Đề ôn thi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 6, 7, 8

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Đề ôn thi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 6, 7, 8
Bỡnh đẳng giới
1. address/əˈdres/(v): giải quyết
2. affect/əˈfekt/   (v): ảnh hưởng
3. caretaker /ˈkeəteɪkə(r)/ (n):người trụng nom nhà
4. challenge /ˈtʃổlɪndʒ/(n):thỏch thức
5. discrimination/dɪˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/  (n):phõn biệt đối xử
6. effective /ɪˈfektɪv/ (adj):cú hiệu quả
7. eliminate /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/(v): xúa bỏ
8. encourage /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒ/(v):động viờn, khuyến khớch
9. enrol /ɪnˈrəʊl/(v):đăng ký nhập học
+ enrolment  /ɪnˈrəʊlmənt/(n): sự đăng ký nhập học
10. equal /ˈiːkwəl/ (adj):ngang bằng
+ equality  /iˈkwɒləti/(n):ngang bằng, bỡnh đẳng
+ inequality /ˌɪnɪˈkwɒləti/(n):khụng bỡnh đẳng
11. force /fɔːs/(v): bắt buộc, ộp buộc
12. gender /ˈdʒendə(r)/  (n):  giới, giới tớnh
13. government/ˈɡʌvənmənt/(n): chớnh phủ
14. income  /ˈɪnkʌm/(n):thu thập
15. limitation/ˌlɪmɪˈteɪʃn/ (n):hạn chế, giới hạn
16. loneliness /ˈləʊnlinəs/  (n):sự cụ đơn
17. opportunity/ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ (n):cơ hội 
18. personal  /ˈpɜːsənl/(adj):cỏ nhõn
19. progress /ˈprəʊɡres/(n):  tiến bộ
20. property /ˈprɒpəti/(n):  tài sản
21. pursue/pəˈsjuː/  (v): theo đuổi
22. qualified /ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd/(adj): đủ khả năng/ năng lực
23. remarkable /rɪˈmɑːkəbl/ (adj):đỏng chỳ ý, khỏc thường
25. right /raɪt/ (n):quyền lợi
26. sue /suː/ (v):  kiện
27. treatment/ˈtriːtmənt/(n): sự đối xử
28. violent /ˈvaɪələnt/ (adj): cú tớnh bạo lực, hung dữ
+ violence/ˈvaɪələns/(n): bạo lực; dữ dội
29. wage/weɪdʒ/ (n):   tiền lương
30. workforce /ˈwɜːkfɔːs/ (n): lực lượng lao động
Đa dạng văn húa
1.alert /əˈlɜːt/(adj): tỉnh tỏo
2. altar /ˈɔːltə(r)/(n): bàn thờ
3. ancestor /ˈổnsestə(r)/(n): ụng bà, tổ tiờn
4. Aquarius /əˈkweəriəs/(n): chũm sao/ cung Thủy bỡnh
5. Aries /ˈeəriːz/ (n): chũm sao/ cung Bạch dương
6. assignment/əˈsaɪnmənt/ (n): bài tập lớn
7. best man /bestmổn/(n): phự rể
8. bride /braɪd/ (n): cụ dõu
9. bridegroom/groom/ˈbraɪdɡruːm/ (n): chỳ rể
10. bridesmaid /ˈbraɪdzmeɪd/ (n): phự dõu
11. Cancer /ˈkổnsə(r)/(n): chũm sao/ cung Cự giải
12. Capricorn /ˈkổprɪkɔːn/ (n): chũm sao/ cung Ma kết
13. complicated /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd/(adj): phức tạp
14. contrast /ˈkɒntrɑːst/(n): sự tương phản, sự trỏi ngược
+ contrast /kənˈtrɑːst/ (v): tương phản, khỏc nhau
15. crowded /ˈkraʊdɪd/(adj): đụng đỳc
16. decent/ˈdiːsnt/ (adj): đàng hoàng, tử tế
17. diversity /daɪˈvɜːsəti/ (n): sự da dạng, phong phỳ
18. engaged /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/(adj): đớnh hụn, đớnh ước
+ engagement /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt/(n): sự đớnh hụn, sự đớnh ước
19. export /ˈekspɔːt/ (n) : sự xuất khẩu, hàng xuất
+ export /ɪkˈspɔːt/ (v): xuất khẩu
20. favourable/ˈfeɪvərəbl/ (adj): thuận lợi
21. fortune /ˈfɔːtʃuːn/(n): vận may, sự giàu cú
22. funeral /ˈfjuːnərəl/ (n) : đỏm tang
23. garter /ˈɡɑːtə(r)/: (n) nịt bớt bất
24. Gemini /ˈdʒemɪnaɪ/ (n): chũm sao/ cung Song tử
25. handkerchief /ˈhổŋkətʃɪf/ (n): khăn tay
