Key-Word transformation - Destination C1-C2 (3)

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Key-Word transformation - Destination C1-C2 (3)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a simi-ar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given.
Exercise 1. 
1. The red shoes are slightly more expensive than the green ones. 	 quite
 The green shoes...................................................... the red ones.
2. Richard is much more committed to the project than Grant seems to be. like
 Grant seems to be ..................................................... to the project.
3. If you argue about it more, we’ll get to Denver later, 	 the
 The...................................................................we’ll get to Denver.
4. My new MP3 player was twice the price of yours. 	 expensive
 Your MP3 player w as.......................................... mine.
5. England is much bigger than Wales, 	 nowhere
 Wales.................................................................. England.
6. Derek is quite a bit more adventurous than his sister, Annabelle. 	 nearly
 Annabelle................................................. her brother, Derek.
7. Bigger cities have higher crime rates, 	 the
 The...................................................................the crime rate.
8. Their first album was considerably more successful than their second.	 near
 Their second album............................................. their first
Exercise 2. 
1. Despite having looked for it everywhere, Donald never found his contact lens. he
 Even........................ for it everywhere, Donald never found his contact lens.
2. The stadium won’t be ready for the Olympics whether they start building tomorrow or not. 	even
 The stadium won't be ready for the Olympics............................ building tomorrow.
3. The electricians are on strike but the BBC is still broadcasting. 	spite
 The BBC is still broadcasting.................................the electricians are on strike.
4. Although no one gave us an invitation, we were still able to get into the club. given
 We were still able to get into the club in ................................. an invitation.
5. Doris couldn't finish the crossword despite really trying hard. 	might
 Try ....................................................., Doris couldn't finish the crossword.
6. Although Sarah shouted loudly, she wasn't able to get the audience to pay attention.
 However....................., Sarah wasn’t able to get the audience to pay attention.
7. I couldn't persuade Tim in spite ot my begging him to come with us. 	as
 Much......................................., I couldn't persuade Tim to come with us.
8. Despite our being late, we didn't think for a second we wouldn’t make it on time. 
 Late................................, we didn't think for a second we wouldn't make it on time.
Exercise 3. 
1 Spending two weeks in hospital was very different from lying on the beach! cry
 Spending two weeks in hospital was................................lying on the beach!
2. The medicine should start working soon.	benefits
 You should.................................................................. soon.
3. I just did what the sergeant ordered me to do, sir. 	acting
 I ..................................................................., sir.
4. I had no idea everyone would react so violently to my suggestion. 	cause
 I had no idea I .............................................. by suggesting that.
5. Don't you think you should be a bit more respectful to them, Edward? 	treat
 Don’t you think you should.................................................. , Edward?
6. Alan’s got food poisoning.	taken
 Alan......................................................... food poisoning.
Exercise 4. 
1. That’s the impressionist the audience didn’t like. 	badly
 That’s the impressionist.................................. the audience.
2. He was arrested when they caught him driving a stolen vehicle. 	act
 Being........................................a stolen vehicle, he was arrested.
3. Where we live now is nothing like Coventry city centre, where we used to live. cry
 Where we live now is ..........................Coventry city centre, where we used to live.
4. The price of prescriptions will increase tomorrow. 	effect
 The price of prescriptions will increase.............................. tomorrow.
5. I can’t understand why anyone would want to commit suicide, can you? 	own
 I can’t understand why anyone would want to ....................., can you?
6. You’re going to enjoy tonight! 	treat
 You’re ....................................tonight!
7. Honestly, it was impossible not to laugh when Mrs Harrison slipped in the corridor, 
 Honestly,...................... was impossible when Mrs Harrison slipped in the corridor.
8. The parents of that girl are furious about her expulsion. 	arms
 That's the g irl................................... about her expulsion.
Exercise 5. 
1. I had to clear the spare room before I could start decorating. 	cleared
 Only when.................................................................. start decorating.
2. The phone rang again as soon as I put it down. 	had
 Hardly.................................................................. it rang again.
3. The Watsons moved to London and very soon after they decided to get divorced. had
 No sooner............................................. they decided to get divorced.
