Đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh - Unit 8: Chuyển đổi từ hiện tại hoàn thành sang quá khứ đơn ( và ngược lại )

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Đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh - Unit 8: Chuyển đổi từ hiện tại hoàn thành sang quá khứ đơn ( và ngược lại )
1. This is the first time I have seen him (đây là lần đầu tơi thấy anh ta )
=>I have never seen him before. ( tơi chưa bao giờ thấy anh ta trước đây )
Mẫu này cĩ dạng :
Đây là lần đầu tiên ... làm chuyện đĩ => ...chưa bao giờ làm chuyện đĩ trước đây.
 	The first time + S + have/has + V3 / ed + 
	à S + have / has + never + V3 / ed ...before
2.I started / began studying English 3 years ago. (tơi bắt đầu học TA cách đây 3 năm )
=> I have studied English for 3 years. ( tơi học TA được 3 năm )
Mẫu này cĩ dạng :
...bắt đầu làm gì đĩ cách đây + khoảng thời gian  => .. đã làm chuyện đĩ for + khoảng thời gian
Nếu khơng cĩ ago mà cĩ when + mệnh đề thì giữ nguyên mệnh đề chỉ đổi when thành since 
S + started / began + V ( ing)/ To + V(inf) + thời gian trong quá khứ 
à S + have / has + V(ed/c3) + for / since + thời gian
3. I last saw him when I was a student.( lần cuồi cùng tơi thấy anh ta là khi tơi là SV ) 
=> I haven't seen him since I was a student.( tơi đã khơng thấy anh ta từ khi tơi là SV ) 
Mẫu này cĩ dạng :
Lần cuối cùng làm chuyện đĩ là khi .... => ..khơng làm chuyện đĩ từ khi ....
Last : lần cuối. 	Since : từ khi 
S1 + last + V2 / ed + when + S2 + V2 / ed .. 
à S1 + have / has + V3 / ed + since + S2 + V2 / ed ..
4. The last time she went out with him was two years ago
(Lần cuối cơ ta đi chơi với anh ta cách đây 2 năm )
She hasn't gone out with him for two years.( cơ ta đã khơng đi chơi với anh ta đã 2 năm nay )
 The last time + S + V2 / ed +  + was + thời gian trong quá khứ
à S + haven’t/ hasn’t + V3 / ed +  + for / since + thời gian
5. It's ten years since I last met him.(đã 10 năm từ khi tơi gặp anh ta lần cuối )
=> I haven't met him for ten years . ( tơi đã khơng gặp anh ta 10 năm rồi )
Mẫu này cĩ dạng :
Đã ..khoảng thời gian từ khi làm gì đĩ lần cuối => ..khơng làm việc đĩ được + khoảng thời gian
It's + thời gian + since + S + last + V2 / ed +  
à S + haven't / hasn’t + V3 / ed + + for / since + thời gian
6. When did you buy it ? ( bạn đã mua nĩ khi nào ?
=> How long have you bought ? ( bạn đã mua nĩ được bao lâu ? )
Mẫu này cĩ dạng :when : thì dùng quá khứ đơn 	à How long : thì dùng hiện tại hồn thành
When + did + S + V0 / Vs / es .. ? / How long ago + did + S + V0?
=> How long + have / has + S + V3 / ed ?
I. Conditional sentences type 1. (Câu điều kiện loại 1)
1. Form 
IFCLAUSE ( Mệnh đề If )
 MAIN CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề chính )
Simple Present (Thì hiện tại đơn )
If + S + am / is /are
If + S + V (s/es)	
If + don’t / doesn’t + V ( nguyên mẫu)
Simple Future ( Thì tương lai đơn )
S + will/ won’t + V ( bare infinitive )	
S+ can/must/ may/ might+ V( bare infinitive )
Eg 1 If I have enough money, I will buy a big house.
( Nếu tơi cĩ đủ tiền , tơi sẽ mua một ngơi nhà lớn ).
