Tài liệu ôn thi Tốt nghiệp môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Nguyễn Văn Long

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Tài liệu ôn thi Tốt nghiệp môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Nguyễn Văn Long
Lêi nãi ®Çu
Caùc em hoïc sinh thaân meán ! 
“Tµi liÖu «n thi Tèt nghiÖp TiÕng Anh 12” laø taøi lieäu ñeå giaùo vieân laøm cô sôû höôùng daãn caùc em oân luyeän chuaån bò cho kyø thi toát nghieäp. Taøi lieäu ñöôïc bieân soaïn ngaén goïn, cô baûn nhaèm giuùp caùc em naém ñöôïc moät caùch khaùi quaùt nhöõng kieán thöùc cuûa moân Tieáng Anh.
Phaàn baøi taäp coù moät soá ít do c¸c ThÇy töï bieân soaïn, phaàn lôùn ñöôïc söu taàm töø caùc saùch baøi taäp phoå bieán hieän nay vaø ñöôïc trình baøy theo töøng vaán ñeà hoaëc chuû ñieåm.
Vôùi yù ñònh laøm moät boä baøi taäp oân taäp, taøi lieäu naøy chaéc chaén khoâng phaûi laø moät giaùo trình ngöõ phaùp ñaày ñuû vaø hoaøn chænh, cho neân caùc em caàn baùm saùt saùch giaùo khoa cuõng nhö caùc saùch tham khaûo khaùc ñeå töï naâng cao kieán thöùc.
Ñaây laø taäp taøi lieäu maø ThÇy bieân soaïn ôû daïng baøi taäp traéc nghieäm, bµi tËp tù luËn vµ mét sè hiÖn t­îng ng÷ ph¸p quan träng nhaèm cuûng coá kieán thöùc caùc em ñaõ hoïc vaø ThÇy hi voïng ñaây laø nhöõng kieán thöùc coát loõi nhaát maø moät hoïc sinh trung bình caàn naém ñeå chuaån bò cho kyø thi toát nghieäp THPT. 
Mong caùc em heát söùc coá gaéng döôùi söï höôùng daãn cuûa thaày vaø söï noã löïc cuûa baûn thaân.
Chuùc caùc em ñaït ñöôïc keát quaû cao nhaát trong nhöõng kyø thi saép tôùi.
Yªn §Þnh3, thaùng 09 n¨m 2009
 NguyÔn V¨n Long
“The one who can move a big mountain
is the very one who has taken away stone after stone”
Ngöôøi chuyeån dôøi ñöôïc moät quaû nuùi lôùn
chính laø keû ñaõ chuyeån dôøi ñi töøng vieân ñaù nhoû
(Ngaïn ngöõ Trung Hoa)
1. Consonants: / p, b, t, d, k, g, dz, r, j, m, n, f, l, v, h, w, s, z, . /
2. vowels: / i, e, a, o, u,  /
 /  /
3. Notes: ª Caùch ñoïc nhöõng aâm taän cuøng laø / s, es /
	 	a. Ñoái vôùi töø taän cuøng laø: s, x, ch, sh, ge, ce  à / iz / : washes, loses, kisses
	b. Ñoái vôùi töø taän cuøng laø: m, d, r, n, l, v, b, g  vaø nguyeân aâm à / z / : knows, sings,.
	c. Ñoái vôùi töø taän cuøng laø: p, k, t à / s / : sits, stops, looks .
 ª Caùch ñoïc nhöõng aâm taän cuøng laø / ed /
a. Ñoái vôùi töø taän cuøng laø: t,d à / id / : ended, started . 
b. Ñoái vôùi töø taän cuøng laø: m, r, n, l, v, b, g, z  vaø nguyeân aâm à / d / : robbed, clothed, 
c. Ñoái vôùi töø taän cuøng laø: p, k, f, ss, x, sh, sh .. à / t /: stopped, passed, finished .
