Một số đoạn văn nói về người thân bằng Tiếng Anh

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Một số đoạn văn nói về người thân bằng Tiếng Anh
Every weekend, my father takes me to the grandparents’ house in the suburb. I am very happy to see them again after a long week and so do they. During war, my grandfather was a solider. He often tells me about his fighting battles, the valuable of freedom and peace. Postwar, he became a postman and also a poet. He wrote many poems but they were never published. Now he is retired so he has a lot of time to plant trees in the garden, take care of his birds and sometimes climb the mountain with his old friends. My grandmother has been a tailor who has more than 40 years’ experience. I really love the blue dress which she herself made for me in my 16th birthday. Besides that, she is a good teller. She tells me about her love stories when she was young. They are beautiful, romantic but so sad. In addition, my grand¬mother is very good at cooking. She knows how to cook many different country dishes that suprises the whole family. While we are enjoying the meal, my grandfa¬ther reads poems, my grandmother tells stories and I am a listener. Those are the most happinest moments of my life. In conlusion, I love my grandparents so much, more than anything in the world.
Vào mỗi cuối tuần, bố đều đưa tôi đến nhà ông bà ở ngoại ô thành phố. Tôi rất vui khi được gặp lại họ sau một tuần dài và họ cũng vậy. Trong chiến tranh, ông của tôi là một chiến sĩ. Ông hay kể tôi nghe về những trận chiến của ông, giá trị của tự do và hòa bình. Sau chiến tranh ông trở thành người đưa thư và một nhà thơ. Ong viết rất nhiều bài thơ nhưng chưa bài nào từng được xuất bản. Bây giờ ông đã về hưu và có rất nhiều thời gian để trồng cây trong vườn, chăm sóc chim chóc và đôi khi đi leo núi với bạn bè cũ. Bà của tôi là một thợ may với kinh nghiệm trên 40 năm. Tôi rất thích chiếc váy màu xanh mà bà may cho tôi vào sinh nhật lần thứ 16 của tôi. Bên cạnh đó bà cũng là người kể chuyện rất giỏi. Bà kể cho tôi nghe về câu chuyện tình yêu của bà khi bà còn trẻ. Những câu chuyện thật đẹp, lãng mạng nhưng cũng rất buồn. Thêm vào đó, bà là người nấu ăn rất giỏi. Bà biết cách nấu nhiều món ăn vùng quê khác nhau làm cả gia đình rất ngạc nhiên. Trong khi chúng tôi thưởng thức bữa ăn, ông tôi đọc thơ, bà kể chuyện và tôi lắng nghe. Đó là những khoảnh khắc hạnh phúc nhất trong cuộc đời tôi. Nói tóm lại, tôi rất yêu ông bà của mình hơn bất kỳ thứ gì trên thế giới này.
Bài 2: Nói về ÔNG BÀ
In my family, I love my grandparents most. When I was a kid, my mother often sent me to the grandparents’ house when she was busy at work so I almost spent all my childhood beside them. My grandfather is in his eighties but he is very powerful. In every morning, he goes to the park to do exercises with his friends. After that he goes to the market to buy some fresh food to prepare breakfast. My grandfather was a chief while he was working in military so his cooking skills is more than perfect. I especially love Ha Noi foods that he often cooks in the Sunday mornings when I come to see him. He has a sense of humour since he always tells US funny stories or guides to cook the dishes during the meal. My grandmother is 75 years old. She’s weak and no longer sagacious. However she could recognize my footstep when I’m coming. I talk to my grandmother about everything. She listens without saying a word and just give me necessary advises. I can’t imagine how my life will be with¬out my humorous grandfather and my gentle grandmother. I love them so much. 
