Đề ôn thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh

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Đề ôn thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com 
I- Choose the word which has different tress pattern with the remain words 
1. A. difficulty B. widespread C. disadvantage D. roundabout 
2. A. indifference B. purification C. development D. intelligence 
3. A. classification B. pronunciation C. equalization D. personality 
4. A. satisfaction B. significance C. beautician D. malfunction 
5. A. questionnaire B. meditation C. violation D. correction 
II- choose the correct word to fill into the blank 
1. He refused to give up work, _____ he’d won a million pounds 
 A. despite B. however C. even though D. as though 
2. They were _____ for smuggling jewelry into the country 
 A. judged B. arrested C. accused D. warned 
3. At the end of the winter, the price of the winter clothes in the shops usually _____ 
 A. drops B. lowers C. sinks D. reduces 
4. For this recipe to be successful, you _____ cook the meat for at least two hours in a moderate oven 
 A. need B. must C. ought D. will 
5. Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you _____ to leave? 
 A. thinking B. planned C. around D. about 
6. I don’t see any _____ in arriving early at the theater if the show doesn’t start until 9 o’clock 
 A. cause B. aim C. point D. reason 
7. Would you mind _____ these plates a wipe before putting them in the cupboard? 
 A. making B. doing C. getting D. giving 
8. The police are looking for a man of _____ height 
 A. medium B. extra C. tall D. special 
9. She did all the work _____ her own 
 A. by B. on C. for D. with 
10. The children won’t go to sleep _____ we leave a light on outside their bedroom 
 A. except B. otherwise C. unless D. but 
11. I wrote to the company _____ them for a catalogue 
 A. demanding B. asking C. enquiring D. applying 
12. _____ Patrick, he can’t possibly go alone – he’s far too young 
 A. As for B. As if C. As D. As far as 
13. Dinner will be ready soon. Can you please _____ the table? 
 A. lay B. settle C. make D. put 
14. Please _____ and see us some time – you’re always welcome 
 A. come to B. come about C. come around D. come away 
15. I was sitting in a café _____ afternoon when I saw the Prime Minister pass by 
 A. an B. the C. in D. one 
16. The doctor arranged for me to see the _____ at the hospital about the pain in my back. 
 A. expert B. specialist C. speciality D. expertise 
17. There are _____ when I have to work very hard 
 A. times B. at times C. from time to time D. a long time 
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com 
III- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in bold. 
1. Big Brother was the first TV show to use real people for _____________. 
2. Some people _____________ of keeping animals in zoos as they think it is cruel. 
3. They lost the game because they _____________ the teacher’s instructions. 
4. Many wild animals like tigers and pandas are in danger of _____________. 
5. The snake didn’t actually attack me but it came _____________ close. 
6. The job was very popular and they had over 50 _____________. 
7. You have to study general medicine for some years before you can _____________. 
8. My brother is really _____________, so you never know what he’s going to be like. 
9. She’s a very _____________person and is always kind to her friends. 
10. My younger sister is really _____________. My mum and dad never tell her off. 
IV- Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best completes the text. (10 marks) 
 Can you imagine working on a writing project for seventeen years? J.K. Rowling first 1 _____ up with the idea 
of Harry Potter in 1990 but it was not until 2007 that she finally completed the last book in the series. In 1990, of 
course she had no idea how much Harry would take 2 _____ her life, or that she would end 3 _____ as a 
multimillionaire. But 4 _____ then, the books have been translated into over 60 languages and also been made into 
films, each of which has been a 5 _____ with cinema audiences. 