­ Exercise: Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other words 
A. university	B. student	C. volunteer D. museum
A. game	B. organize 	C. angry D. college
A. win	B. wine	C. wrong D. wet
A. read	B. teach	C. please D. break
A. hour	B. honest	C. vehicle D. happy
A. blood	B. food	C. childhood D. understood
A. music	B. city 	C. send D. said
A. church	B. child	C. chemistry D. cheese
A. sword	B. wear	C. wet D. swamp
A. surgery	B. curtain	C. cure D. curdle
A. heal	B. head	C. seal D. lean
A. here	B. there	C. cheer D. sphere
A. who	B. when	C. what D. why
A. off	B. of	C. first D. fan
A. corn	B. price	C. piece D. concept
A. well	B. week	C. two D. forward
A. ear	B. hear	C. near D. heart
A. satellite	B. light	C. might D. lit
A. laser	B. cancer	C. attack D. scalpel
A. energy	B. gift	C. biology D. agency
A. meat	B. accept 	C. ending D. weather
A. poison	B. reason	C. laser D. sack
A. nitric	B. oxide	C. timber D. tiny
A. summer	B. since	C. sure D. sound
A. vapor	B. famous	C. waste D. plastic
A. erosion	B. smog	C. disposal D. process
A. washed	B. matched	C. indented D. walked
A. repaired	B. watched	C. finished D. taped
A. left – handed	B. looked	C. stopped D. liked
A. plays	B. gets	C. swims D. cleans
A. shakes	b. washes	C. steps D. meets 
A. pleasant	B. pens	C. books D. opens
A. stops	B. calculates	C. laughs D. occasion
A. than	B. theatre	C. theory D. thorough
A. consumption	B. production	C. industrial D. industry
A. little	B. possible	C. edible D. terrible
A. habitat	B. rapid	C. informant D. manage
A. quay	B. technique	C. key D. queen
A. company	B. companion	C. apprentice D. extra
A. respect	B. estimate	C. guess D. access
A. accustomed	B. accurate	C. accompany D. success
A. plough	B. rough	C. tough D. enough
A. wild	B. wide	C. white D. bewilder
A. possibly	B. psychology	C. special D. program
A. situation	B. aspiration	C. statue D. lecture
A. drive	B. bike	C. idea D. winning
A. supply	B. reply	C. why D. rhythm
A. possession	B. address	C. guess D. mess
A. coming	B. ocean	C. contrary D. obstacles
A. toothache	B. therefore	C. thrill	D. author
1. Daáu nhaán trong töø coù 2 aâm tieát thöôøng naèm ôû: + vaàn thöù 2 ñoái vôùi ñoäng töø.
	 + vaàn thöù 1 ñoái vôùi danh töø hoaëc tính töø.
¬ Notes: Ñoái vôùi nhöõng töø taän cuøng laø ñuoâi: en, er, on .. vaø moät soá töø khoâng naèm trong quy luaät naøy neân caùch phaùt aâm nhöõng töø naøy phaûi döïa vaøo töø ñieån ñeå phaùt aâm cho chính xaùc.
2. Daáu nhaán trong töø coù hôn 2 aâm tieát thöôøng ñöôïc phaùt aâm döïa treân nhöõng quy luaät sau:
a. Daáu nhaán thöôøng naèm ôû vaàn tröôùc ion, ial, ical, ity, itive, itant, ic, ous, ual .. : mathematical, magic ..
b. Ñoái vôùi nhöõng töø taän cuøng laø: fy, ate, ize. Daáu nhaán seõ naèm ôû vaàn thöù 3 ñeám töø döôùi leân : delicate 
c. Daáu nhaán thöôøng naèm ôû chính nhöõng vaàn oon, ese, ee, oo . : bamboo, afternoon 
d. Danh töø keùp coù daáu nhaán naèm ôû danh töø ñöùng tröôùc : bookshop, welfare ..
