearson Workbook 
Page 2 Trần Văn Ơn High School 
- Trong thỡ quỏ khứ đơn, chỳng ta thường dựng had to. 
- Must cú thể được dựng để núi về hiện tại và tương lai, nhưng khụng được dựng ở quỏ khứ. Thay vào đú, ta phải dựng 
had to (have to dựng được tất cả cỏc thỡ) 
E.g: I must go to school now. 
I must go to school tomorrow. / I will have to go to school tomorrow. 
I had to go to school yesterday. 
- Must cũn dựng để đưa ra sự suy luận dựa vào lập luận logic 
E.g: She must be upstairs. We've looked everywhere else. 
- Must + be/ feel + adj : bày tỏ sự thấu hiểu cảm giỏc của ai đú (chắc hẳn là) 
E.g: You must be tired after that trip. 
* Mustn't và Don't/ Doesn't have to 
+ Mustn't : khụng được làm gỡ đú (chỉ sự cấm đoỏn) 
E.g: You mustn't tell the truth. 
+ Don't have to = Don't need to : khụng cần làm gỡ, khụng phải làm gỡ (nhưng bạn cú thể làm nếu bạn muốn) 
E.g: You don't have to get up early. 
 B. NEED : cần 
E.g: I need to buy some cheese. 
* Needn't : Khụng cần, khụng phải ; mang nghĩa phủ định của must. 
E.g: Must I do this work? - No, you needn't. 
 You needn't go to the market. 
 C. CAN – COULD – BE ABLE TO : cú thể 
- CAN dựng để: 
+ Diễn tả khả năng ở hiện tại, khả năng chung 
E.g: He can speak French. 
+ Diễn tả một điều cú thể xảy ra (possibility) 
E.g: Can it happen? 
+ Dạng phủ định của can là can't (= cannot): được dựng để diễn tả một điều khú cú thể xảy ra (virtual 
E.g: The doctor can't see you this morning; he's busy at the hospital. 
- COULD dựng để: 
+ Diễn tả khả năng ở quỏ khứ (could là dạng quỏ khứ của can) 
E.g: I could swim when I was five years old. 
+ Diễn tả khả năng núi chung (general ability) 
E.g: She could speak 3 languages. 
+ COULD được xem cú tớnh chất lịch sự hơn CAN. 
E.g: Could you tell me the way to the post office, please? 
+ Can / Could thường dựng với cỏc động từ chỉ cảm giỏc như feel, hear, see, smell, taste và cỏc động từ tri giỏc 
như remember, understand, believe, decide. 
E.g: I can't believe Mr. Nam is so kind. / I could remember the crash, but nothing after that. 
+ Could thường được dựng sau cỏc cụm từ: the only thing/ time/ place và sau từ all VỚI nghĩa "the only thing" 
E.g: All we could see were her fingers. 
+ Can/ could thường được dựng trong thể bị động hơn be able to 
E.g: The news can be read on the Internet. 
- TO BE ABLE TO dựng để : 
+ Dựng để chỉ khả năng làm được một việc gỡ đú, đụi khi cú thể sử dụng thay thế cho CAN, nhưng "can" thường 
dựng hơn. 
E.g: I'm able to speak foreign languages. ~ I can speak foreign languages. 
+ Dựng be able to để thay cho CAN/ COULD trong thỡ hoàn thành, hỡnh thức V-ing, nguyờn mẫu và sau cỏc 
modal verbs. 
E.g: I have been able to swim since I was five. 
The film star hates not being able to leave here. 
They might be able to help you. 
+ Dựng để đề cập tới một sự việc xảy ra trong một tỡnh huống đặc biệt (particular situation), chỳng ta dựng 
was/were able to... ~ manages to ... để núi rằng ai đú đó tỡm cỏch xoay sở để làm một việc gỡ đú thành cụng trong một 
hoàn cảnh "đặc biệt" (trường hợp này khụng dựng could). 
E.g: He was able to escape the fire after thirty minutes struggling in the house. 
Firefighters were able to bring the fire under control quickly. 
+ Nhưng dạng phủ định chỳng ta cú thể dựng was/ were not able to ~ couldn't cho tất cả trường hợp. 
E.g: He tried hard but he couldn't/ wasn't able to persuade her to go out with him. 
They couldn't/ weren't able to prevent the fire damaging the school. 