 It is not just J.K. Rowling’s life which has been transformed. The same can be said of Daniel Radcliffe, the 
teenage actor who 6 _____ Harry Potter. Although he made his acting 7 _____ in 1999, it was in the role of Harry 
Potter that he found his route to 8 _____. The final film is expected to come out in 2010. By then Daniel will 9_____ 
been acting in this role for ten years 
18. I have to leave before seven and so _____ 
 A. leave you B. you have C. you do D. do you 
19. You _____ better be careful not to miss the train! 
 A. would B. should C. had D. did 
20. Although we have a large number of students, each one receives _____ 
 A. individual B. only C. alone D. single 
21. By half past ten tomorrow morning, I _____ along the motorway 
 A. will drive B. am driving C. drive D. will be driving 
22. I had to give a full _____ of my camera when I reported it stolen 
 A. account B. detail C. information D. description 
23. I hope you don’t mind me _____ so late at night 
 A. telephoning B. to telephone C. telephone D. to have telephoned 
24. I’d be very _____ to go to Japan one day 
 A. interested B. enjoyable C. fond D. hopeful 
25. The bus _____ from High Street to Station Road is 60p 
 A. cost B. fare C. payment D. charge 
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com 
 And after seventeen years, has Rowling now 10 _____ out of ideas? It seems not. She is currently writing two 
new books, one for adults and one for children, and is also planning to compile an encyclopedia of the Harry Potter 
1. A. took B. went C. came D. brought 
2. A. out B. over C. up D. off 
3. A. in B. up C. down D. out 
4. A. after B. until C. for D. since 
5. A. blow B. hit C. knock D. smash 
6. A. plays B. performs C. shows D. makes 
7. A. debate B. debut C. debris D. debit 
8. A. starburst B. stardust C. stardom D. starlight 
9. A. has B. have C. be D. was 
10 A. run B. come C. gone D. taken 
V- Fill one word in each blank to fulfill the text below. 
One of the worst journeys I have ever experienced occurred a few weeks ago, I 1___________ booked a cheap flight 
to Switzerland so the ticket could not be changed 2___________ any way. 3___________ I missed the flight, I 
would not be 4__________ to use the ticket for any alternative journey. 
 When I reached the railway station, I was told that 5___________ the trains were running late; this meant I 
would 6___________ the connecting train for the airport. A loudspeaker announcement helpfully 7___________ us 
that an extra train would 8___________ provided, so we need not worry. Nothing could have been further from the 
9___________ the extra train did not arrive. I inquired 10___________ buses, but the last one for the airport had 
left! There was only one solution; I 11___________ to take a taxi. Dragging my suitcases behind me I hurried 
outside 12___________ found a taxi. “It’s a long way. It’ll 13___________ you a lot” the taxi 14___________ 
warned me. I knew that, but the taxi fare would be cheaper 15___________ having to buy another plane ticket. 
 We arrived 16___________ the airport with about twenty minutes 17___________ spare. I jumped out, looked in 
my bag 18__________ my purse and to my horror discovered it was missing! The taxi driver was pleasant but firm. 
My suitcases were locked in the boot and there they would stay 19___________ I found a way of paying 
20___________ of course, I never caught my plane. 
VI- Correct one word in each sentence. 
1. They are carrying out an investigate. 
2. They found the remains of a Roman settle. 
3. They found the enter to the tomb. 
4. They have decided to wide the road. 
5. I saw a great document on TV. 
6. They threat robbers with a curse. 
7. They spent a week on an archaeology dig. 
8. Does he have religious believes? 
9. The Ming tombs are the bury place of many of the Chinese emperors. 
10. This report needs real prove. 
11. Work is ongoing to strength the foundations. 
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com 
12. They carefully measured the long of the mummy’s case. _____________________ 
VII- Read and answer the following questions by choosing the letter A, B, C or D. 
I started playing the piano when I was four years old. My mother thought it would be a good outlet for positive 
childish energy and I was really into it; it was exciting. It was something different and I had much more time to 
practice then. The first time I performed in front of an audience was when I was five years old and I loved it. I went 
on a summer camp run by my piano teachers at the time and at the end of the week we all got up and played a piece. 
At that age I was unaware of any of the pressure associated with performing live so it just felt nice to have people 
concentrating on my playing and I liked the applause and attention. Now I perform regularly, often in front of large 
audiences, and I still really enjoy it. 