Choose the word that the stress is on the first syllable:
A. company	B. protect	C. situation D. possession
A. volcanic	B. welfare	C. retain D. organic
A. legal	B. convention	C. cosmetic D. absorb
A. discover	B. scientific	C. horrible D. develop
A. American	B. intelligent	C. impossible D. comfortable
A. forbid	B. fearsome	C. inject D. involve
A. discard	B. disposal	C. especially D. element
A. investigate	B. irrigate	C. intensity D. nonsmoker
A. alone	B. customer	C. conceal D. conflict
A. apprentice	B. attendance	C. basic D. caress
Choose the word that the stress is on the second syllable 
A. sulphur	B. sulphuric	C. undergrowth D. tissue
A. solidify	B. section	C. scalpel D. process
A. independent	B. whether	C. open D. together
A. sugar	B. double	C. enough D. argue
A. special	B. medicine	C. language D. experience
A. gallery	B. everyone	C. reservation D. guitarist
A. police	B. government	C. modern D. consequent
A. safeguarding	B. resources	C. sanguine D. property
A. part – time	B. obstacle	C. mineral D. outnumber
A. element	B. erosion	C. gesture D. foreign	
Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each goup:
A. private	B. property	C. approach D. foreign
A. outnumber	B. continent	C. scholarship D. illustrate
A. nation	B. possess	C. themselves D. provide
A. different	B. instruction	C. anything D. singular
A. meaning	B. business	C. recognize D. prediction	
A. example	B. following	C. homonym D. difficulty
A. understand	B. overcome	C. disappoint D. apparent
A. maintain	B. reclaim	C. enjoy D. concert
A. suggestion	B. cigarette	C. environment D. protection
A. necessary	B. continue	C. irrigate D. different
A. against	B. believe	C. drainage D. enrich
A. element	B. fertilizer	C. quantity D. erosion
A. American	B. represent	C. discover D. adventure
A. experience	B. communicate	C. frightening D. inherit
A. disappoint	B. ancestry	C. comfortable D. heavily
A. repeat	B. between	C. caress D. welfare
A. military	B. committee	C. intimacy D. surgery
A. before	B. arrive	C. imply D. countless
A. incredible	B. humidity	C. necessity D. definition
A. begin	B. mountain	C. kingdom D. passage
A. dinosaur	B. calendar	C. eternal D. history
A. document	B. develop	C. opponent D. astonish
A. definition	B. production	C. situation D. politician
A. photography	B. qualification	C. occasion D. Canadian
A. ancient	B. edible	C. visual D. delicious
A. personal	B. entry	C. personnel D. sample
A. accordance	B. understand	C. acupuncture D. incomplete
A. appropriate	B. emotion	C. pronounce D. situation
A. cultivate	B. machine	C. terminate D. operate
A. prediction	B. judgment	C. intelligent D. compulsion
A. unlucky	B. displeased	C. courage D. encourage
A. combination	B. illustration	C. comprehension D. origin
A. follow	B. apology	C. experience D. direct
A. explain	B. obtain	C. promise D. suspect
A. national	B. complain	C. alone D. accept
A. community	B. peninsula	C. participant D. concentration
A. accuracy	B. individual	C. recreation D. independence
A. accident	B. direction	C. factory D. hospital
A. beginner	B. encounter	C. disappear D. remember
A. ambulance	B. another	C. government D. institute
Expression of quantity:
1. SOME: Duøng trong caâu khaúng ñònh, lôøi môøi, lôøi ñeà nghò, tröôùc danh töø ñeám ñöôïc vaø khoâng ñeám ñöôïc.
2. ANY: Duøng trong caâu phuû ñònh hoaëc nghi vaán.
With countable nouns
With uncountable nouns
a large / great number of
plenty of
a lot of / lots of
few / a few
a large amount of / a great deal of
plenty of
a lot of / lots of
little / a little
¬ Notes: © few – little: ( ít, khoâng nhieàu ), thöôøng mang nghóa phuû ñònh vaø chæ moät soá löôïng raát ít.
	 	 © a few – a little: ( moät vaøi, moät ít ), thöôøng mang nghóa khaúng ñònh vaø chæ moät soá löôïng nhoû 
	Eg: A large number of students have part time jobs nowadays.
 © A large number of vaø A great deal of ñöôïc duøng trong caâu khaúng ñònh.
 	 © Much/ Many ñöôïc duøng trong caâu phuû ñònh vaø nghi vaán, caâu khaúng ñònh coù so, such, too, as..
 	 © Only a few = few, Only a little = little
4. ALL – MOST – SOME – NO.
© all , most, some, no + ( adjective ) + plural noun / uncountable noun
© all of, most of, some of, none of + determiners ( a, an, the, my, his, this, that ) + noun
	 	 + pronouns ( them , us. ) 
	Eg: Most of her friends live abroad.
	 	 All children are fond of candy.
­ Exercise: Choose the best answer:
When we were on holiday, we spend too -------------- money.
