Đề thi khảo sát chất lượng các đội tuyển học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 8 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Đề số 851

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Đề thi khảo sát chất lượng các đội tuyển học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 8 - Năm học 2017-2018 - Đề số 851
Trường THCS..
ĐỀ SỐ 851
(Thời gian 90 phút)
I-A: Find the different sound of the underlined part in each line: (0,50 pt) 
1- flew new knew few newspaper 
2- south touch mount council cloudy 
3- tune unit compulsory usage musical 
4- church match check character chocolate
5- overlook good cooker bookish flood
I-B: Find the sounds to the underlined parts: (0,50 pt 
1- mixed walked stepped danced watched
2- houses nurses horses causes buses
3- breakfast death fear repeat appear 
4- peaceful nearly ocean ready pleasure
5- moutainous shouldn't touch tourist cough 
I-C: Odd one word out:( 0,50 pt) 
1- climate, depend, divide, impress, design
2- picnic, unique, fashion, poetry, subject, 
3- costly, income, remote, purpose, website, 
4- collection, pagoda, exchange, friendliness, religion
5- economic, inspiration, federation, intermediate, compulsory,
II-A: Put the verbs in brackets into correct tenses: (1,00 pt) 
1- I went to university in 2001 and (study)______ there for 5 years.
2- When I got there they (stand)______ in a queue for their tickets.
3- What you (do)______ when you finish your school? 
4-The article, which (print)______ , was very interesting.
5- Do you remember when our school (rebuild)______?
6- I felt really ill last week, and I (not eat)______ anything for 3 days. 
7- London, the capital of Great Britain (situate)______ on the Thames river. 
8- I moved from Birmingham 5 years ago, but I often (return)______ because I (miss)______ the people there.
9- People can go on (learn)______ until they (be)______ 80 or 90.
10- I (start)______ a new job a few days ago, before that I (be)______ out of work.
II-B: Supply the right forms of the words in brackets: (1,00 pt) 
1- I am disappointed about my students’ (care). 
2- Sir Hopkins was awarded an Oscar for his (perform). 
3- The crowd waited excitedly for the (arrive) of Princess Diana.
4- If we go on littering, the environment will become (serious) polluted.
5- Ba and his family had a two (day) trip to their home village. 
6- (Approximate) 700 million people speak English in the world today. 
7- Jeans became very popular, so many people began (wear) Jeans.
8- She received a lot of (encourage) from her parents and friends. 
9- How many hours a week do you spend (watch) TV?
10- This machine (automatic) turns off after 2 minutes not in use.
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III-A: Fill in the suitable words: (1,00 pt.) 
1- Mr. Johnson has learnt a lot (1a)______ Vietnam (1b)______ he arrived here.
2- His new book will probably be translated (2a)______ a number (2b)______ foreign languages.
3- I was given a new pair of Jeans (3a)______ the 15th birthday (3b)______ my parents.
4- There is a small bamboo forest (4a)______ the entrance (4b) the village.
5- She is a teacher (5a)______ English, so she is good (5b)______ it.
6- They took a bus to the countryside and walked for about 20 minutes (6a)______ the picnic site (6b)______ a river last Sunday.
7- When we finish class, we often talk (7a)______ a while (7b)______ going home. 
8- He felt tired and hungry, so he sat (8a)______ (8b)______ the tree and slept for some minutes. 
9- She hopes she can talk (9a)______ people (9b)______ all over the world and they can understand her favorite English songs. 
10- People go boating (10a)______ the Thames which is beautiful (10b)______ Summer.
III-B: Use the key words to fill in the blanks: (1,00 pt) 
 In order to reduce the (1)______ of energy (2)______, people have invented many (3)______ household appliances. They (4)______ use a (5)______ scheme to show (6)______ (7)______ energy each appliance can save, so that consumers know (8)______ to choose. Besides, they have also been (9)______ for other sources of energy (10)______ they can replace electricity. 
Key words: that, amount, used, energy-saving, also, much, labeling, how, what, searching
IV: Read the text and do the tasks.
 Solar energy is a long lasting source of energy, and it can be used almost everywhere. To generate solar energy, we only need solar cells and the sun. Solar energy can be easily installed on house roofs, so we do not need any new space. Compared with other renewable sources, they also possess many advantages: wind and water power rely on turbines which are noisy, expensive and which take up large space. Solar cells are totally silent and non-polluting. As they have no moving parts, they require little maintenance and have a long lifetime. 
IV-A: Define the words as the text meaning: (0,50 pt) 
1- generate (in the line 2).........................................................................................
2- possess (in the line 4) ..........................................................................................................................................
3- take up (in the line 5) . 
4- As (in the line 6) . 
5- they (in the line 6) . 
IV-Choose whether True (T) or False (F): (0,50 pt)
1- We can use solar energy almost everywhere.
2- To produce solar energy we only need a large space and the sun. 
3- We can take solar energy from solar cells which are on house roofs.
4- Solar energy has as many advantages as other renewable sources. 
5- Turbines require little maintenance and have a long lifetime. 
 IV- C: Answer the following questions: (0,50 pt) 
1- Isn’t solar energy a long lasting source of energy? ............................................................................................
2- What do you only need to produce solar energy? 
3- How many advantages do solar cells have and what are they?
4- Can solar cells be fixed on house roofs easily?
5- What is passage mainly about?
V-A: Using the words in brackets to rewrite sentences.
1- He is back from New York after three days there. (be to)
2- We enjoyed the fresh air in the countryside. We enjoyed the food there. (both)
3- My mother reminded me to write her a letter every week. (forget)
4- Learning English is not very difficult for us. (it)
5- All the arrangements for the journey have been made. (they)
V-B: Make up sentences. 
1- explained/ understood/ the/ teacher/ the/ lesson/ his/ students/ it/ until/
2- people/ I/ books/ like/ reading/ tell/ which/ culture/ about/ different/ and/ their/.
3- in/ many/ enjoy/ tourists/ much/ most/ festivals/ not/ Vietnam,/ though/ they/ do/ very/ understand/ Vietnamese/ culture/. 
4- life/ clear/ if/ happier/ we/ our/ environment/ and/ clean,/ we/ will/ keep/ have/ a/ and/ healthier/. 
5- you’ll/ unless/ you/ final/ harder,/ fail/ try/ the/ exam/.
6- ceremony,/ see/ we/ to/ wanted/ the/ opening/ we/ morning/ left/ home/ early/ so/ in/ the/.
7- lakes,/ don’t/ waste/ and/ throw/ into/ streams,/ rivers/ and/ even/ garbage/ oceans/.
8- football/ people/ many/ over/ the/ fond/ world/ of/ watching/ are/. 
9 - many/ in/ the/ university/ and/ wore/ college/ 1960s,/ students/ Jeans/. 
10- me/ could/ people/ you/ tell/ about/ what/ on/ usually/ do/ New Year’s day/? 
V- C: Rewrite the following sentences :(1,00 pt)
1- When opening the fridge, it smells very bad. 
2- Is there a part - time course on your school?
3- John Caster has been working a journalist for 15 years.
4- She asked me what was the name of my school?
5- It is 25 years since when we moved to Ha Noi. 
6- All of the students, he writes the most carefully. 
7- She did all the work by her own.
8- He is looking for a new word in a dictionary.
9- Please come to and see us – You are always welcome.
10- After leave school, I went to Ha Noi university in 1999. 
.V-D: Write a composition:(0,50 pt)
At school, which subject do you like best and why?.
_________THE END________

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  • docde_thi_khao_sat_chat_luong_cac_doi_tuyen_hoc_sinh_gioi_mon_t.doc