Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 19

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Đề thi chọn học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 19
ĐỀ 19
I. NGỮ ÂM (PHONOLOGY) (Pronunciation and stress pattern): (10 point) 
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 
1. A. designed 	B. reserved	C. deserve 	D. leisure 
2. A. procedure 	B. duration	C. durian 	D. duplicator 
3. A. commercial 	B. special	C. artificial 	D. recipient 
4. A. excursion 	B. surgeon 	C. surfing 	D. surveyor 
5. A. architecture 	B. characters 	C. chaos 	D. charitable
Choose the word that is stressed differently from the others in the list. 
1. A. windsurfing 	B. temperature 	C. synchronize 	D. procedure 
2. A. horizon 	B. defensive 	C. contestant 	D. industry 
3. A. spectator 	B. outstanding 	C. typical to 	D. intensive 
4. A. delegation 	B. energetic 	C. participant 	D. competition 
5. A. tsunami 	B. conference 	C. president 	D. agency
Choose the option that best completes the blank.
1. They soon ____ me although I had left 20 minutes before they did. 
A. caught up with 	B. get out with	C. heard from	D. came across 
2. The water company will have to cut off water supplies while repairs to the pipes are ____.
A. turned out 	B. carried out 	C. filled out 	D. put on
3. The accident had a(n) ____ effect on her.
A. extensive 	B. profound 	C . wide 	D. total 
4. It was his ____ belief that he could win. 
A. utter 	B. single	C. firm	D. hard 
5. I would like to thank everybody for their ____ support.
A. undiming 	B. complete 	C. unfailing 	D. deep 
6. Where's my bag? I ____ remember leaving it here. 
A. surely 	B. fully	C. distinctly 	D. totally 
7. The facilities at many schools today are still ____ inadequate.
A. sadly 	B. woefully 	C. regrettably 	D. grimly 
8. After leaving school, he tried to ____ a living as a door-to-door salesman.
A. gain 	B. win 	C. obtain 	D. earn 
9. She would make an excellent lawyer - she is conscientious and has a well ____ mind. 
A. trained 	B. intentioned 	C. built 	D. informed 
10. Dr Evans has _____ a valuable contribution to the life of the school. 
A. done 	B. made	C. caused 	D. created 
11. We've got some time to ____ before the meeting begins, so let's go for a stroll in the park.
A. kill 	B. destroy 	 	C . pass 	D. spend 
12. I've been ____ advised not to say anything.
A. strongly 	B. greatly 	C. seriously 	D. significantly
13. I forgot to ____ earlier that I'll be home late this evening.
A. announce 	B. mention 	C. relate 	D. narrate 
14. We were just having a friendly ____ about football.
A. chat	B. whisper 	C. gossip 	D. report 
15. My boss didn't say it in so many words, but she ____ that I would get a promotion. 
A. asserted 	B. clarified	C. declared	D. implied
16. It is difficult for me to ____ exactly what I mean in a foreign language.
A. express 	B. speak	C. pronounce 	D. address 
17. Jack ____ the map for several minutes, unable to believe his eyes. 
A. glanced 	B. stared 	C. gazed 	D. watched 
18. She ____ her daughter's boyfriend up and down, and then asked him in. 
A. watched 	B. observed	C. noticed 	D. eyed 
19. Would you like to ____ the house that is for sale this afternoon? 
A. observe 	B. view	C. regard 	D. overlook 
20. I ____ at my watch. It was already well after three. 
A. glanced 	B. faced	C. viewed 	D. checked
Read the passage and choose the best answer for each of the question below.
Passage 1
It has become an American tradition that those who attain great wealth return some of it to the public through philanthropy. An early example of this was the generosity of Amos Lawrence of Massachusetts, a wealthy merchant, who in the 1830's and afterwards contributed much money for famine relief in Ireland. He also donated generously to educational and other humanitarian causes. 
In the early years of the twentieth century several men who had amassed vast fortunes likewise became great philanthropists. Andrew Carnegie, an exceptionally energetic man, who had begun working twelve hours a day when he was only fourteen years old, became one of the world's richest men by pioneering in the steel industry. After his retirement in 1990 he devoted his time and his wealth to the establishment of free public libraries. He also set up foundations for medical research and for world peace. Carnegie's belief, as he expressed it in an essay, was that the wealthy person must 'consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds' which he 'is strictly bound as a matter of duty to administer in the manner...best calculated to produce the most beneficial results for the community - the man of wealth thus becoming the mere trustee and agent for his poorer brethren. 
John D. Rockefeller, who also began as a poor boy, became fabulously rich through oil refineries and other enterprises. In his old age, in the early 1900's, he began to donate millions for beneficial undertakings. The various Rockefeller foundations support research as well as humanitarian causes in the United States and in other parts of the world. Rockefeller funds are now fighting hunger through the so-called 'green revolution,' whereby new agricultural techniques have greatly multiplied the yield of food-crops in Mexico, India, Pakistan, and part of Africa.
