Đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh - Unit 1-3

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Đề ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh - Unit 1-3
REVISION (Unit 1-3)
I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from 
 that of the other words.
1. A. chicken 	B. children 	C. chorus 	D. chime
2. A. house 	B. hour 	C. honey 	D. hockey
3. A. game 	B. danger 	C. village 	D. change
4. A. honest 	B. exhaust 	C. hour 	D. hook
5. A. cheese 	B. chorus 	C. chaos 	D. character
6. A. hair 	B. honesty 	C. holiday 	D. house
7. A. church 	B. orchid 	C. orchestra 	D. psychology
8. A. angry 	B. agriculture 	C. angel 	D. angle
II. Underline the correct tense form of the verb in each sentence.
1. When I was a child I used to / was riding a tricycle.
2. I'm waiting for Sue. Have you seen / Did you see her?
3. When the phone rang I washed / was washing my hair in the bathroom.
4. When did you last go / have you last been to the cinema?
5. At the moment of the earthquake Pat read / was reading in bed.
6. My brother had been / was a soldier before he came back to teaching. 
7. When we had eaten lunch, we sat / were sitting in the garden.
8. Juliet was sure she saw / had seen the tall man before.
III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets – 
 infinitive or gerund, active or passive.
1. Jane was expected...............................(pass) the exam.
2. John really loves...............................(spend) all day at the beach.
3. Tom insisted on...............................(call) Tomy.
4. Are you waiting...............................(use) the phone?
5. expect.............................(meet) at the airport by my parents.
6. My teacher refused...............................(let) me leave early.
7. This letter is believed...............................(deliver) this afternoon.
8. I expected...............................(invite) to Nam’s birthday party, but I wasn’t.
IV. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays 
 the same.
1. To meet him again is a pleasure.
2. Studying maths is interesting.
 I find it..............................................................................................
3. He left the house early this morning.
 I saw.......................................................................................................
4. While Jane was having a bath, Peter came to visit her.
5. John went to bed after he had finished the report.
 John had............................................................................................
6. Itfs advisable for Bob to work harder for the exam.
7. She was made to type these letters before 5 p.m yesterday. 
 The boss..........................................................................................
8. Before going out, we had turned off all the lights.
 Before we.........................................................................................
V. Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce, from the following sets of words or phrases, sentences that together make up a letter of invitation.
 Dear Tom,
 The summer holidays / come / near. Would you like / come over / my house / countryside / a short stay? We could spend some time on the beach sunbathing, swimming, catching seashells together. All the members of my family will be happy to see you again.
 Please let me know whether you can come.
 I’m looking forward to your reply.
Your letter
 Dear Tom,
VI. There is a mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it.
1. Tam had a shower when the phone rang.
2. Minh was coming to visit me yesterday morning.
3. I suddenly remembered that I have forgotten my schoolbag at home.
4. They made me to stay with them for the weekend.
5. Tim was the last student be interviewed this morning.
6. By the time I arrived at the party they ate all everything.
7. It's a pleasure to seeing you again after so long.
8. This is the first time I had been to England.
VII. Fill in each gap with ONE suitable word.
 Paul and Dora had alvvays been the best of friends and sent loads of text messages (1)...........................each other every day. We were all very surprised when we heard that they had fallen (2)......................., but they wouldn’t tell us why. We (3) ....................... hours discussing the problem and decided that we had to find (4)........................what had led to the argument. We (5)..................lots of phone calls to people we thought might know but none of us managed (6)....................discover what had caused the disagreement. Meanwhile, the situation between Paul and Dora had got (7)....................bad that they wouldn’t even look at each other at school, (8).....................though they shared a desk. Eventually, I made (9)......................my mind to get them both together and ask them what (10).................happened. Within five minutes, they realised they couldn’t remember why they were angry, and they're now best friends again.
45 MINUTE TEST (Grade 11)
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. literature	B. tear	C. ten	D. tone
2. A. sing	B. language	C. thank	D. any
7. a. other	b. long 	c. possible 	d. constancy
8. a. such 	b. match 	c. which 	d. characteristic
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others.