Eg 2If you want to pass the exam, you must study harder.
( Nếu bạn muốn thi đỗ , bạn phải học hành chăm chỉ hơn ).
Eg 3 If she doesn’t want to be late, Shemust get up early.
( Nếu cơ ấy khơng muốn bị muộn thì cơ ấy phải dậy sớm ).
- Câu điều kiện loại 1 là câu điều kiện diễn tả tình trạng cĩ thật ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
Eg If you learn hard, you will pass the exam.Nếu bạn học chăm chỉ ,bạn sẽ đỗ kỳ thi.
- Trong câu điều kiện loại 1, thì hiện tại đơn dùng trong mệnh đề If, cịn thì tương lai đơn được dùng trong mệnh đề chính.
If the factory continues dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die
Nếu nhà máy tiếp tục thải chất độc xuống hồ, thì tất cả lồi cá và các sinh vật dưới nước sẽ chết.
Chú ý Thì hiện tại đơn cĩ thể đượcdùng trong mệnh đề chính đểdiễntảmột điều kiện luơn đúng
II. Conditional sentences type 2. (Câu điều kiện loại 2)
IF CLAUSE (Mệnh đề If)
 MAIN CLAUSE ( Mệnh đề chính )
If +S + V-ed/2 
If + S + didn’t + V ( nguyên mẫu)
If + S + were
S + would / could/might + V(infinitive)
S + wouldn’t / couldn’t +V (infinitive)
Eg 1 If I becamerich , I would spend all my time travelling. 
Nếu tơi giàu, tơi sẽ dành tất cả thời gian để đi du lịch.
- Câu điều kiện loại 2 là câu điều kiện khơng cĩ thật thường dùng để nĩi lên sự tưởng tượng của người nĩi. ( Điều kiện khơng thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc tương lai ).
If I were you, I would buy that bike.
Nếu tơi là bạn tơi sẽ mua chiếc xe đạp đĩ.
Chú ý Trong mệnh đề khơng cĩ thật ở hiệntại, chúng ta cĩ thể dùng were thay cho was trong tất cả các ngơi trong mệnh đề If.
Eg If I were you, I would study English hard.
Nếu tơi là bạn, tơi sẽ học Tiếng Anh chăm chỉ hơn.
Question I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined. 
1. A. wanted 	B. washed 	C. worked 	D. stopped
2. A. mention	B. question	C. action	D. education
3. A. who	B. when	C. where	D. what 
4. A. out	 B. round	 C. about	 D. would
5. A. there B. thank	 C. thirsty D. youth
Question II. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1.A. agree	 B. father	C. depend	D. enjoy
2. A. prefer	 B. enjoy	C. happen	D. agree
3.A. doctor 	B. father 	C. picture 	D. fancy
4.A.kitchen	 B. visit	C. mistake	D. people
5.A. attend	 B. advise	C. affect	D. listen 
Question III. Complete the sentences with “for” or “since”: 
We haven’t heard from them  ages
They waited for you  two days
They haven’t met himhe left the room
We have bought the new car  1999
Haven’t you seen him Christmas?
It was not rained May
I haven’t written to him  five months
She has spoken to them  this morning
We have listened to music 8a.m
The house been built  last year
Question IV. Give the correct form of the following verbs:
1. I (go) _________ to school by bicycle every day.	
2. When I(come)_________ home from work, my mother was cooking dinner.
3.They ( play)_________________football at the moment.
4. If you (study )_________harder, you will pass the exam.
5.I wish he (not leave) _________________ here
6.He (live) __________________in Australia for 10 years.
7.Ba enjoys (play)_________________ football in the morning. 
8. My house ( build)__________________ in 2004.
9. If the weather gets worse, we (not go) ________________ to the beach.
10.I wish I (live) ________________ near my school.
11. My brother usually (go) _______ to school by bike every day.
12. Last night, my father ( watch) ______________ TV
13.I wish I ( know) ______________her address
14. My father enjoys (watch) _______________ television in the evenings. 
15.I wish I ( be ) ________________ taller.