I always knew I wanted to be a pianist and never thought I would do anything else. In that respect I felt different 
from my friends when I went to school; they all thought they wanted to become teachers or doctors and things like 
that and I just knew I would be a pianist but it didn't feel strange. Finding time to play and practice wasn’t a problem 
at school until my last few years when the pressure of exams and things was hard, but generally I would choose to 
practice instead of doing homework. It always felt like schoolwork got in the way of playing the piano rather than 
the other way around. Unfortunately I was never given any special allowances or extended deadlines though. After I 
finished school I went on to study a degree in music and now I'm studying a Masters degree in accompaniment. 
A typical day now involves a couple of hours practice in the morning before going into college and attending 
classes. I spend a lot of time in the library listening to music, trying to learn and become familiar with new pieces of 
music. One downside to choosing to study and pursue a career in music is that you end up spending hours and hours 
by yourself. However, I also try to spend time at college meeting other people and networking. The more musicians 
I know the more likely I am to be asked to play for others. The more I play the better known I become and in the 
music business it's all about recognition and getting your name out there. It's important to get involved in as many 
performances as possible and take part in competitions so that as many people as possible see you perform and know 
who you are. It's a very competitive industry. Ultimately, if I am asked to play and get given a job it means that 
someone else loses work and sometimes it feels like a constant battle. You can't help being drawn into an artificial 
world where you are constantly comparing yourself to others and are always worried about what others think of your 
performances. In the real world outside of college your audience is much wider. 
I chose to get involved in accompaniment because as much as I love playing the piano I also enjoy working with 
others. And working as an accompanist is a good way of doing that. There are also more job opportunities as 
although there is still a lot of competition other performers will always need good accompanists, so there is more 
demand. I really enjoy performing with other people because there's an even greater sense of achievement when you 
are both on form and a piece comes out amazingly. 
To follow a career in music you have to have a real passion for it as unfortunately it's not a very secure path and it's 
not usually very well paid. Having said that, the real positive side is that I am doing something I love; it's not just a 
subject to study. I love everything associated with music and performing and it's what I do every day. 
1. How did Berrak feel about playing the piano when she was very young? 
A. She really enjoyed it. 
B. She only did it because her mother wanted her to. 
C. She didn't like the fact she had to practice a lot. 
D. She felt strange and different from her friends. 
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com 
2. How did she feel the first time she performed in front of an audience? 
A. nervous and under pressure 
B. strange because everyone was looking at her 
C. happy and relaxed 
D. She was concentrating so much on playing she didn't notice the audience. 
3. Why did Berrak feel different from her friends when she was at school? 
A. Because the teachers gave her less homework. 
B. Because her friends didn't know what career they wanted to follow. 
C. Because she was the only one who wanted to become a musician. 
D. Because she found the pressure of exams less stressful. 
4. Why does she say it is important to meet and talk to other musicians at her college? 
A. Because the music industry is very sociable and it's important to have lots of friends. 
B. Because she feels lonely after spending so much time by herself. 
C. Because other musicians in the college are every supportive of each other. 
D. Because it increases her possibilities of being asked to perform. 
5. When she says in line 19-20 that ‘in the music business it's all about recognition and getting your name out there'’ 
what does she mean? 
