Lý thuyết và 476 bài tập về giới từ trong Tiếng Anh - Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang

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Lý thuyết và 476 bài tập về giới từ trong Tiếng Anh - Nguyễn Quỳnh Trang
Lý thuyết và 476 bài tập về Giới Từ
Tổng quan về giới từ
1) Giời từ chỉ thời gian:
(Preposition for time)	
-At : vào lúc ( thường đi với giờ )
-On : vào ( thường đi với ngày )
-In : vào ( thường đi với tháng, năm, mùa, thế kỷ )
-Before: trước 
-After : sau 
-During : ( trong khoảng) ( đi với danh từ chỉ thời gian )
2) Giời từ chỉ nơi chốn:
(Preposition for Places)
-At : tại ( dùng cho nơi chốn nhỏ như trường học, sân bay...)
-In : trong (chỉ ở bên trong ) , ở (nơi chốn lớn thành phố, tỉnh ,quốc gia, châu lục...)
-On,above,over : trên
_On : ở trên nhưng chỉ tiếp xúc bề mặt.
3) Giời từ chỉ sự chuyển dịch:
(Preposition for move)	
-To, into, onto : dến
+to: chỉ hướng tiếp cận tới người,vật,địa điểm.
+into: tiếp cận và vào bên trong vật,địa điểm đó
+onto: tiếp cận và tiếp xúc bề mặt,ở phía ngoài cùng của vật,địa điểm
-From: chỉ nguồn gốc xuất xứ Ex: i come from vietnamese
-Across : ngang qua Ex: He swims across the river. ( anh ta bơi ngang qua sông)
-Along : dọc theo
-Round,around,about: quanh
4) Giới từ chỉ thể cách:
(Preposition for manner)
-With : với 
-Without : không, không có
-According to: theo
-In spite of : mặc dù
-Instead of : thay vì
5) Giới từ chỉ mục đích:
(Preposition for purposes)
-To : để
-In order to : để
-For : dùm, dùm cho
-Ex: Let me do it for you : để tôi làm nó dùm cho bạn. 
-So as to: để
6) Giới từ chỉ nguyên do:
(Preposition for reasons)
-Thanks to : nhờ ở
-Ex: Thanks to your help, I passed the exam ( nhờ sự giúp đở của bạn mà tôi thi đậu).
-Through : do, vì
-Ex: Don't die through ignorance ( đừng chết vì thiếu hiểu biết).
-Because of : bởi vì 
-Owing to : nhờ ở, do ở
-Ex: Owing to the drought,crops are short ( vì hạn hán nên mùa màng thất bát)
-By means of : nhờ, bằng phương tiện
Ý nghĩa của một số giới từ:
Xung quanh : Ex: I looked about her :tôi nhìn xung quanh cô ấy
Khắp nơi, quanh quẩn : Ex: He walked about the yard. hắn đi quanh sân.
Khoảng chừng Ex: It is about 3 km : độ khoảng 3km
Về Ex: What do you think about that? bạn nghỉ gì về điều đó?
Chống lại, trái với Ex: struggle against ... đấu tranh chống lại
Đụng phải Ex: He ran against the trunk :hắn chạy đụng vào gốc cây.
Dựa vào Ex: I placed her her against the trunk :Tôi để cô ấy dựa vào gốc cây.
So với :Ex: The class now has 50 students against 40 last years : lớp có 50 học sinh so với 40 học sinh năm ngoái.
Chuẩn bị, dự trù Ex: I saved $2,000 against my study next year : tôi để dành 2.000 đô chuẩn bị cho việc học năm sau.
Tại ( nơi chốn ) Ex: The teacher is at the desk: cô giáo đang ở tại bàn làm việc.
Lúc ( thời gian) Ex: I get up at 6.00 : tôi thức dậy lúc 6 giờ
Thành ngữ chỉ trạng thái: Ex: -At work : đang làm việc
At play : đang chơi
At oen's prayers : đang cầu nguyện
At ease : thoải mái
At war : đang có chiến tranh
At peace : đang hòa bình
Thành ngữ chỉ chiều hướng Ex: -Rush at sb : lao về phía ai
Point at : chỉ vào Ex: The teacher pointed at me : cô giáo chỉ vào tôi.
Thành ngữ chỉ số lượng Ex: I estimated the class at 50 : tôi độ lớp học chừng 50 người.