1. How to become a philanthropist?
A. You must be very rich and know how to keep it. 
B. You are very rich and donate your money to humanitarian causes. 
C. You are a very rich and well-known merchant.
D. You are a very rich and well-known person in the steel industry. 
2. Who contributed much money for famine relief in Ireland? 
A. Amos Lawrence 	B. Massachusetts	C. Andrew Carnegie 	D. Rockefeller 
3. Who is very successful in the steel industry?
A. Amos Lawrence 	B. Massachusetts	C. Andrew Carnegie 	D. Rockefeller
4. The word “enterprises” in the last paragraph means: ____
A. projects 	B. companies 	C. organizations	D. industries 
5. The word “revenues” in the second paragraph means: ____
A. best things 	B. incomes 	C. fund	D. trust fund 
6. The word "brethren" in the second paragraph means: ____
A. men	B. people to 	C. brother 	D. bother
7. The word "yield” in the last paragraph means: ____
A. total areas 	B. total techniques 	C. total amount 	D. shout out
8. The word "green revolution" in the last paragraph are about ____.
A. a terrible fighting	B. a new technique 	C. an agricultural project	D. a major revolution 
9. Which activity is not mentioned in the passage?
A. Fighting in the United States and in other parts of the world. 
B. Setting up free public libraries. 
C. Supporting medical research.
D. Donating to educational and other humanitarian causes. 
10. Which of the following best sums up Carnegie's opinion?
A. A wealthy person should appreciate the fortune he has, earn more and more for his family and his business.
B. A wealthy person is a person who knows how to make benefits from his money for his family and his business. 
C. A wealthy person should be an honest person that people trust. 
D. A wealthy person has to keep and administer his money to produce most benefits for the community.
Passage 2
Amnesty International
Right now, somewhere in the world, someone is writing a letter. The letter is addressed to a president or king, a general, or the head of the police in another country. The letter is about someone the writer does not even know. The writer is an ordinary person who has never met a king or a general. 
The writer is a member of Amnesty International. This organization was started in 1961 to help people who are put in prison only because of their race, their religion, or their beliefs. They are not people who used violence or suggested that other people use violence. More than one million people all over the world are member of Amnesty International. 
In the main Amnesty International office in London, people gather information about prisoners in over 100 countries. They send this information to amnesty groups in more than 70 countries. Each group receives information about 2 prisoners from countries with different political systems. The members start writing letters.
A government that holds prisoners receives hundreds of letters. Each letter politely that the prisoners be freed. The government knows that the prisoners are not forgotten. The world cares about them.
Why do people take the time to write letters to help strangers? Members of Amnesty International know that their letters can be successful. They know this is a way to take direct action to help other human beings. The world knows this too. In 1977, Amnesty International received the Nobel Peace prize, one of the most important international prizes that any person or organization can win. It won the prize because thousands of ordinary people care enough about human rights to write letters. The Amnesty International candle, a sign of light and hope, shines all over the world.
1. Amnesty International letters are written by ____.
A. kings and generals 	B. ordinary people
C. important people in the government	D. lawyers and police
2. Amnesty International helps people ____.
A. who are in prison for their beliefs or race 	B. who used violence against the government 
C. who don't have families 	D. in 40 countries 
3. Each member writes ____.
A. hundreds of letters per month	B. reports printed in newspapers
C. letters to members of the government	D. to famous lawyers 
4. Members get their information about prisoners from ____.
A. famous lawyers 	B. the office in London
C. presidents and generals 	D. prisoners
5. Amnesty International won the Nobel Prize for ____.
A. history 	B. physics 	C. peace 	D. politeness
True or False
___________ 6. Amnesty International members write letters to all kinds of governments. 
___________ 7. Amnesty International is organized very well. 
___________ 8. Anyone can probably become a member of Amnesty International. 
___________ 9. Amnesty International has helped thousands of prisoners in London. 
___________ 10. Presidents like the letters from Amnesty International.
IV. Guided cloze test: (10 point) 
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space
In many schools in the world today children of all ages are encouraged, and (1) ____ forced in some cases, to take part in team sports. The (2) ____ philosophy is that team sports are not only good for the body but also that they build a child's character. This may well be true, but is the suggestion that team sports are the best way of developing a child's character actually true? Participation in a team sport, of course, usually involves a lot of (3) ____ training. Before important events children may have to train very hard in order to be (4) ____ and physically fit for the 'big day'. Without doubt, such rigorous training demands dedication
and self-sacrifice on the part of the child. However, there are other activities which also involve a high degree of (5) ____. Not to mention, non-team sports such as tennis or even activities like chess require equal preparation and discipline.
Team sports are also considered to be character-building, in that they encourage co-operation between individual team members (6) ____, the success or the failure of the team depends not so much on the individual skills of the players as on their ability to co-operate. This is valuable training for later life, of course, but team sports are not the only activities which encourage children to do this. Plays and concerts, for example, also encourage co-operation (7) ____ children.
Teachers frequently (8) ____ that team sports are about winning. They enhance the 'competitive spirit’ of the boys and girls who take part. It (9) ____ that non-team sports do the same. Whether this is character-building or not, however, is open to question. So many of the problems we face in society nowadays are the direct result of the 'me-first' attitude found in so many people. Shouldn't schools aim to teach children that there is much more to life than winning and being first? 