Workbook – The 2nd Semester English 10 - Pearson 
Trần Văn Ơn High School Page 3 
- May – Might : cú thể, cú lẽ (possibility) ~ may not/ might not (phủ định) 
- May và Might dựng để núi về những hành động hay sự việc cú thể xảy ra ở tương lai. Chỳng ta dựng might khi khả 
năng xảy ra thấp (dưới 50%), cũn dựng may khi khả năng xảy ra cao hơn (trờn 50%). 
E.g: I may go to Da Lat tomorrow. (khả năng cao hơn) 
I hope that you might come here. (khả năng thấp hơn) 
- May/ Might dựng để đưa ra sự xin phộp (ask for permission) ; trang trọng và lịch sự hơn can/ could. Cả may và might 
đều cú thể dựng để xin phộp, nhưng might thỡ nhỳn nhường và lịch sự hơn. 
E.g: May I go out? 
- Might là hỡnh thức quỏ khứ của may trong lời núi giỏn tiếp. 
- WILL : 
 + Dựng ở thỡ Tương lai (simple future) để diễn tả một sự việc sẽ xảy ra ở tương lai. 
E.g: I will go to Hue next week. 
 + Diễn tả một quyết định tức thời khi núi. 
E.g: I will answer the phone. 
 + Diễn tả một lời hứa (promise) hay một sự quyết tõm (determination). 
E.g: I promise I wil come back early. 
 + Dựng để đề nghị, mời mọc (requests/ invitation) 
E.g: Will you please open the door? 
 + Diễn tả sự phỏng đoỏn. 
E.g: I think it wil rain tonight. 
- WOULD : 
 + Dựng trong lời núi giỏn tiếp (Tương lai trong quỏ khứ) hay dựng trong cõu điều kiện như loại 2,3. 
E.g: He said he would come back the next day. 
 If he were free, he would meet me. 
 She would have been very happy if she had passed the exam. 
 + Dựng để đề nghị, nhờ vả, xin phộp, mời mọc 
E.g: Would you turn on the TV for me? 
 Would you mind closing the windows? 
II. THE PASSIVE VOICE WITH MODAL VERBS (Cõu bị động với Động từ khuyết thiếu) 
 Active Passive 
Form : 
S + Modal Verbs + Vo + O 
E.g: They should do these exercises. 
S + Modal Verbs + be + V3/ed 
=> These exercises should be done. 
Exercise 1 : Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. Each word has to be used only once. 
(6) freedom (5) status (3) feminist (9) opportunities (1) education 
(2) gender (8) quality (10) responsibility (4) injustice (7) women 
Famous Women Equality Quotes 
1. “My goal is not to get a Nobel Peace Prize.... My goal is to get peace and my goal is to see  of every 
child.” (Malala Yousafzai) 
2. “ equality is not a woman’s issue, it is a human issue. It affects us all.” 
3. “A is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.” (Gloria Steinem) 
4. “To call woman the weaker sex is a libel; it is man’s to woman.” (Mahatma Gandhi) 
5. “True equality is not the superiority of women, but the equal of man and woman.” (Mercedes 
6. “ cannot be achieved unless the women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression.” 
(Nelson Mandela) 
7. “As , we must stand up for justice for all.” (Michelle Obama) 
8. “Men of respect women’s equality.” 
9. “Women are more than 50 percent of the population and more 50 percent of voters. We must demand that we all 
receive 100 percent of the .” (Beyonce) 
10. “Women only have true equality, when men share with them the of bringing up the next 
generation.” (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) 
Exercise 2 : Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra words. 
requirements (5) attitude (3) plans job 
(2) meetings projects (4) concerns (1) tasks 
English 10 – Pearson Workbook 
Page 4 Trần Văn Ơn High School 
Equal pay for women workers in Bangladesh 
 In Bangladesh, the poor (both women and men) are often engaged in day labor as hired seasonal workers on 
landowners’ large plantations. Currently, men and women perform almost identical (1) .., but they do 
not earn equal wages. In an analysis of wages, it was found that for a day’s labor, men earn an average of $2.22, while 
women earn nearly half of that amount ($1.21). 
 To solve the problem, volunteers from Pathway Project issued an analysis and held (2) .. on 
“fair wage” at each community in the area. At the end of these meetings, they developed (3) .. to take 
action and bring their common (4) .. to the landowners and social elites. Male day laborers recognized 
that equal wages for women would also benefit their families, and they joined forces with the women to ask for equal 
 Recently, men and women are working together in the crops Held as a team. Landowners are showing a more 
positive (5) .. to the women day laborers, and women day laborers are getting equal wages at the end 
of each day without having to request it. 