3. A. loyalty	B. constancy	C. suspicion 	D. sympathy
4. A. summer	B. thirteen	C. money	D. seven 
9. a. between 	b. gossip c. common d. pleasure
10. a. embarrass 	b. experience c. imagine d. imitate
III. Choose the best answer
5. We .......... lunch when we heard the news.
	A. had	B. were having	C. have	D. have had
6. I carefully put my hand into the boy’s bag, took the notes and put them in my own bag.
	A. the notebooks B. the books	C. the money	D. the paper
7. Linh and Mai were .......... until they went off to different schools.
	A. friends	B. friendship	C. friendliness	D. friend
8. Do you have much opportunity .......... your English ?
	A. practising 	B. to practise	C. practised	D. to be practise
9. She didn’t want to stay there for the weekend.
 A. They made her to stay there for the weekend. 
 B. They made her stayed there for the weekend.
 C. They made her stay there for the weekend. 
 D. They made her staying there for the weekend.
10. What is the antonym of “ sorrows ” ?
	A. interests	B. joys	C. likes	D. love
11. Your handwriting is impossible .......... 
	A. reading 	B. read	C. to read 	D. readed
12. “Did anyone see the thief ?” “No, he already .......... away by the time we .......... in ”.
A. ran / had come B. runs/ have come C. has run / come D. had run / came
13. She has a lot of housework to do.
A. There is a lot of housework for her to do.	
B. There is many housework for her do.
	C. There is a lot of housework for her do.	
D. There is many housework for her to do.
14. The children seem to be incapable .......... working quietly themselves.
	A. at	B. to	C. with	D. of
17. Sally's low test scores kept her from _______ to the university.
 	a. admitting b. to admit 	c. to be admitted d. being admitted
1. I'm really .. to the party. All my old friends will be there.
A. appreciating 	B. looking forward 	C. thinking about D. enjoyable
2. I remember . to Paris when I was a very small child.
A. to be taken 	B. to take 	C. being taken 	D. taking
3. The examiner made us  our identification in order to be admitted to the test center.
A. show 	B. showing 	C. to show 	D. showed
4. I’ve never fallen in such a(n).. situation before.
	A. embarrassed	B. embarrassing	 C. confused	D. confusing
5. The plants wantdaily.
	A. to water	B. watering	C. to be watered D. being water
6. In some countries environmental organizations have been ...... to inform people and gain their support.
 A. made up 	B. set up 	 C. brought up 	D. taken up
13. The first quality is..A person who is concerned only  his own interests and feelings cannot be a true friend.
 A. unselfishness / with. 	B. unsensational / for 
 C. unselfish / with 	D. unselfishness / in
26. We are whispering to avoid by the other ones.
A. hearing B. being hearing C. to be heard D. being heard 
IV. Choose the one word or phrase (A,B,C or D) that would not be appropriate
15. They saw him arrived his flat late.
	 A B C D
16. It was very kind of you to showing me the way.
 A B C D
2. I saw a man to jump through the window 5 minutes ago, but 
 A B C 
I couldn't remember his face.
3. She suggested taking the plane this evening or go by train tomorrow.
 A B C D
19. I’m delighted hearing that you have made much progress in your study. 
 a b c d
22. I'm sure he is capable in running a mile in four minutes.
 a b c d
V. Complete the following passage by choosing an appropriate word or phrase for each blank.
	Friendship is not about always being nice, or (17) .......... A friend will tell you when he or she thinks you are full (18) .......... considerateness. Only your best friend can (19).......... your silent pain and will hold your (20) .......... till you become strong again.
17. A. agree	B. agreement	C. agreeable	D. agreeably
18. A. in	B. of	C. with	D. for
19. A. feel	B. enjoy	C. watch	D. hear
20. A. leg	B. face	C. forehead	D. hand
VI. Read the passage and then choose the best answer A, B , C or D for the following questions.
	Linda Shaw was about to have her evening meal with parents and grandmother when something rather frightening happened. The family had just sat down at a table in the dining room and had called Linda’s brother Tony to join them when three armed men broke in. One of the men pointed a gun at them while another held a knife. The family were all terrified, except Tony who was watching television that he had no idea anything was wrong . The men began to put everything that was valuable into a large bag. While stealing things, they didn’t see Linda write the word “HELP” on the piece of paper . Linda dropped the paper out of the window on the street. Two passengers saw it and called the police . A few minutes later the police caught them. After they were being taken away .Tony was bewildered. He had been watching television throughout the whole incident. 
21. The accident happened ...........
 A. after Linda and her family had finished having an evening meal.
 B. while Linda and her family were having an evening meal.
 C. when Linda and her family were about to have an evening meal.
 D. while Linda and her family were sleeping.
22. Tony is Linda’s ...........
 A. brother	 B. grandfather	C. cousin	D. father
23. While the men were stealing things, ..........
 A. Tony went out to phone the police. 	
 B. Linda wrote the word “HELP” on the paper and dropped it out of the window.
 C. Linda was watching TV.
 D. Tony watched them and said nothing.
24. It can be inferred from the story that the men ............
 A. stole all the valuable things and left B. weren’t able to steal anything
 C. were caught	D. B and C
 A. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it 
25. They allowed him to write a letter to his family.
 They let him write a letter to his family
26. When the police arrived, the car had gone. 
 After the car had gone, the police arrived.
27. It's a waste of time trying to explain anything to Tony.
 It's not worth trying to explain anything to Tony.
25. I started working in this hotel six months ago.
 I’ve worked in this hotel for six months 
26. In the middle of our dinner there was a knock at the door.
 When we were having dinner, there was a knock at the door.
27. "Don't forget to post the letter, " she told him.
 She reminded him to forget to post the letter.
B. Use the prompts below to write a completed description about Peter Lee
 Peter Lee / be / tall / slim /. He / be / a young man . He / be / twenty / with / long hair. He / have / attractive face. It / be / easy / recognize/ him because he / be / usually dressed in old jeans and / wear / boots.
VII. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
 28. It was quite a surprise (see) him again.
 29. I suddenly remembered that I (forget)my keys.
 30. Tommy admitted (throw)the rock through the window.
 31. There are too many people here for me (talk). to all of them.
 32. By the time Sheila (get). back, Chris had gone home.
I. Choose the correct words or phrases that best complete the passage.
During the (1) ________ years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to. They often seem to dislike being questioned. They may seem (2) _______ to talk about their work at school. This is a normal (3) _______ of this age. Though it can be very hard for parents to understand, it is part of becoming (4) ________ of teenagers trying to be adult while they are still growing up. Young people are usually unwilling to talk if they believe that questions are trying to check up on them
Parents should do their (5) _______ to talk to their son and daughter about school, work and future plans but should not push them to talk if they don't want to. Parents need to watch for any signs of (6) ________ behavior which may be connected with these and help if necessary.
1. a. early 	b. teenage 	c. childhood 	d. recent
2. a. unworried 	b. unrestrained 	c. unexpected 	 	d. unwilling
3. a. development. 	b. appearance c. circumstance 	d. achievement
4. a. free 	b. confident 	c. dependent 	d. independent
5. a. well 	b. good 	c. better 	 	d. best
6. a. unacceptable 	b. unusual 	c. normal 	 	d. exemplary
II. Choose the word which has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 
 7. a. other	b. long 	c. possible 	d. constancy
 8. a. such 	b. match 	c. which 	d. characteristic
III. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
 9. a. between 	b. gossip c. common d. pleasure
10. a. embarrass 	b. experience c. imagine d. imitate
IV. Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.
11. The novel is based on his ________ in the war.
a. attitudes 	b. images 	c. situations 	d. experiences
12. The traffic lights ________ green and I pulled away. 
a. turned 	b. were turning 	c. has turned 	d. had turned
13. The girl was so ________ that she didn't look at him in the face. 
a. shy 	b. confident 	c. impatient 	d. sneaky
 14. I tried___________the bus, but I missed it.
a. to catch	b. catching 	c. to be caught 	d. being caught
 15. The anniversary of the founding of the charity falls _______ 12th November.
 	a. in 	b. on 	c. at 	d. to
 16. A friend of mine phoned _______ me to a party.
 	 a. for invite 	b. inviting 	c. to invite	d. for inviting
 17. Sally's low test scores kept her from _______ to the university.
 	a. admitting b. to admit 	c. to be admitted d. being admitted
 18. I'm ________ a surprise party for my sister. 
a. taking 	b. serving 	c. providing	d. organizing
V. Choose the underlined word or phrase that needs correcting.
 19. I’m delighted hearing that you have made much progress in your study. 
 a b c d
20. John’s friends had celebrated a farewell party for him last Sunday
 a b c d
21. They chose not to be attended the meeting.
 a b c d
22. I'm sure he is capable in running a mile in four minutes.
 a b c d
 23. When I was a child, my father was teaching me how to play soccer.
 a b c d
VI. Rewrite the sentence or join the pairs of sentences beginning with the word(s) given.
24. It's a waste of time trying to explain anything to Tony.
-> It's not worth ..
25. I started working in this hotel six months ago.
-> I’ve 
 26. In the middle of our dinner there was a knock at the door.
-> When we were ..
 27. "Don't forget to post the letter, " she told him.
-> She reminded .	
VII. Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
 28. It was quite a surprise (see) him again.
 29. I suddenly remembered that I (forget)my keys.
 30. Tommy admitted (throw)the rock through the window.
 31. There are too many people here for me (talk). to all of them.
 32. By the time Sheila (get). back, Chris had gone home.
No. 1
CLASS : 11 A 1 (2007-2008)
 Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow :
When I was young I argued with my brother and sisters all the time. I used to share most of my toys with my brother, but he specialized in keeping them for himself. When I asked him for anything he simply used to refuse to give it to me, and then I became very angry with him. Our sisters blamed everything on us when our parents accused us of quarrelling all the time. My brother and I got annoyed about this, but only succeeded in making matters worse. Our parents didn’t approve of our quarrelling so much, and insisted on not taking sides. They either laughed about it, or told us to forgive each other for everything. Soon we became good at getting on well with each other.
Read the statements and tick (×) the correct box True (T) or False (F) for each, according to the information given :
	T	F
1. When young, the author always got on well with his 	º	º
Brother and sisters.
2. His parents showed them how to get on well with each	º	º
Answer the following questions :
1. What did their parents do to make them get on well with each other ?
2. What did the author use to share with his brother ?
3. Why did he become angry with his brother ?
4. What did his sisters often do when their parents accused them of quarrelling all the time ?
Multiple choice
1. Choose a sentence that has the same meaning with the sentence above:
The policeman told the thief to empty his pockets. 
	A. The policeman didn't make the thief empty his pockets 	
	B. The policeman made the thief to empty his pockets 	
	C. The policeman made the thief not to empty his pockets 
	D. The policeman made the thief not empty his pockets 
 2. By the time I got into the town, the shop ......................... 
	A. closed 	B. closes 	C. was closing 	D. had closed 
 3. Nam is my closest friend. He is very............. 
	A. crooked 	B. good-natured 	C. oval 	D. square 
 4. I heard him ....................... the house early this morning. 
	A. left 	B. leaving 	C. leave 	D. to leave 
 5. I didn't watch the film because I ......................... it before. 
	A. had seen 	B. has seen 	C. saw 	D. see 
 6. Do you think her parents will let her...................for a picnic. 
	A. gone 	B. going 	C. go 	D. to go 
 7. choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others: 
	A. school 	B. Christmas 	C. church 	D. chemistry 
 8. Do you agree or .................... with her? 
	A. agreement 	B. ungree 	C. misagree 	D. disagree 
 9. choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others: 
	A. forget 	B. change 	C. again 	D. mango 
 10. Choose a sentence that has the same meaning with the sentence above:
Why did she ask that question? It was very strange. 
	A. That was a very strange question to ask. 	B. That was to ask a very strange question . 	C. That is a very strange question she ask. 	D. That was not a very strange question to ask. 
 11. They allowed him...............at his home 
	A. staying 	B. stay 	C. stayed 	D. to stay 
 12. He ................. on the phone when we arrived. 
	A. was phoning 	B. had phoned 	C. phoned 	D. is phoning 
 13. An understanding of other people's feelings is ......................... 
	A. suspicion 	B. loyalty 	C. sympathy 	D. enthusiasm 
 14. He .......... a champion before he ..........16 .
	A. became/ was 	B. became/ had been 	C. had become/ was 	D. has become/ was 
	Write a leeter to your pen friend telling him/ her about one of your most memorable past experiences. Your letter should include the following main points:
	When it happened; where it happened; how it happened ; who was involved; how the experience affected you
CLASS : 11 A 1 (2007-2008)
 Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow :
	My first visit to the cinema was a very unhappy one. I was taken there by some friends when I was only seven years old. They was my neigbors’ kids, not my classmates. And they were all older than me. Sam was 9, Jim was 10, and Mary was 12.
	At first there were bright lights and exciting music and I felt quite happy. But when the lights went out, I felt afraid. The cinema was dark, cold and quiet. I suddenly thought of the cemetery and the gosts. Then I saw a train on the screen. The train was coming towards me. I shouted out in fear and got down under my seat. When my friends saw me, they started to laugh. I felt ashamed and sat back in my seat. I was very glad when the film ended.
Read the statements and tick (×) the correct box True (T) or False (F) for each, according to the information given :
	T	F
1. The writer was 8 when he went to the cinema for the first time 	º	º
2. The cinema was dark , cold and quite with bright lights	º	º
Answer the following questions :
1. Who took the writer to the cinema?
2. How did he feel when the light went out ?
3. What did he do when he saw the train coming towards him ?
4. What did the writer look forward to after he sat back in his seat ?
Multiple choice
 1. Do you think her parents will let her...................for a picnic. 
	A. go 	B. to go 	C. going 	D. gone 
 2. By the time I got into the town, the shop ......................... 
	A. had closed 	B. was closing 	C. closes 	D. closed 
 3. An understanding of other people's feelings is ......................... 
	A. loyalty 	B. suspicion 	C. sympathy 	D. enthusiasm 
 4. Do you agree or .................... with her? 
	A. disagree 	B. agreement 	C. misagree 	D. ungree 
 5. He ................. on the phone when we arrived. 
	A. was phoning 	B. had phoned 	C. phoned 	D. is phoning 
 6. They allowed him...............at his home 
	A. stay 	B. stayed 	C. to stay 	D. staying 
 7. I heard him ....................... the house early this morning. 
	A. left 	B. leave 	C. to leave 	D. leaving 
8. I didn't watch the film because I ......................... it before. 
	A. had seen 	B. saw 	C. see 	D. has seen 
 9. choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others: 
	A. chemistry 	B. school 	C. church 	D. Christmas 
 10. Choose a sentence that has the same meaning with the sentence above:
Why did she ask that question? It was very strange. 
	A. That was not a very strange question to ask. 
	B. That was a very strange question to ask. 
	C. That was to ask a very strange question .
 	D. That is a very strange question she ask. 
 11. He .......... a champion before he ..........16 
	A. became/ had been 	B. became/ was 	C. has become/ was 	D. had become/ was 
 12. choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others: 
	A. mango 	B. change 	C. again 	D. forget 
 13. Choose a sentence that has the same meaning with the sentence above:
	The policeman told the thief to empty his pockets. 
	A. The policeman made the thief to empty his pockets .
	B. The policeman didn't make the thief empty his pockets .
	C. The policeman made the thief not empty his pockets .
	D. The policeman made the thief not to empty his pockets 
 14. Nam is my closest friend. He is very............. 
	A. oval 	B. good-natured 	C. square 	D. crooked 
	Write a leeter to your pen friend telling him/ her about one of your most memorable past experiences. Your letter should include the following main points:
	When it happened; where it happened; how it happened ; who was involved; how the experience affected you
 No. 3
CLASS : 11 A 1 (2007-2008)
 1. By the time I got into the town, the shop ......................... 
	A. closes 	B. was closing 	C. had closed 	D. closed 
 2. Nam is my closest friend. He is very............. 
	A. square 	B. oval 	C. crooked 	D. good-natured 
 3. Choose a sentence that has the same meaning with the sentence above:
	The policeman told the thief to empty his pockets. 