Kế bên, cạnh Ex: I sat by her : tôi ngồi cạnh cô ấy
Trước Ex: You must come here by ten o'clock : bạn phải đến đây trước 10giờ.
Ngang qua Ex: She passed by my house : cô ấy đi ngang qua nhà tôi.
Bởi Ex:The cake was made by me : cái bành được làm bởi tôi.
Ở chổ Ex: I took her by the hand. tôi nắm tay cô ấy
Theo Ex: Don't judge people by their appearances : đừng xét người theo bề ngoài.
Chỉ sự đo lường Ex: They sell beer by the litter : họ bán bia tính theo lít.
Một số thành ngữ:
Little by little : dần dần
day by day : ngày qua ngày
Two by two : từng 2 cái một
by mistake : do nhầm lẫn.
Learn by heart : học thuộc lòng.
Vì , cho : I bring something for you : tôi mang vài thứ cho anh
chỉ thời gian: I have lived here for 2 years : tôi đã sống ở đây được 2 năm
Chỉ nguyên do: I was punished for being lazy : tôi bị phạt vì lười
Chỉ chiều hướng : She left for Hanoi : cô ấy đi HN
Chỉ sự trao đổi : I paid $3 for that book : tôi trả 3 đô để mua quyển sách đó
Từ (một nơi nào đó ): I went from home ( tôi từ nhà đến đây)
Chỉ nguồn gốc : I am from Hanoi ( tôi từ HN đến)
Từ + thời gian : From Monday to Saturday ( từ thứ hai đến thứ bảy)
Chỉ sự khác biệt : I am different from you ( tôi khác với bạn)
Chỉ nguyên nhân: Ex: -I suffer from headaches : ( tôi bị nhức đầu)
Chỉ thời gian:
Buổi : In the moning
Từ tháng trở lên: in May , in spring, in 2008, in the 19th century.
Chỉ trạng thái
Be in debt : mắc nợ
Be in good health : có sức khỏe
Be in danger : bị nguy hiểm
Be in bad health : hay đau yếu
Be in good mood : đang vui vẻ
Be in tears : đang khóc
Một số thành ngữ khác
-In such case :trong trường hợp như thế
-In short, in brief : tóm lại
-In fact : thật vậy
-In other words : nói cách khác
-In one word : nói tóm lại
-In all: tổng cộng
-In general : nói chung
-In particular : nói riêng
1. Giới từ chỉ thời gian: at, on , in , from  to, for, by, after, between, till, until . 
a. At + một thời điểm cụ thể.
VD: at night/ three o’clock in the afternoon 
b. In + tháng / năm / mùa
VD: In 1978 / June / summer
In + the morning / afternoon / evening
c. On + ngày trong tuần / ngày tháng năm.
VD : on Monday / January 4th, 2007
d. From  to : từ  đến 
from + điểm thời gian + to + điểm thời gian
VD: We have classes from 7 o’clock to 11.15.
e. For + khoảng thời gian: 
VD: for two hours , a week 
f. By + một điểm thời gian: trước
VD: by five o’clock
g. After + time: 
VD: after breakfast / lunch / dinnet
h. Between + điểm thời gian + and + điểm thời gian: khoảng từ  đến 
 Between + 2 sự kiện 
i. Till / Until + điểm thời gian: đến luc, đến khi.
2. Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn: 
a. On:
* ở trên (chạm vào, sát vào, bao phủ hoặc tạo thành một phần của bề mặt.
 	VD: On the wall / grass / table.
* ở ( một đại lộ, một con đường)
VD: on Tran Hung Dao Street.
* ở trên / trong hoặc một phương tiện chuyên chở.
VD: on the plane / train
* trên / dựa trên 
VD: on his back, on horse back 
b. At + địa chỉ : 
VD: at 10 Ngo Quyen Street.
c. In + tên nước, tỉnh, thành phố.
VD: in viet Nam, in Ho Chi Minh city.
d. Một số giới từ chỉ vị trí khác:
above ( bên trên), around ( xung quanh), behind (đằng sau), below ( bên dưới), beside (bên cạnh), between (ở giữa), far from (ở xa), in front of (trước mặt), in the middle of ( ở giữa), inside (bên trong), near (gần), next to (bên cạnh), on the top of (trên đỉnh), outside (bên ngoài), under (bên dưới).
