Đề ôn tập kiểm tra một tiết môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 học kỳ II

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Đề ôn tập kiểm tra một tiết môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 học kỳ II
1. A. face	B.cavity	C.late	D.cake
2. A .measure	B. head 	C.please 	D. heavy	
3. A. decide	B.nice	 	C. arrive	D.material
4. A. washed 	B.stopped	 	C.wanted 	D.fixed
5. A. filled	B.played	 	C. needed	D. received
6. A. this 	B.with	 	C.mouth 	D.breathe
7. A. wow	B.blow	 	C. now	D. how
8. A .virus	B. slight	C. write	D. sick
9. A. disappear	B. year	C.dear	D. wear
10.A.neglect	B. surgery	 	C. again	D. forget
11. A .circus	B. collect	C. clever	D. clean
12. A. check	B. change	C.toothache	D. children 
13. A. health	B. teacher	 	C. meat	D. seat
II/ Choose the best options to complete the sentences 
What’s the_____________ with you?(A. wrong/B. Right/C. matter/D. true)
2. You should____________ your homework.(A. doing/B. to do/C. did/D. do)
4.How_____________ are you? – I’m42 kilos.(A. tall/B. heavy/C.weight/D.long)
5.When I have a toothache, I will come to see a ______.(A.doctor/ B.teacher/C.dentis/D.nurse)
6. Why didn’t she come to the meeting yesterday?- _______he was sick.( So/ However / Because/When)
7. