Mệnh đề danh ngữ trong Tiếng Anh

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Mệnh đề danh ngữ trong Tiếng Anh
1. Khái niệm
Mệnh đề danh ngữ (danh từ) là mệnh đề phụ có chức năng như 1 danh từ.
2. Đặc điểm của mệnh đề danh ngữ.
Mệnh đề này thường bắt đầu bằng if, whether và các từ để hỏi như what, why, when, where, và từ that.
2. Chứ năng của mệnh đề danh ngữ.
2.1. Mệnh đề danh ngữ làm chủ ngữ trong câu.
Những câu có mệnh đề danh ngữ làm chủ ngữ thường có cấu trúc như sau: Where/ when/ why/ what/ that+ S+ V+ V.
Ví dụ:
+ That she comes late surprises me. ( Việc Cô ấy đến muộn làm tôi ngạc nhiên)
+ Why she is absent is nothing to me. ( Vì sao cô ấy vắng mặt chả có ý nghĩa gì với tôi)
+ When he leaves is up to me. ( Việc bao giờ anh ta đi phụ thuộc vào tôi.)
+ Where they live is a secret. ( Họ sống ở đâu là một điều bí mật.)
2.2. Mệnh đề danh ngữ làm tân ngữ sau động từ.
Câu có mệnh đề danh ngữ làm bổ ngữ sau động từ thường có cấu trúc như sau: S + V + what/ where/ when/ why/ that+ S+ V
Ví dụ:
+ I don’t know what she wants. ( Tôi không biết cố ta muốn gì)
+ They think that they are wrong. ( Họ nghĩ rằng họ sai rồi.)
+ Can you show me where they are now? ( Bạn có thể cho tôi biết giờ này họ đang ở đâu không?)
2.3. Mệnh đề danh ngữ làm tân ngữ sau giới từ.
Câu dạng này thường có cấu trúc như sau: S + V/be + adj+ preposition + where/ what/ when/ why/ that.+ S + V.
 Ví dụ:
+ Their decision depends on what they think. ( quyết định của họ phụ thuộc vào những gì họ nghĩ)
+ He is interested in how we could do that. (Anh ta rất hứng thú với việc chúng ta sẽ làm như thế nào.)
2.4. Mệnh đề danh ngữ làm bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ.
Những câu dạng này thường có cấu trúc như sau: S + tobe+ what/ where/ when/ why/ that.+ S+ V
Ví dụ:
+ The problem is where you are now. ( Vấn đề là bây giờ bạn đang ở đâu?)
+ The main point of the speech is why people should do the morning exercise. ( Điểm chính của bài phát biểu là tại sao mọi người nên tập thể dục buổi sáng.)
 3. Cách thành lập mệnh đề danh ngữ.
- Chuyển câu trần thuật sang mệnh đề danh ngữ, dùng That.
He asked me “I like cat” => He asked me that he liked cat
Anh ta nói với tôi “Tôi thích mèo” => Anh ta nói với tôi rằng anh ta thích mèo
- Chuyển câu hỏi Yes/ No dùng if/ whether
“Does John understand music?” he asked. => He asked if/whether John understood music.
Anh ta hỏi “John có am hiểu âm nhạc không?” => Anh ta hỏi liệu rằng John có am hiểu âm nhạc không
– Chuyển câu hỏi dùng từ để hỏi bằng cách dùng từ để hỏi, đằng sau là câu trần thuật.