1. Adjective + about:
Worried about: lo lắng 
Nervous about: lo lắng 
Excited about: hồi hộp
Upset about: bực tức
Annoyed about: Phiền toái
Happy /sad about; Vui /buồn 
Angry about : giận về việc gì
Furious about: giận dữ
Sorry about: xin lỗi, rất tiếc về việc gì 
2. Adjective + of:
Afraid of: sợ , e ngại
Frightened of: sợ hãi
Terrified of: sợ hãi
Scared of:sợ hãi
Fond of: thích
Tired of: chán
Proud of: tự hào
Ashamed of: hổ thẹn
Full of: đầy những
Short of: cạn kiệt
Jealous of: ghen tỵ với
Envious of: ghen tỵ với
Capable / incapable of: có khả năng/ không có khả năng
Aware / conscious of: ý thức về
Confident of: tin tưởng
3. Adjective + at:
- Good / bad/ excellent/ clever at (= giỏi / tốt / xuất sắc/ khéo léo về)
- surprised/ astonished/ amazed/ shocked at (or by): kinh ngạc
- skilful at: có kỹ năng về
- clumsy at: vụng về
- annoyed at : khó chựu về
4. Adjective + for:
- availaible: có sẵn
- difficult for: khó
- late for: muộn
- dangerous for: nguy hiểm
- famous for / well-known for: nổi tiếng
- suitable for: phù hợp
- sorry for: xin lỗi
- helpful for / useful for: có lợi / có ích	- ready for; sẵn sàng
- Responsible for: chựu trách nhiệm về việc gì
- good for: tốt 
- convenient for: thuận tiện
- qualified for: có phẩm chất
- Necessary for: cần thiết
- grateful for st: biết ơn về
5. Adjective + with:
Fed up with/ bored with: chán
Satisfied with: hài lòng
Delighted with: phấn khởi
Disappointed with; thất vọng
Crowded/ overcrowded with: đông đúc
Covered with: bao phủ
Angry with: giận dữ
Contrasted with: tương phản
Popular with: phổ biến
Familiar with: quen thuộc với ai
Pleased with:hài lòng
Furious with: phẫn nộ
Busy with: bận
Friendly; thân mật
Acquainted with: làm quen với
6. Adjective + in:
- interested in: thích, quan tâm về
- rich in: giàu về
- successful in:thành công
- confident in sb: tin cậy vào ai
7. Adjective + from:
- Absent from: vắng mặt
- different from: khác 
- far from: xa
- safe from: an toàn
- Divorced from: ly dị, làm xa rời
8. Adjective + to:
Nice/kind/polite/ generous/ friendly/ unfriendly to
Harmful to: có hại
Similar to: tương tự
Be married/ engaged to sb (= thành hôn/ đính hôn)
Note: Nice/kind/polite/ generous of sb to do st
9. Adjective + on: 
Keen on: + n/ V-ing: say mê
Dependent on + n/ V-ing: lệ thuộc
10. Một số trường hợp cần lưu ý:
- be tired of: chán
EX: I’m tired of doing the same work every day
- be tired from:mệt mỏi
Ex: I’m tired from walking for a long time
- be grateful to sb for st:biết ơn ai về vấn đề gì
Ex: I’m grateful to you for your help
- be responsible to sb for st: chựu trách nhiệm với ai về việc gì
Ex: you have to be responsible to me for your actions
- apply for: xin việc
- ask for; yêu cầu
- Look for: tìm kiếm
- Thank for: cảm ơn
- leave for:dời để
- search: tìm kiếm
- pay for: trả tiền
- wait for: đợi
2. verbs + to: 
- Belong to: thuộc về
- listen to: nghe
- happen to: xảy ra với
- write to: viết
Speak to: nói
- explain to;giải thích
- Apologize to: xin lỗi
- prefer to: thích hơn
- complain to sb about st: phàn nàn
- talk to: nói
3. verbs + on:
Depend on: lệ thuộc vào / Rely on: tin cậy / Live on: sống nhờ vào
4. verbs + at:
- look at: /- glance at: liếc nhìn vào / - smile at: cuời / - laugh at;cuời / - Shout at: la lối
- Point at: chĩa /- aim: nhằm
5. Verbs + of:
Consist of : bao gồm
- die of/ from: chết vì
- approve of: tán thành
- admire sb of st: khâm phục ai	Complain to sb of / about st: phàn nàn
-think of/ about: nghĩ
- accuse sb of st: tố cáo 
6. Others:
- Look after + take care of: chăm sóc
- be/ get used to: quen 
- suffer from; chựu đựng
- look up / for/ at/ forward to/ : 
- put on/ off/: mặc/ hoãn lại
- blame sb for st: đỗ lỗi
- belong to: thuộc về
- congratulate sb on st: chúc mừng
- arrive at (station, bus, stop) địa điểm nhỏ
- arrive in (London, Paris, Viet Nam..) địa điểm lớn
- turn into/ change into: hoá ra
- bring up: nuôi lớn	- agree with: đồng ý
- borrow st from sb; muợn
- participate in: tham gia
- Object to sb/ V-ing: phản đối
- call off: huỷ bỏ
- stand for: tượng trưng
- differ from: khác
- introduce to sb: giới thiệu
- escape from:thoát khỏi
- insist on: khăng khăng
- prevent from: ngăn chặn
- succeed in: thành công về
1. ON
•	On + thứ trong tuần/ ngàytrong tháng. 
 Ví dụ: I will call you on Thursday. His birthday is on February 3.
•	On + a/the + phương tiện giao thông (bus/ plane/ train/ ship/ bike).
Ví dụ: It’s two late to see Jane; she’s already on the plane. I came to school this morning on the bus.
•	On a street : ở tại phố. Ví dụ: I lives on 1st Ngọc khánh.
•	On + the + số thứ tự + floor: ở tầng thứ.
Ví dụ: My girlfriend lives on the fourth floor of an old building by my house.
•	On time : đúng giờ (bất chấp hoàn cảnh bên ngoài). 
Ví dụ: Despite the bad weather, our plane left on time.
•	On the corner (of two street) : góc giữa 2 phố.
Ví dụ: My house is on the corner of Tran Phu street and Nguyen Trai street
 •	On the sidewalk : trên vỉa hè.
Ví dụ: Don’t walk in the street, walk on the sidewalk.
•	On the way : trên đường tới >< on the way back to: trên đường trở về.
Ví dụ: We can stop at the grocery store on the way to their house.
•	On the right/ left : ở bên trái/ bên phải.
Ví dụ: Paul sits on the left side of the room and Dave sits on the right.
•	On television/ (the) radio: trên truyền hình/ trên đài phát thanh.
Ví dụ: The president’s “State of the Union Address” will be on television and on the radio tonight.
•	On the telephone (on the phone): nói trên điện thoại, gọi điện thoại, nhà có mắc điện thoại.
Ví dụ: Is your house on the telephone ? - nhà cậu có mắc điện thoại không?
 Janet will be here soon; she is on the telephone.
•	On the whole = in general : nói chung.
Ví dụ: On the whole, the rescue mission was well executed.
•	On the other hand: tuy nhiên.
•	on the one hand ... on the other hand : một mặt ... mặt khác.
Ví dụ: The present perfect aspect is never used to indicate a specific time; on the other hand, the simple past tense is.
•	On sale 	
1- for sale : có bán, để bán.
2- bán hạ giá.
Ví dụ: The house will go on sale this weekend.
The regular price of the radio is $39.95, but today it’s on sale for $25.
•	On foot: đi bộ.
Ví dụ: My car would not start so I came on foot.
* on fire: đang cháy
* On a diet: ăn kiêng
2. AT
at - ở tại (thường là bên ngoài, không xác định bằng in)
 Ví dụ: Jane is at the bank.
•	At + số nhà.
Ví dụ: George lives at 565 16th Avenue.
•	At + thời gian cụ thể.
Ví dụ: The class begin at 5:15.
•	At + home/ school/ work : ở nhà/ ở trường/ đang làm việc.
Ví dụ: Charles is at work and his roommate is at school. At night, they are usually at home.
•	At + noon/ night: vào ban trưa/ vào ban đêm.
at noon (Mỹ) : đúng 12h trưa.
•	At least : tối thiểu >< at most : tối đa.
Ví dụ: We will have to spend at least two weeks doing the experiments.
•	At once : ngay lập tức.
Ví dụ: Please come home at once.
•	At times : thi thoảng, đôi khi.
