Đề ôn thi chứng chỉ B1

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Đề ôn thi chứng chỉ B1
Test 1 
1. a. coach b. cull c. cease d. cut 
 c 
2. a. bureau b. durable c. pure d. pull 
--> d 
3. a. study b. hull c. bull d. hut 
--> c 
4. a. gar b. garlic c. garage d. garbage 
--> c 
5. a. gentle b. gay c. great d. gate 
--> a 
6. a. master b. ask c. absent d. cast 
 c 
Find the mistakes 
7. Although there areapproximately 120 intensive language institutes in the United States in 1970, 
there are more than three times as many now. 
a. are 
b. approximately 
c. in 
d. three times as many 
 a 
8. Cartographers did not make an accurate map because the political situation in the area changesso 
rapidly that they were not able to draw the boundaries correctly. 
a. changes 
b. so 
c. to draw 
d. correctly 
 a 
9. This year designers are showing very bright colors and styles that were worn closer to the body 
thanthose shown last year. 
a. very 
b. were 
c. than 
d. those 
 b 
10. Everyone who saw Star Wars said that it is one of the best science fiction movies that had ever 
been released. 
a. who 
b. is 
c. the best 
d. been 
 b 
11. Before he retiredlast April, Mr. Thompson is working as foreign student advisor for thirty years 
at Community College. 
a. retired 
b. last April 
c. is working 
d. for thirty years 
 c 
Grammar and Vocabulary 
12. She couldn't . her children to his care. 
a. admit 
b. confide 
c. trust 
d. convince 
 b 
13. It was an extraordinary villa. It was quite  . 
a. extreme 
b. funny 
c. big 
d. exceptional 
 d 
14. His answer was so confused that the teacher could hardly make any ... of it at all. 
a. meaning 
b. interpretation 
c. intelligibility 
d. sense 
 d 
15. Commodities were sent from various parts of the world. They came from parts. 
a. difference 
b. same 
c. different 
d. differently 
 c 
16. An old man taught her how .................. the violin. 
a. play 
b. playing 
c. to play 
d. played 
 c 
17. There was a great deal of machinery. This means there .. . 
a. was one big machine 
b. was one big engine 
c. were many machines 
d. was one powerful machine 
 c 
18. Mr Pike's passport . last month, so he will have to get a new one. 
a. ended 
b. elapsed 
c. expired 
d. researched 
 c 
19. There were ten million viewers in all. That was the. . 
a. all 
b. whole 
c. result 
d. total 
 d 
20. "Where ..........................?" "In London." 
a. were you born 
b. are you born 
c. have you been born 
d. did you born 
 a 
21. Hospitals were built with the profits. They were built with the .. . 
a. benefits 
b. earnings 
d. excesses 
 b 
22. Nam ......... to school alone if Tam doesn't come. 
a. goes 
b. will go 
c. had gone 
d. went 
 b 
23. This girl was fast asleep. She has a .............. sleep. 
a. deeply 
b. sound 
d. soundly 
 b 
24. He doesn't want to let me ....... he was going out. 
a. to know 
b. knew 
c. knows 
d. know 
 d 
25. He got a ladder from the shed. He . one. 
a. fetched 
c. brought 
d. carried 
 a 
26. We ......... everything we can to help you! 
a. do 
b. shall do 
c. would do 
d. had done 
 b 
27. My boss spoke in a sarcastic voice. He spoke in a  voice. 
a. critical 
b. laughing 
c. despicable 
d. mocking 
 d 
28. I'll have Mary .......... the umbrella to you immediately. 
a. take 
b. to take 
c. taking 
d. took 
 a 
29. His daughter nearly fell off the ladder. She nearly .. . 
a. fell in 
b. fell over 
c. fell down 
d. fell away 
 c 
30. ......... what he is saying? 