Trong gia dinh toi, toi yeu men öng bä nhät. Khi toi cön be, me toi thuöng güi toi den nhä öng bä khi me ban läm viec vi vay toi da dänh hau het thöi tho äu ben öng bä. Öng toi da dö 80 tuöi nhung van cön rät khöe manh. Väo möi sang, öng den cöng vien täp duc voi ban be. Sau dö öng den cho mua thirc phäm tuoi de ve chuän bi büa sang. Öng toi timg lä möt däu bep khi cön läm trong quän döi nen khä näng näu an cüa öng quä lä tuyet dinh. Toi dac biet thich nhüng mön an Hä Nöi mä öng hay näu väo sang Chü nhät khi toi den thäm öng. Öng cö khieu häi huoc boi vi öng hay ke chuyen cuöi hoac huong dän cäch näu an trong suöt böa an. Bä cüa toi näm nay 75 tuöi. Bä da yeu vä khöng cön minh man nüa. Tuy nhien bä cö the nhän ra tieng buoc chän cüa toi khi toi den. Toi ke cho bä nghe moi chuyen cüa minh. Bä läng nghe khöng nöi möt löi näo vä chi dua ra nhttng löi khuyen cän thiet mä thöi. Toi khöng the tugng tuong duoc cuöc söng cüa minh se the näo neu thieu di nguöi öng vui tinh vä nguöi bä hien hau. Toi rät yeu ho. 
3. Miêu tả em gái
My favorite little sister is Linh. She is sixteen years old. She is tall, 1 meter and 60 centime¬ters tall. She has long wavy, shiny, black hair. Her skin is so beautiful. It reminds me of the color of coffee with milk. Her face is a heart form. You can see her anger or happiness in her big expressive brown eyes. She has a little nose, and her mouth looks like it was painted light pink. She can speak two thousand words, moving from hate to love and from love to hate, change her opinion five times, start talking alone, forget what she was talking about at the be¬ginning, all in one minute. It’s a little difficult to try to talk to her, but it’s fun. She has a strong personality. She falls in love every year, and she is a little crazy, but I love her person¬ality. Sometimes I want to kill her, and she wants to kill me too. I think that is normal be¬tween sisters. She is like the song “Faded” by Alan Walker. She likes rap, hip-hop and pop music. She likes reading romance and fantasy books. She enjoys horror movies (I know, she is crazy). She loves to go out with her friends, paint her nails, and wear high heel shoes. She is always dancing, studying, reading, working and going out. She is a very busy girl. The truth is that since childhood, she has danced, sung and talked incessantly. She always knew what she wanted and never hesitated to say her opinion. She has lived happy and sad mo¬ments like everyone, but she has continued with her life. She makes me feel very proud for that reason. She will continue to grow up to become “the best version of herself,” and work hard to pay my bills (It’s a family joke). When she reads this part she will want to hit me. I love my teen sister. 
4. Mieu ta chi ho
My cousin, Hang, is 20 years old. She is single. She has smiling brown eyes. She has long, curly, black hair. She is quite short and a little fat. She doesn’t like to wear any kind of lipstick. She likes to wear pants. She doesn’t like to wear dresses. Her favorite color is black. She works in Ha Noi at KFC. She is a manager at KFC. She loves her job very much. She thinks her job is good. She likes to read novels and listen to music. Hang graduated from college two years ago. She studied company administration. Vera and I traveled to Da Nang, last summer. We enjoyed Da Nang, so much, especially the beaches and the aquariums. Vera plans to get married some¬day. She hopes to have just two children. She also wants to travel to many other places in the world. 
5. Mieu ta chj gai
I am third daughter in my family. I have one old brother and sister. But now, I am very enthusiastic to describe my old sister. Because, I think she is my best friend. My sister named Evi Dwi. I like my sister because she is helpful person. She always helps me if I need it. Besides, she is good listener too. She always listen my problems, gives me advices and also helps me to solve my problems. If we have free time, usually we spent our times to talk about my stories and also her life expe¬riences. While I am hungry, she always cooks me some delicious foods, such as fried rice or soup. Not only that, my sister is a kind person. She always respects to each other. Sometimes, she makes me laugh with her jokes. She is hard worker, this is the main point from her. Her behavior can be my inspiration to get the future. Those are why I love my sister very much. 