Ví dụ: At times, it is difficult to understand him because he speaks too fast.
•	At present/ the moment = now + thời tiếp diễn. 
•	At first : thoạt đầu >< at last : về sau.
Ví dụ: Jane was nervous at first, but later she felt more relaxed.
•	At the beginning/ at the end of : ở đầu/ ở cuối ( dùng cho địa điểm/ thời gian).
3. Một số thành ngữ đặc biệt dùng với giới từ.
•	On the beach: trên bãi biển. 
Ví dụ: We walked on the beach for several hours last night.
•	In place of = instead of : thay cho, thay vì.
Ví dụ: Sam is going to the meeting in place of his brother, who has to work.
Lưu ý: In place of không thay thế được cho instead khi instead đi một mình đứng cuối câu.
Ví dụ: She was supposed to come this morning, but she went to the lab instead.
•	In hopes of + Ving = hoping to + verb = hoping that + sentence.
Ví dụ: John called his brother in hopes of finding somebodyto watch his children.
•	Of course : chắc chắn, tất nhiên. 
Ví dụ: If you study the material very thoroughly, you will have no trouble on the examination.
•	Off and on : dai dẳng, tái hồi, từng chập một.
Ví dụ: It rained off and on all day yesterday.
•	All of a sudden: bất thình lình.
Ví dụ: When we were walking through the woods, all of a sudden, we heard a strange sound.
•	For good = for ever : vĩnh viễn, mãi mãi.
Ví dụ: Helen is leaving Chicago for good.
4. Out of (ra khỏi) >< into (di vào)
•	be (run) out of + danh từ : hết, không còn.
•	be out of town : đi vắng.
Mr. Adams cannot see you this week because he is out of town.
•	be out of date (cũ, lỗi thời) >< be up to date (mới, cập nhật, hợp thời)
Don’t use that dictionary. It is out of date. Find one that is up to date.
•	be out of work : thất nghiệp.
I have been very unhappy since I have been out of work.
•	be out of the question : không thể được.
Your request for an extension of credit is out of the question.
•	be out of order: hỏng.
We had to use our neighbour’s telephone because ours was out of order.
5. BY
•	Động từ chỉ chuyển động + by = đi ngang qua.
•	Động từ tĩnh + by = ở gần, ở bên.
•	by + thời gian cụ thể : trước lúc.
Ví dụ: We usually eat supper by six o’clock in the evening.
•	By được dùng trong câu bị động để chỉ ra chủ thể gây hành động. 
Ví dụ: Romeo and Juliet was writen by William Shakespeare.
•	By + phương tiện giao thông (bus/ plane/ train/ car/ ship/ bike).
Ví dụ: We traveled to Boston by train.
•	By then : trước lúc đó.
Ví dụ: I will graduate from the university in 1997. By then, I hope to have found a job.
•	By way of = via : theo đường.
Ví dụ: We are driving to Atlanta by way of Baton Rouge.
•	By the way : 	
1- tình cờ.
Ví dụ: By the way, I’ve got two tickets for Saturday’s game. Would you like to go with me?
2- nhân đây, tiện đây.
•	By far + tính từ so sánh : (dùng để nhấn mạnh).
Ví dụ: This book is by far the best on the subject.
•	By accident / by mistake : tình cờ. >< on purpose (cố tình).
Ví dụ: Nobody will receive a check on Friday because the wrong cards were put into the computer by accident.
* by heart: học thuộc lòng
In (ở trong, ở tại) - nghĩa xác định hơn at
•	In a room/ building/ drawer/ closet : bên trong ... 
Ví dụ: Your socks are in the drawer.
•	In + năm/ tháng.
Ví dụ: His birthday is in April. I will begen class in 1998.
•	In time : đúng giờ -vừa vặn.
Ví dụ: We arrived at the airport in time to eat before the plane left.
•	In the street: dưới lòng đường.
Ví dụ: The children were warned not to play in the street.
•	In the morning / afternoon/ evening : vào buổi sáng/ buổi chiều/ buổi tối.
Ví dụ: I have a dental appointment in the morning, but I will be free in the afternoon.
•	In the past/ future: trong quá khứ/ tương lai.
Ví dụ: In the past, attendance at school was not compulsory, but it is today.
•	In future : từ nay trở đi.
Ví dụ: I will spend much time on learning English in future because the TOEFL test is coming.