A. a lot of	B. many	C. much	D. lots of
We couldn’t buy anything because -------------- of the shops were open.
A. all	B. half	C. most	D. none
I think that -------------- lemon juice on fish makes it taste better.
A. few	B. a few	C. little	D. a little
-------------- don’t visit this part of the town.
A. The most tourists	B. Most of tourists	C. Most tourists D. Most the tourists
-------------- has left a bicycle outside.
A. Anyone	B. Anything	C. Someone D. Something
-------------- cups of coffee have you taken?
A. How many	B. How much	C. How D. How far
There’s -------------- use in complaining. They probably won’t do anything about it.
A. a few	B. a little	C. few	D. little
It is boring here. -------------- ever happens in this place.
A. Anything	B. Something	C. Things D. Nothing
I spend -------------- my spare time gardening.
A. most	B. the most of	C. most of D. most of the
The village is very small. There are -------------- houses.
A. a few	B. only a few	C. some D. only a little
All the guests were dancing. -------------- having the good time.
A. All were	B. Every was	C. Everyone was D. Someone were
We tried a lot of hotel but -------------- of them had any rooms.
A. some	B. most	C. any	D. none
Bill is very lazy. He never does -------------- work.
A. some	B. any	C. no	D. few
Mason owns a chain of supermarket. He’s made -------------- money.
A. a lot of	B. many	C. much D. a great number of
He can speak -------------- English, so it is not difficult to communicate with him.
A. little	B. a little	C. few	D. a few
Her employer gave her a good recommendation because she makes -------------- mistakes in her work.
A. a few	B. little	C. very few	D. some
I don’t want to buy any of these books. I have got --------------.
A. all	B. all them	C. everything D. them all
The shop is very quiet. There are -------------- customers have come in.
A. a few	B. a little	C. only a few D. only a little
-------------- paintings have been sold.
A. A large number of	B. a great deal of	C. much of D. many of
The tickets cost --------------, so we can’t afford them.
A. too much	B. too many	C. so much D. so many
Prepositions and Phrasal verbs:
1. Giôùi töø sau tính töø (SGK- trang 71)
2. Cuïm töø: Verb + Noun phrase + Preposition (SGK- trang 88)
3. Giôiù töø theo sau GO: (SGK- trang 131)
4. Giôùi töø ñi vôùi thôøi gian:
© AT: duøng ñeå chæ thôøi ñieåm ( at 5 o’clock/ at midnight/ at noon/ at night/ at lunch time/ at Christmas/ at the weekend  )
© ON: duøng chæ ngaøy, ngaøy thaùng, ngaøy thaùng naêm (on Monday/ on Sunday morning/ 
on 16 Friday/ on 30 April, 2008/ on my birthday )
© IN: duøng ñeå chæ thaùng, naêm, muøa, buoåi  (in September/ in 2008/ in the morning/ in the summer
5. Giôùi töø theo sau ñoäng töø:
apologize to sb for sth	/ V - ng	apply/ask for (a job)	belong to	
wait for	differ from	smile/ laugh at
introduce to sb	suffer from	give up	
arrive at/ in	look at/ up/ for/ after/ forward to	consist of	
put on/ off	concern with/ about	stand for	
run out of	infer from	account for
succeed in	date back to	prevent sb from V- ing	be used up	protect sb/sth from	be up to
provide/ supply sb with	be involved in	depend/ rely on 	
be keen on	insist on	take off
­ Exercise: Choose the best answer:
Attending all the lectures is important -------------- us.
A. for	B. to	C. at	D. on
Smoking is -------------- to your health.
A. good	B. serious	C. accustomed D. harmful	
I am sorry -------------- the noise last night. We were having a party.
A. in	B. at	C. about	D. with
I am sure you are capable -------------- guiding the tourists.
A. of	B. on	C. for	D. about
It’s very kind -------------- him to do it for us.
A. about	B. of	C. to	D. with
He is very keen -------------- English, but he is not good -------------- listening. 
A. at/ on	B. on/ at	C. at/ at	D. to/ of
Your hairstyle is quite similar -------------- me. 
A. of	B. to	C. from	D. with
Hurry up or you will be late -------------- school.
A. on	B. in	C. to	D. for
What he said was contrary -------------- common sense. 
