Mệnh đề danh ngữ trong Tiếng Anh (Nominal Clause)

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Mệnh đề danh ngữ trong Tiếng Anh (Nominal Clause)
Nominal Clause
Ex1: Identify each noun clause. Is it used as a subject, a direct object, an indirect object, an object of a preposition, or a predicate noun?
1. You know that the telephone uses electricity.
2. What you say into a phone creates sound waves.
3. An electric current carries the sound to whoever is listening.
4. Basically, this is how a telephone operates.
5. You can talk to whomever you like and say whatever you think.
6. Campaign workers use whatever helps them.
7. That telephones can be very helpful has been shown in many elections.
8. Who will win the election is what people want to know.
9. Telephoners ask whoever answers a series of questions.
10. Whether a candidate is popular is a vital matter.
11. Another question may be what the major issues are.
12. Voters usually give whoever is calling an answer.
Ex2: Find out the noun clauses in the following sentences and state what purpose they serve.
1. The king ordered that the traitor should be put to death.
2. He said that he would not go.
3. That he is not interested in the offer is known to us.
4. He said that he was not feeling well.
5. I cannot rely on what he says.
6. I don’t know where he has gone.
Ex3: Complete the sentences by changing the questions to noun clauses:
1. Who is she? I don’t know....................
2. Who are they? I don’t know.......................
3. What is that? Do you know.........................
4. What are those? I don’t know...................
5. Whose book is that? I dont know.............
6. Whose books are those? I don’t know...................
7. What is a wrench? Do you know ...........................
8. Who is that woman? I wonder.....................
9. Whose house is that? I wonder...........................
10. What is a clause? Don’t you know ........................
11. What is in that drawer? I don’t know................................
12. What is on TV tonight? I wonder....................
13. Whose glasses are those? Could you tell me..........................................
14. Who am I? H e doesn’t know...........................
15. What’s at the end of the rainbow? The little girl wants to know........................
Ex4: Complete the sentences by changing the questions to noun clauses.
1. Who(m) did you see at the party? Tell me............................
2. Who came to the party? Tell me ...................................
3. Who did Helen talk to? Do you know ....................................
4. Who lives at that apartment? Do you know.........................
5. What happened? Tell me................................
6. What did he say? Tell me..................................
7. What kind of car does Jim have? I can’t remember ............................
8. How old are their children? I can’t even remember...............................
9. Where can I catch the bus? Could you please tell me..........................
10. Who broke the window? Do you know...............................
11. Who did Sara invite? I don’t know..........................
12. How long has Ted been living here? Do you know...........................
13. What time is flight 677 supposed to arrive? Can you tell me......................
14. Why is Yoko angry? Do you know.............................
Ex5: Complete the sentences by changing the questions to noun clauses.
1. Who(m) did you see at the party? Tell me
2. Who came to the party? Tell me
3. Who did Helen talk to? Do you know
4. Who lives at that apartment? Do you know
5. What happened? Tell me
6. What did he say? Tell me
7. What kind of car does Jim have? I can’t remember
8. How old are their children? I can’t even remember
9. Where can I catch the bus? Could you please tell me
10. Who broke the window? Do you know
11. Who did Sara invite? I don’t know
12. How long has Ted been living here? Do you know
13. What time is flight 677 supposed to arrive? Can you tell me
14. Why is Yoko angry? Do you know
Ex6: Select the correct answer a, b, c, d or e:
1. I had an accident and took my car to the garage. My husband asked me where ________.
a. is my car 	b. my car was 	c. my car is 	d. was my car 	e. is your car?
2. The old lady next door must have a lot of cats. I don't know how many _______________.
a. cats does she have 	b. does she has cats 	c. she has cats 	d. cats she has 	e. cats has she
3. Do you know ____________ from the earth? I have no idea.
a. how far the moon is 	b. how far is the moon 	c. how the moon is far
d. if how far the moon is 	e. whether how is the moon far
4. Your brother is playing his music too loud. I can't hear what ____________ .
a. is saying your brother 	b. that your brother is saying 	c. is saying your brother
d. your brother is saying 	e. your brother says
5. When I left home, my uncle gave me some advice. He said __________ give up.
a. I shouldn't	 	b. that shouldn't 	c. don't 	d. that I don't 	e. no
6. Jill didn't want to go to the car show. Her husband insisted that ___________ with him.
a. she come 	b. she came 	c. she had come 	d. she comes e. she has come
7. My boss wants this report immediately. He demanded that it ______________ ready by 5:00.
a. is 	b. will be 	c. be 	d. was 	e. should be
8. Did he tell you where __________ the report when you finish?
a. should you put 	b. you to put 	c. you put 	d. to put 	e. will you put
9. My friend predicted _____________ receive a lot praise for my work.
a. that I would 	b. that I 	c. what would I 	d. what I 	e. that I will
10. My friend saw an accident. He told me ____________ at the scene of the accident.
a. if he'd seen 	b. what he saw c. what he'd seen 	d. whether he saw 	e. that he'd seen
11. Is it true that all movies will be available online? _______ is wonderful!
a. That all movies will be available 	b. All movies will be available
c. Due to the fact that all movies will be available 	d. It is that all movies will be available
e. Being available all movies
12. Can you tell me how to fix my computer? That depends on ____________ an old computer.
a. have you 	b. whether you have 	c. that have you
d. if have you 	e. about your having
13. Is it true __________ people are saying about the new laptops?
a. that what	 	b. that 	c. if 	d. whether or not 	e. what
14. _______________ light-weight is important.
a. A computer is 	b. Is a computer 	c. If a computer is
d. Whether or not a computer is 	e. Is a computer
15. What are you going to do with your old computer? Nothing! _________ is too expensive.
a. That I want to do 	b. What I want to do 	c. That what I want to do
d. What do I want to do 	e. If what I want to do

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  • docxmenh_de_danh_ngu_trong_tieng_anh_nominal_clause.docx