Hello. My name is T. Let me introduce myself and my family. I'm 18 this year, a student of a school television. Walking and playing with friends is my hobby. I was bom and raised in the province HB. My family has 4 people: parents, my, my sister and me. My father is an engineer. My mother was a doctor. 9 years old and my brother is studying in an elementary school. She studied very hard and is one of the best student in her class. On good days, and with spare time, my family often went on to play with grandparents, it is very meaningful and fun. I feel very happy to be alive in this family. I love my family very much. I will try to learn and do well to take care of my family. I hope that my family is happy and there is always the best thing. Thank you for listening to my thoughts. Wishing you a happy day
Xin chào. Tên tôi là T. Hãy để tôi giới thiệu bản thân mình và gia đình tôi. Tôi 18 tuổi năm nay, một sinh viên của một truờng tmyền hình. Đi bộ và chơi với bạn bè là sở thích của tôi. Tôi sinh ra và lớn lên ở tỉnh HB. Gia đình tôi có 4 người: bố mẹ, tôi, chị tôi và tôi. Cha tôi là một kỹ sư. Mẹ tôi là một bác sĩ. 9 tuổi và em trai tôi đang học tại một trường tiểu học. Cô học rất chăm chỉ và là một trong những học sinh giỏi nhất lóp. Vào những ngày tốt, và với thời gian rảnh rỗi, gia đình tôi thường đi về chơi với ông bà, nó là rất có ý nghĩa và thú vị. Tôi cảm thấy rất hạnh phúc khi được sống trong gia đình này. Tôi yêu gia đình của tôi rất nhiều. Tôi sẽ cố gắng học hỏi và làm tốt để chăm sóc gia đình của tôi. Tôi hy vọng rằng gia đình của tôi là hạnh phúc và luôn luôn là điều tốt nhất. Cảm ơn bạn đã lắng nghe những suy nghĩ của tồi. Chúc các bạn một ngày vui 
My mother is forty-five and she works as a teacher in a village school .She is small and slim , has long black hair and black eyes She is a caring and vituous woman. She likes gardening and cooking. She cooks well,people in my family very like her dishes . My younger sister is a grade 10 student .She is tall intelligent and brisk .Therefore , she always obtains achievements in train .She likes watching cattoon film and reading comic books. However , she often helps my parents with household chores in free-time .She likes watching cartoon film and reading comic books . Wherever she also is always enthusiasm and friendly , so she is usually loved .
Mẹ tôi là bốn mươi lăm và cô làm việc như một giáo viên tại một trường làng bà đã là nhỏ và mỏng, có mái tóc đen dài và đôi mắt đen Cô là một người phụ nữ chu đáo và vituous. Cô thích làm vườn và nấu cooking.She tốt, mọi người trong gia đình tôi rất thích các món ăn của mình. Em gái tôi là một học sinh lóp 10 bà đã là cao, thông minh và nhanh .Do đó, cô ấy luôn luôn có được những thành tựu trong đào tạo bà đã thích xem phim cattoon và đọc truyện tranh. Tuy nhiên, cô thường giúp bố mẹ công việc gia đình trong thời gian rảnh bà đã thích xem phim cartoon và đọc truyện tranh. Bất cứ nơi nào cô cũng luôn là sự nhiệt tình và thân thiện, vì vậy cô thường yêu. 
The first time see the world, people is always contact with mother Veye. From that moment, we have thought that: Mother is the big world in the baby’s the first impression. Mom can provide the food (breast milk), bring the sleep even the laughter. Until becoming adults, mother’s home is the place that anybody also want to come back, can be keep off the difficult in the life and can find the peace feelings.
When you become a mother, you will understand all of mom’s actions, today. What is mother doing in time of getting pregnant? May be, she think of child’s name, externality, character,., or think of where is the place sale the best foreign milk ? What should teach the child became a good man?.. Nine months and ten days is not the short time, mom used to suffer from many pains but she do everything the best for child she can. Let imagine! one day, her child is not obey, how is mother feel?
