Ôn tập thi môn Tiếng Anh: Cấu trúc đi với to V

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Ôn tập thi môn Tiếng Anh: Cấu trúc đi với to V
1. Cấu trúc: V + to V
Những động từ sau được theo sau trực tiếp bởi to-infinitive
Agree: đồng ý
Consent: ưng thuận
Hope: hi vọng
Promiss: hứa
Aim: nhằm
Decide: quyết định
Learn: học
Prove: chứng tỏ
Appear: có vẻ
Demand: yêu cầu
Long: mong mỏi
Refuse: từ chối
Arrange: sắp xếp
Determine: định đoạt
Manage: xoay xở
Remember: nhớ
Ask: yêu cầu
Be determine: cương quyết
Neglect: lơ đãng
Resole: nhất quyết
Attempt: cố gắng
Endavour: nỗ lực
Offer: đề nghị
Seem: dường như
Bother: phiền
Fail: thất bại
Plan: có kế hoạch
Swear: thề
Care: để ý
Forget: quên
Prepare: sửa soạn
Tend: có chiều hướng
Choose: chọn lựa
Guarantee: bảo đảm
Be prepared: đã sẵn sàng
Threaten: dọa
Claim: công bố
Happen: xảy ra
Pretend: giả vờ
Trouble: gây phiền
Condescend: hạ cố
Hesitate: do dự
Preceed: tiếp nối
Try = attempt: phủ định
Volunteer: tự nguyện
2. Cấu trúc: Verb + how/ what/ when/ where/ which/ why + to V
Các động từ hay dùng nhất là: ask, decide, discover, find out, forget, know, learn, remember, see (hiểu), show, think, understand, want to know, wonder
– He discovered how to open the safe.
– I found out where to buy fruit cheaply.
– She couldn’t think what to say.
– I showed her which button to press.
3. Cấu trúc: V + O + to V
Những động từ theo công thức này là:
Advise: khuyên
Force: cưỡng ép
Order: ra lệnh
Tempt: xúi giục
Allow: cho phép
Hear: nghe
Permit: cho phép
Train: huấn luyện
Command: ra lệnh
Induce: xúi giục
Persuade: thuyết phục
Urge: thúc giục
Compel: làm cho có thể
Instruct: chỉ thị
Request: yêu cầu
Warn: báo trước
Encourage: khuyến khích
Invite: mời
Remind: nhắc lại
Watch: xem
Entitle: cho phép
Let: để cho
Teach/ teach how: dạy cách
See: thấy
Feel: cảm thấy
Make: bắt phải
Tell/ tell how: nói cho biết cách
Implore: cầu khẩn
Forbid: ngăn cấm
Oblige: buộc phải
– These glasses will enable you to see in the dark.
– She encouraged me to try again.
– They forbade her to leave the house.
– They persuaded us to go with them.
Luyện tập
1. Put the verb into the correct form:
1. I don’t fancy ______________ (go) out tonight.
2. She avoided ______________ (tell) him about her plans.
3. I would like ______________ (come) to the party with you.
4. He enjoys ______________ (have) a bath in the evening.
5. She kept ______________ (talk) during the film.
6. I am learning ______________ (speak) English.
7. Do you mind ______________ (give) me a hand?
8. She helped me ______________ (carry) my suitcases.
9. I’ve finished ______________ (cook). Come and eat!
10. He decided ______________ (study) Biology.
11. I dislike ______________ (wait).
12. He asked ______________ (come) with us.
13. I promise ______________ (help) you tomorrow.
14. We discussed ______________ (go) to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home.
15. She agreed ______________ (bring) the pudding.
16. I don’t recommend ______________ (take) the bus, it takes forever!
17. We hope ______________ (visit) Amsterdam next month.
18. She suggested ______________ (go) to the museum.
19. They plan ______________ (start) college in the autumn.
20. I don’t want ______________ (leave) yet.
2. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with ‘to’:
1. She delayed ______________ (get) out of bed.
2. He demanded ______________ (speak) to the manager.
3. I offered ______________ (help).
4. I miss ______________ (go) to the beach.
5. We postponed ______________ (do) our homework. 
6. I’d hate ______________ (arrive) too late.
7. She admitted ______________ (steal) the money.
8. I chose ______________ (work) here.
9. She waited ______________ (buy) a drink.
10. I really appreciate ______________ (be) on holiday.
11. I couldn’t help ______________ (laugh).
12. It seems ______________ (be) raining.
13. I considered ______________ (move) to Spain.
14. They practised ______________ (speak).
15. Finally I managed ______________ (finish) the work.
16. I really can’t stand ______________ (wait) for the bus.
17. Unfortunately, we can’t afford ______________ (buy) a new car this year.
18. She risked ______________ (be) late.
19. I’d love ______________ (come) with you.
20. I prepared ______________ (go) on holiday.
3. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with ‘to’:
1. It appears _________________ (be) raining.
2. We intend _________________ (go) to the countryside this weekend.
3. I pretended _________________ (be) sick so I didn’t have to go to work.
4. Can you imagine_________________ (live) without TV?
5. They tolerate_________________ (smoke) but they prefer people not to.
6. I anticipate _________________ (arrive) on Tuesday.
7. A wedding involves _________________ (negotiate) with everyone in the family.
8. He denies _________________ (steal) the money.
9. He claims _________________ (be) a millionaire but I don’t believe him.
10. I expect _________________ (be) there about seven.
11. Julia reported _________________ (see) the boys to the police.
12. It tends _________________ (rain) a lot in Scotland.
13. Do you recall _________________ (meet) her at the party last week?
14. She mentioned _________________ (go) to the cinema, but I don’t know what she decided to do in the end.
15. The teenager refused _________________ (go) on holiday with his parents.
16. I understand _________________ (be) late once or twice, but every day is too much!
17. I would prefer you _________________ (come) early if you can.
18. That criminal deserves _________________ (get) a long sentence.
19. She completed _________________ (paint) her flat.
20. We arranged _________________ (meet) at four but at four thirty she still hadn’t arrived.
Đáp án
Bài 1
1. going	
2. telling	
3. to	come	
4. having	
5. talking	
6. to	speak	
7. giving	
8. to	carry	
9. cooking	
10. to	study	
11. waiting	
12. to	come	
13. to	help	
14. going	
15. to	bring	
16. taking	
17. to	visit	
18. going	
19. to	start	
20. to	leave	
Bài 2:
1. getting	
2. to	speak	
3. to	help	
4. going	
5. doing	
6. to	arrive	
7. stealing	
8. to	work	
9. to	buy	
10. being	
11. laughing	
12. to	be	
13. moving	
14. speaking
15. to	finish	
16. waiting	
17. to	buy	
18. being	
19. to	come	
20. to	go	
Bài 3
1. tobe	
2. togo	
3. tobe	
4. living	
5. smoking	
6. arriving	
7. negotiating
8. stealing	
9. tobe	
10. to	be	
11. seeing	
12. to	rain	
13. meeting	
14. going	
15. to	go	
16. being	
17. to	come	
18. to	get	
19. painting	
20. to	meet	

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