She asked him “What is your name?” => She asked him what his name was
Cô ta hỏi anh ta “Tên anh là gì?”=> Cô ta hỏi anh ta tên của anh ta là gì
Chú ý: 
- Chúng ta có thể thay whether bằng whether or not, wheher.or not, if.or not
- That trong mệnh đề danh ngữ làm tân ngữ có thể lược bỏ nhưng khi làm chủ ngữ thì không
Everybody knows that the earth goes arround the sun. (được bỏ)
That she loves chocolate is obvious. (ko được)
- Một số từ ngữ thường được dùng trong mệnh đề danh ngữ mở đầu với “That”: A fact, A well-known fact, True, Obvious, Apparent, Clear, Surprising, Strange, Unfair, Too bad, Unfortunate, A shame, A pity
- Mệnh đề that có thể theo sau tính từ chỉ cảm xúc người nói như:
I’m sorry (that) I’m pleased (that) I’m happy (that)
I’m glad (that) I’m surprisex (that) I was annoyed (that)
I’m disppointed (that) I’m sure (that) I’m afraid (that)
I’m amazed (that)       
- Các từ hỏi W/H (When/ what/ where/ how/ who/ Whom, whose, which) và whether có thể được theo sau bởi động từ nguyên thể có “to”. (Nghĩa của động từ nguyên thể có “to” trong trường hợp này tương đường với should/ can/ could.)
I don’t know what I should do. => I don’t know what to do.
4. Mệnh đề danh ngữ rút gọn.
Mệnh đề danh ngữ có thể được rút gọn khi:
– Mệnh đề danh ngữ đứng ở vị trí tân ngữ.
– Mệnh đề danh ngữ và mệnh đề chính có chung chủ ngữ. Khi đó, mệnh đề danh ngữ được rút gọn thành dạng: S + V + wh+ to V
Ví dụ: She didn’t know how much coffee she had to make for the meeting.
=> She didn’t know how much coffee to make for the meeting.
5. Luyện tập
Bài tập 1: 
1. My friend,Jack,(that, who, whose) parents live in Glasgow, invited me to spend Christmas in Scotland.
2. Here’s the computer program (that, whom, whose) I told you about.
3. I don’t believe the story (that, who, whom) she told us.
4. Peter comes from Witney,(that, who, which) is near Oxford.
5. This is the gun with (that, whom, which) the murder was committed.
6. Is this the person ( who, which, whose) you asked me about.
7. Have you received the parcel (whom, whose, which) we sent you?
8. I don’t like people (who, whom, whose) never stops talking.
9. The meal,(that, which, whose) wasn’t very tasty, was expensive.
10. We didn’t enjoy the play ( that, who, whose) we went to see.
Bài tập 2: A That-clause is frequently used with "the fact". Combine the sentences using “the fact that” to introduce a noun clause.
1. Ann was late. That didn’t surprise me.
=> The fact that Ann was late didn't surprise me.
2. Rosa didn’t come. That made me angry.
=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
3. I’m a little tired. I feel fine except for that.
=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Natasha didn’t pass the entrance examination. She was not admitted to the university due to that.
=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Many people in the world live in intolerable poverty. That must concern all of us.
=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Sarasuk is frequently absent from class. That indicates his lack of interest in school.
=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
7. I was supposed to bring my passport to the examination for identification. I was not aware of that.
=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
8. The people of the town were given no warning of the approaching tornado. Due to that, there were many casualties.
=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Bài tập 3: Create sentences with the same meaning by using infinitives.
1. He told me when I should come.
=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2. The plumber told me how I could fix the leak in the sink.
=> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
3. Please tell me where I should meet you.
=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Don had an elaborate excuse for being late for their date, but Sandy didn’t know whether she should believe him or not.
=> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
5. Jim found two shirts he liked but he had trouble deciding which one he should buy.
=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
6. I’ve done everything I can think of to help Andy get his life straighten out. I don’t know what else I can do.
=> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Bài 4: Phần gạch chân đóng vai trò là:
1. How governments are fighting economic crisis is being scrutinized
by the media.
a. Chủ ngữ	 b. Tân ngữ cho động từ
c. Tân ngữ cho giới từ	d. Bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ
2. Most people believe that obesity cannot be reduced just by reducing 
calorie intake.
a. Tân ngữ cho động từ	b. Tân ngữ cho giới từ
c. Bổ ngữ cho tính từ	d. Bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ
3. It is important that the individuals do everything they can to help educate
their children.