A. for	B. about	C. of	D. to
I don’t think he was present -------------- the meeting yesterday. 
A. about	B. in	C. at	D. on
Are you serious -------------- learning to be an architect? 
A. for	B. about	C. with	D. at
She has become very famous -------------- her novels. 
A. for	B. about	C. on	D. in
What is the difference -------------- a boat and a ship?
A. between	B. from	C. under	D. with
We are all bored -------------- this game.
A. about	B. at	C. for	D. with
The cameras prevent motorists -------------- speed.
A. by	B. from	C. for	D with
A great number of people are involved -------------- the use of English.
A. in	B. on 	C. at 	D. to
English is used -------------- an access to world scholarship and world trade.
A. to 	B. for 	C. like 	D. as
There were a power failure and all the lights went --------------.
A. up	B. out	C. after	D. along
The police went -------------- the burglars.
A. after	B. over	C. down	D. up
We are going -------------- a few days for the holidays.
A. away	B. up	C. on	D. out
The dog wants to go -------------- towards the fire.
A. away	B. back	C. after	D. along
The prize of petrol is going -------------- because the cost of the exploitation is too high.
A. down	B. up	C. along	D. on
Go -------------- your work carefully before you hand it in.
A. over	B. up	C. back	D. into
As time goes -------------- my memory seems to get worse.
A. down	B. by	C. out	D. away
You should try to study hard to -------------- your classmates.
A. make fun of	B. keep pace with	C. lose track of D. pay attention to
The man whom you -------------- on the bus yesterday is my father.
A. took notice of	B. made fuss over	C. put a stop to D. made room for
He was very angry because they -------------- him.
A. took account of	B. set fire to	C. made fun of D. lost touch with
The teacher made allowance -------------- his marks because his father was in hospital.
A. up	B. for	C. to	D. of
Write your name -------------- the top of the page.
A. in 	B. at 	C. to	D. with
Mozart was born in Salzburg -------------- 1756.
A. at	B. on 	C. in 	D. from
-------------- Saturday night I went to bed -------------- 11 o’clock.
A. At/ on	B. In/ at	C. On/ at	D. At/ to
These days everybody is aware -------------- the dangers of smoking.
A. up	b. of 	C. to	D. with
Many young people want to be independent -------------- their parents nowadays.
A. on 	B. up	C. from	D. of
Why are two schools so -------------- from each other.
A. similar	B. same	C. different 	D. afraid
The child is very -------------- at arithmetic.
A. quick	B. prefect	C. sad	D. rich
Word form and word meaning:
1. Nouns: Danh töø thöôøng ñöùng ôû caùc vò trí sau:
Chuû ngöõ cuûa caâu ( S )
Sau tính töø hoaëc tính töø sôû höõu ( adj + N, her/ his/ my/ their/ ‘s  + N )
Sau maïo töø: a/ an/ the ( a/ an/ the + adj + noun )
Sau giôùi töø: ( of, in, on, from, to, about, with...) hoaëc töø chæ soá löôïng ( a few/ little, some, any, much, most
2. Adjectives: Tính töø thöôøng ñöùng ôû caùc vò trí sau:
Tröôùc danh töø, boå nghiaõ cho danh töø
Sau ñoäng töø “ to be” hoaëc ñoäng töø “ linking verbs" ( get, seem, keep, make, become, feel . )
Sau caùc caáu truùc: so. that, enough, too. to, daïng so saùnh ( more, most, less, as.. as. )
3. Adverbs: Traïng töø thöôøng ñöùng ôû caùc vò trí sau:
Tröôùc hoaëc ñoäng töø thöôøng: ( S - V . + adv hoaëc S + adv + V . )
Tröôùc tính töø: ( be, seem  + adv + adj  )
Ñaàu caâu ( sau daáu phaåy ) hoaëc cuoái caâu.
­ Exercise: Choose the best answer:
He is unhappy because of his --------------.
A. deaf	B. deafen	C. deafness D. deafened
This country has -------------- climate. 
A. continent 	B. continental	C. continence D. continentally
She has a -------------- for pink. 
A. prefer	B. preferential	C. preferentially D. preference
Computers are -------------- used in schools and universities.
A. widely 	B. wide 	C. widen 	D. width
I sometimes do not feel -------------- when I am at a party.
