Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 - Family - Tuần 23

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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 - Family - Tuần 23
( Tuần 23) (28/01 -01/02/2013)
 ( Giáo trình anh văn 4 tiết/tuần)
SEMESTER 1 – Unit 6 – Lesson 6 - Period 89
Lesson 6 – Listening Objectives: - Asking and answering questions, Listening and speaking skills
Topic – Language target
Resources and Teaching Aids
Key Activities 
Listening – Speaking 
Family members
Roll again
Miss a turn
Go back (3) spaces
Go forward (2) spaces
Who’s this?
Teaching Aids:
- My family flashcards 62-67
- CD track 71
- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: My family board game
- Dice and counters
aPlay Musical Cards. Model the activity first. Then play the song from lesson 6. Hand the unit flashcards out to different children around the class. They pass the cards to children next to them while the music is playing. Stop the music suddenly and ask the children holding the cards, Who is this? The children stand up and say for example, This is my sister. Play the music again and repeat the activity.
aRecording 71: Children do exercise 1, listening and numbering the pictures.
aExercise 2: Model the activity first with a strong student. Ask the child Who’s this? The child answers, for example, It’s Oli’s dad. Children then ask and answer using the target structures with their partner. Swap and do the activity again with a different partner.
aPunctuation: Ask children to do the Writing box at the bottom of p.47. They circle the question marks and underline the sentences. Copy the sentences onto the board and ask individual students to come to the front and underline the sentences and circle the question marks.
aPunctuation extension: Ask children to choose three of the sentences from the reading text on p.46 and circle the question marks and underline the sentences. Then ask their partner to check their answer.
aBoard game: Give each group of 4-6 children a copy of the board game. (Either in colour or in black and white). They move around the board, saying the family members as they land on the squares with pictures of people. The winner is the first child to reach the finish square.
SEMESTER 1 – Unit 6 – Lesson 6 - Period 90
Lesson 6 – Listening Objectives: - Identifying ownership, Speaking and writing skills
Topic – Language target
Resources and Teaching Aids
Key Activities 
Speaking - Writing
Family members
This is my
This is
Teaching Aids:
- PMB p.23 Values worksheet
- Extra Practical Classroom Activities: Spelling Quiz
aSpelling quiz: Put students into groups of four and give each group a spelling quiz worksheet. Tell children they cannot open their Class Books or Workbooks, and to think of a team name. Make one child the person responsible for writing the words, but make sure they understand they all must help to spell. Read the words on the second page (only for the teacher) one by one and students write the words. Tell each group to swap their worksheets with another group. Check the spelling as a class by asking volunteers to write the words on the board. 
aExercise 1: Children do exercise 1, tracing the question marks and drawing more. 
aExercise 2: Students unscramble the words to make sentences, including question marks and capital letters. Ask 5 students to come and write the sentences on the board and check for accuracy together with the class.
aExercise 3: Children choose 4 family members and write what they have got. They then draw and write about their things using the word prompts to help them. Ask some individual children to stand up and read out their sentences. 
aValues: Give a copy of the Values worksheet to each student. Ask them to follow the instructions and draw the appropriate sad or smiley face next to each picture.. Ask children to draw a picture of themselves and their family and to label the different members. Then put students in small groups and they can show their pictures and talk about their families.
SEMESTER 1 – Review 2 - Period 91
 Review Objectives: - Reviewing target language and structures, Reading and writing skills
Topic – Language target
Resources and Teaching Aids
Key Activities 
Reading – Writing
Recycled vocabulary from Starter Unit to end of Unit 6
WORKBOOK p.46 & 47
Teaching Aids:
- All flashcards from first seven units
aPlay Order the letters. Show the class a flashcard and elicit the word. Hide the card. Write the jumbled-up letters of that word on the board, followed by the correct number of lines for the number of letters. Call children to come to the board to write one letter at a time to complete the word. Repeat with different vocabulary from the flashcards.
aReview activities: Photocopy and cut up the activities on p.46 & 47 of the Workbook. Have a copy of each exercise for each group of 4 children. Put children into groups of four. Hand out exercise 1 and give students 3 minutes to complete the activity together. When completed, ask them to pass their worksheet to another group of children to correct. Check the answers together as a class. The children then pass it back to the original group. Do this with all six exercises, children completing them in groups one at a time and correcting each other’s.
aPlay Pictionary. Model the activity first, drawing an object on the board, slowly, asking students to guess what the animal is. Then ask one student to come to the front of the class. Whisper an object to them and tell them to draw it on the board. They draw and the rest of the children in the class guess what it is. The first child to guess correctly comes to the front and draws the next word you whisper.
SEMESTER 1 – Review 2 - Period 92
Review Objectives: - Reviewing target language and structures, Reading and writing skills
Topic – Language target
Resources and Teaching Aids
Key Activities 
Reading – Writing
Recycled vocabulary from Starter Unit to end of Unit 6
CLASS BOOK p.48 & 49
Teaching Aids:
- All flashcards from first seven units
aPlay a miming game with selected vocabulary. Show a number of flashcards to revise the words. Mime once to demonstrate the activity and ask students to guess the word. Put all the flashcards you have chosen (up to 20) on the board. Divide the class into groups of four. Give each child in the group a number. Tell number ones to choose a word and to keep it secret. They then mime the word to their group. The student who guesses it firsts gets a point. Then number twos do the same thing and so on. 
aReview activities: Tell children they have 15 minutes to complete all the exercises, working in pairs. When they have finished they can change their books with another pair and correct each other’s as you check the answers with the whole class.
aGame: Play Bingo. Elicit as many words from all the units studied so far as possible (showing flashcards to remind students if necessary) and write up approximately 20 on the board. Ask children to draw a bingo grid in their notebooks, a square with nine boxes, three across and three down. Ask them to choose nine words and write one word in each box. Either read out the words, spell them or even describe what they are in order for children to listen and cross it off if they have it in their grid. The first child to have three words across, down or diagonally calls out Bingo! They are the winner if the words are correct.

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • docFamily T23.doc