Exercise 3 : Choose the correct passive modals in the box to complete sentences. 
(4) must be stopped (6) should be removed (2) must be made 
(3) should be provided (1) will be achieved (5) will be given 
1. Gender equality .. only when women and men enjoy the same opportunities. 
2. In Muslim countries, changes .. to give women equal rights to natural or economic resources, 
as well as access to ownership. 
3. In order to reduce gender inequality in South Korean society, women .. more opportunities 
by companies. 
4. Child marriage .. in several parts in the world because it limits access to education and 
5. In Egypt, female students from disadvantaged families .. scholarships to continue their 
6. Discrimination on the basis of gender .. from workplaces. 
Exercise 4 : Change into Passive voice with Modal verbs. 
1. I can answer the question. 
2. She would carry the box. 
3. You should open the window. 
4. We might play cards. 
5. You ought to wash the car. 
6. He must fill in the form. 
7. They need not buy bread. 
8. He could not read the sentence. 
9. Will the teacher test our English? 
10. Could Jenny lock the door? 
11. People will use cloth bags in the future. 
12. They will hold the meeting before May Day. 
13. Will you invite her to your wedding party? 
14. We have to improve all the schools in the city. 
15. People should stop experiments on animals. 
Exercise 5 : Give the correct form of the words in brackets. 
1. She faced  loneliness . because she not only had few friends but also was unwelcomed in that area. (lonely) 
Workbook – The 2nd Semester English 10 - Pearson 
Trần Văn Ơn High School Page 5 
2. That a women becomes a  firefighter . has ever been considered to be weird, as people have assumed that 
this job is only for men. (firefight) 
3. Although she was aware of gender  preference . in favor of boys, she applied for that position. (prefer) 
4. This university is ranked as one the most successful institutions which have made  considerable . progress 
in gender equality. (consider) 
5. In order to eliminate gender inequality, domestic  responsibilities . need to be shared by both husbands and 
wives, (responsible) 
6. The number of female  enrollments . has increased sharply for the past few years. (enroll) 
7. My uncle is very  knowledgeable . about rhinos. He has studied about them for a long time. (knowledge) 
8. By knowing their children’s strengths and  weaknesses . parents can find appropriate strategies to educate 
them. (weak) 
9. She contributed to the formation of an  organization . for female pilots, gave advice to women on careers and 
helped inspire others. (organize) 
10. Even today, her life and career remain  fascinating . to many people. (fascinate) 
Exercise 6 : Read the following short biography of the famous female pilot, Amelia Earhart. Choose the correct 
heading (A-G) for each paragraph (1-4). You will not use all the headings. 
A. Amelia’s Education 
B. Amelia’s Mysterious Disappearance 
C. Amelia’s Family Life 
D. Amelia’s Childhood Years 
E. Amelia’s Marriage 
F. Amelia’s Flying Records 
G. Amelia’s Love of Flying 
Amelia Earhart 
1. _____D_______ 
 Amelia Mary Earhart was born on July 24, 1897, in Atchison, Kansas. At three years old she went to live with 
her grandparents who lived fifty miles away. Amelia was a tomboy, and loved snow sledding and climbing trees. She 
lived with her grandparents until she was ten. At ten she moved back with her parents and her younger sister, Muriel. 
2. ______G______ 
 Amelia saw her first airplane at the 1908 Iowa State Fair. At this fair, there was a stuntflying exhibition, and it 
fascinated Amelia. It was here, as she watched these planes twirling and swooshing, that Amelia fell in love with the 
idea of flying. Amelia actually had to wait thirteen years to take her first ride in a plane, and just six months after that, 
she bought her first plane. It was bright yellow and she called it Canary. 
3. _____F_______ 
 Amelia was very competitive, and entered many flying contests over the next several years. She continually 
broke the records of other pilots. To mention just a few: 
In June of 1928, she became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. 
In May of 1932, she became the second person to fly solo across the Atlantic. 
From August 24 to 25, 1932, she flew a solo nonstop flight from the west coast of the United States to the east coast, 
making her the first woman to do that. 
From April 24 to 25, 1935, she was the first person to fly solo from Hawaii to California. 