Question V. Use simple past or present perfect to complete the following sentences: 
Her English ( improve )  recently
How many pages  you (read)  so far?
We (finish)  our homework two hour ago
you (be)  to Rome?
I (see)  him several times on TV
What  you (do)  last night?
This is the first time I (visit)  the city
They (buy) the garden some days ago
I (learn)  English since I (be)  11 years old
Be careful! I (just clean)  the floor
The meal (already be)  ready.
I (never read) an interesting story like this before
Question VI. Rewrite the following sentences with the words given: 
1.Minh last wrote to his pen pal five months ago.
Minh hasn’t ..
2.The last time we visited Kuala Lumpur was 3 years ago.
 I haven’t 
3. When did you study English? 
How long ? 
4. They began building this house 2 months ago
They have  
5. My father started to work in this factory last week
My father has
6. How long has he worked in the garden? 
When ?
7. How long ago did you learn music? 
 How long have 
8. He started living in Ho Chi Minh city when he was 8
 He has 
9. He learnt English when he was 18
 He has 
10. They have worked in that factory for five years.
They began ..
11. My father stopped smoking two years ago.
My father hasn’t 
12. We have learnt English for four years.
-->We started...........................................................................................................
13.My father started to give up smoking last year.
-->My father has......................................................................................................
14.They have worked in that factory since 2001.
-->They started........................................................................................................
15. Lan hasn't written to Maryam for a month.
-->Lan didn't..........................................................................................................
16. He has lived in Ha Noi since he was 12.
-->He started..........................................................................................................
17. I haven't met her for a long time.
-->I didn't...............................................................................................................
18. How long have you learnt French ?
-->How long ago...................................................................................................?
19. How long have you bought this car ?
-->When did...........................................................................................................?
20. When did you start to listen to classical music ?
-->How long ..........................................................................................................?
21. I saw her 10 years ago.
-->I haven't...............................................................................................................
22. The last time I saw him was in June
--> I ..
23. He started working in this company 5 years ago
--> He has
24. They began living here ten years ago
--> They have
25. Lan started to learn French since 2000
--> Lan has been learning 
26. The last time Lan went to the zoo was two years ago
--> Lan 
27. I haven’t eaten this kind of food before
-->This is the first time..
28. She has studied Japanese for three years
--> It’s three years since she started to study Japanese 
29. It’s two years since she had a holiday
--> She has ..
30. This is my first visit to Scotland 
--> I .
31. The last time he came to the cinema was three weeks ago
--> He .
32. We haven’t been to the park for 2 days 
--> The last time ..
33. It’s five years since we last met each other
--> We.
34. We began working the job six months ago
--> I .
35. They started checking the machines two hours ago 
-->They have 
36. He began fixing the bike ten minutes ago
-->He has..
37. She commenced cooking the soup half an hour ago
-->She has..
38. We began doing the test an hour ago
--> We have
39. Jack began planting flowers three hours ago
--> Jack has
40. They started building the bridge two years ago
--> They have..
41. Nam started learning English in 1998
--> Nam has.
42. Bang began raising birds in May
--> Bang has..
43. Van started collecting stamps on Sunday
--> Van has
44. Hang began listening to music at 8 o’clock 
--> Hang has..
45. Mai commenced making a dress on Saturday
--> Mai has..
46. He began watering the vegetables at nine 
--> He has.
47. Khanh started playng computer games in 2002 
--> Khanh has..
48. Kim commenced doing the test at one o’clock
--> Kim has.
49. Miss Lien commenced raising the pets in 2010
--> Miss Lien 
50. Minh began selling lottery tickets in June
--> Minh has
Question VII. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting. 