•	In the beginning/ end. : thoạt đầu/ rốt cuộc = at first/ at last.
Ví dụ: Everyone seemed unfriendly in the beginning but in the end everyone made friends.
•	In the way : chắn ngang lối, đỗ ngay lối.
Ví dụ: He could not park his car in the driveway because another car was in the way.
•	Once in a while : thỉnh thoảng, đôi khi.
Ví dụ: Once in a while, we eat dinner at Chiness restaurant.
•	In no time at all: trong nháy mắt, trong 1 thoáng.
Ví dụ: George finishes his assignment in no time at all.
•	In the meantime = meanwhile : trong lúc đó.
Ví dụ: We start school in several weeks, but in the meantime, we can take a trip.
•	In the middle : ở giữa (địa điểm).
Ví dụ: Grace stood in the middle of the room looking for her friend.
•	In the army/ air force/ navy. Trong quân đội/ trong không lực/ trong hải quân.
•	In the + số thứ tự + row : ở hàng ghế thứ.
Ví dụ: We are going to sit in the fifteen row of the auditorium.
•	In the event that : trong trường hợp.
Ví dụ: In the event that you win the prize, you will be notified by mail.
•	In case : để phòng khi, để ngộ nhỡ.
Ví dụ: I will give you the key to the house so you will have it in case I arrive a little late.
•	Be/ get in touch/ contact with : tiếp xúc, liên lạc, gặp gỡ với ai.
Ví dụ: It’s very difficult to get in touch with Jenny because she works all day.
•	In fact: = actually: thực ra
•	In general: nói chung
•	In meantime: đồng thời
Bài 1: Khoanh đáp án đúng:
1.) Elizabeth is fond .......... going to dances.
a.) in b.) of c.) with d.) at 
2.) That is last year's telephone directory. It's .......... date now.
a.) into b.) out of c.) besides d.) out 
3.) He was put .......... prison.
a.) to b.) from c.) into d.) at 
4.) We rejoice .......... her success.
a.) in b.) at c.) over d.) all are correct 
5.) I saw him .......... noon.
a.) for b.) with c.) against d.) at 
6.) She treated me .......... Cake, ice-cream and tea.
a.) with b.) for c.) to d.) by 
7.) The picture is .......... the wall
a.) above b.) at c.) over d.) on 
8.) She likes to go .......... a picnic.
a.) for b.) on c.) for and on are correct d.) by 
9.) William is .......... meanness.
a.) against b.) above c.) towards d.) according to 
10.) I work hard .......... help my family.
a.) so as to b.) in order to c.) in order that d.) a and b
11.) She burst .......... tears.
a.) out of b.) into c.) for d.) in 
12.) .......... mistake, I took the wrong book from my desk this morning.
a.) Through b.) By c.) With d.) In 
13.) They chose him .......... their leader.
a.) with b.) for c.) by d.) into 
14.) I want you to arrange these .......... order by putting the largest first then the next, and so on
a.) on b.) out of c.) in d.) from 
15.) She smiled .......... him.
a.) at b.) with c.) to d.) about 
16.) Your work is .......... the average.
a.) under b.) beneath c.) down d.) below 
17.) I shall be ready .......... a moment.
a.) for b.) in c.) with d.) on 
18.) Aren't you glad that you went to the party with us .......... all?
a.) in b.) after c.) above d.) with 
19.) We can't get everything we want from life; we must just make the best .......... it.
a.) with b.) of c.) for d.) by 
20.) Go and get me a carton .......... cigarettes.
a.) with b.) of c.) out of d.) no
21.) He is negligent .......... his duties.
a.) with b.) to c.) for d.) of 
22.) Long skirts are .......... again.
a.) for b.) in c.) into d.) through 
23.) The car went .......... full speed.
a.) with b.) for c.) to d.) at 
24.) He was .......... himself with rage.
a.) against b.) for c.) beside d.) with 
25.) Gas is made .......... coal.
a.) of b.) from c.) with d.) to 
26.) He suffers .......... headaches.
a.) from b.) with c.) in d.) by 
27.) Who .......... Richard would have said such a thing?
a.) but b.) by c.) with d.) in addition of 
28.) He was .......... himself with joy.
a.) to b.) beside c.) in d.) of 
29.) His ideas are all .......... the times.