A. comfort 	B. comfortable	C. comforted D. comfortably
English is the language of --------------.
A. communicative 	B. communication 	C. communicate D. communicatively 
I have to do this job because I have no --------------.
A. choose	B. choice	C. choosing D. chosen
He is not very -------------- of criticism. 
A. tolerable 	B. tolerated 	C. tolerant D. tolerating
English is used by pilots to ask for landing -------------- in Cairo.
A. instruct 	B. instructors 	C. instructions D. instructive
He did some odd jobs at home --------------.	
A. disappointment 	B. disappoint 	C. disappointed D. disappointedly
Don’t be afraid. This snake is --------------. 
A. harm 	B. harmful	C. harmless D. unharmed
During his --------------, his family lived in the United State.
A. child	B. childhood	C. childish D. childlike
Jack London wrote several -------------- novels on adventure.
A. interest	B. interestedly	C. interesting D. interested	
He failed the final exam because he didn’t make any -------------- for it.
A. prepare	B. preparation	C. preparing D. prepared
The custom was said to be a matter of --------------.
A. convenient	B. convenience	C. conveniently D. convene
She is -------------- in her book. 
A. absorbed 	B. absorbent 	 C. absorptive D. absorb
As she is so -------------- with her present job, she has decided to leave.
A. satisfy	B. satisfied	C. satisfying D. unsatisfied
Although her visit wasn’t --------------, we made her welcome just the same.
A. expect	B. expected	C. expectation D. expecting
He plays the piano -------------- well. 
A. tolerate	 B. tolerable	C. tolerably D. tolerance
Prices continue to show an upward --------------. 
A. tendency	 B. tend	C. tended D. tending 
They will -------------- this road because its -------------- is too narrow.
A. widen/ widely	B. wide/ width	C. widen/ width D. width/ widely 
They did everything possible to -------------- the police force.
A. strengthen	B. strengthening	C. strength	D. strong
I spent a ( an ) -------------- night because of my toothache. I am very tired now.
A. sleepy	B. sleeping	C. sleepless	D. asleep
Your money will be refunded if the goods prove to be -------------- .
A. satisfying	B. dissatisfied	C. satisfactory D. unsatisfactory
The -------------- of old buildings should be taken into consideration.
A. preserve	B. preservation	C. preservative D. preserves
Our education will help with the -------------- of knowledge for the young.
A. enrichment	B. enrich	C. rich D. richness
Getting such a well – paid job is beyond my --------------.
A. expectation	B. expected	C. expectant D. expecting
That is not -------------- true of single parents.
A. necessarily	B. necessary	C. need D. necessity
That is silly. What you are seeing is --------------.
A. reasonably	B. reason	C. reasonable D. unreasonable
Hunting for meat and burning forest for soil -------------- wildlife.
A. conserve	B. protect	C. destroy	D. reclaim
This new kind of generator can generate a current of high --------------.
A. potential	B. intensity	C. preference	D. absorbent
The children always get -------------- on long journey.
A. harmless	B. restless	C. motionless	D. speechless
Most of the rivers flowing through big cities are -------------- with chemical waste factories.
A. polluted	B. eroded	C. mixed	D. flooded
It is necessary for the host to make his guests feel comfortable and --------------.
A. relaxed	B. relaxation	C. relaxing	D. relax
A laser beam’s -------------- is strong enough to kill cancer cells.
A. intention	B. intensity	C. intend	D. intensive
Prefixes and suffixes: out, super, sur, sub, under, over
Don’t be --------------; everything will be all right.
A. over anxious	B. overbearing	C. overnight	D. oversea
You should eat more. You are a bit --------------.
a. underweight	B. overweight	C. out weight	D. weightless
She -------------- her husband by five years.
A. outrun	B. outweighed	C. outlived	D. outnumbered
We protest against their -------------- treatment of prisoners.
A. subhuman	B. superhuman	C. surhuman	D. over human
There is a determination to ---------------- problems.
A. overwork	B. overturn	C. overwrite	D. overcome
Boiled meat can keep in ______________ containers and shipped to other countries.
A. airsick	B. airtight	C. airship	D. airbase
When --------- “un” , the word “happy” becomes its opposite.