I don’t know what do you think of your mother? For me, mom is the greatest gift I have. Mom is the most beautiful, the most gentle, the most leniency. She is the same my best friend, I can talk anything with her, share the hobbies for clothes, cosmetics, movies... This make me never feel lonely. When I am threatened by my friend, she appeases me, buys dolls for me. She is not the same different mother, instead of find my friend’s home and talk to his parents to solve the problem, my mom will quietly protect me because she is very gentle and knowledge. She hope that: I save the nice memories when I was young, no enmity anybody She know: the child is always obstreperous, everything go naturally is the best.
Every time I feel boring, I miss mom and want to stand by her, holding her rough hand, huge her big abdominal. The more simple way, I only meet her and see mom’s smile. 
Từ khi vừa nhìn thấy thế giới bên ngoài, ai cũng sẽ bắt gặp cái nhìn của mẹ. từ giây phút đó, đứa trẻ sẽ luôn nghĩ rằng: mẹ là cả thế giới to đùng trong ấn tượng đầu tiên của mình. Mẹ có thể cho ta thức ăn ( sữa mẹ), giấc ngủ và thậm chí là cả tiếng cười. Cho đến khi ta trưởng thành, ai cũng mong muốn được về với mẹ để có thể vứt bỏ những phiền muộn của cuộc sống và tìm thấy cảm giác bình yên.
Khi nào trở thành một người mẹ, bạn sẽ hiểu những hành động của mẹ hôm nay. Mẹ đã làm gì trong suốt thời gian mang thai ? Có lẽ là nghĩ ra cái tên cho con thật hay, đoán xem tính cách, ngoại hình con sẽ như thế nào hoặc tìm ra nơi bán sữa ngoại uy tín nhất, cách dạy dỗ con trở thành một người tốt.. .khoảng thời gian 9 tháng 10 ngày không hề ngắn và mẹ đã phải chịu khá nhiều đau đớn nhưng mẹ vẫn cố gắng làm những điều tốt nhất cho con. Hãy thử tưởng tượng một ngày nếu con cái không nghe lòi, mẹ sẽ cảm thấy thế nào?
Tôi không ró mẹ của bạn là người như thế nào? nhưng với tôi, mẹ lúc nào cũng là người hiền lành nhất, xinh đẹp nhất và rất khoan dung. Mẹ giống như một người bạn mà tôi có thể kể bất cứ chuyện gì, chia sẻ những thói quen về phong cách ăn mặc, 1TLĨ phẩm, xem phim... điều đó khiến tôi chẳng bao giờ cảm thấy cô đơn. Khi tôi bị bạn bè bắt nạt, mẹ an ủi và mua đồ chơi cho tôi. Mẹ không giống người khác, thay vì tìm đến nhà và nói chuyện với phụ huynh bạn nhỏ đó để giải quyết vấn đề, mẹ chọn cách âm thâm bảo vệ tôi vì mẹ khá hiền và hiểu biết. Mẹ hi vọng tôi có thể lưu giữ những kí ức đpẹ nhất khi còn trẻ, không oán hận bất kì ai. Mẹ hiểu rõ: trẻ con thường hiếu động nên để mọi thứ diễn ra tự nhiên. 
I really want to tell you about my friend, one of my best friend is Tuan. We were classmate during our five years at Da Nang University of Technology. He was a good student of my class. He has black hair and bright eyes and is very good - looking. Tuan and I had many things in common, especially, our hobbies. We both like traveling, billiard, table tennis, reading book and singing.
He has a kind heart and is easy to get on with everybody. The deeper our mutual understanding becomes the more we feel closely attached to each other. We are the best pupils in our class. Tuan is always at the top. He is good at every subject, but he never shows pride in his abilities and always tries to learn harder.
Tuan’s family is not rich. His parents are farmers. He often spends most of his free time doing useful things to help his parents. I like Tuan very much because of his honesty and straight forwardness. He is always ready to help his weak friends in their study; as a result, lots of friends, thanks to his whole-hearted help, have become good ones. 