a. Do you understand 
b. Did you understand 
c. You understand 
d. You understood 
 a 
31. If I walk in with muddy boots, Dad always .................. me. 
a. scolds 
b. beats 
c. rebukes 
d. both a & c are correct 
 d 
32. I wish I .......... a famous singer. 
a. am 
b. be 
c. will be 
d. were 
 d 
33. When the company had to close because of economic difficulties, he became ............... 
a. inconsiderate 
b. affected 
c. redundant 
d. concerned 
 c 
34. It's 5 months since I last ......... to her. 
a. talk 
b. talking 
c. talked 
d. have talked 
 c 
35. This summer resort is absolutely wonderful and I‟d . it to anyone. 
a. recommend 
b. talk 
c. praise 
d. accommodate 
 a 
36. “Can we begin the test?” “We can‟t unless the teacher  so.” 
a. will say 
b. is saying 
c. shall say 
d. says 
 d 
37. When was the last time she ........ her bedroom? 
a. cleaned 
b. clean 
c. have cleaned 
d. are cleaning 
 a 
38. We had to walk since we couldn‟t  to take a bus. 
a. afford 
b. be wealthy 
c. supply 
d. furnish 
 a 
39. Whose child  he is? 
a. do you think 
b. have you thought 
c. will you think 
d. were you thinking 
 a 
40. Our life would be very difficult without.. 
a. luxury furniture 
b. water 
c. saving-labor machines 
d. electricity 
 d 
41. I felt embarrassed when I ........ in front of the class. 
a. stand up 
b. will stand up 
c. stood up 
d. are standing up 
 c 
42. The boy took a long ................ on his first morning at camp. 
a. horseback ride 
b. walk 
c. bicycle ride 
d. swim 
 b 
43. It was ............. lovely weather that we spent the whole day on the beach. 
a. so 
b. such a 
c. so a 
d. such 
 d 
44. After retiring, my aunt spent her  on an expensive holiday. 
a. dollars 
b. accounts 
c. savings 
d. cheques 
 c 
45. ... games without asking for my permission. 
a. Do not play 
b. Not play 
c. Won't play 
d. Didn't play 
 a 
46. My ................... is collecting coins from all over the world. 
a. pastime 
b. career 
c. business 
d. vocation 
 a 
47. Never ..... too much wine. 
a. drink 
b. have drunk 
c. to drink 
d. drinking 
 a 
48. Mr. Pike should . the speech of welcome. 
a. do 
b. make 
c. have 
d. speak 
 b 
49. I am working. Please do ........ talking. 
a. stopping 
b. stopped 
c. being stopped 
d. stop 
 d 
50. Smoking is ................. in many companies in our country. 
a. permitted 
b. taught 
c. banned 
d. stopped 
 c 
Test 2 
1. a. heighten b. neighbour c. heinous d. lei 
--> a 
2. a. chemical b. chaos c. chase d. chiropodist 
--> c 
3. a. swab b. what c. yacht d. bat 
--> d 
4. a. lose b. rose c. move d. movie 
--> b 
5. a. mass b. class c. grass d. mark 
--> a 
6. a. colour b. honey c. glove d. collar 
 d 
Find the mistakes 
7. The secretary thought that she will have to wait until tomorrow to send the letters because the mail 
had already gone, but her boss suggested that she take them to the post office instead. 
a. will 
b. wait 
c. gone 
d. take 
 a 
8. Although Emily Dickinson publishesonly three of her verses before she died, today there aremore 
than one thousand of her poems printed in many important collection. 