A. it adds	B. it is adding	C. added	D. adding
Verb form:
V + Verb ( bare ): had better (d’ better), would rather (d’ rather), used to, have to, help (toV/ Vbare), Can/could/may/must/will, 
ª make/ let + O + V (Neáu ôû daïng bò ñoäng : Be let/made + to V)
2. V + V-ing: admit, avoid, appreciate, delay, deny, detest, dislike, enjoy, look forward, mind, miss, postpone, risk, practice, suggest, give up, finish, can’t bear, can’t help, feel like, be busy, be worth, be used to, get used to, it’s no use/good 
ª After prepositions: to, at from, about,..
3. V + to V: agree, arrange, ask, beg, decide, determine, desire, expect, fail, hope, invite, manage, offer, plan, refuse, seem, tell, tend, wish, want, would like, be willing
ª S + V ( be, seem, look, feel,..) + ADJ + to V
ªVerb ( want, ask, tell, request, order, beg, advise, . ) + O + to V
4. Caùc tröôøng hôïp ngoaïi leä khaùc:
ª Allow/ permit/ recommend/ advise  + V-ing
 	 + O + To V
ª Stop + to V : döøng laïi ñeå.
	 V-ing: töø boû (thoùi quen)
ª Remember + V-ing: nhôù ñaõ laøm gì (quaù khöù)
	 To V: nhôù seõ laøm gì (töông lai)
ª Forget + V-ing: ñaõ queân laøm gì (quaù khöù)
	 To V : Seõ(khoâng) queân laøm gì (töông lai)
ª Regret + V-ing: hoái haän vì ñaõ
	 To V: thoâng baùo moät tin xaáu
ª Try + V-ing: thöû laøm gì ñoù
	 To V: coá gaéng laøm gì ñoù
ª Need: neáu chuû ngöõ chæ ngöôøi: S + need, require, want + to V 
 	 Neáu chuû ngöõ chæ vaät: S + need, require, want + V- ing or to be V(pp)
­ Exercise: Choose the best answer:
Many young people are fond of -------------- football and other kinds of sports.
A. play	B. to play	C. playing	D. played
They couldn’t help -------------- when they heard the little boy singing a love song.
A. laughing	B. to laugh	C. laugh	D. laughed
Your house needs -------------- .
A. redecorated	B. redecorating	C. being redecorated	D. to redecorate
I remember -------------- them to play in my garden.
A. to allow	B. allow	C. allowing	D. allowed
It was a nasty memory. Do you remember both of us wearing sunglasses to avoid -------------- by the supervisors?
A. to recognize 	B. to be recognized	C. recognizing	D. being recognized
I can’t bear thinking back of that time. I’d rather -------------- equally.
A. treat	B. be treated	C. have treated	D. treating
Did you accuse Nam of -------------- a plate? Well, I saw him -------------- it off the table with his elbow.
A. break/ knock	B. breaking/ knocking	C. to break/ to knock	D. breaking/ knock
We found it very difficult -------------- with Gamma.
A. to work	B. work	C. working	D. worked
I can’t read when I am traveling. It makes me -------------- sick.
A. feel	B. to feel	C. felt	D. feeling
I need -------------- what’s in the letter. Why don’t you let me -------------- it?
A. to know/ to read	B. know/ read	C. to know/ read	D. knowing/ read
I suggest -------------- some more mathematical puzzles. 
A. do	B. to do	C. doing	D. done
We regret -------------- you that we cannot approve your suggestion.
A. inform	B. to inform	C. informing	D. informed
 The driver stopped -------------- a coffee because he felt sleepy.
A. have	B. to have	C. having	D. had
Have you ever considered -------------- a pharmacist?
A. become	B. becoming	C. to become	D. became
You had better -------------- at home until you feel better.	 
A. staying	B. stayed	C. to stay	D. stay
I remember -------------- my mother said the grass in the garden needed --------------.
A. to hear/cutting	 B. hear/cut	C. heard/to cut	D. hearing/ cutting
Peter sometimes help his sister --------------.
A. do homework 	B. to do homework 	C. with homework	D. all are correct
 I would rather -------------- at home than --------------out with you. 
A. staying/going 	B. to stay/ to go 	C. stay/go	D. stayed/went
I would rather you --------------.
