Đề thi thử số 3 môn Tiếng Anh (Có đáp án)

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Đề thi thử số 3 môn Tiếng Anh (Có đáp án)
 Trung tâm II: 269 Trường Chinh – Thanh Khê * Tel 01683128857
 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH 
 Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (không tính thời gian giao đề) 
 Đề thi có 03 trang. Thí sinh làm bài trên đề thi.
Họ, tên thí sinh: ........................................................... Số báo danh: ....
Sinh ngày:  /.. / Học sinh trường THCS : ...
 I. Circle the letter A, B, C or D that indicates the best answer to each question. (2.0 pts)
I couldn't concentrate on my lesson _______ I was very tense.
A.although 	 B.so that	C.why	D.because
The police are now looking for two young man______ were seen running out of the store.
A. which	B. they	C. whom	D.who
She’s sorry she can’t play the piano. She wishes she _____ play the piano.
	A. are	B. were	C. could 	D. can 
Her parents asked her ________ she wanted to be a teacher or receptionist in the future. 	
	A. what	B. if	C. whether	D. that
It’s very _______ of you to say so.
A. kind	B. kindness	C. kindly	D. kindful 
Can you tell me who ______ this kind of machine?
A. to invent 	B. invent 	C. invention 	D. invented
We ________ not to go out when it was raining hard.
 	A. decided	B. let	C. suggested	D. made
If you like, I can _________ flowers on the cushion covers for you.
A. grow 	B. make	C. embroider 	D. knit
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
	A. fields	B. insects	C. frogs	D. villagers
This room hasn’t been used for ages, ________?
 	A. has it	B. hasn’t it	C. does it	D. dosen’t it
It is important that students develop an awareness _____ how the Internet should be done. 
	A. for	B. in	C. on	D. of	
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern. 	
A. design	B. mention	C. prefer	D. inspire	
________ cups of coffee have you drink every day?
A. How far	B. How many 	C. How often	D. How much
What time does your mother usually ______ in the morning?
A. get up	B. go on 	C. get on	D. look after 
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
	A. meaning	B. reason	C. feature	D. pleasant
“Would you mind turning down the TV? I’m working!”   “____________________.”        
	A. Yes, I’m working, too.          	B. Thank you. I’m pleased. 
	C. Not at all. I’ll do it now.	D. No, I wouldn’t be working.
II. Complete the text below. Put the verbs given in the correct tense and voice. (active or passive) (1pt) 
 In recent years, scientists (1) ________________________ (discover) many stars that have planets orbiting around them. There (2) _______________ (be) probably many more out there yet to be discovered. Chances are, at least some of these stars might have planets like Earth. The Kepler telescope, (3) ____________________ (launch) in 2009, is looking for planets like Earth. So far more than 2,700 planets (4) _______________________ (find) . A few of them are similar to Earth. 
III. Read the advertisement and the email. Fill in the information in Sophie’s notes. Write your answers in the box provided (1.5 pts)
My mum wants David Fox’s latest book for her birthday. Can you get it from the bookshop near you because it’s cheaper there? Her birthday is on June 11, so I need it on June 10 please. If there’s a problem, call me at the office on 786 861. My new mobile number is 07920 3449.
 Just arrived! 
“Better Photos”, by David Fox, 
writer of last year;s best – selling book 
“Learn Photography”
Usual price - £ 15.00
Buy here for £ 12.50
“This book’s great !” – said fashion photographer Jonny Clarke.
Name of bookshop: (1) 
Name of book to buy: (2) 
Price I’ll pay: (3) 
Writer of book: (4) 
Ben’s work number: (5) .
Date Ben wants the book: (6) ..
IV. There is ONE mistake in each sentence. Pick it out and correct it. (1.0 pt)
Example: Jane is listening for music on the radio.	 for à 	to
Peter felt very happily last night.	 	 	... à ..
He spend an hour draw this picture.	 	... à ..
Lan seldom playing computer games	... à ..
We do our test in 21st August. 	 	... à ..
V. Supply the correct form of the word in bold to complete each of the following sentences. (1.5 pts)
Can you ....................................... what this word means? 	 	 (explanation)
Our atmosphere is becoming more and more . (contaminate)
Many people think that Faraday is the greatest  in histoty.
Travelling by train is very .. .	 (attract)
Last night the singer sang very .. .	 (good) 
Jack is . of his essay on the Thames.	 (pride) 
VI. Read the following text and circle the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks. (1.5 pts) 	
	 Scotland is the north part of the island (1)  Great Britain. The Atlantic Ocean is on the west and the North Sea on the east. Some people in Scotland (2) .. a different language called Gaelic. There are about five (3) .. people in Scotland, and Edinburgh is its most famous city.
 Scotland has many mountains; the highest (4) . is called “Ben Nevis”. In the south of Scotland, there are a lot of (5) .. . A long time ago, there were many forests, but now there are only a few. Scotland is (6) . a small country, but it is quite beautiful. 
A. of	 B. in	C. for	D. at
A. spoke	 B. speak 	C. speaking	D. spoken
A. millions	 B. million of	C. million	D. millions of 
A. ones	 B. one	C. thing	D. things
A. sheep	 B. sheeps	C. sheepes	D. sheeping
A. also	 B. that	C. other	D. only
VII. Complete each of the following sentences so that it is closest in meaning to the original sentence. (1.5 pts) 	
“Why don’t you put a better lock on the door, Barry?”, said John.
John suggested .... .
Unless he phones immediately, he won’t get any information.
If he ....... .
Although he didn’t speak Dutch, Bob decided to settle in Amsterdam. 
In spite of ......... .
It is ages since Alex visited his parents.
Alex . ... . 
	 The End
 Trung tâm II: 269 Trường Chinh – Thanh Khê * Tel 01683128857
 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH 
 Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (không tính thời gian giao đề) 
Để thuận tiện trong việc chấm bài và tránh sai sót khi cộng điểm, các giám khảo chấm theo thang điểm 20. Điểm toàn bài quy về điểm 10 theo bảng quy đổi điểm đính kèm. 
I. Multiple choice: Mỗi câu 0,25 đ x 20 câu = 5.0 điểm. 
1. D
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A
11. D
12. B
13. B
14. A
15. D
16. C
II. Complete the text below. Put the verbs given in the correct tense and voice. (active or passive) (1pt) 
 1. have discovered	2. are	3. launched	4. have been found	 
 Ghi chú: Từ nào sai lỗi chính tả, không cho điểm từ đó. 
III. Read the advertisement and the email. Fill in the information in Sophie’s notes. Write your answers in the box provided (1.5 pts).
 1. Hill’s shop 	2. Better photos	3. £12.50
	4. David Fox	5. 786 861	6. 10th june
IV. There is ONE mistake in each sentence. Pick it out and correct it. (1.0 pt)
 	 1. happily	---- happy 	2. draw ----- drawing
	 3. playing	--- plays	4. in ---- on	
V. Supply the correct form of the word in bold to complete each of the following sentences. (1.5 pts)
	1. explain	2. contaminated	3. Inventor
	4. attracting	5. well	6. proud
VI. Multiple choice: Mỗi câu 0,5 đ x 6 câu = 3.0 điểm.
	1. A	2. B	3. C	4. B	5. A	6. D
 VII. Sentence transformation: Mỗi câu 0,75 đ x 4 câu = 3.0 điểm.
John suggested putting a better lock on the door.
If he doesn’t phone immediately, he won’t get any information.
In spite of not speaking Dutch, Bob decided to settle in Amsterdam.
Alex hasn’t visited his parents for ages. 

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