a. publishes 
b. only 
c. are 
d. more than 
 a 
9. Between one thing and another, Anna does not get through with her term paper last Friday. 
a. one thing and another 
b. does 
c. with 
d. term paper 
 b 
10. Dew usuallydisappearedbyseven o'clockin the morning when the sun comes up. 
a. usually 
b. disappeared 
c. by 
d. in the morning 
 b 
11. She was among the fewwhowant to quit smoking instead of cutting down. 
a. the few 
b. who 
c. want 
d. smoking 
 c 
Grammar and Vocabulary 
12. The new proposals for students loans should be ............... 
a. be taking 
b. takes 
c. take 
d. taken 
 d 
13. The clerk had to ................... the conversation to wait on a customer. 
a. break off 
b. hurry 
c. continue 
d. begin 
 a 
14. She couldn't skate then ..................... her foot problem. 
a. because of 
b. because 
c. although 
d. as 
 a 
15. This time next week they .................. to London. 
a. will be flying 
b. will fly 
c. are flying 
d. have flown 
 a 
16. Now, let's ........ the original with the copy. 
a. comparing 
b. compares 
c. compared 
d. compare 
 d 
17. Peter won't be home for ....................... dinner this evening. 
a. this 
b. a 
c. no word is needed 
d. the 
 c 
18. Let me .......... a look at this picture. 
a. had 
b. has 
c. is having 
d. have 
 d 
 19. My mother is always complaining about ....................... us from school. 
a. to meet 
b. meeting 
c. to collect 
d. collecting 
 d 
20. Something ........... right in what he says. 
a. be 
b. would be 
c. being 
d. is 
 d 
21. A lot of people left school at 16 and they now .................... leaving so early. 
a. sorry 
b. regret 
c. confuse 
d. worry 
 b 
22. Can you tell Jack I ....... in a little late? 
a. had been 
b. am being 
c. be 
d. will be 
 d 
23. This man was defeated in the elections. He was 
a. conquered 
b. won 
c. beaten 
d. destroyed 
 c 
24. Please ............... more slowly. 
a. spoke 
b. speak 
c. speaking 
d. to speak 
 b 
25. We .. what the weather‟s going to be like next Sunday. 
a. think 
b. suppose 
c. wonder 
d. demand 
 c 
26. We shouldn't ...... them what they want. 
a. give 
b. gave 
c. to give 
d. had given 
 a 
27. I didn‟t recognize the man until he turned round to .. me. 
a. look 
b. face 
c. stare 
d. head 
 b 
28. How about ....... to Nha Trang? 
a. travel 
b. travelling 
c. to travel 
d. travels 
 b 
29. He did everything he could to attract her . : shouted, whistled, waved his arms-but she still 
didn‟t see him. 
a. attention 
b. notice 
c. recognition 
d. eyesight 
 a 
30. Remember ............. the door before going to bed. 
a. locking 
b. to lock 
c. locked 
d. not locking 
 b 
31. Mary was. with friends at school because she always made them laugh. 
a. familiar 
b. considerate 
c. popular 
d. attractive 
 c 
32. I am expected .............. the result of last exam. 
a. knowing 
b. to know 
c. know 
d. knew 
 b 
33. The boy‟s teachers him to improve his drawing. 
a. encouraged 
b. insisted 
c. made 
d. persisted 
 a 
34. If you didn't follow his advice, you ............... a fool. 
a. will be 
b. would be 
c. are 
d. would have been 
 b 
35. . you do, please don‟t go too near the edge of the cliff. 
a. Wherever 
b. However 
c. Whatever 
d. Whenever 
 c 
36. Nancy talks as if she ............... everything. 
a. knows 
b. had known 
c. knew 
d. not know 
 c 
37. Jane looks . she‟s been pulled through a hedge backwards! 
a. as 
b. like 
c. as if 
d. whether 
 c 
38. His father was so angry that he didn't dare ................. 
a. to come 
b. to coming 
c. coming 
d. came 
 a 
39. She‟s been gazing out of the window.since it started to snow. 
a. always 
b. ever 
c. fairly 
d. already 
 b 
40. Many things which we can do now couldn't .............. years ago. 
a. do 
b. done 
c. being done 
d. be done 
 d 
41. He possibly be Charles‟ father! He doesn‟t look old enough. 
a. mustn‟t 
b. shouldn‟t 
c. can't 
d. needn‟t 
 c 
42. She would play well if she ............ more. 
a. practised 
b. practises 
c. practising 
d. practice 
 a 
43. “I think we‟d better bring John .......... this discussion.” the teacher said. 