A. drive	B. to drive	C. drove	D. driven
She didn’t say a word and left the room.
A. She left the room without saying a word	B. She leaving the room without saying a word	
C. She left the room saying a word	D. She left the room to say a word.
My father wanted me -------------- a pilot.	
A. become	B. to become	C. becoming	D. became
Please wait a minute. My boss is busy -------------- something.
A. write	B. writing	C. to write	D. to writing
My teacher doesn’t allow us -------------- while he is explaining the lesson.
A. talk	B. to talk	C. talking	D. talked
We have plenty of time. We needn’t -------------- 
A. hurry	B. to hurry	C. hurrying	D. hurried
I promised -------------- on time. I mustn’t -------------- late.
A. be/be	B. to be/to be	C. to be/ be	D. be/to be
Mary and I are looking forward -------------- you.
A. of seeing	B. for seeing	C. to seeing	D. to see
I’m sure that he knows -------------- this new machine.
A. to use	B. using	C. how using	D. how to use
Psychiatrists and doctors have failed -------------- people not to drink. 
A. to tell	B. telling	C. tell	D. told
The students are used to -------------- in the school library. 
A. working	B. work	C. to work 	D. worked
Our room needs -------------- up.	
A. tidied	B. to tide	C. tidy	D. tidying
Mercury’s low gravity makes you -------------- very light in a spaceship.
A. feel	B. feeling	C. to feel	D. felt
“ Was the test long?”. “ Yes, John was the only one -------------- it”
A. to finish	B. finishing	C. finished	D. finish
A lots of needs -------------- to the house before anyone can move in.
A. be done	B. doing	C. to do	D. done
It is about time you -------------- harder for the next exam.
A. worked	B. working	C. work	D. to work
If he really doesn’t feel like -------------- now, I suggested that he should go out for some fresh air.
A. work	B. to work	C. worked	D. working
Phaàn 3: GRAMMAR
Tenses, transformation of tenses, subject and verb agreement, inversion, tag question:
1. The simple present tense: (thì hieän taïi ñôn)
S + V(s/es) ( ñoäng töø “to be” : S + am / is / are )
Adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes, everyday/week/night, seldom, rarely
Dieãn taû moät söï thaät hieån nhieân hoaëc moät vieäc thöôøng xuyeân xaûy ra.
2. The present continuous tense: (thì hieän taïi tieáp dieãn)
S + am / is / are + V-ing
Adverbs: now, at the moment, at present, right now.
Dieãn taû moät söï vieäc ñang xaûy ra trong thôøi ñieåm hieän taïi.
Caáu truùc be + going to + V dieãn taû thì töông lai döï ñònh.
3. The present perfect tense: (thì hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh)
S + have / has + V pp(ed/3)
Adverbs: just, already, notyet, never, ever, recently, several/many times, up to now, so far, 
 For + khoaûng thôøi gian, Since + moác thôøi gian
Dieãn taû moät söï vieäc ñaõ xaûy ra khoâng xaùc ñònh thôøi gian hoaëc moät vieäc ñaõ xaûy ra xaùc ñònh thôøi gian nhöng chöa keát thuùc.
4. The simple past tense: (thì quaù khöù ñôn)
S + Ved/2 (Ñoäng töø “to be”: S + was / were)
Adverbs: yesterday, last, ago, in (2005).
Dieãn taû moät söï vieäc dieãn ra taïi moät thôøi ñieåm xaùc ñònh trong quaù khöù.
5. The past continuous tense: (thì quaù khöù tieáp dieãn)
S + was / were + V -ing
Dieãn taû 1 söï vieäc ñang dieãn ra taïi moät thôøi ñieåm trong quaù khöù ( at 7:00 last night)
Dieãn taû 2 söï vieäc song song dieãn taû trong quaù khöù ( vôùi caùc lieân töø : when, while, as)
6. The past perfect tense : (thì quaù khöù hoaøn thaønh)
S + had + Vpp
Dieãn taû haønh ñoäng xaûy ra tröôùc 1 thôøi ñieåm hoaëc 1 söï vieäc khaùc trong quaù khöù
Thöôøng ñöôïc duøng cuøng vôùi thì quaù khöù ñôn ( trong caâu coù caùc lieân töø: before, after, until)
7. The simple future tens

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