26. high status /haɪ ˈsteɪtəs/(np): cú địa vị cao, cú vị trớ cao
27. honeymoon /ˈhʌnimuːn/(n): tuần trăng mật
28. horoscope/ˈhɒrəskəʊp/ (n): số tử vi, cung Hoàng đạo
29. import /ˈɪmpɔːt/ (n): sự nhập khẩu, hàng nhập 
+ import/ɪmˈpɔːt/ (v): nhập khẩu
30. influence /ˈɪnfluəns/ (n): sự ảnh hưởng
31. legend /ˈledʒənd/(n): truyền thuyết, truyện cổ tớch
32. lentil/ˈlentl/ (n): đậu lăng, hạt đậu lăng
33. Leo/ˈliːəʊ/ (n): chũm sao/ cung Sư tử
34. Libra /ˈliːbrə/(n): chũm sao/ cung Thiờn bỡnh
35. life partner /laɪf ˈpɑːtnə(r)/(np) : bạn đời
36. magpie /ˈmổɡpaɪ/(n) : chim chớch chũe
37. majority/məˈdʒɒrəti/ (n): phần lớn
38. mystery /ˈmɪstri/ (n) : điều huyền bớ, bớ ẩn
39. object /əbˈdʒekt/(v): phản đối, chống lại
+ object /ˈɒbdʒɪkt/(n) đồ vật, vật thể
40. Pisces /ˈpaɪsiːz/(n): chũm sao/ cung Song ngư
41. present /ˈpreznt/ (adj): cú mặt, hiện tại
+ present /prɪˈzent/(v): đưa ra, trỡnh bày
+ present /ˈpreznt/(n) : mún quà
42. prestigious /preˈstɪdʒəs/(adj): cú uy tớn, cú thanh thế
43. proposal /prəˈpəʊzl/ (n): sự cầu hụn
44. protest/ˈprəʊtest/; /prəˈtest/ (n,v): sự phản khỏng, sự phản đối
45. rebel /ˈrebl/; /rɪˈbel/ (v,n): nổi loạn, chống đối
46. ritual/ˈrɪtʃuəl/ (n): lễ nghi, nghi thức
47. Sagittarius /ˌsổdʒɪˈteəriəs/ (n) : chũm sao/ cung Nhõn mó
48. Scorpio /ˈskɔːpiəʊ/(n) : chũm sao/ cung Thiờn yết
49. soul /səʊl/(n) : linh hồn, tõm hồn
50. superstition /ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃn/(n): sự tớn ngưỡng, mờ tớn
+ superstitious/ˌsuːpəˈstɪʃəs/ (adj): mờ tớn
51. sweep /swiːp/(v): quột
52. take place /teɪkpleɪs/ (v): diễn ra
53. Taurus /ˈtɔːrəs/ (n) : chũm sao/ cung Kim ngưu
54. veil /veɪl/(n): mạng che mặt
55. venture /ˈventʃə(r)/(n): dự ỏn hoặc cụng việc kinh doanh
56. Virgo/ˈvɜːɡəʊ/ (n): chũm sao/ cung Xử nữ
57. wealth /welθ/(n) : sự giàu cú, giàu sang, của cải
58. wedding ceremony /ˈwedɪŋˈserəməni/ (np): lễ cưới
59. wedding reception / ˈwedɪŋrɪˈsepʃn/ (np): tiệc cưới 
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1.A. discrimination
B. elimination
C. television
D. instruction
2.A. eliminate
B. violence
C. right
D. childcare
3.A. enrollment
B. force
C. loneliness
D. control
4.A. contribute
B. sue
C. food
D. improve
5.A. inequality
B. qualified
C. quantity
D. equal
6.A. labor
B. remarkable
C. participate
D. wage
7.A. support
B. workforce
C. chore
D. world
8.A. preference
B. preparation
C. precaution
D. predator
9.A. progress
B. property
C. profile
D. program
10.A. outside
B. personal
C. sure
D. society
Answer keys: 
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others
1.A. affect
B. address
C. challenge
D. enroll
2.A. healthcare
B. gender
C. income
D. pursue
3.A. proceed
B. project
C. protect
D. promote
4.A. treatment
B. perform
C. become
D. complete
5.A. firefighter
B. caretaker
C. designer
D. housekeeper
6.A. equality
B. education
C. limitation
D. opportunity
7.A. encourage
B. effective
C. engagement
D. government
8.A. allow
B. college
C. female
D. hunger
9.A. against
B. strictly
C. aware
D. exhaust
10.A. effort
B. follow
C. target
D. reduce
Answer keys: 
Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. Detroit ....................... as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is the capital city of Michigan.