“He‟s got a lot of experience in this field.” 
a. up against 
b. in on 
c. round to 
d. up with 
 b 
44. Tell me what you ............... on the way to school this morning. 
a. see 
b. saw 
c. had seen 
d. seen 
 b 
45. We shall always . not going on a trip to London when we had the chance. 
a. forget 
b. detest 
c. resent 
d. regret 
 d 
46. She .............. eating since they arrived. 
a. doesn't finish 
b. hasn't finished 
c. didn't finish 
d. not finish 
 b 
47. The old clown was in a .sight, standing there with tears running down his cheeks. 
a. harmful 
b. pitiful 
c. careless 
d. blameless 
 b 
48. You ....... better stay at home so as not to give flu to others. 
a. should 
b. have to 
c. had 
d. have 
 c 
49. Since the time the prices ........................ considerable. 
a. have risen 
b. rose 
c. rise 
d. had risen 
 a 
50. They were very strict. They wouldn't let her daughter ........... back home after 10 p.m. 
a. come 
b. coming 
c. came 
d. to come 
 a 
Test 3 
1. a. tail b. tain c. plait d. rain 
--> c 
2. a. through b. rough c. wound d. group 
--> b 
3. a. drama b. bamboo c. damage d. mamba 
--> a 
4. a. architect b. chemist c. parachute d. psychology 
--> c 
5. a. born b. embroider c. bark d. bomb 
--> d 
6. a. jaguar b. jean c. jam d. just 
 a 
Find the mistakes 
7. OnOctober 19, 1781, Cornwallis surrenders his army to General Washington, a gesture that 
signaled the end of the Revolutionary War. 
a. On 
b. surrenders 
c. to 
d. that 
 b 
8. The price of coffee is low last month, but everyone knows that it is going to go up this month. 
a. is 
b. knows 
c. it 
d. going to 
 a 
9. In a special report last year, Dan Rather said that the crime rate is increasing in spite of community 
and government programs aimed at providing education and employment opportunities for first 
a. is 
b. in spite of 
c. aimed at 
d. for 
 a 
10. Dr Alvarez was displeased because the student had turned in an unacceptable report, so he made 
him to rewrite it. 
a. displeased 
b. had turned in an unacceptable 
c. so 
d. to rewrite 
 d 
11. The fruit and vegetables at the Shop Mart are always very fresh because theywere shipped in 
every day from the local farm markets. 
a. fruit 
b. they 
c. were 
d. farm markets 
 c 
Grammar and Vocabulary 
12. He wishes she  to him before she went and bought that house. 
a. spoke 
b. have spoken 
c. had spoken 
d. would have spoken 
 c 
13. I bought a computer. My son often played games and didn't learn his lessons. I wish I .................. 
a. didn't buy 
b. wouldn't buy 
c. hadn't bought 
d. doesn't buy 
 c 
14. There was nothing for it.. to get off the bus and walk back home. 
a. other 
b. but 
c. otherwise 
d. than 
 b 
15. His mother makes him ............... English harder. 
a. to study 
b. study 
c. studying 
d. studied 
 b 
16. .. my opinion, we should reorganize the whole company. 