4. I had no idea the manager wanted to see me to tire me. 	realise
 Little.................................................. the manager wanted to see me to fire me.
5. I was told about the website by Charlie. 	who
 It ............................................ me about the website.
6. Buying a plane ticket at tne last minute isn’t often possible. 	 to
 Rarely............................................... a plane ticket at the last minute.
7. They didn’t asK me anything about my plans for the summer. 	 question
 Not.................................................. about my plans for the summer.
8. There is no situation in which we will allow the management to lower wages. no
 Under............................................. the management to lower wages.
Exercise 6. 
1. I’d like to remind you that there are no circumstances in which employees are allowed to leave early. 	 under
 I’d like to rerrvnd you that...............employees allowed to leave early.
2. I wouldn’t confront the manager if I were you. 	 horns
 I wouldn’t ...................................the manager if I were you.
3. Passengers can only ooard the plane when all bags have been checked. 	 after
 Only..........................................................board the plane.
4. The website woulan’t ailow me to access certain pages. 	 denied
 The website .................................................certain pages.
5. The kids dived straight into the pool when we arrived. 	 had
 No .............................................. the k.ds dived into the pool.
6. A reliable source told me that the local newspaper is going to shut down. authority
 I .......................................that the local newspaper is going to shut down.
7. There was so much concern about the situation that the police were called. so
 The police were called,........................................ there.
8. Why do you think you are allowed to criticise me like that? 	 gives
 What do you criticise me like that?
Exercise 7. 
1. There’s not that much difference between irony and sarcasm.	line
 There’s ..................................................... between irony and sarcasm.
2. I sincerely promise you that I'm telling you the truth.	bottom
 I promise yo u ............................................that I’m telling you the truth.
3. As far as I know, no one’s talking about you behind your back. 	best
 To.................................., no one’s talking about you behind your back.
4. Maybe I didn’t explain exactly what I mean - our relationship is over! 	clear
 Maybe I didn't.............................................. - our relationship is over!
5. I’m finding it difficult to cope with all the work I have to do. 	top
 All the work I have to do ................................................. me.
6. I don’t feel guilty at all, Mary.	clear
 I ............................................... , Mary.
7. Our detectives are determined to find out exactly what happened in this case. bottom
 Our detectives are determined to................................................ this case.
8. I’m afraid your grandmother got worse during the night. 	turn
 I’m afraid your grandmother............................ during the night.
Exercise 8. 
1. After working for six hours, I finally managed to finish the report. 	in
 I finally.................................... the report after working for six hours.
2. Oscar is qualified to teach Russian because he has a degree in it. 	to
 Oscar’s Russian degree................................... the language.
3. I couldn’t believe it when they suggested that I should speak to the head teacher about the problem. 	 nominated
 I couldn’t believe it when they....................... to the head teacher about the problem.
4. I shared a bedroom with my brothers when I was young and I quite liked it. like
 I used..................................... a bedroom with my brothers when I was young.
5 Tim resolved that he would stay out of trouble when he left prson. 	to
 On being released from prison, Tim resolved........................ trouble again.
6. Are you sorry that you invited Liam to join us on the trip? 	regret
 Do .................................................. Liam to join us on the trip?
7. The arrangement is that you are staying with Mr and Mrs Andrews. 	for
 We......................................................... with Mr and Mrs Andrews.
8. What was your inspiration for creating such a fantastic character in your new novel? to
What.................................................. such a fantastic character in your new novel?
Exercise 9. 
1. Austin and his father are very similar, aren’t they? 	 after
 Austin....................................................................., doesn’t he?
2. I realised that I was standing outside the house I was looking for. 	 myself
 I .................................................................... outside the house I was looking for.
3. I was surprised Sarah couldn’t do the maths problem because it was very easy. play
 The maths problem............................, and I was surprised Sarah couldn’t do it.
4. Chris's interests are completely different from mine. 	 common
 I don’t ...................................................................Chris.
5. I can spend more time with my grandchildren when I retire. 	 free
 Retirement ............................... more time with my grandchildren.