I'm going to talk about my father because he has been a major influence in my life. My father looks tall and rather thin. He has got thick eyebrows and a little mus¬tache. He has got very bright eyes. He was always a good role model for me as I was growing up. He's hard-working, patient and understanding; he's also got a good sense of humour and seems to get on well with everybody. Hopefully I've in¬herited some of these traits. My father is now retired and has a lot of free time. He enjoys watching TV especially news program, playing chess with my neigh hours and taking care of his grandchildren.'
My father loves traveling a lot, too. Therefore, my parents try their best to explore one place each year. My father has changed a lot. He has some wrinkles on his face now. Despite his old age, I think he is still enjoying his life now because I can see his smiles on his face and he always has a very positive outlook on life. My father really sets a good example for us. 
My family has a lot of people: grandparents, parents, young brother and 1.1 love all people but they are the most precious father.
My father is Trung, this year he is more than forty years old. Age is most evident on the father's hair. How many worries, struggling with time to make black hair day time point of silver. Years of hard work have made the announcement darken the skin for the sun. Everyone told me that for the first time will mistakenly published less than 40 because dad looked very tre. He is always about me. My dad's face though sunburn but still see the youthful. Eyes bright with dark eyebrows ram. Eyes often sparkled seemed resilient but very quiet when you have a nose am. He has a straight along coconut nurse. My father's mouth is fresh smile, good talking. He is very good.
At home, he is often plant tree. His trees grow as blowing. In the evening, he is often read newspapers. He always watch televison for an hour. Then, he guides US learning. He is always help neighbors. With colleagues, he is a good man. So, pepole always loved him.
We all loved him. Merit of dad is a Thai Son mountain. So, in each business, I wish he returns with family soon. 
Gia đình em có rất nhiều người : ông , bà , bố , mẹ , em và em trai. Ai em cũng quý, nhưng bố là người em quý nhất.
Bố em tên là Trung , năm nay đã ngoài bốn mươi tuổi. Tuổi tác thể hiện rõ nhất trên mái tóc của bố. Bao nhiêu lo toan, vất vả cùng với thời gian đã làm cho mái tóc đen ngày nào giờ điểm bạc. Những năm tháng trong vất vả đã làm cho da của bố sạm đen vì nắng . Ai cũng bảo mới gặp lần đầu sẽ nhầm tưởng bố chưa tới 40 vì khuôn mặt bố nhìn rất trẻ. Mỗi khi được khen như thế bố tự hào lắm. Quả thật,khuôn mặt bố dù bị rám nắng nhưng vẫn thấy những nét trẻ trung. Đôi mắt sáng với bộ lông mày đen rậm. Đôi mắt có lúc ánh lên vẻ cương nghị nhưng có khi lại rất trầm ấm. Bố em có cái mũi thẳng như dọc dừa. Cái miệng của bố tươi, kể chuyện rất hay.
Bố em rất khéo tay.
Ở nhà, những lúc nhàn rỗi bố thường ra chăm sóc cây. Những cây được bố chăm sóc đều lớn nhanh như thổi. Buổi tối, bố hay đọc báo. Bao giờ cũng thế, bố dành 1 giờ để xem thời sự. Xong xuôi đâu đấy, bố lại gần bên chúng em, xem hai anh em học bài. Bố em luôn giúp đỡ hàng xóm láng giềng, không quản khó khăn. Đối với đồng nghiệp,bố là một người tốt. Vì thế, bố luôn được mọi người quý mến.
Chúng em đều rất yêu bố. Công ơn của bố đối với chúng em như núi Thái Sơn. Vì thế, trong mỗi chuyến công tác, em lại mong bố mau trở về với gia đình. 
To me, one of my best friends is Tin . Tin is only over eighteen but he is well developed; so he is thought to be twenty or more. He has black hair, a broad forehead, a straight nose and bright eyes. He is very good-looking. He has a kind heart and is easy to get on with everybody. We have been friends for a very long time. The deeper our mutual understanding becomes the more we feel closely attached to each other. “Buds of a feather flock together”, Tin and I are keen on learning. We are the best pupils in our class. Tin is always at the top. He is good at every sub¬ject, but he never shows pride in his abilities and always tries to learn harder.