a. As far as 
b. To 
c. According 
d. In 
 d 
17. When he was young, he used to ............... camping with his friends. 
a. going 
b. went 
c. have gone 
d. go 
 d 
18. His grandmother was suddenly ill during the night and died the following afternoon. 
a. fallen 
b. taken 
c. got 
d. become 
 b 
19. When I first visited Moscow, I couldn't get used ............... the cold weather. 
a. with 
b. to 
c. for 
d. in 
 b 
20. He can‟t stop. He‟shis way to a very important meeting. 
a. on 
b. out of 
c. in 
d. towards 
 a 
21. You needn't ......... back again! 
a. came 
b. to come 
c. come 
d. coming 
 c 
22. Her teachers were .. that she passed the examination. 
a. anxious 
b. mad 
c. concerned 
d. delighted 
 d 
23. They insisted she ................ the party. 
a. attended 
b. attends 
c. to attend 
d. attend 
 d 
24. Look! The people over there ................. in a queue ............... for their turn. 
a. is standing / to wait 
b. stand / to wait 
c. are standing / to wait 
d. is standing / waiting 
 c 
25. The boys speak English ................. 
a. fluent 
b. fluently 
c. fluency 
d. fluencyly 
 b 
26. Their hosts.. them a very warm welcome. 
a. did 
b. had 
c. made 
d. gave 
 d 
27. Tuition at this University runs .................. one thousand pounds a semester. 
a. so high as 
b. as high to 
c. as high as 
d. as high than 
28. Hello! - Oh, I‟m awfully sorry. I.. you for a close friend of mine. 
a. neglected 
b. mistook 
c. thought 
d. mislaid 
 b 
29. Tell me ...... you are looking for and I will try to help you. 
a. that 
b. what 
c. who 
d. which 
 b 
30. Could you hold the ladder ..while I climb up and pick the coconuts? 
a. firm 
b. solid 
c. steady 
d. rigid 
 c 
31. You'd better drink more water, ................? 
a. hadn't you 
b. had you 
c. wouldn't you 
d. didn't you 
 a 
32. Can you . The results of the coming general elections? 
a. foretold 
b. forecast 
c. foresaw 
d. forewarned 
 b 
33. Some people are used to ..................... bicycle trips to the countryside every Sunday. 
a. rode 
b. ridden 
c. ride 
d. riding 
 d 
34. We can‟t go wrong if we.. the instructions. 
a. follow 
b. take 
c. guide 
d. keep 
 a 
35. Why do you always believe in everything .. he says? 
a. who 
b. which 
c. when 
d. what 
 b 
36. One of the reasons why the French wished to establish colonies in the New World .. some 
of them wanted to escape religious persecution at home. 
a. was because 
b. was that 
c. were because 
d. were that 
 b 
37. I usually like history, but I didn't care for the ................... last year. We did nineteenth century 
European history. It was boring. 
a. syllabus 
b. study 
c. plan 
d. timetable 
38. If you see Daisy,.you mindher to meet me? 
a. will.reminding 
b. will.to remind 
c. would.reminding 
d. would.to remind 
 c 
39. I wish I knew the girl ....... Daisy is talking to. 
a. whom 
b. what 
c. which 
d. whose 
 a 
40. Dickfor Singapore as soon as he..about your accident. 
a. had left / was informed 
b. had left / had been informed 
c. leaves / has been informed 
d. left / was informed 
 d 
41. If he .................., please wake me up. 
a. would come 
b. will come 
c. had come 
d. comes 
 d 
42. We think that we will elect Mr. Brown. 
a. for our chairman 
b. be our chairman 
c. being our chairman 
d. our chairman 
 d 
43. The building ........ they built last year was damaged by the storm last night. 
a. who 
b. when 
c. that 
d. where 
 c 
44. at 3 p.m, John was thoughtthe suspect. 
a. Seen and left / be 
b. To be seen leaving / to be 
c. Seen leaving / to be 
d. He seen and left / to be 
 c 
45. Some of my friends are taking extra classes in English ...................... become tourist guides. 
a. so that 
b. so as 
c. in order that 
d. so as to 
 d 
46. His explanation.. reasonable. 
a. is not sound 
b. does not sound 
c. is not sounded 
d. is not sounding 
 b 
47. Do you know the name of the restaurant ... we had dinner in last night? 
a. where 
b. what 
c. when 
d. which 
 d 
48. "Come.with us next Saturday", said Jack. 