	A. The policeman made the thief not to empty his pockets .
 	B. The policeman made the thief not empty his pockets .
	C. The policeman made the thief to empty his pockets .
	D. The policeman didn't make the thief empty his pockets 
 4. choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others: 
	A. forget 	B. mango 	C. again 	D. change 
 5. He ................. on the phone when we arrived. 
	A. had phoned 	B. was phoning 	C. phoned 	D. is phoning 
 6.I didn't watch the film because I ......................... it before. 
	A. saw 	B. see 	C. has seen 	D. had seen 
 7. They allowed him...............at his home 
	A. stayed 	B. to stay 	C. staying 	D. stay 
 8. choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others: 
	A. chemistry 	B. school 	C. Christmas 	D. church 
 9. He .......... a champion before he ..........16 
	A. has become/ was 	B. became/ was 	C. had become/ was 	D. became/ had been 
 10. I heard him ....................... the house early this morning. 
	A. to leave 	B. leaving 	C. leave 	D. left 
 11. Choose a sentence that has the same meaning with the sentence above:
	Why did she ask that question? It was very strange. 
	A. That was not a very strange question to ask. 
	B. That was to ask a very strange question .
 	C. That is a very strange question she ask. 
	D. That was a very strange question to ask. 
 12. An understanding of other people's feelings is ......................... 
	A. enthusiasm 	B. sympathy 	C. loyalty 	D. suspicion 
 13. Do you agree or .................... with her? 
	A. agreement 	B. misagree 	C. disagree 	D. ungree 
 14. Do you think her parents will let her...................for a picnic. 
	A. gone 	B. going 	C. go 	D. to go 
Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow :
When I was young I argued with my brother and sisters all the time. I used to share most of my toys with my brother, but he specialized in keeping them for himself. When I asked him for anything he simply used to refuse to give it to me, and then I became very angry with him. Our sisters blamed everything on us when our parents accused us of quarrelling all the time. My brother and I got annoyed about this, but only succeeded in making matters worse. Our parents didn’t approve of our quarrelling so much, and insisted on not taking sides. They either laughed about it, or told us to forgive each other for everything. Soon we became good at getting on well with each other.
Read the statements and tick (×) the correct box True (T) or False (F) for each, according to the information given :
	T	F
2. His brother never shared anything with him.	º	º
4. His parents disapproved of his quarrelling with his 	º	º
brother and sisters.
Answer the following questions :
1. What did the author’s brother do when the author shared toys with him ?
2. Why did he become angry with his brother ?
 3. What did his sisters often do when their parents accused them of quarrelling all the time ?
4. What did their parents do to make them get on well with each other ?
	Write a leeter to your pen friend telling him/ her about one of your most memorable past experiences. Your letter should include the following main points:
	When it happened; where it happened; how it happened ; who was involved; how the experience affected you
 No. 4
CLASS : 11 A 1 (2007-2008)
 1. Do you agree or .................... with her? 
	A. misagree 	B. disagree 	C. agreement 	D. ungree 
 2. He ................. on the phone when we arrived. 
	A. phoned 	B. had phoned 	C. was phoning 	D. is phoning 
 3. Nam is my closest friend. He is very............. 
	A. crooked 	B. good-natured 	C. square 	D. oval 
 4. Choose a sentence that has the same meaning with the sentence above:
Why did she ask that question? It was very strange. 
	A. That was to ask a very strange question . 	B. That is a very strange question she ask. 	C. That was a very strange question to ask. 	D. That was not a very strange question to ask. 
 5. By the time I got into the town, the shop ......................... 
	A. was closing 	B. closed 	C. had closed 	D. closes 
 6. He .......... a champion before he ..........16 
	A. became/ had been 	B. has become/ was 	C. had become/ was 	D. became/ was 
 7. I heard him ....................... the house early this morning. 
	A. to leave 	B. left 	C. leave 	D. leaving 
 8. choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from others: 
	A. Christmas 	B. church 	C. school 	D. chemistry 
 9. Do you think her parents will let her...................for a picnic. 
	A. to go 	B. going 	C. go 	D. go

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  • docde_on_tap_mon_tieng_anh_unit_1_3.doc