Tin’s family is not rich enough. His parents are retired workers. Realizing the hardships of his parents, although he is absorbed in his study, he often spends most of his spare time doing useful things to help his parents in their old age. He gets up early in the morning to have enough time to deliver newspapers to subscribers before going to school. After school in the af¬ternoon, he repairs bicycles and motorbikes. Therefore the money he gets from his manual job is sufficient for his school fees and for his parents’ presents. I like Tin very much because of his honesty and straight forwardness. He is always ready to help his weak friends in their study; as a result, lots of friends, thanks to his whole-hearted help, have become good ones. 
I really want to tell you about my sister. She's the one who i admire the most.
My sister is one year older than me and she's now studying in US. Whenever people look at my sister, they always say "What a beautiful girl!". She's tall and she has a skinny body that everybody loves to have. When you look at her, you'll be impressed by her bright and shining face. Her smiling eyes can melt your heart whenever you catch it. Her hair is blonde and a little curly.
People love my sister because of her characters rather than her appearance. She always knows how to make you feel relief when you feel down. Whenever i have troubles, i always talk to her even though we are very far from each other. She helps me solve the problems by giving advices and supports. She's also very gener¬ous and hard-working. There's nothing about her that i don't like and I'm sure when you meet her, you'll definitely like her too.
Mom, a new voice was heard how dear! Mother who gave birth to the children, ad-opted children grow up, teach you how things should have. She is the first person we met since he was new to life, sucking the sweet milk as his mother's unfailing love. And also the incredible light that has illuminated my soul. She sacrificed her life for us, worried about what to eat, what to wear to books and learning. Remem¬bered the way, she came home from work, sweat drenched shirt back, the morning dawn, shadows mother gently as fear we wake up. Mother's love for the outpouring of course, never with, and that's probably also the second most noble love that we see throughout life. Forgot why the time is good, he commended, ... Meanwhile, the new mother looked gentler how! Smile, for life and I will never forget, and when we fail, a new mother ... look at this unhappy, sad how! Time, we feel very sorry, sorry for you too! But she was not angry long, she always tolerant, forgive us many things. Tolerance was great, it did not we rely that help us move forward, trying to learn ... Not only that, in her poems of the poet Tran Quoc Minh said that the stars in the sky nor by the mother has for us. It reminds me a beautiful anniver¬sary of his mother's endless love. That day, I was seriously ill, she must leave to take care of you, one night when I had slept soundly, wake up and see her still sit-
Bill Gates is one of the richest businessmen in the world, who is the founder of the largest computer and technology business in the world, Microsoft. In the compa¬ny’s early days, no one would have thought that it would change both America and the world from
that point on. Gates and his company have created both computers and software that has revolutionized everything in America and the world. What is more amaz¬ing is the
company continues to grow and revolutionize the ways in which Americans live out their lives. Most importantly, Gates makes people comfortable with his soft¬ware by making it operate easier and more enjoyable. Bill Gates is living the Amer¬ican dream.
Bill Gates is a modem business phenomenon. His story is not simply a story of technical brilliance and enormous wealth; it is one of remarkable business vision and an obsessive desire to win. It is also about a leadership style that is radically different toanything the business world has seen before. He is of a most unique type the world has never seen before.
Miss Wilde is our teacher of English this term. She has been teaching in our school for three years ever since her return from London, but I have never attended her classes before.
She is rather tall for a lady, about twenty-four years of age, and I find her really slender. She puts on a little make up in very discreet manner. Though young and at-tractive in appearance, she is dignified and reserved. She is some what strict at times, but never too severe or stern. Her patience is wonderful she will never give up explaining until every one of US understands.
Her method of teaching differs somewhat from that of our former teacher. She pays much attention in correcting our pronunciation and drills US in expressing ourselves in short English sentences. At the end of each lesson, she gives US assignments and lets us work out ourselves. Her method means more work for US to do in the eve¬ning, as we have to consult the dictionary again and again; but this Giúp US to re¬member the new words and phrases and we feel that we have been making rapid progress.
Though my teacher is sometimes severe, yet her kindness and gentility always commands our respect.

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