a. fish 
b. fishing 
c. to fish 
d. being to fish 
 b 
49. In a fortnight, there are ................... days. 
a. ten 
b. twelve 
c. forty 
d. fourteen 
 d 
50. Although the fire lasted about two and half hours, nobody.................... 
a. injured 
b. was injured 
c. In so doing 
d. Doing so 
 b 
Test 4 
1. a. naked b. sacred c. wanted d. walked 
--> d 
2. a. heaven b. weapon c. cheap d. head 
--> c 
3. a. nerve b. function c. butter d. stomach 
--> a 
4. a. blue b. solution c. roof d. dull 
--> d 
5. a. sure b. lure c. pure d. cure 
--> a 
6. a. town b. flow c. now d. drowse 
 b 
Find the mistakes 
7. The maid does not finish cleaning the rooms at College Dormitory yesterday because she had to 
helpscrub the floors in the kitchen and the cafeteria. 
a. does 
b. cleaning 
c. to help 
d. scrub 
 a 
8. It is necessary to puta return address that included your name, street number, city, state, and zip 
code on all correspondence. 
a. to put 
b. a return address 
c. included 
d. all 
 c 
9. If one does not have respect for himself, you cannot expect others to respect him. 
a. himself 
b. you 
c. others 
d. him 
 b 
10. The governor, with his wife and children, are at home watching the election returns on television. 
a. his 
b. are 
c. watching 
d. on television 
 b 
11. Those of us who belong to the National Association for Foreign Student Affairs should havetheir 
memberships renewed in September. 
a. who 
b. should have 
c. their 
d. in September 
 c 
Grammar and Vocabulary 
12. The swamp contained ................ thousands of fish. 
a. much 
b. one 
c. many 
d. few 
 c 
13. “What happened to Mark‟s arms?” “He ............... in the Second World War." 