4. ______B______ 
 At the age of forty, in 19337, Amelia Earhart wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world. She and her 
navigator took off from Oakland, California, and flew to Miami, then through the Caribbean to Brazil and through Africa 
to India. After India, they flew to Bangkok, Indonesia, Australia, and then Papua New Guinea. From Papua New Guinea, 
they flew toward Howard Island, 2,200 miles away. They never arrived, and despite extensive searches, they were never 
 No one knows for sure what happened to Amelia and her navigator, but the world knows that Amelia is one of 
the most important and influential pilots in history. 
Exercise 7 : Read the passage carefully, and do the tasks that follow. 
 Working mothers are the ones who move out of the house for the purpose of earning money and also maintain 
household chores. Every woman at home prefers to work in order to balance the financial and the other basic needs of 
the family. 
 The children of working mothers become smarter, more active, and more independent as compared to the 
children of non-working mothers. This is because of the fact that the mothers being working have to move out of the 
house leaving all the household chores intact, the children understand their responsibilities and manage to do all their 
tasks without being dependent on others, so they become smart, active, and independent enough. 
 The working mothers arc now helped by their husbands in household chores after returning from work. By 
seeing fathers being a helping hand to mothers, children learn good habits and inculcate manners of helping others as 
well as their mothers, thus in this way good habits are inculcated in them. 
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Page 6 Trần Văn Ơn High School 
 A working mother also adds to the advantage of helping the family financially. It is beneficial as a woman 
becomes a helping hand to the husband in terms of money. Therefore, the family runs in a very smooth way without any 
financial difficulty and the kids also get the best as parents are able to afford all necessities due to a good income level. 
 The mothers, when work, become an inspiration for their kids as they look up to their mums and say that they 
aspire to be like their mums in the near future. Working mums not only work but also look after their children without 
any difficulty. So such kids need to get an inspiration at home, and they also learn to do hard work in their life. 
Task 1 : Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank. There are 
two extra definitions. 
A B 
1. intact (adj) E 
2. inculcate (v) G 
3. inspiration ( n ) F 
4. look up to (v) C 
5. aspire (v) D 
A. to make someone have a strong feeling 
B. to remember something by doing it so often 
C. to respect or admire (someone) 
D. to have a strong desire to do something 
E. complete and in the original state 
F. someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something 
G. to fix beliefs or ideas in someone’s mind 
Task 2 : Read the passage again, and answer the questions below. 
6. Why does every woman at home prefer to go to work? 
Because they want to balance the financial and the other basic needs of the family. 
7. Why do the children of working mothers become smarter, more active, and more independent? 
Because they understand their responsibilities and manage to do all their tasks without being dependent on 
8. How can children learn good habits from their fathers at home? 
They learn good habits at home by seeing fathers being a helping hand to mothers. 
9. What financial benefits does a working mother bring to her family? 
The family runs in a very smooth way without any financial difficulty and the kids also get the best as parents 
are able to afford all necessities. 
10. Why do working mothers become an inspiration for their children? 
Because they not only work but also look after their children without any difficulty. 
Exercise 8 : Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question. 
A pioneer leader for women’s rights, Susan Anthony became one of the leading women reformers of the 19th 
century. In Rochester, New York, she began her first public crusade on behalf of temperance, the habit of not drinking 
alcohol. The temperance movement dealt with the abuses of women and children who suffered from alcoholic husbands. 
Also, she worked tirelessly against slavery and for women’s rights. Anthony helped write the history of woman suffrage. 
At the time Anthony lived, women did not have the right to vote. Because she voted in the 1872 election, a US 
official arrested Anthony. She hoped to prove that women had the legal right to vote under the provisions of the 14th 
and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. At her trial, a hostile federal judge found her guilty and fined her $100, which 
she refused to pay. 
Anthony did not work alone. She worked with reformers of women’s rights such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and 
Amelia Bloomer. Susan worked for the American Anti-Slavery Society with Frederick Douglas, a fugitive slave and 
black abolitionist. 
On July 2nd 1979, the US Mint honored her by issuing the Susan Anthony dollar coin. Although Anthony did 
not live to see the fruits of her efforts, the establishment of the 19' Amendment is indebted to her efforts, according to 
US historians. 