a.) like b.) behind c.) but d.) except 
30.) I shall wait .......... you.
a.) about b.) by c.) to d.) for 
31.) What do you think .......... this sonata of Beethoven?
a.) of b.) to c.) with d.) from 
32.) If you earn a good salary, you can be independent .......... your parents.
a.) for b.) to c.) of d.) by 
33.) Ottawa is .......... Canada.
a.) with b.) on c.) to d.) in 
34.) A bird .......... the hand is worth two .......... the bush.
a.) on - on b.) on - in c.) in - in d.) in - on 
35.) There are many others .......... me who disagree on what you say.
a.) with b.) besides c.) to d.) as 
36.) When were you released .......... prison?
a.) at b.) into c.) from d.) out of 
37.) Who is not for me is .......... me.
a.) towards b.) against c.) with d.) along 
38.) There's nothing .......... exercises for making you warm.
a.) like b.) in c.) for d.) about 
39.) I have not done my exercise .......... now.
a.) till b.) since c.) for d.) at 
40.) These facts may be familiar .......... you.
a.) with b.) about c.) to d.) into 
41.) .......... the most part, his explanations are quite easy to understand.
a.) For b.) Through c.) With d.) Toward 
42.) He put the book .......... the take and sat down .......... a chair.
a.) on - in b.) on - with c.) on - on d.) on - into 
43.) He walked .......... the room .......... which we were sitting.
a.) in - in b.) in - for c.) into - in d.) into - from 
44.) The doctor cured me .......... my illness.
a.) for b.) of c.) with d.) at 
45.) What do you know .......... him?
a.) to b.) about c.) with d.) for 
46.) .......... all my care, it was broken.
a.) Before b.) After c.) To d.) With 
47.) Life is just one trouble .......... another.
a.) to b.) for c.) after d.) against 
48.) Did Mr. Kennedy park his car .......... front .......... our house?
a.) at - of b.) in - to c.) with - to d.) in - of 
49.) Did they ask .......... me?
a.) at b.) to c.) before d.) after 
50.) An accident has happened .......... that family.
a.) to b.) with c.) against d.) for 
51.) It looks better .......... a distance.
a.) to b.) for c.) at d.) but 
52.) She was engaged .......... him for ten months before they got married.
a.) to b.) with c.) for d.) by 
53.) What did Mr. Brown die ..........?
a.) with b.) by c.) in d.) of 
54.) She took me .......... my brother.
a.) by b.) for c.) to d.) with 
55.) It is .......... three o'clock; it is nearly a quarter past three.
a.) about b.) at c.) past d.) around 
56.) She gave some advice .......... her brother.
a.) to b.) for c.) with d.) all are correct 
57.) He was brought .......... the judge.
a.) to b.) with c.) before d.) for 
58.) The government must care .......... the families of invalid soldiers.
a.) about b.) for c.) to d.) at 
59.) They like to sit .......... the fire.
a.) by b.) on c.) for d.) with 
60.) I cannot do it .......... you.
a.) as b.) like c.) by d.) through 
61.) .......... one enemy he has 50 friends.
a.) With b c.) For d.) Through 
62.) Mary married a wealthy man. She got married .......... him last June.
a.) by b.) for c.) about d.) to 
63.) There were ..........100 people at the meeting.
a.) up b.) on c.) upon d.) above 
64.) William is big .......... his age.
a.) with b.) for c.) by d.) through 
65.) The god jumped .......... the table.
a.) through b.) over c.) out of d.) past 
66.) He didn't dare to say it .......... my face.
a.) on b.) with c.) in d.) to 
67.) .......... general, that is true. However, there are many exceptions.
a.) On b.) In c.) By d.) Through 
68.) Can you recommend me a good book .......... life in the sixteenth century?
a.) of b.) about c.) in d.) from 
69.) He is a friend .......... mine.
a.) with b.) in c.) of d.) to 
70.) He is a man .......... action.
a.) of b.) with c.) for d.) about 
71.) The dog ran .......... the house.
a.) into b.) in c.) for d.) across 
72.) She was offended .......... my remark at the meeting yesterday.
a.) at b.) by c.) with d.) at and by are correct 
73.) That car costs .......... $2,000.
a.) for b.) above c.) at d.) all are correct 
74.) He is looking .......... his glasses.
a.) after b.) for c.) into d.) by 
75.) He read that .......... a book.