a. Bổ ngữ cho động từ	b. Tân ngữ cho giới từ
c. Bổ ngữ cho tính từ	d. Bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ
4. You should consider the question of when to submit your application.
a. Tân ngữ cho động từ	b. Tân ngữ cho giới từ
c. Bổ ngữ cho tính từ	d. Bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ
5. The main point of the speech is why people should do the morning exercise.
a. Chủ ngữ	b. Tân ngữ cho giới từ
c. Bổ ngữ cho tính từ	d. Bổ ngữ cho chủ ngữ
Lựa chọn đáp án đúng để điền vào chỗ trống:
6. I do not believe___ it is necessary to exploit animals for our own 
a. that	b. when
c. why	d. which
7. It ____ that the effects of global warning will cause significant changes
in sea levels.
a. were believed	b. is believed
c. believes	d. is believing
8. I’m not sure if it’s true, but people are saying___ Tom is going to transfer
to anther school next term.
a. what	b. that
c. where	d. how
9. Julie didn’t know what____ about her poor grades.
a. to do	b. she could
c. could do	d. do
10. It is important____ to elect a leader immediately.
a. for	b. you are
c. you	d. for you
11. The problem was that I ___ the requirements,so I wasn’t able to help you 
until I found them.
a. didn;t know	b. don’t know
c. won’t know	d. to know
12. She couldn’t be sure____ us at home.
a. when to visit	b. when to might visit
c. when visit	d. when she visit
13. I don’t know_____.
a. how myself stand out
b. how to make myself stand out
c. how make myself stand out
d. how to be stand out
14. ___was important.
a. That the peace treaty signed
b. The peace treaty signed
c. The signed of the peace treaty
d. The signing of the peace treaty
bài 5: Change the question in parentheses to a noun clause
1. (how old is he?)
I don’t know ---------------------------------------- 
2. (What was he talking about?)
---------------------------------------- was interesting.
3. (Where do you live?)
Please tell me ----------------------------------------
4. (What did he say)
---------------------------------------- wasn’t true.
5. (When are they coming?)
Do you know ----------------------------------------
6. (How much does it cost?)
I can’t remenber ----------------------------------------
7. (Which one does he want?)
Let’s ask him ----------------------------------------
8. (Who is coming to the party?)
I don’t know ----------------------------------------
9. (Why did they leave the country?)
---------------------------------------- is a secret.
10. (Where did she go?)
---------------------------------------- is not your business.
11. (how many letters are there in the English alphabet?)
I don’t remember ----------------------------------------
12. (Who is the mayor of New York city?)
I don’t know ----------------------------------------
13. (How old does a person have to be to get a driver's license?)
I need to find out ----------------------------------------
14. (who opened the door?)
Idon’t know ----------------------------------------
6. Đáp án:
Bài 1
Bài 2
2. the fact that rosa didn't come made me angry.
3. I feel fine except for the fact that i'm a little tired.
4. Natasha was not admitted to the university due to the fact that she didn't pass the entrance examination.
5. The fact that many people in the world live in intolerable poverty must concern all of us.
6. The fact that sarasuk is frequently absent from class indicates his lack of interest in school.
7. I was not aware of the fact that i was supposed to bring my passport to the examination for identification.
8. Due to the fact that the people of the town were given no warning o the approaching tornado, there were many casualties
Bài 3
1. He told me when to come.
2. The plumber told me how to fix the leak in the sink.
3. Please tell me where to meet you.
4. Sandy didn't know whether to believe don or not.
5. Jim found two shirts he liked but he had trouble deciding which one to buy.
6. I don't know what else to do to help andy get his life straighten out.

 Bài 4
Bài 5
1. I don’t know how old he is.
2. what he was talking about was interesting.
3. Please tell me where you live.
4. what he said wasn’t true.
5. Do you know when they are coming?
6. I can’t remenber how much it costs)
7. Let’s ask him which one he wants?
8. I don’t know who is coming to the party.
9. why they left the country is a secret.
10. where she went is not your business.
11. I don’t remember how many letters there are in the english alphabet.
12. I don’t know who is the mayor of new york city.
13. I need to find out how old a person has to be to get a driver's license
14. Idon’t know who opened the door.

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