1. He said he would go to England next week.
 A B C D
2. My brother enjoys to go to the park on Summer evenings.
 A B C D
3. Nam wishes he can speak English fluently.
 A B C D
4. Mai has stayed on her uncle's farm for last week.
 A B C D
5. This is the first time I visited a famous place in Hanoi.
 A B C D
Question VIII. Rewrite sentences without changing meaning of the original ones.
1.You spent more money during the trip than I did.
=> I didn’t_______________________________________________________________
2. Have you ever been to Kuala Lumpur before?
=> Is this your____________________________________________________________
3. China is a huge tourist attraction: it has many old castles and pagodas.
=> As China______________________________________________________________
4. I found this place rather boring.
=> I wasn’t_______________________________________________________________
5. We last went to Spain three years ago.
=> It is__________________________________________________________________
6. We visited a magnificent old house on the plateau.
=> The__________________________________________________________________
7. We arrived in Budapest two days ago. (FOR)
=>We___________________________________________________________ two days.
8. I have visited the Stone Forest once before. (SECOND)
=> This is the___________________________________________________ the Stone Forest.
9. I find it hard to go at the same speed as my brother. (UP)
=> I find it hard to__________________________________________________ my brother.
10. Dzung is very fond of travelling. (KEEN)
=>Dzung is_______________________________________________________________
11. We drove away as fast as we could. (FULL)
=> We drove away__________________________________________________________.
12. We went towards the old house. (DIRECTION)
=> We went ______________________________________________________the old house.
13. The information I got from the travel agent was very confusing and I didn’t know what was going on. (GAVE)
=> The travel agent________________________________________ and I didn’t know what was going on.
Question I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined. 
1. A. passed	B. watched	C. played	 D. washed 
2. A. proud	B. about	C. around	 D. would
3. A. wanted 	B. washed 	C. worked 	D. stopped
4. A. mention	B. question	C. action	D. education
5. A. who	B. when	C. where	D. what 
Question II. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1.A. depend	 B. agree	C. teacher	D. enjoy
2. A. happen	 B. enjoy	C. embroider	D. attend
3.A. machine B. suggest C. picture 	D. visit
4.A. student	 B. receive	C. explore	D. destroy
5.A. alone	 B. advise	C. affect	D. singer
Question III. Choose the best answer to complete each other.
1.The boys .. came in time to save the boy were at the age of 10.
A. whom	 B. who	C. which	D. where
2.The book .. my father bought yesterday is very interesting
A. who	 B. whom	C. which	D. where
3.The men .. I met yesterday evening are my father’s friends.
A. whose	 B. who	C. which	D. whom
4.This is the book .. I like best.
A. who	 B. whom	C. why	D. which
5.The boy .. we are looking for is Nam.
A. whose	 B. who	C. which	D. where
6.This is the stereo .. I bought yesterday is very interesting
A. who	 B. whom	C. which	D. where
7.She is the girl .. I met at the party last night. 
A. whose	 B. where	C. which	D. whom
8.My father is going to visit Mr. Cuong . lives in Ha Noi Capital
A. who	 B. whom	C. why	D. which
Question IV. Give the correct form of the following verbs:
1. I (go) _________ to school by bicycle every day.	
2. When I(come)_________ home from work, my mother was cooking dinner.
3.They ( play)_________________football at the moment.
4. If you (study )_________harder, you will pass the exam.
5.I wish he (not leave) _________________ here
6.He (live) __________________in Australia for 10 years.
7.Ba enjoys (play)_________________ football in the morning. 
8. My house ( build)__________________ in 2004.
9. If the weather gets worse, we (not go) ________________ to the beach.
10.I wish I (live) ________________ near my school.
11. My brother usually (go) _______ to school by bike every day.
12. Last night, my father ( watch) ______________ TV
13.I wish I ( know) ______________her address
14. My father enjoys (watch) _______________ television in the evenings. 
15.I wish I ( be ) ________________ taller.
Question V. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting. 