A. chosen
B. was chosen
C. have been chosen
D. is chosen
2. The university of Michigan is one of the best universities in the United States and it ................ in Ann Arbor
A. located
B. location
C. is located
D. locates
3. There ................. be a fire over there as I see smoke from here.
A. must
B. should
C. might
D. could
4. Our organization seeks to improve the social ................. of disable people.
A. stand
B. seat
C. status
D. place
5. There .................. a new law to protect endangered species if we don’t want them to disappear from the earth.
A. must to be
B. needs to be
C. might be
D. may be
6. The role of women of society has been greatly ................. in the last few years.
A. overtaken
B. overcome
C. overcast
D. overlookd
7. “ “ in the sentence below is not correct. You mustn’t take the test if you don’t want to . It’s optional
 A B C D
8. Wage ................ exists when workers are equally qualified and perform the same work but one group of worker is paid more than another.
A. equality
B. payment
C. discrimination
D. income
9. For many ................... parents, balacing their jobs and their family obligations can be a challenge.
A. worked
B. working
C. work
D. career
10. After her parents died, she ................... by her uncle and aunt.
A. was grown up
B. was brought up
C. brought up
D. was brought
11. Siobhan and Ray have just ...................... engaged.
A. been
B. become
C. get
D. got
12. Although males seem to have ................ in many ancient cultures, ancient Egypt still had female rulers, such as Cleopatra.
A. dominating
B. domination
C. dominated
D. dominate
13. Each district was ................ up into a number of sub-divisions.
A. split
B. splitted
C. divided
D. dividing
14. Recent laws that prohibit specific types of job discrimination in certain workplaces have promoted ................... in the USA.
A. equal property
B. equal opportunity in annual income
C. equal income
D. equal employment opportunity
15. Most of the space in his room ...................... by an enormous wardrobe.
A. has taken up
B. took up
C. is taken up
D. takes up
16. Does it bother you if I go out late tonight ? - ...................................
A. Yes, go ahead
B. It doesn’t matter to me
C. No. I want you to stay at home
D. I’m tired of being with you
17. Mark gets special ........................... because he knows the boss
A. treatment
B. cure
C. treat
D. instruction
18. Fathers tend to .................. more household chores and responsibilities than ever before
A. take up
B. take in
C. take off
D. take on
19. I’m against .................................
A. violating
B. violent
C. violence
D. violate
20. Hundreds of people ....................... the job in the company but only five workers were employed.
A. asked for
B. appointed
C. recruited
D. applied for
Answer keys: 
7. mustn’t đ needn’t
Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. In some companies, it is suggested that female officers should be supported by their male co-workers 
A. colleges
B. colleagues
C. villages
D. collectors
2. John:I suppose that woring mothers are good educators for their children- Mary: “..................................”
A. I agree with you. They know little about educating B. I couldn’t agree more.They are able teach them at home
C. That’s true. They don’t know how to teach their chidren D. Because educators are teachers
3. In order to be .................... for this position, candidates must have not only an MA degree but also work experience.
A. qualify
B. quality
C. qualified
D. qualification
4. Taking part in social activities and interacting with different cultures widen their knowledge and gradually ................
A. nature
B. mature
C. future
D. picture
5. “The protestors couldn’t persuade the president to change the law” has the closest meaning to :
A. The president couldn’t be persuaded to change the laws B. The president couldn’t persuaded to change the laws
C. The president couldn’t be persuade to change the laws D. The president couldn’t persuade to change the laws
6. The afternoon meeting...................... because three of the five commitee memberse unable to attend
A. might postpone
B. might postponed
C. might be postpone
D. might be postponed
7. dental appointments ................... so as not to conflict with school commitments