A. It’s important that people know who she is when they see her photograph. 
B. It’s important that lots of people know what she does and know her name. 
C. Her name is more important than the way she plays. 
D. Her name needs to be easy for people to recognize and remember. 
6. Why does the college environment often feel like a constant battle? 
A. Because there isn't enough work for everyone. 
B. Because she doesn't get on with the other students there. 
C. Because there are lots of competitions. 
D. Because the teachers are always comparing the students and deciding who is better. 
7. Why did Berrak decide to go into accompaniment? 
A. Because she thinks it can be more challenging. 
B. Because it's better paid. 
C. Because she can achieve more and become more well-known. 
D. Because she likes working as part of a team. 
8. What does she say is the best thing about studying and pursuing a career in music? 
A. She could become rich and famous. 
B. There are lots of job opportunities. 
C. She spends all her time doing something she loves. 
D. She finds it an easy subject. 
VIII- Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning 
1- “Don’t leave the house until I get back, William,” his mother said 
- William’s mother told ___________________________________________________________________ 
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com 
2- I’d rather not see him tomorrow 
- I don’t _______________________________________________________________________________ 
3- Alice’s strange ideas astonished everybody 
- Everybody ____________________________________________________________________________ 
4- It was careless of you to leave the windows open last night 
- You shouldn’t __________________________________________________________________________ 
5- You will catch cold if you don’t keep your feet dry 
- Unless ________________________________________________________________________________ 
6- It looks like rain to me 
- I _____________________________________________________________________________________ 
7- This is the most delicious cake I have ever tasted 
- I have _________________________________________________________________________________ 
8- The people who were there didn’t notice anything unusual 
- No-one ________________________________________________________________________________ 
 9- She left university two years ago 
- It is ___________________________________________________________________________________ 
10- The gate is closed to stop the children running into the road 
- The gate is closed so that __________________________________________________________________ 
IX- Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first using the word given. 
1- This is my first visit to the safari park. NEVER 
- I _________________________________ the safari park before. 
2- He started studying climatology three years ago. FOR 
- He ___________________________ three years. 
3- They looked hot and dirty after their long walk. WALKING 
- They looked hot and dirty because ___________________________ for so long. 
4- I lived in Britain before I moved to Greece. USED 
- Before I moved to Greece, I ____________________________ in Britain. 
5- Over the next fifty years, the number of elderly people will rise by 20%. RISEN 
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com 
- In fifty years time, the number of elderly people ________________________ by 20%. 
6- You have to pay the entrance fee and then they will let you in. UNTIL 
- They won’t let you in _____________________________ the entrance fee. 
7- It was wrong of you to shout at your sister like that. SHOULD 
- You _____________________________ at your sister like that. 
8- Under eighteens can travel on the bus for free. HAVE 
- Under eighteens ________________________ to travel on the bus. 
9- My brother and I are not good friends. GET 
- I _______________________________with my brother. 
10- As I was walking in the mountains, I found an eagle’s nest. ACROSS 
- As I was walking in the mountains, I ______________________an eagle’s nest. 
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com 
I- Choose the word which has different tress pattern with the remain words 
1. A. difficulty B. widespread C. disadvantage D. roundabout 
2. A. indifference B. purification C. development D. intelligence 
3. A. classification B. pronunciation C. equalization D. personality 
4. A. satisfaction B. significance C. beautician D. malfunction 
5. A. questionnaire B. meditation C. violation D. correction 
II- choose the correct word to fill into the blank 
1. He refused to give up work, _____ he’d won a million pounds 
 A. despite B. however C. even though D. as though 
2. They were _____ for smuggling jewelry into the country 
 A. judged B. arrested C. accused D. warned 
3. At the end of the winter, the price of the winter clothes in the shops usually _____ 
 A. drops B. lowers C. sinks D. reduces 
4. For this recipe to be successful, you _____ cook the meat for at least two hours in a moderate oven 
 A. need B. must C. ought D. will 
5. Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you _____ to leave? 
 A. thinking B. planned C. around D. about 
6. I don’t see any _____ in arriving early at the theater if the show doesn’t start until 9 o’clock 
 A. cause B. aim C. point D. reason 
7. Would you mind _____ these plates a wipe before putting them in the cupboard? 
 A. making B. doing C. getting D. giving 
8. The police are looking for a man of _____ height 
 A. medium B. extra C. tall D. special 
9. She did all the work _____ her own 
 A. by B. on C. for D. with 
10. The children won’t go to sleep _____ we leave a light on outside their bedroom 
 A. except B. otherwise C. unless D. but 
11. I wrote to the company _____ them for a catalogue 
 A. demanding B. asking C. enquiring D. applying 
12. _____ Patrick, he can’t possibly go alone – he’s far too young 
 A. As for B. As if C. As D. As far as 
13. Dinner will be ready soon. Can you please _____ the table? 
 A. lay B. settle C. make D. put 
14. Please _____ and see us some time – you’re always welcome 
 A. come to B. come about C. come around D. come away 
15. I was sitting in a café _____ afternoon when I saw the Prime Minister pass by 
 A. an B. the C. in D. one 
16. The doctor arranged for me to see the _____ at the hospital about the pain in my back. 
 A. expert B. specialist C. speciality D. expertise 
17. There are _____ when I have to work very hard 
 A. times B. at times C. from time to time D. a long time 
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com 
mplete the sentences with the correct form of the word in bold. 