a.) at b.) from c.) to d.) in 
76.) Someone left a box in the garden and I fell .......... it in the dark.
a.) into b.) by c.) off d.) over 
77.) Let's drink .......... his success.
a.) in b.) to c.) into d.) for 
78.) Shut the door .......... you.
a.) for b.) after c.) with d.) into 
79.) He turned his back .......... her.
a.) beside b.) next to c.) by d.) on 
80.) He is a man .......... his forties.
a.) on b.) about c.) to d.) in 
81.) He is .......... royal blood.
a.) for b.) in c.) of d.) with 
82.) I don't think that I'm acquainted .......... him
a.) with b.) to c.) by d.) for 
83.) Professor Moore called my attention .......... that particular mistake.
a.) about b.) with c.) by d.) to 
84.) Share these sweets .......... the five children and see that each one gets a fair share
a.) to b.) between c.) for d.) among 
85.) I'll try to pay you the money the week .......... next.
a.) before b.) for c.) after d.) no preposition needed 
86.) Bien Hoa is secured .......... floods.
a.) by b.) to c.) from d.) for 
87.) She saw a butterfly .......... the window.
a.) across b.) in c.) into d.) through 
88.) They live .......... rice.
a.) with b.) on c.) by d.) for 
89.) Stand .......... front of me you will see better; there will be nothing .......... the way of your view.
a.) at - in b.) in - of c.) in - in d.) in - at 
90.) He aimed .......... the tiger.
a.) for b.) at c.) with d.) to 
91.) In boxing it is a foul to hit .......... the belt.
a.) above b.) over c.) below d.) down 
92.) You must settle the matter .......... yourselves.
a.) with b.) in c.) into d.) among 
93.) He spoke .......... a whisper.
a.) in b.) into c.) like d.) with 
94.) He was ill .......... fever.
a.) to b.) in c.) with d.) for 
95.) I came on Monday at ten o'clock .......... the morning.
a.) from b.) in c.) at d.) for 
96.) I took him .......... the hand.
a.) with b.) at c.) by d.) to 
97.) He made himself pleasant .......... visitors.
a.) with b.) by c.) to d.) for 
98.) He stayed home .......... the rain.
a.) because b.) because of c.) for d.) against 
99.) I really respect that man .......... his honesty.
a.) by b.) about c.) with d.) for 
100.) There is not much correspondence .......... his ideal and mine.
a.) in b.) among c.) between d.) at 
Bài 2: Chọn giới từ thích hợp:
1) Cheques are useful (with/to/for/on) travellers.
2) Are you successful (on/in/at/to) your experiment?
3) She got back safe (for/from/with/to) her adventure.
4) It was very lucky (to/for/of/with) me that my bag was found.
5) He seems friendly (on/to/for/about) everyone in the village.
6) She was sad (about/for/with/to) my refusal.
7) Quang Linh is popular (with/for/to/in) folk songs.
8) The student is quick (with/at/on/to) understanding what the teacher explains.
9) The story is very pleasant (to/with/for/in) us.
10) He is very kind (to/of/with/for) me.
11) I’m capable (of/with/for/to) speaking two languages.
12) She is never late (to/for/with/from) work.
13) It was very nice (to/of/in/for) him to give me a lift.
14) Yesterday Nga was absent (with/from/to/for) class because she was ill.
15) Contrary (to/with/for/about) his doctor’s orders, he has gone back to work.
16) Don’t worry (about/with/to/for) the money! I’ll lend you.
17) They have been waiting (for/with/to/at) the bus for half an hour.
18) Why don’t you ask (with/to/for/on) a pay increase?
19) He took advantage (of/in/about/for) this opportunity to explain why he had done that.
20) The weeks went slowly (by/with/of/for).
21) You have to move this box to make room (for/to/about/with) the new television set.
22) Nowadays we rely increasingly (on/in/at/to) computers to regulate the flow of traffic in the town.
23) Translate these sentences (for/into/with/of) English.
24) Have you taken notice (to/for/of/with) the sign “No Smoking”?
25) Ken prefers Chinese food (about/to/over/with) French food.
26) Don’t shout (to/at/with/for) the child when he makes a mistake.
27) Last Sunday I was invited (to/on/in/at) his wedding party.
28) I have been looking (after/for/into/at) my dog for 

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