A. should be arranged
B. should not be arranged
C. should be arrange
D. should not arrange
8. This beer can be served .................. beersteak
A. from
B. by
C. with
9. Many parents think that fast food .................. in schools
A. should not sold
B. should not be sell
C. should be not sold
D. should not be sold
10. Jenny and Jim have been looking for a caretaker to look after their parents who are both old and sick in their house
A. test taker
B. caregiver
C. test giver
D. checker
11. Modules ...................... in the minimum amount of time
A. cannot always be completed
B. cannot be completed always
C. can always be not completed
D. can be not always completed
12. The return of assignment , exams and final grades ................... by lecturers’ time.
A. could affected
B. could be affected
C. could affect
D. could be affect
13. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. accept
B. inspire
C. reveal
D. workforce
14. A study guide .................... by all Independent Study students
A. must be purchase
B. must purchased
C. must be purchased
D. must purchase
15. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. pursue
B. courage
C. hobby
D. standard
16. Both gender should be provided ....................equal rights to education, employment and healthcare
A. from
B. by
C. with
D. on
17. Choose the answer which needs correcting: Students enrolling for the first time will be charge 9 dollars per course
 A B C D
18. Choose the answer which needs correcting:
Any bicycle brought onto school grounds should clearly babel with the owner’s name
 A B C D
19. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. bulky
B. handsome
C. employ
D. basic
20. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
A. machine
B. answer
C. mistake
D. alone
Answer keys: 
Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 10.
Women in Families
 Role reversal has not really become popular. Couples who swap roles are still few and far between. Is that because women are better at rearing children? Or are men just afraid to resist tradition? 
The isolation was the worst thing, said Andrew Timpson, who left teaching to take care of his home and children for two and a half years.
 The idea of swapping roles-for the father to stay at home while mum goes out to work - is still a relatively new one. In the 70s it sounded like a great idea. Let the newly liberated women make progress with her career while the New Man stays at home and takes care of the house and children.
Now, 10 years or so later, it seems as if we were a little premature. A recent report by the Family Policy Studies Center concludes: "Despite important social changes, particularly greater female employment, it is still women in families who undertake the great bulk of house-work, cooking, child-care and taking care of elderly relatives - The much hyped New Man remains a rare species.’
 Certainly some would argue that a man cannot replace a mother - that mum is the natural homemaker, while dad is the provider. Some men might give help with shopping and cooking, but most would do little more. Some men even believe that doing housework is an insult to their masculinity. Others, like Andrew, want to stay at home-but with reservations. Andrew, who is now about to return to work, says, "I don't know that I could have continued doing it for the rest of my life. I enjoyed it, but I do want to support my family and I do want to work. I thought I could handle being dependent on Maureen,
but it proved to be tough for both of us." Maureen says, "I've got a job I really love. Continuing working has allowed me to fulfill my potential."
For many couples who swap roles, traditional attitudes are a major problem. Frank and Joan Roberts found that they were confronted with strong views when Frank left his job to look after Michael, five, while Joan continued with her career. Frank says, "It is not socially acceptable where we live. People here are reared to believe that the man goes out to work and woman stays at home."
1: According to the passage, that couples who change roles has been ...........................
a. still rare
b, very popular
c. popular
d. not happened
2: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
a..Women should not go out to work because they are better rearing children.
b..Men don't want to change roles because they are traditionally weak.
c..Andrew Timpson left teaching to take care of his home and children for two and a half year.
d. Fathers have to stay at home to take care of their children because they are no longer the provider.
3: The Family Policy Studies Center concluded that_______	 .
a..at present, women still do most of the housework
b..many women change their traditional roles, because there are many jobs created for them
c..the men stay at home to take care of the house and children
d..a and c are correct
4: In the last paragraph, Frank and Joan Roberts were confronted with strong views because ...............
a..Frank went out to work and Joan Roberts looked after her child
b..both of them went out to work
c..Frank was unable to look after his child
d..Frank left his job to look after his child, while his wife went on with her career.
5: The word “ swap ” in the passage most nearly means________
a. improve b. make better c. share	 d. change
6: Choose the best expression to replace the phrase “ fulfill my potential” in the passage.
a. fulfill myself b. improve myself c. improve my potential	d. gain success
7: The word “ major ” in the passage most nearly means________
a. big b. primary c. important	 d. best
8: Frank said that _________
a.. his society encourages men to stay at home to look after children
b. men where he lives are brought up to do the housework
c. it is very common for women to go out to work where he lives
d. his society does not accept the fact that women go out to work while men stay at home
9 : The word “ resist ” in the passage most nearly means_____
a. follow b. oppose b. eliminate	 d. realize
10: The topic of this paragraph might be ________ 
a. stay-at-home fathers b. stay-at-home mothers c. taking care of children	d. women's careers.