1. My sister enjoys read about wild animals and natural mysteries. 	
 A B 	 C 	 D
2. Mr. Thach who sing English songs very well is my teacher of English. 	
	 A 	 B 	 C D
3. My brother enjoys to go to the park on Summer evenings.
 A B C D
4. Nam wishes he can speak English fluently.
 A B C D
5. When he came, I watched a football match on TV.
 A B C D
6. This is the first time I visited a famous place in Hanoi.
 A B C D
 Question I. Read the passage and the questions below. 
 U.S President, Donald Trump was born in 1946, in Queens, New York. Trump has got married three times and he has three children with the first wife, one daughter with the second wife and one son with his present wife. In 1971, he became involved in large, profitable building projects in Manhattan. In 1980, he opened the Grand Hyatt, which made him the city's best-known developer. In 2004, Trump began starring in the hit NBC reality series The Apprentice, which also spawned the offshoot The Celebrity Apprentice. Trump turned his attention to politics and in 2015 he announced his candidacy for president of the United States on the Republican ticket. In November 2016, Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States. 
1. When was Donald Trump born ?
2. How many children does he have?
3. What did he begin in 2004?
4. Was he elected the 45th President of the United States in November 2016?
Question II. Read the paragraph and choose the most suitable answer A ,B ,C or D for each of the gaps.
I started (1)_______ English when I was 14 years old after five years of studying Russian. In the (2)_______ I encountered some difficulties learning the language, but I tried my (3)_______ to overcome them. Firstly, my English pronunciation was (4)_______ by the way I spoke Russian. To solve this problem, I practiced by listening to tapes in English every day. I played the tape, stopped after each sentence, and (5)_______ the sentence several times. At school, I joined an English speaking club (6)_______ was organised by a teacher from Britain. She understood my difficulty and helped me very much in improving my pronunciation. Secondly, I found it really hard to learn English vocabulary. In Russian, the way you write the word is the way you pronounce it. However, English spelling is often (7)_______ from its pronunciation. To get over this difficulty I started using the dictionary. Whenever I learnt a new word, I looked it (8) _______ carefully in the dictionary. Then I tried to remember the way to read and write the word. After that, I wrote the word down several (9)_______ in a notebook. Gradually, I got (10)_______ to the spelling system of the language. Now I’m confident that my English has become much better.
1. A. getting B.learning C.writing D.reading
2.A. start B.beginning C.end D.begin
3.A. most B.self C.best D.hard
4.A. effected B.given C.affected D.reflected
 5.A. said B.told C.spoke D.repeated
6.A. which B.it C.and D.but
7.A. different B.the same C.far D.differ
8.A. down B.on C.out D.up
9.A. ways B.ways C.minutes D.lines
10.A .used B.remembered C.well D.attracted
Question I. Rewrite the following sentences with the words given: 
1. My father started to work in this factory last week
Ị My father has
2. He started living in Ho Chi Minh city when he was 8
Ị He has 
3. He learnt English when he was 18
Ị He has 
4. They have worked in that factory for five years.
Ị They began ..
5. We have learnt English for four years.
Ị We started...........................................................................................................
6. He started working in this company 5 years ago
Ị He has
7. They began living here ten years ago
Ị They have
8. They started checking the machines two hours ago 
ỊThey have 
9. Nam started learning English in 1998
Ị Nam has.
10. Nam started playing computer games in 2002 
Ị Nam has..
Question II. Rewrite sentences without changing meaning of the original ones.
1.You spent more money during the trip than I did.
=> I didn’t_______________________________________________________________
2. Have you ever been to Kuala Lumpur before?
=> Is this your____________________________________________________________
3. China is a huge tourist attraction: it has many old castles and pagodas.
=> As China______________________________________________________________
4. I found this place rather boring.
=> I wasn’t_______________________________________________________________
5. We last went to Spain three years ago.
=> It is__________________________________________________________________
6. We visited a magnificent old house on the plateau.
=> The__________________________________________________________________
7. We arrived in Budapest two days ago. (FOR)
=>We___________________________________________________________ two days.