a. was wounding 
b. wounded 
c. had wounded 
d. was wounded 
 d 
14. This is a photograph of our friends .......... went on holiday last week. 
a. who 
b. whose 
c. whom 
d. which 
 a 
15. Ms Elan, .................... her house on fire, managed to save something. 
a. seeing 
b. to save 
c. see 
d. saw 
 a 
16. Smoke from factories is a kind of ................ 
a. fertilizer 
b. smog 
c. pollutant 
d. vapour 
 c 
17. John is sixteen years old, but Mary, his sister, is only eight. 
a. He is older than his sister two times 
b. He is twice as old as his sister 
c. His sister is twice as young as him 
d. He is two twice as older as his sister 
 b 
18. The flight ........ he wanted to travel on, was exploded. 
a. where 
b. which 
c. when 
d. who 
 b 
19. Michael and his friend were badly injured in the last match, socan play today. 
a. both of them 
b. either one of them 
c. neither of them 
d. not any of them 
 c 
20. The little girl is afraid of seeing the doctor ....... makes her take medicine. 
a. which 
b. who 
c. whose 
d. whom 
 b 
21. Mary put a. on the letter. 
a. five-cents stamp 
b. five-cent stamp 
c. stamp of five cents 
d. five-cent stamps 
 b 
22. The present ............... Lan sent me last week is very nice. 
a. which 
b. where 
c. when 
d. who 
 a 
23. Somebody once ................ Mark Twain whether he ................ remember the first money he 
a. asks / can / earns 
b. had asked / could / earned 
c. asked / could/ earned 
d. has asked / could / earned 
 c 
24. Ten pupils, none of .......... got good marks, took last examination. 
a. who 
b. which 
c. whom 
d. whose 
 c 
25. Charlie is very ........................ irritated by loud noises. 
a. easily 
b. easy 
c. easement 
d. easiness 
 a 
26. Take two ................... of this medicine after each meal. 
a. spoonfuls 
b. spoonful 
c. spoon's full 
d. sponfull's 
 a 
27. They.for Canada tomorrow. 
a. will be leaving 
b. will have left 
c. are left 
d. have left 
 a 
28. The child stared at the posters ... ..... was very beautiful. 
a. when 
b. which 
c. where 
d. who 
 b 
29. Chartsto the navigation of a ship. 
a. has essential 
b. have essential 
c. is essential 
d. are essential 
 d 
30. There was a wood .......... they spent a pleasant day. 
a. when 
b. which 
c. where 
d. who 
 c 
31. Their houses are on the same hill. His is.. hers. 
a. over 
b. on 
c. above 
d. upon 
 c 
32. Politicians often write their ............. at the end of their careers. 
a. memories 
b. memoirs 
c. remembrances 
d. souvenirs 
 b 
33. We quarreled ..the choice of a house. 
a. on 
b. over 
c. for 
d. to 
--> b 
34. Fish were among the earliest forms of life. Fish ............. on earth for ages and ages. 
a. existed 
b. are existing 
c. exists 
d. have existed 
 d 
35. “I saw Paul at the theatre yesterday.” “You.He‟s in the hospital.” 
a. won‟t have 
b. couldn‟t have 
c. should have 
d. could have 
 b 
36. She has a friend ....... is very good at telling jokes. 
a. whose 
b. which 
c. who 
d. whom 
 c 
37. “Are you going to the movies.” “If Betty goes,.” 
a. I do so 
b. so go I 
c. so I‟ll go 
d. so will I 
 d 
38. He is living in the building .......... has twenty storeys. 
a. where 
b. that 
c. when 
d. whom 
 b 
39. “Why haven‟t these letters been mailed?” “Well, Dane said she‟d get someonetomorrow.” 
a. for mailing them 
b. mailing them 
c. will mail them 
d. to mail them 
 d 
40. ................... the better she seems to feel. 
a. When she takes more medicine 
b. The more medicine she takes 
c. Taking more of the medicine 
d. More medicine taken 
 b 
41. “He seems to have a lot of money with him.” “Yes. The store” 
a. cashed for him a check 
b. cashed him a check 
c. cashed a check to him 
d. cashed a check for him 
 d 
42. The musician is a person ...... plays a musical instrument. 
a. that 
b. which 
c. when 
d. whom 
 a 
43. I.her that much money. 
a. oppose to lend 
b. oppose to lending 
c. am opposed to lend 
d. am opposed to lending 
 d 
44. Farmers can ............ their land by yearly rotation of crops. 
a. keep 
b. protect 
c. prevent 
d. draining 
 b 
45. Lan to the hospital yesterday evening but nobody took her there. 
a. could go 
b. would go 
c. should have gone 
d. must have gone 
 c 
46. That athlete hopes to .................. a new world record. 
a. do 
b. make 
c. build 
d. fix 
 b 
47. “Charles has lived in Tokyo for thirteen years.” “Yes, but hedoesn‟t understand 
a. already 
b. yet 
c. still 
d. anymore 
 c 
48. The boy ..... stole the woman's bag ran away. 
a. when 
b. that 
c. which 
d. whom 
 b 
49. I thought you said Jane was going away this summer,? 
a. didn‟t I 
b. didn't you 
c. wasn‟t she 
d. wasn‟t it 
 b 
50. There are a lot of people at my friend's wedding party, only a few of . I had met before. 
a. who 
b. whose 
c. whom 
d. which 
 c 
Test 5 
1. a. threat b. with c. smooth d. although 
--> a 
2. a. good b. root c. stool d. shoot 
--> a 
3. a. engineer b. enrich c. enhance d. enjoy 
--> a 
4. a. labour b. flour c. rumour d. honour 
--> b 
5. a. bush b. fussy c. pull d. push 
--> b 
6. a. winter b. intelligent c. bin d. combine 
--> d 
Find the mistakes 
7. Everyone whotakes the examination will receive their score reports in six weeks. 
a. who 
b. takes 
c. their 
d. in six weeks 
 c 
8. The popularity of soccer in the United Stateswere increasedsignificantly by theplaying of the 
World Cup in cities throughout the country in 1994. 