1. Anthony advocated all of the following EXCEPT _______ . 
A. slavery should be abolished 
B. women are citizens and should have the right to vote 
C. employers should provide childcare for female employees 
D. alcohol should be prohibited because of the abuse it causes 
2. The underlined word “crusade” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _______ . 
A. a battle against authority 
B. a campaign to work tirelessly for one’s beliefs 
C. a war against the enemies in the Middle Ages 
D. an attempt to fight evil 
3. What would historians say about Susan Anthony’s greatest achievement? 
A. She was an activist and raised a family at the same time. 
B. She worked with abolitionists to get the country rid of slavery. 
C. Her tireless efforts to guarantee women the right to vote led to the establishment of the 19th Amendment 
to the Constitution. 
D. Women had the legal right to vote under the provisions of the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. 
Workbook – The 2nd Semester English 10 - Pearson 
Trần Văn Ơn High School Page 7 
4. In which of the following ways did the US Mint honor her life’s work? 
A. The Susan Anthony stamp was issued. 
B. The Susan Anthony dollar coin was issued. 
C. The Susan Anthony Memorial Park was built in Rochester. 
D. Susan Anthony dolls were created. 
5. What is the main idea of the passage? 
A. Slavery was one of Susan Anthony’s causes. 
B. Susan Anthony did not accept the use of alcohol. 
C. Susan Anthony never gave up her struggle for all people’s freedom. 
D. Reformers do not always see the results of their efforts. 
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 
1. A. gender B. enrol C. preference D. secondary 
2. A. aware B. family C. planet D. married 
3. A. sue B. spend C. sure D. pursue 
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 
4. A. maintain B. perform C. prefer D. offer 
5. A. enrol B. happen C. pursue D. affect 
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 
6. In Korea, many people still feel that women should be in charge of ________ after getting married. 
 A. housekeeping B. homemaker C. house husband D. householder 
7. The principle of equal pay is that men and women doing ________ work should get paid the same amount. 
 A. same B. alike C. similar D. identical 
8. In Yemen, women have less ________ to property ownership, credit, training and employment. 
 A. possibility B. way C. use D. access 
9. Women are more likely to be victims of ________ violence. 
 A. domestic B. household C. home D. family 
10. International Women’s Day is an occasion to make more ________ towards achieving gender equality. 
 A. movement B. progress C. improvement D. development 
11. Reducing gender ________ improves productivity and economic growth of a nation. 
 A. equality B. inequality C. possibility D. rights 
12. Women with high qualifications ________ to managers. 
 A. must promote B. must be promoted C. must move D. must be moved 
13. A common reason that someone ________ more for similar work is because of his or her experience or “length of 
 A. may be paid B. should not be paid C. can be paid D. must be paid 
14. All forms of discrimination against all women and girls ________ immediately everywhere. 
 A. must be taken away B. must be ended C. must be allowed D. must be followed 
15. True gender equality ________ when both men and women reach a balance between work and family. 
 A. can achieve B. should be achieved C. can be achieved D. should achieve 
IV. Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. 
25. history 24. wage 23. role 18. gender 20. colleagues 
17. job 21. experience 19. family 22. result 16. employers 
 The state of California is working to say goodbye to the gender wage gap. Governor Jerry Brown has signed the 
Fair Pay Act, a new law that forces (16) _______ who pay more to a man working the same (17) _______ as a woman 
to prove that the pay is based on elements other than (18) _______. It is not just a gender problem - it is a (19) _______ 
problem or a human problem. 
Aileen Rizo, a math consultant at the Fresno County Office of Education, discovered that one of her male (20) 
_______ earned $12,000 more per year than her, even though he had fewer years of (21) _______ and education. 
Over the course of a 40-year career, the average American woman will lose out on about $431,000 as the (22) 
_______ of the wage gap, according to the Center for American Progress. And the pay gap starts early: If a woman earns 
less in her first job, when she takes on a new (23) _______ and her new employer sets her (24) _______, it will often be 
based on her prior pay (25) _______. 
Now the new law has closed the gaps for women. 
V. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. 
An advocate for Kenyan women and environment Wangari Maathai has become an international (26) __C_____ 
because of her persistence in the struggle for democracy, human rights and environmental conservation. Maathai is best 
known for her efforts to develop the Green Belt Movement, an organization that focuses on planting trees to protect the 
English 10 – Pearson Workbook 
Page 8 Trần Văn Ơn High School 
environment and improve the (27) __A_____ of life. Because of her efforts, Maathai was (28) ___B____ the Nobel 
Peace Prize in 2004. 
 In 1976, Wangari Maathai became active in the National Council of Women of Kenya. While she was serving 
as the chairwoman in the National Council of Women, she began to found an organizatio

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