1. Big Brother was the first TV show to use real people for __entertainment_. 
2. Some people _disapprove_ of keeping animals in zoos as they think it is cruel. 
3. They lost the game because they _misunderstood_ the teacher’s instructions. 
4. Many wild animals like tigers and pandas are in danger of _extinction_. 
5. The snake didn’t actually attack me but it came _terrifyingly_ close. 
6. The job was very popular and they had over 50 _applicants_. 
7. You have to study general medicine for some years before you can _specialise_. 
8. My brother is really _moody_, so you never know what he’s going to be like. 
9. She’s a very _thoughtful_person and is always kind to her friends. 
10. My younger sister is really _spoiled/spoilt_. My mum and dad never tell her off. 
IV- Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best completes the text. (10 marks) 
 Can you imagine working on a writing project for seventeen years? J.K. Rowling first 1 _____ up with the idea 
of Harry Potter in 1990 but it was not until 2007 that she finally completed the last book in the series. In 1990, of 
course she had no idea how much Harry would take 2 _____ her life, or that she would end 3 _____ as a 
multimillionaire. But 4 _____ then, the books have been translated into over 60 languages and also been made into 
films, each of which has been a 5 _____ with cinema audiences. 
 It is not just J.K. Rowling’s life which has been transformed. The same can be said of Daniel Radcliffe, the 
teenage actor who 6 _____ Harry Potter. Although he made his acting 7 _____ in 1999, it was in the role of Harry 
Potter that he found his route to 8 _____. The final film is expected to come out in 2010. By then Daniel will 9_____ 
been acting in this role for ten years 
18. I have to leave before seven and so _____ 
 A. leave you B. you have C. you do D. do you 
19. You _____ better be careful not to miss the train! 
 A. would B. should C. had D. did 
20. Although we have a large number of students, each one receives _____ 
 A. individual B. only C. alone D. single 
21. By half past ten tomorrow morning, I _____ along the motorway 
 A. will drive B. am driving C. drive D. will be driving 
22. I had to give a full _____ of my camera when I reported it stolen 
 A. account B. detail C. information D. description 
23. I hope you don’t mind me _____ so late at night 
 A. telephoning B. to telephone C. telephone D. to have telephoned 
24. I’d be very _____ to go to Japan one day 
 A. interested B. enjoyable C. fond D. hopeful 
25. The bus _____ from High Street to Station Road is 60p 
 A. cost B. fare C. payment D. charge 
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com 
 And after seventeen years, has Rowling now 10 _____ out of ideas? It seems not. She is currently writing two 
new books, one for adults and one for children, and is also planning to compile an encyclopedia of the Harry Potter 
1. A. took B. went C. came D. brought 
2. A. out B. over C. up D. off 
3. A. in B. up C. down D. out 
4. A. after B. until C. for D. since 
5. A. blow B. hit C. knock D. smash 
6. A. plays B. performs C. shows D. makes 
7. A. debate B. debut C. debris D. debit 
8. A. starburst B. stardust C. stardom D. starlight 
9. A. has B. have C. be D. was 
10 A. run B. come C. gone D. taken 
V- Fill one word in each blank to fulfill the text below. 
One of the worst journeys I have ever experienced occurred a few weeks ago, I 1___had_____ booked a cheap flight 
to Switzerland so the ticket could not be changed 2__in____ any way. 3____if/assuming____ I missed the flight, I 
would not be 4_able/allowed/permited/entitled_ to use the ticket for any alternative journey. 