6. When I met my cousin from America for the first time, we really liked each other straight away. 	 house
 My cousin and I .............................................. when we first met.
7. Do you want to go to the cinema this evening? 	 like
 Do the cinema this evening?
8. I left my last job because I didn’t really agree with my manager's approach. eye
 I left my last job because I ...................................... with my manager.
Exercise 10. 
1 ‘Will you come with me to the concert next Thursday?' Andrea asked Gareth. go
 Andrea asked Gareth if the concert the following Thursday.
2 ‘Does the train get in at four o’clock?' asked Pete. 	whether
 Pete asked.................................................. at four o’clock.
3 ‘Have you been talking on the phone all evening, Tim?’ asked his dad. 	if
 Tim’s dad asked............................................ on the phone all evening.
4. ‘Are you all coming tomorrow?’ Fiona asked us. 	whether
5. ‘Doesn’t Jerry live near you anymore?’ asked Dominic. 	 me
 Dominic asked whether..................................... any more.
6. ‘Shall I send you an e-mail about it, Trevor?’ asked Kevin. 	 him
 Kevin e-mail about it.
7. ‘Shall I help you do the dishes, Carlo?' said Robert. 	offered
 Robert.........................................................the dishes.
8. ‘Do we really have to go to bed right now?’ Toby asked his parents. did
 Toby asked his parents.........................................go to bed right then.
To be continued
Núi Ngoc Lĩnh, Kontum, Việt Nam
Exercise 1.
1. are not quite as expensive as 2. nothing like as committed as Richard (is)
3. more you argue about it, the later 4. half as expensive as
5. is nowhere near as big as 6. isn’t nearly as adventurous as/ isn’t nearly so adventurous as
7. bigger the city, the higher 8 was nowhere near as successful a
Exercise 2.
1. though he (had) looked 2. even if they start 3. in spite of the fact (that)
4. spite of (our) not being given/ 5 as he might 6 loudly she might have shouted 
7. as I begged (him to) 8. though we were
Exercise 3.
1. a far cry from 2. feel the benefits of the memcine/see the benefits of the medicine
3. was just acting on the sergeant’s orders
4. would cause such a violent reaction 5. treat them with a bit more respect
Exercise 4.
1 who /that went down badly with / who /that was received badly by
2. caught in the act of driving 3. a far cry from 4. with effect from
5. take their own life 6. in for a treat 7. keeping a straight 
8. whose parents are up in arms
Exercise 5.
1. I had cleared the spare room could I 2. had I put the phone down when
3. had the Watsons moved to London than 4. did I realise (that)
5. was Charlie who told 6. is it possible to buy
7. one (single) question did they ask me/a (single) question did they ask me
8. no circumstances will we allow
Exercise 6.
1. under no circumstances are 2. lock horns with
3. after all bags have been checked can passengers 4. denied me access to
5. sooner had we arrived than 6. have it on good authority/got it on good authority
7. so much concern about the situation was 8. gives the right
Exercise 7.
1. a fine line 2. from the bottom of my heart 3. the best of my knowledge
4. make myself clear/make it clear/make (clear) exactly what I mean (clear)
5. is getting on top of 6. have (got) a (completely) clear conscience
7. get to the bottom of 8. took a turn for the worse
Exercise 8.
1. succeeded in finishing 2. qualifies him to teach 3 nominated me to speak 
4. to quite like sharing 5. not to get into/never to get into 6. you regret inviting 
7. have arranged for you to stay have made arrangements for you to stay 8. inspired you to create
Exercise 9.
1. takes after his father 2. found myself standing 3. was child’s play
4. have anything in common with / have much in common with /
 have any interests in common with 5. will free me (up) to spend 
6. got on like a house on fire 7. feel like going 8. didn’t really see eye to eye
Exercise 10.
1. he would go with her 2. whether the train got in
3. (him) if he’d been talking 4. us whether we were all coming the following (/next) /
 us whether we were all going the following (/next)
5. Jerry lived near me/Jerry lives near me 6. Trevor if (/whether) he should send him 
7. offered to (help Carlo) do 8. if (/whether) they really did have to

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