8. I have visited the Stone Forest once before. (SECOND)
=> This is the___________________________________________________ the Stone Forest.
9. I find it hard to go at the same speed as my brother. (UP)
=> I find it hard to___________________________________________________ my brother.
10. Nam is very fond of travelling. (KEEN)
=>Nam is_______________________________________________________________
Question I. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined. 
1. A. provided	 B. needed C. wanted	 D. played
2. A. humor B. history 	 C. hour 	 D. hobby
3. A. attraction B. information	 C. question	 D. pollution
4.A. sunbathe	 B. father 	 C. theater	 D. weather
5. A. wanted 	 B. worked 	 C. walked 	D. stopped
6. A. goes 	 B. watches	 C. misses	D. brushes
7. A. judo	 B. mother	 C. open	D. homework
8. A. nation	 B. question	 C. action	D. education
9. A. who	B. when	 C. where	D. what
10. A. my 	B. happy C. hobby 	D. every
11.A. health	B. team	 C. meat	 D. beach
12.A. needed	 B. provided	 C. wanted	D. lived
13. A. there B. thanks	 C. thirsty D. youth
14. A. option B. information	 C. question	 D. invitation
15. A. worked	 B. naked	 C. liked	 D. looked
Question II. Find the word which has different stress pattern from the others.
1.A. picture	 B. father	C. teacher	D. enjoy
2. A. prefer	 B. enjoy	C. mother	D. agree
3.A. doctor 	B. father 	C. picture 	D. fancy
4.A. pollution	B. visit	C. listen	D. open
5.A. depend	 B. advise	C. affect	D. listen 
Question I. Circle the best option A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
1.My students love _________ English very much.
A. learn
 B. learnt
C. learning
D. to learn
2.My house __________________ yesterday.
A. repaired
 B. is repaired
C. was repaired
D. were repaired
3. I don’t have a computer at home, _________I can’t get access to the Internet.
A. however
 B. so
C. although
D. but
4. Please turn _______ the light when you leave the room.
 A. on	B. off	 C.up D. down
5. The children in my home village used ______ bare-footed, even in winter.
A. to go
B. went
C. goes
D. going
6.If I _________________free time , I will go swimming.
A. have 	B. has 	 C. is having	D. will have
7.Every nation has respect for their long-preserved ______.
A. behaviours 	B. practices 	 C. traditions D. traditional
8.They have seen this film, _________________
A. do they 	B. don’t they 	 C. haven’t they	D. have they
9. Nam looks forward to _____ Giang soon.
A. see	B. seeing	C. seen D. saw
10. I invited him to join our trip to Ha Long Bay , but he ______ down my invitation.
A. passed	B. sat	C. turned D. closed 
11. They have moved to England ____________ 1999.
A. since
B. at
C. on
D. in
12.We have to try harder so that our handicrafts can keep _____ theirs.
A. on B. up	 C. up with D. up down
13.My sister started_________ English five years ago.
A. learn
 B. learnt
C. learning
D. to learn
14.My house __________________ yesterday.
A. was repaired
 B. is repaired
C. repaired
 D. were repaired
15. This hand- embroidered picture was expensive ____________ we bought it. 
A. because
B. when
C. so
 D. even though
16. Please turn _______ the light when you leave the room.
 A. on	B. off	 C. up D. down
17. The children in my home village used ______ bare-footed, even in winter.
A. to go
B. went
C. goes
D. going
18.If she _________________free time , she will go swimming.
A. have 	B. has 	 C. is having	D. will have
19.Every nation has respect for their long-preserved ________________.
A. behaviours 	B. practices 	 C. traditions D. traditional
20.They have seen this film, _________________
A. do they 	B. don’t they 	 C. haven’t they	D. have they
 Question II . Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
	 (Chia những động từ trong ngoặc đơn vào đúng hình thức).