 When I reached the railway station, I was told that 5__all/unfutunately_ the trains were running late; this meant I 
would 6_miss_ the connecting train for the airport. A loudspeaker announcement helpfully 7_told/informed_ us that 
an extra train would 8__be___ provided, so we need not worry. Nothing could have been further from the 9_truth_ 
the extra train did not arrive. I inquired 10_about_ buses, but the last one for the airport had left! There was only one 
solution; I 11__decided/had/needed__ to take a taxi. Dragging my suitcases behind me I hurried outside 12__and__ 
found a taxi. “It’s a long way. It’ll 13___cost__ you a lot” the taxi 14_driver__ warned me. I knew that, but the taxi 
fare would be cheaper 15__than___ having to buy another plane ticket. 
 We arrived 16__at__ the airport with about twenty minutes 17__to__ spare. I jumped out, looked in my bag 
18__for__ my purse and to my horror discovered it was missing! The taxi driver was pleasant but firm. My suitcases 
were locked in the boot and there they would stay 19___until/till/unless__ I found a way of paying 20__him/up__ of 
course, I never caught my plane. 
VI- Correct one word in each sentence. 
1. They are carrying out an investigate. 
2. They found the remains of a Roman settle. 
3. They found the enter to the tomb. 
4. They have decided to wide the road. 
5. I saw a great document on TV. 
6. They threat robbers with a curse. 
7. They spent a week on an archaeology dig. 
8. Does he have religious believes? 
9. The Ming tombs are the bury place of many of the Chinese emperors. 
10. This report needs real prove. 
11. Work is ongoing to strength the foundations. 
Prepared by thuongnguyen25678@gmail.com 
12. They carefully measured the long of the mummy’s case. ____length_____ 
VII- Read and answer the following questions by choosing the letter A, B, C or D. 
I started playing the piano when I was four years old. My mother thought it would be a good outlet for positive 
childish energy and I was really into it; it was exciting. It was something different and I had much more time to 
practice then. The first time I performed in front of an audience was when I was five years old and I loved it. I went 
on a summer camp run by my piano teachers at the time and at the end of the week we all got up and played a piece. 
At that age I was unaware of any of the pressure associated with performing live so it just felt nice to have people 
concentrating on my playing and I liked the applause and attention. Now I perform regularly, often in front of large 
audiences, and I still really enjoy it. 
I always knew I wanted to be a pianist and never thought I would do anything else. In that respect I felt different 
from my friends when I went to school; they all thought they wanted to become teachers or doctors and things like 
that and I just knew I would be a pianist but it didn't feel strange. Finding time to play and practice wasn’t a problem 
at school until my last few years when the pressure of exams and things was hard, but generally I would choose to 
practice instead of doing homework. It always felt like schoolwork got in the way of playing the piano rather than 
the other way around. Unfortunately I was never given any special allowances or extended deadlines though. After I 
finished school I went on to study a degree in music and now I'm studying a Masters degree in accompaniment. 
A typical day now involves a couple of hours practice in the morning before going into college and attending 
classes. I spend a lot of time in the library listening to music, trying to learn and become familiar with new pieces of 
music. One downside to choosing to study and pursue a career in music is that you end up spending hours and hours 
by yourself. However, I also try to spend time at college meeting other people and networking. The more musicians 
I know the more likely I am to be asked to play for others. The more I play the better known I become and in the 
music business it's all about recognition and getting your name out there. It's important to get involved in as many 
performances as possible and take part in competitions so that as many people as possible see you perform and know 
who you are. It's a very competitive industry. Ultimately, if I am asked to play and get given a job it means that 
someone else loses work and sometimes it feels like a constant battle. You can't help being drawn into an artificial 
world where you are constantly comparing yourself to others and are always worried about what others think of your 
performances. In the real world outside of college your audience is much wider. 
I chose to get involved in accompaniment because as much as I love playing the piano I also enjoy working with 
others. And working as an accompanist is a good way of doing that. There are also more job opportunities as 
although there is still a lot of competition other performers will always need good accompanists, so there is more 
demand. I really enjoy performing with other people because there's an even greater sense of achievement when you 
are both on form and a piece comes out amazingly. 
To follow a career in music you have to have a real passion for it as unfortunately it's not a very secure path and it's 
not usually very well paid. Having said that, the real positive side is that I am doing something I love; it's not just a 
subject to study. I love everything associated with music and per

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