Giáo án buổi 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Global Success) - The Present sinple and the present continuous - Năm học 2023-2024

I. Objective:


A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Remember  their knowledge in unit 1.


Do some excercises.


B. Knowledge:


 Vocabulary:  School things and activities.


 Pronunciation: Sounds /u  / and / /


 Grammar:  The Present sinple and the present continuous


 Verbs(study, have, do, play) + Noun


 Communication: Talking about and describing a school.


 Talking about and describing school activities.


 II.  Procedures




 I. The present simple :


 1. Form:


 +) I / We / You / They  + V (work / study)


 Yes, He/ She/ It + V-s/ V-es (works / studies)


 - )  I / We / You / They + don’t(do not) + V


 He / She / It  + doesn’t (does not) + V


 ? ) Do + I / We / You / They  + V (work / study) ?


 Yes, I / We / You / They  + do


 No,  I / We / You / They  + don’t


 Does + He / She / It  + V-s/ V-es (works / studies) ?


 Yes, He / She / It  + does.


 No, He / She / It  + doesn’t


2. Use: the main use of the simple present tense is to experss routine or habitual actions. It is often used with adverbs or adverb phrases such as: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never, every , on (Mondays), once, twice, three times (a day/week/month )

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Giáo án buổi 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Global Success) - The Present sinple and the present continuous - Năm học 2023-2024
 Date of teaching : 202. Week; period;
The Present sinple and the present continuous
I. Objective:
A. Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to Remember their knowledge in unit 1.
Do some excercises.
B. Knowledge:
 Vocabulary: School things and activities.
 Pronunciation: Sounds /u / and / /
 Grammar: The Present sinple and the present continuous
 Verbs(study, have, do, play) + Noun
 Communication: Talking about and describing a school.
 Talking about and describing school activities.
 II. Procedures 
 I. The present simple :
 1. Form:
 +) I / We / You / They + V (work / study)
 Yes, He/ She/ It + V-s/ V-es (works / studies)
 - ) I / We / You / They + don’t(do not) + V
 He / She / It + doesn’t (does not) + V
 ? ) Do + I / We / You / They + V (work / study) ?
 Yes, I / We / You / They + do
 No, I / We / You / They + don’t
 Does + He / She / It + V-s/ V-es (works / studies)?
 Yes, He / She / It + does.
 No, He / She / It + doesn’t
2. Use: the main use of the simple present tense is to experss routine or habitual actions. It is often used with adverbs or adverb phrases such as: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never, every, on (Mondays), once, twice, three times (a day/week/month)
II. The present continuous:
1. Form:
 +) S + tobe(am/is/are) + V-ing
 - ) S + tobe + not(‘m not/isn’t/aren’t) + V-ing
 ?) Tobe + S + V-ing?
 Yes, S + tobe(am/is/are).
 No, S + tobe + not(‘m not/isn’t/aren’t)
2. Use: To talk about actions are happening now or around now
 To expess a definite arrangement in the near future (one’s immidiate plans)
Adverbs: now, at the moment, at present
Verbs: Look! Watch! / Listen! / Be (careful/quiet)! 
Answer questions with “Where”
- Ss practice test.
- T checks.
- T helps Ss consolidate the knowledge.
Practice Test 1
I. Find the word which has a different sound in the past underlined. Say the words aloud.
A. funny
B. lunch
C. sun
D. computer
A. photo
B. going
C. brother
D. home
A. school
B. teaching
C. chess
D. chalk
A. cold
B. volleyball
C. telephone
D. open
A. meat
B. reading
C. bread
D. seat
II. Give the names of the following( the first letter of each word is given. Read the words aloud. 
Key: 1. compass 2. colour 3. judo 4. rose 5. post office
III. Match the questions (A) and the answers (B).

1. What are you watching?
2. What kind of programmes do watch?
3. Where are you going?
4. Where does she live?
5. Who are you talking about?
6. How often do you ride your bicycle to 
a. I like programmes about History.
b. To my friend’s house.
c. Every day.
d. I’m watching cartoon.
e. A friend from school.
f. 214 Nguyen Hue Street.

 1. ___d___ 2.__a____ 3. ___b___ 4. ___f___ 5. __e____ 6. __c____
IV. Find one odd word A, B, C or D. Then read them aloud.
A. nurse
B. father
C. teacher
D. engineer
A. studying
B. singing
C. morning
D. listening
A. notebook
B. compass
C. schoolbag
D. basketball
A. English
B. Viet Nam
C. maths
D. geography
A. canteen
B. library
C. classroom
D. bedroom
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. D
V. What are these things? Write the word in the spaces.
1. It is a long seat for two or more students to sit on in the classroom. _____________
2. They have different colours. You draw and colour with them. 	_____________
3. It has two wheels. Many students ride it to school. _____________
4. It has many letters and words. You use it to lool up new words. _____________
5. It is a small book of blank paper for writing notes in. _____________
6. They are 32 pieces used in the game of chess. You use them in playing chess _______
7. It ia a room at your school where there are books, newspapers, ect. For you to read, study or borrow. You can read books or study there. _____________
8. It is a large picture printed on paper and you put it on a wall as dicoration. __________
1. a bench
2. colour pencils
3. a bicycle
4. a dictionary
5. a notebook
6. chessmen
7. a library
8. a poster

VI. Add at least two more words to the following groups.
Seasons: spring, summer, ___autumn, winter
School subjects: physics, maths, ___ history, literature, geography, biology
School things: pens, pencils, ___ruler, compass, rubber, 
Sports and games: football, judo, ___badminton, table tennis, basketball
Languages: English, Vietnamese, ___Chinese, Japanish, 
B. Grammar
I. Complete the sentences with the –ing form of the verbs.
Example: Come to my house Minh. We are listening to music. (listen)
1. Look! The dog ________________________ in the river. (swim)
2. She ________________________ her holiday with her family. (enjoy)
3. Listen! Someone ________________________ at the door. (knock) 
4. Be quiet! We ________________________ in the library. (study)
5. Lan ________________________ her homework. (do)
6. They ________________________ TV at home. (watch)
7. My grandfather ________________________ newspaper. (read)
8. The boys ________________________ football in the yard. (play)
Key: 1. is swimming 2. is enjoying 3. is knocking 4. are studying 
 5. is doing 6. are watching 7. is reading 8. are playing
II. Complete the sentences with the Present simple or the Present continuous form of 
the verbs.
1. They often (visit) ___________________ their parents in the holidays.
2. We (speak) ___________________ French at the moment.
3. I (watch) ___________________ TV about 3 hours a day.
4. My family usually (go) ___________________ to the movies on Sunday.
5. Look at the girl! She (ride) ___________________ a horse.
6. We (play) ___________________ tennis now.
7. Minh sometimes (practice) ___________________ the guitar in his room.
8. ___________________ you (like) ___________________ chocolate ice cream?
9. I really (like) ___________________ cooking.
10. Hung can’t answer the phone because he (take) ___________________ a 
1. visit
2. are speaking
3. watch
4. go
5. is riding
6. are playing
7. pratices
8. Do - like
9. like
10. is taking

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