Answer keys: 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.d 8.c
Choose the word or phrase ( a, b , c or d) that best fits each space in the following passage.
 Rwanda will soon become the first country (1) ____ the world where female politicians (2) ____  male politicians. The small central African country has made huge progress since its (3) ____ genocide in the 1990s. It can now proudly call itself a beacon of sexual equality. The ruling party coalition won 78% of seats in the election. Women took at (4) ____ 44 out of a total of the 80 seats. Women may still win another three undecided seats. The head of the country’s election commission stated: “It's clear women representatives will be more than 50 per cent." Since the genocide, the government (5) ____ encouraged women into politics. Many in Rwanda say the election results show that people are fed (6) ____ with male-dominated politics. They say women will bring freshness and change to the nation.
 Women’s groups were (7) ____ to praise the government of President Paul Kagame for promoting such a strong gender equality programme. A female voter told the BBC’s Focus on Africa show that the new political (8) ____ would help strengthen her country. She explained: "Men, especially in our culture, used to think that women are there to (9) ____ in the house, cook food, look after the children... but the real problems of a family are known by a woman and when they do it, they help a country to get much better." A local newspaper editor told the Voice of America website of his new (10) ____ in his country: “We have really been the firstwhere the women have broken the glass (11) ____ now it's like we are enlightened. We are no longer in this (12) ____ sort of thinking,” he said.
Answer keys: 
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. Somebody has to pick the visitors up from the airport ( up )
đ The visitors ......................................................................... from the airport
2. Why don’t they tell me about these changes earlier ? ( should )
đ I ..................................................................................... about these changes earlier/
3. Luckily it wasn’t neccessary for Jim to take the exam again ( need )
đ Luckily Jim ..................................................................... the exam
4. In the end I had no choice but to get a lift with a colleague ( could )
đ In the end all ............................................................................. get a lift with a colleague
5. By law, all rear-seat passengers are obliged to wear seat-belts ( have )
đ By law, seat-belts ...................................................................... all rear-seat passengers
6. It may seem strange but I like stake cake ! ( as ) 
đ Strange ................................................................ I like stake cake !
7. Visitors to the zoo are not allowed to feed the animals ( must )
đ The animals .......................................................by visitors to the zoo
8. I would have been better If he had told us his new address ( should )
đ He .................................................................................. his new address
9. Alice’s face turned bright red when the teacher asked her a question ( have )
đ Alice ................................................................................. embarrassed
10. The notice says you have to sign the form twice ( be ) 
đ The notice says the forms ............................................................. twice.
Answer keys: 
1. have to be pick up / need to be pick up
2. should be told
3. did not need to re-take / re-sit
4. I could do was 
5. have to be worn by
6. as it may seem
7. must not be fed 8. should have told us 9. must have been 10. must be signed
Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it.
1. It’s not neccessary for you to do the test đ You ....................................................................................................
2. Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice đ It .............................................................................................
3. They will catch all the prisoners again tonight đ all the prisoners ........................................................................
4. They haven’t cleaned the street this week đ The streets .......................................................................................
5. He could repair the broken vase đ The broken vase ..............................................................................................
6. The could not trace who had supplied the information in the first place đ The course .........................................
7. I gave Tom the message, but he already knew about it đ I needn’t .......................................................................
8. It’s a pity you didn’t come to the party because you’d have loved it đ You ..........................................................
9. It is essential that no one be told about our plans đ You .......................................................................................
10. It was wrong of you not to call the doctor at once đ You ....................................................................................
Answer keys: 
1. needn’t / don’t need to do the test
6. of the information couldn’t be traced
2. cannot be deny that she has a beautiful voice
7. have given Tom the message he already knew about it
3. will have been / be caught agan by tonight
8. should have come to the party because you’d have loved it
4. have not been cleaned this week
9. mustn’t tell anyone about our plans
5. could not be repaired
10. should have called the doctor at once
Find the mistakes in the following sentences:
1. Any kind of violence must not be allow at school
2. These medicine must keep out of children’s reach
3. The instruction must follow strictly by the students
4. In the case of pupil being absent from school, messages can leave on the answering machine before 7:30 am
5. These pill must not take if you are under 12 years old.
Give the correct form of the words in brackets:
1. She faced .............................. because she not only had few friends but also was unwelcomed in that area ( lonely )
2. That a woman becomes a ..................... has ever been considered to be weird, as people have assumed that this job is only for men ( firefight )
3. Although she was aware of gender .................. in favor of boys, she applied for that position ( prefer )
4. This university is ranked as one of the most successful institutions which have made ................. progress in gender equality ( consider )
5. in order to eliminate gender inequality, domestic ................. need to be shared by both husband and wives ( responsible )
6. The number of female ................... has increased sharply for the past few years ( enroll )
7. My uncle is very .................... about rhinos. He has studied about them for a long time ( knowledge )
8. By knowing their children’s strength and .................. parents can find appropriate strategies to educate them( weak )
9. She contributed to the information of an ....................... for female pilots, gave advice to women on careers and helped inspire others ( organize )
10. Even today, her life and career remain .................. to many people ( fascinate )
Answer keys: 
1. loneliness
2. firefighter
4. considerable
6. enrollments
10. fascinating
Rearrange the words / phrases to make meaningful sentences:
1. equality / essay / an / gender / on / be / written / must / by / student / each 
2. processed / will / when / these / files / be ?
3. a / course / finished / must / in / a / maximum / be / of / weeks / four
4. serious / obesity / be / health / considered / be / to / a / problem / can 
5. achievements / in / information / technology / and / will / made / be / scientists / mor / by
Answer keys: 
1. An essay on gender equality must be written by each sudent
2. When wil these files be processed ?
3. A course must be finished in a maximum of four weeks
4. Obesity can be considered to be a serious health problem.
5. More achievements in information and technology will be made by scientists
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1.A. bridesmaid
B. season
C. sandwich
D. proposal
2.A. complication
B. custom
C. community
D. communicate
3.A. ritual
B. Russia
C. social
D. nation
4.A. mirror
B. sticky
C. gift
D. bride
5.A. ceremony
B. careful
C. standard
D. servive
6.A. engagement
B. changeable
C. prestigious
D. superstitious
7.A. mystery
B. myself
C. myriad
D. myth
8.A. superstition
B. stocking
C. occasion
D. asleep
9.A. scatter
B. value
C. adult
D. vary
10.A. chocolate
B. characteristic
C. children
D. change
Answer keys: 
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others
1.A. alert
B. alter
C. altar
D. album
2.A. ancestor
B. article
C. assignment
D. additive
3.A. decent
B. descent
C. detect
D. debate
4.A. venture
B. object
C. magpie
D. fortune
5.A. deplete
B. balloon
C. arrange
D. impact
6.A. prefer
B. present
C. prepare
D. pretend
7.A. react
B. remain
C. rebel
D. refuse
8.A. image
B. immigrate
C. imitate
D. import
9.A. percent
B. perfect
C. perform
D. perhaps
10.A. confident
B. concent
D. constant
Answer keys: 
Choose the best answers to complete the sentences :
1. I’m kind of superstitious .............. the number 13.
A. of
B. about
C. with
D. at
2. “ “ in the sentence below is not correct.
I’m afraid the weather is getting hotter and hottest
 A B C D
3. Hair color is one of ......................... characteristics to be used in identifying people
A. the most obviously
B. most obvious
C. obviously the most
D. the most obvious
4. The gap between the sides is not ....................... it was.
A. as wide as
B. the wider as
C. the widest as
D. wide than
5. He is not .............................. he used to be
A. such good as a player as
B. such a good player as
C. so good as a teacher
D. as a teacher as good
6. Brian has been working ................... since he was promoted
A. much harder
B. as harder
C. more hardly
D. far hardly
7. Unfortunately, her illness was ............................ we thought
A. the seriousest
B. the most serious
C. more seriouc than
D. seriouser than
8. In households where the father works full time and the mother works part time or not at all, the distribution of labor when it comes to childcare and housekeeping is ...........................
A. as balanced
B. more balanced
C. less balanced
D. least balanced
9. Division of the labor between mothers and fathers is .................. regarding playing or doing activities with children.
A. as even as
B. more even
C. most even
D. more even
10. Kate is learning to play .................... piano
A. the
B. a
C. f
D. some
11. The club has members from many different cultural .......................
A. nations
B. features
C. manners
D. backgrounds
12. It is a .......................... belief that broken mirrors will bring bad luck.
A. usual
B. normal
C. similar
D. common
13. Thank you. That was ...................... very nice lunch
A. a
B. an
C. the 
D. f

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