a. were increased 
b. significantly 
c. the playing 
d. in 1994 
 a 
9. Few airports in the United Statesis as modern asthatofAtlanta. 
a. is 
b. as 
c. that 
d. of 
 a 
10. Those of us who move during the semester should have their addresses changed at the registrar's 
a. who 
b. during the semester 
c. their 
d. changed 
 c 
11. If one had considered the consequences carefully, you would not have agreed to sign a two-year 
a. had 
b. carefully 
c. you 
d. two-year 
 c 
Grammar and Vocabulary 
12. Tom was a really intelligent boy when we were in high-school. I still remember..very 
intelligent and strange questions. 
a. his asking 
b. asking him 
c. him to ask 
d. his being asked 
 a 
13. I often go to visit my friends in Hue, ............. is 80 miles away. 
a. who 
b. which 
c. what 
d. where 
 b 
14. “You have been spending a great deal of money lately.” “You‟re right. I need toon my 
a. cut out 
b. cut up 
c. cut down 
d. cut away 
 c 
15. “.................. will the train start?” “In a few minutes' time.” 
a. When 
b. How long 
c. How long ago 
d. How much 
 a 
16. “Did you enjoy the film?” “Yes, but I don‟t think the actors performed as well as they ..” 
a. do 
b. have done 
c. once did 
d. did 
 c 
17. I want ................... to her why we can't go. 
a. would explain 
b. explained 
c. to explain 
d. will explain 
 c 
18. There's no need to get ............... just because I am a few minutes late. 
a. annoyed 
b. annoying 
c. annoy 
d. annoys 
 a 
19. The reason ....... he didn't attend your party was obvious. 
a. when 
b. why 
c. which 
d. who 
 b 
20. He feels dizzy but he expects the feeling will pass.in a minute. 
a. off 
b. on 
c. by 
d. from 
 a 
21. When I picked up my pen, I found that the nib ........... 
a. broke 
b. had broken 
c. has broken 
d. had been breaking 
 b 
22. What to see her at the stadium! 
a. the surprise 
b. surprise 
c. a surprise 
d. surprising 
 c 
23. Our teacher appeared after we .................. for him for fifteen minutes. 
a. was waiting 
b. have waited 
c. had waited 
d. waiting 
 c 
24. She spent all ................. on a new modern car. 
a. the money she had saved 
b.the money she had borrowed 
c. the money she borrowed 
d. the money she had lent 
 a 
25. Mr Nam, ........... is a doctor, eats in this restaurant everyday. 
a. when 
b. where 
c. why 
d. who 
 d 
26. She ................ at the beautiful model standing by the counter. 
a. glanced 
b. stared at 
c. watched carefully 
d. paid attention to 
 a 
27. Mary, ....... children are at school all day, is free and wants to get a job. 
a. who 
b. whose 
c. whom 
d. which 
 b 
28. We can‟t help laughing. There are some excellent.in this magazine. 
a. jokes 
b. laughters 
c. reviews 
d. comments 
 a 
29. Our companies should ................ with foreign companies. 
a. compare 
b. cooperate 
c. solve 
d. borrow 
 b 
30. People said that 85% of all these accidents were caused by drivers‟.. 
a. care 
b. careless 
c. carelessness 
d. careful 
 c 
31. Don't drink too much beer, ........ will make us fat. 
a. which 
b. when 
c. who 
d. whom 
 a 
32. He is very ..................., so he goes to see a doctor. 
a. overweight 
b. healthy 
c. gaining weight 
d. losing weight 
 a 
33. Banking is the ............... activity of banks. 
a. business 
b. barter 
c. technology 
d. society 
 a 
34. All of us have seen the arrival or departure of migrating of birds. 
a. flocks 
b. herds 
c. fleets 
d. schools 
 a 
35. The meat .........

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