1. My house (build) ________________________ yesterday.
2. He (live) ________________here for four years. 
3.If the weather is fine , we ( go)_____________ for a picnic
4. Nga asked me where I (buy) _______________ that car.
5.My brother likes (play) _____________ basketball after school.
6. When I was a child, I used (go) ____________swimming in the river.
7. My car (repair) ________ yesterday. 
8. We (not see) ________each other since Monday. 
9. If the weather is hot , my father (go) ________ for a picnic.
10. She asked me if I ( like ) ________ pop music.
11. When I(arrive) ________ , they were watching TV together.
12. Ba hates (watch) ________ the advertisements on TV.
13. Nam often (go) _______________ to school by bike. 	
14. I (live) _______________ here since 2010.
15. My father (play) _____________ football yesterday.
16. Nam enjoys ( listen ) _____________ to music every night.
 17. My father used to ( go) _____________ fishing when he was young.
18. He ( buy ) _____________ a new car last week.
19. I used ( go) _____________ fishing when I was a child.
20. The sun (rise) _______________in the East and sets in the west. 
 Question III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
 (Chia những động từ trong ngoặc đơn vào đúng hình thức).
1.If we (recycle) ________ more, we will help the Earth.
2. Factories (not dump) _____________waste into rivers if the government fines them heavily.
3. If people travel to work by bus, there (be) ______________fewer car fumes.
4. We (save) ________________thousands of trees if we don’t waste paper.
5. If we use water carefully, more people (have) ______________fresh water.
6. If the factory ( continue) ________________ dumping poison into the lake, all the fish and other aquatic animals will die.
7.If we recycle more, we (help) ________________ the Earth.
8. If people (travel)________________to work by bus, there will be fewer car fumes.
Question IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting. 
1. He said he would go to England next week.
 A B C D
2. My brother enjoys to go to the park on Summer evenings.
 A B C D
3. Nam wishes he can speak English fluently.
 A B C D
4. She worked hard, although she passed her exam. ....
 A B C D
Question I . Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph.
 friendship - knowledge - of - useful – many - what
English is a very (1)..............................language. If we know English, we can go to any countries we like. We will not find it hard to make people understand (2)........................we want to say. English also helps us learn all kinds (3)....................subjects. Hundreds of books are written in English every day in (4).....................countries. English has also helped to spread ideas and (5).....................to all corners of the world. Therefore, the English language has helped to spread better understanding and (6).......................among countries of the world.
Question II. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, c, or D best fits each space.
Last week I went to an International Food Festival taking place in Hai Phong. Because the festival only (1)________place for one day, hundreds of people crowded into it. It was the biggest food festival I had ever seen. There (2)___________thirty countries participating in the festival. They brought with them traditional food specialities which reflected their unique national (3)________.
I was really impressed (4)________the Cobb salad. It is an American garden salad made from chopped salad greens, tomato, bacon, chicken breast, hard-boiled egg, avocado, cheese, and red-wine vinaigrette, (5)_______the salad requires quite a few ingredients, it is quick to make. The American chef at the festival (6)______me the way to make the salad and it took me only 15 minutes to complete. How amazing! The next day I made Cobb salad (7)________my mum for lunch, and she loved it right away.
(8)________good dish is steak pie, a traditional British meat pie made from stewing steak and beef gravy, enclosed in a pastry shell. Unfortunately, I did not have (9)__________time to listen to the chef give instructions on how to make this dish. However, I tried it and it was brilliant.
Next year (10)______there is another food festival, I will definitely join in.
A. ran
B. took
C. went
D. found
A. are
B. is
C was
D. were
A. cooking
B. food
C. foods
D. cuisine
A. by
B. at
C. in
D. on
A. But
B. Although
C. Because
D. So
A. said
B. asked
C. gave
D. showed
A. for
B. with
C. together
D. like
A. One
B. Another
C. Second
D. Next
A. little
B. many
C. enough
D. few
A. while
B. as
C. if
D. because
Question III . Use the words in the box to complete the paragraph.
when was up to

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