So sánh cách dùng V_ing và to V

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So sánh cách dùng V_ing và to V
– Stop V-ing: dừng làm gì (dừng hẳn)
– Stop to V: dừng lại để làm việc gì
I’m too tired. I stop working for a moment.
He stopped to eat.
– Remember/forget/regret to V: nhớ/quên/tiếc sẽ phải làm gì (ở hiện tại – tương lai)
– Remember/forget/regret V-ing: nhớ/quên/tiếc đã làm gì (ở quá khứ)
Please remember to return the book tomorrow.
I remember purting my hat somewhere in this room.
– Try to V: cố gắng làm gì
– Try V-ing: thử làm gì
I will try to help you.
I try eating the cake he makes
– Like V-ing: thích làm gì vì nó thú vị, làm để thường thức.
– Like to do: làm việc đó vì nó là tốt và cần thiết
I like watching TV.
I want to have this job. I like to learn English.
– Prefer V-ing to V-ing
– Prefer + to V  + rather than (V)
Cùng có nghĩa: thích cái gì hơn cái gì.
I prefer driving to traveling by train.
I prefer to drive rather than travel by train.
– Mean to V: Có ý định làm gì.
– Mean V-ing: Có nghĩa là gì.
He doesn’t mean to prevent you from doing that.
This sign means not going into.
– Need to V: cần làm gì
– Need V-ing: cần được làm gì (= need to be done)
I need to go to school today.
Your hair needs cutting.
- Want to V: chủ ngữ là người (động từ thường)
- Want Ving: chủ ngữ là vật (bị động)
The plants want watering daily.
What do you want to do tomorrrow?
- Go on to V: Tiếp tục làm 1 việc sau khi hoàn thành 1 việc
- Go on Ving: chỉ sự liên tục của hành động
Go on to paint the window when you have repaired the door.
My father went on working until he was nearly 70.
– Used to V: đã từng/thường làm gì trong quá khứ
– Be/Get used to V-ing: quen với việc gì (ở hiện tại)
I used to get up early when I was young.
I’m used to getting up early.
– Advise/allow/permit/recommend + Object + to V: khuyên/cho phép/ đề nghị ai làm gì.
– Advise/allow/permit/recommend + V-ing: khuyên/cho phép, đề nghị làm gì.
He advised me to apply at once.
He advised applying at once.
– See/hear/smell/feel/notice/watch + Object + V-ing: cấu trúc này được sử dụng khi người nói chỉ chứng kiến 1 phần của hành động.
– See/hear/smell/feel/notice/watch + Object + V: cấu trúc này được sử dụng khi người nói chứng kiến toàn bộ hành động.
I see him passing my house everyday.
She smelt something burning and saw smoke rising.
We saw him leave the house.
I heard him make arrangements for his journey.
Luyện tập
Bài tập 1: Chọn dạng đúng của động từ sau:
1. The teacher decided (accepting/to accept) the paper.
2. They appreciate (to have/having) this information.
3. His father doesn’t approve of his (going/ to go) to Europe.
4. We found it very difficult (reaching/ to reach) a decision.
5. Donna is interested in (to open/opening) a bar.
6. George has no intention of (to leave/leaving) the city now.
7. We are eager (to return/returning) to school in the fall.
8. We would be better off (to buy/ buying) this car.
9. She refused (to accept/ accepting) the gift.
10. Mary regrets (to be/being) the one to have to tell him. 
11. George pretended (to be/being) sick yesterday.
12. Carlos hopes (to finish/finishing) his thesis this year.
13. They agreed (to leave/leaving) early. 
14. Helen was anxious (to tell/ telling) her family about her promotion.
15. We are not ready (to stop/stopping) this research at this time.
16. Henry shouldn’t risk (to drive/driving) so fast.
17. He demands (to know/knowing) what is going on.
18. She is looking forward to (return/returning) to her country.
19. There is no excuse for (to leave/leaving) the room in this condition.
20. Gerald returned to his home after (to leave/leaving) the game.
Bài tập 2: Hoàn thành mỗi câu sau với một trong các động từ sau: apply, be, be, listen, make, see, try, use, wash, work, write. (chia động từ theo đúng dạng)
1. Could you please much noise?
2. I enjoy to music.
3. I considered ..for the job but in the end I decided against it.
4. Have you finished your hair yet?
5. If you walk into the road without looking, you riskknocked down. 
6. Jim is 65 but he isn’t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on
7. I don’t mind youthe phone as long as you pays for all your calls.
8. Hello! Fancy here! What a surprise!
9. I’ve put off ..the letter so many times. I really must do it today.
10. What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine any body stupid?
11. Sarah gave up find a job in this company and decided to go abroad.
Bài tập 3: Chọn đáp án đúng
1. John was trying the door with the wrong key. A. unlocking B. to unlock
2. The audience began__________ before the curtains closed. A. clapping B. to clap
3. The soccer teams continued ___________even though it began to snow. A. playing B. to play
4. We like __________ outside when the weather is warm and sunny. A. eating B. to eat
5. We began___________ to the news when we heard the Olympics mentioned. A. listening B. to listen
6. I was just beginning ___________asleep when the phone rang. A. falling B. to fall
7. I really hate___________ late for appointments. A. being B. to be
8. The cake was starting ___________ when I took it out of the oven. A. burning B. to burn
9. She's so impatient! She can't stand __________ in line for anything. A. waiting B. to wait
10. I prefer __________my bicycle to work because the automobile traffic is too heavy. A. riding B. to ride
11. Lillian prefers __________ to taking the bus. A. walking B. to walk
12. Tim prefers __________ than to jog for exercise. A. walking B. to walk
13. The baby loves __________in the car. A. riding B. to ride
14. Near the end of the performance, the audience began ____ their feet on the floor. A. stamping B. to stamp
15. The audience began to clap and____ their feet on the floor. A. stamping B. (to) stamp
16. The audience began clapping and ____ their feet on the floor. A. stamping B. (to) stamp
17. My son sometimes forgets ____ the stove when he's finished cooking. A. turning off B. to turn off
18. Alex will never forget ____his first helicopter ride. A. taking B. to take
19. Would you please remember ____ away all the tapes when you're finished listening to them? A. putting B. to put
20. I remember ____ them away when I finished with them last night. A. putting B. to put
21. I remember ____ Bolivia for the first time. It's a beautiful country. A. visiting B. to visit
22. What am I going to do? I forgot_____my calculus text, and I need it for the review today. A. bringing B. to bring
23. My boss regrets ____ his secretary now that she is gone. A. firing B. to fire
24. The letter said, "I regret ____ you that your application has been denied." A. informing B. to inform
25. I haven't been able to get in touch with Shannon. I tried_____ her. Then I tried _____
her a letter. I tried____ a message with her brother when I talked to him. Nothing worked.
A. calling/writing/leaving B. to call/to write/to leave
26. I always try ____ my bills on time, but sometimes I'm a little late. A. paying B. to pay

Đáp án
Bài 1: 
1. to accept 
2. having
3. going
4. to reach
5. opening
6. leaving
7. to return
8. buying
9. to accept
10. being
11. to be
12. to finish
13. to leave
14. to tell
15. to stop
16. driving
17. to know
18. returning
19. leaving
20. leaving
Bài 2:
1. making
2. listening
3. applying
4. washing
5. being
6. working
7. using
8. seeing
9. writing
10. being
11. trying

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