In conclusion, clearly team sports are one way of developing children's characters, but it would be wrong to consider them to be the best way (10) ____, we should encourage children to develop their characters and personalities in ways they themselves feel are best. 
1. A. in need 	B. indeed 	C. in the fact 	D. in case
2. A. underlined 	B. underline 	C. underlining 	D. underlying
3. A. body 	B. material 	C. physical 	D. physics
4. A. well-prepared 	B. well-repaired 	C. well-done 	D. well
5. A. perseverance 	B. persevere 	C. perseverence 	D. persevering
6. A. However 	B. Obviously 	C. But 	D. Than
7. A. between 	B. among 	C. in 	D. to 
8. A. point out 	B. point at 	C. pick up 	D. pick out
9. A. goes with saying 	B. goes saying	C. goes within saying 	D. goes without saying
10. A. However 	B. Instead 	C. But 	D. Then
I. Verb tenses/forms: (10 point) 
Use the correct tenses or forms of the given words 
Ask hundreds of people what they (1) ______________________ (do) on a certain day in August next year, or the year after, and there (2) ___________________ (be) only one reply. Provided of course that the people you (3) _________________ (ask) (4) __________________ (belong) to the Elvis Presley Fin Club. Although the King of Rock and Roll (5) _____________________ (die) nearly two decades ago, his fans (6) _______________________ (meet) every year since then outside his home in Memphis, Tennessee, (7) ___________________ (show) their respect for the single they (8) _______________ (love) so much. Fan like Jean Thomas, from Catford in South London. Jean (9) _____________________ (visit) Gracelands, the house where Elvis (10) __________________ (suffer) his fatal heart attack, twice in the past five years.
II. Prepositions and phrasal verbs: (10 point) 
Complete each of the following sentences with (a) suitable preposition(s) or particle(s) 
Petroleum is essential to the modern world. It is burned for energy (1) __________________ cars, homes, and factories. But the world supplies are being used (2) ________________very fast. Petroleum comes from plants that died millions of years ago. Would it be possible to take oil directly (3) ______________ living plants and use it instead of petroleum? Scientists have had success (4) ____________________ the jojoba plant. Now scientists think this process may be possible (5) _______________ a plant called euphorbia. Euphorbia grows wild in many areas of the world (6) ________________ jojoba, it can grow on poor land with only a little water. Several countries have experimental euphorbia farms, and scientists are developing plants from seeds gathered (7) _________________ different places. They think that when the plants are improved enough, they will be able to produce 65 barrels of oil per hectare per year. If the experiments are successful, euphorbia farms could provide about 10 percent (8) _________________ the petroleum needs in the United States. Even more important, developing countries could grow euphorbia (9) ______________ land that is too poor for anything else. Then they would not have to buy expensive petroleum (10) _________________________ their energy needs.
III. WORD FORMS: (10 point) 
Supply each blank with the correct form of the word given in the box. 
mere 	addict 	likely	vary 	digest 	retire resist	control 	treat	 circulate 
In today's health-conscious society, more and more attention is being paid to the benefits of exercise, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. People want to maintain their fitness throughout their lives and into a healthy _________________ (1). For some, a radical change to the habits of a lifetime is needed; others will (2) ______________ continue their present healthy lifestyle. 
To start with, habits which are harmful to health should be (3) ______________. Not only can cigarette smoking cause bronchial disease and lung cancer, but recent tests have shown that even passive smoking can cause lung cancer. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause liver disease, and alcohol is also
(4) _______________: it is better to limit oneself to a 'safe' number of units per week. Help in controlling these habits is available at NHS and private clinics, or alternative (5) ______________ such as acupuncture and hypnosis may be useful.
“We are what we eat', and therefore it is essential to maintain a well-balanced, (6) ________________ diet, in order to provide the body with all its needs, and to control weight. Vitamins taken in fruit and vegetables help to give (7) ____________ to infection, while more fiber in the diet makes for better (8) ____________ and help to avoid bowel cancer. In addition, it is important to cut salt and fat intake, in order to reduce the (9) _______________________ of heart disease and (10) ________________ problems. Another point to remember is that eating fewer sugar foods will result in less tooth decay and better weight control.
Identify 10 spelling errors in the passage and correct them. (0) has been done as an example. 
British universities are currently gearing up there new intake of students. 'It's been complete chaos this year,' one registrar told me. ‘Because of problems with the computerised application system, we still don't know how money students we'll be getting.' It now appears that, far from having to many first-year students, universities will not have enough, and its doubtful weather full government funding will be available to university departments witch have not met predicted targets. As a result, both students and officials are calling for a revue of the hole university entrance procedure, from application to acceptance. It is generally felt that confusion has rained for far too long.
0. their
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________
3. _________________________________
4. _________________________________
5. _________________________________
6. _________________________________
7. _________________________________
8. _________________________________
9. _________________________________
10. _________________________________

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