Tập huấn Tiếng Anh: Đổi mới kiểm tra, đánh giá kết quả học tập theo hướng phát triển năng lực học sinh

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Tập huấn Tiếng Anh: Đổi mới kiểm tra, đánh giá kết quả học tập theo hướng phát triển năng lực học sinh
TẬP HUẤNĐỔI MỚI KIỂM TRA, ĐÁNH GIÁ KẾT QUẢ HỌC TẬP THEO HƯỚNG PHÁT TRIỂN NĂNG LỰC HỌC SINH Hà Tĩnh ngày 25-26/09/2014TOPIC: ASSESSING RECEPTIVE SKILLSQUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION How do you assess your students’ language learning in receptive skills?Kinds of testsSequencecontentTest typeTimeMini test3 tests/ semesterLanguage skill/ elementMCQ, gap fill15 minutesTypes of tests:- Diagnostic assessment:to identify students’ strength and weakness.- Achievement tests: to examine students’ mastery over what was taught (not limited to paper-pencil)- Proficiency tests:to identify what sts know and can do with the language.- Summative assessment:to check what sts have learnt after a lesson, a unit, or a course.- Formative assessment:assess and give feedback to raise sts’ improvement-Peer assessmentAims of formative assessmentFeedback and information about the learners’ level and learning progress Diagnosis of strengths and weaknessesExploring learners' potential( sts’ language ability.)Feedback on teaching effectiveness, for planning and modifying next steps Reflection by all participants Motivation and improvement/development Autonomy and learner participation ASSESS FOR LEARNING (# ASSESS OF LEARNING)Key characteristics of assessment for learning are:- Using effective questions techniques Using marking and feedback strategiesSharing learning goalsPeer and self-assessmentHigh-level questioning can be used as a tool for assessment for learningUse questions to find out what sts know, understand and can doAnalyze sts’responseUse questions to find out what sts’ specific misconception- Use sts’ questions to assess understandingUSING MARKING AND FEEDBACKQuestions for discussionHow often do you give your feedback? In what ways do you often do that?Characteristics of effective feedback:Feeback is more effective when it confirms that sts are on the right track and when it stimulates correction or improvement of a piece of work.Suggestions for improvement should act as a “scaffolding” (e.g: sts should be given as much help as they need to use their knowledge. They should not be given the complete solutions as soon as they get stuck and should learn through for themselves)Sts should be helped to find alternative solutions if simply repeating an explanation continues to lead to failure.Feedback on progress over a number of attempts is more effective than that on one attempt treated in isolation.The quality of oral feedback is more effective than written feedbackACTIVITIES FOR READING/LISTENING SKILLS Skimming to understand the gist( main ideas)Scanning to locate specific informationReading for main ideas and supporting detailsUnderstanding meaning of wordsDeducing meaning of unfamiliar words from the contextUnderstanding explicitly stated informationUnderstanding information when not specifically statedDrawing inferences Recognizing the communicative purpose of a passageRecognizing a writer’s purpose, attitude and toneRecognizing the organization of information in a passageDistinguishing important information from minor detailsComprehension ActivitiesAuditory comprehension involves reading a passage to sts, then asking questions. See if the sts can answer independently or with reminder. It challenges memory, understanding, attention and processing skills. Function naming is an activity that tests the person's understanding of an item and its purpose; you name the item and ask the sts to explain its use. Inferencesis an activity for higher level thinking skills; it is a test of the sts’ power of assumption. Auditory processing involves questions that check the person's ability to listen carefully, comprehend and respond appropriatelyQUALITY TEST CONSTRUCTIONQuestions for discusion:1. What are major characteristics of a good test?2. How to plan a test?3. How to write a test specification?A good classroom test is valid and reliableValidityis the quality of a test which measure what it is supposed to measure.Reliabilityis the quality of a test which produces scores that are not affected much by chance. ( A test with many items is usually more reliable than a shorter test.)Classroom tests can also be categorized based on what they are intended to measure. Traditional paper-and-pen classroom tests (MCQ, Matching, T/F) are best used to measure knowledge. Performance-based tests are best used to assess sts’ skill or ability.Arrange the following steps in order of planning a testa, administering the testb, scoring and ratingc, determining the purpose of the testd, report the test result.e, analyzing the test items and taskf, planning the testg, improve the course and the teaching methods.h, selecting items and taskThe order of planning a test-determining the purpose of the test-analyzing the test items and task-selecting items and task-planning the test-administering the test-scoring and rating-report the test result.-improve the course and the teaching methods.Some examples of MCQs and other selection item types:A discrete point multiple choice item: The singer ended the concert...her most popular song A by	B with	C in	D as2. A text-based multiple choice item: Then I saw a violin in a shop. It was such high quality that even top professional players are rarely able to afford one like it. “ I’d never felt money was important until then”, Colin explained. “Even with the money I’d won, I wasn’t sure I could afford to buy the violin, so I started to leave the shop. Then I thought I should try it, and I fell in love with the beautiful sound it made. I knew it was perfect both for live concert and for recordings” When Colin first found the violin, what did he think?He might not have enough money to buy it.He should not spend all of his money on it.He was not a good enough player to own it.He could not leave the shop without itWhat are the rules for writing discrete or text-based MCQs?The rules for writing MCQS1.The item should measure one important point2. Items shouldn’t be interdependent (the answer to one item should not influence the answer to another).3.There should be only one correct option and its status as key must be clear and unambiguous4. The distractors, while incorrect, should be reasonable enough to distract weak sts.5. Options should form a coherent set of alternatives; There should not be three similar- looking options and one which stands out as different from the others.6. Grammatically nonsensial forms should not be invented as distractors7. Each option should be as close in length as the others as possible8. To reduce the reading load, any information which is repeated in each option should be taken out of the options and placed in the stem.9. Options should have an approximately equivalent grammatical structure and level of complexity to one another. 10. Negative form should be avoided as much as possible. But if a negative form is included in the stem, it should be emphasized by putting it in bold print, and all the options should be positive11. Verbal cues which direct the sts to the correct option should be avoidedANALYZE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCESEg. 1. His belongings were.a lot of money A. priced	B. worth	C. valued	D. evaluated 2. My sister.as a nurse. A. working	 B. job C. works	 D. she works3. They set off early to avoid.in the traffic jam A. being caught B. to be caught C. they were caught D. catching4. I wonder  A. where he lives now	 B. where does he live now	 C. where he lived now 	 D. where is he living now5. Which of the following options is not mentioned in the passage? A. money	 B. health C. happiness	D. luck6. Which of the following is mentioned in the recipe for Rich Fruit Cake? A. almonds	 B. apples	 C. milk	D. dried fruit1. Đấu trường La Mã (Italia) 6. Khu di tích Chichen Itxa (Mêhicô) 3. Đền Tajơ Mahan (Ấn Độ)

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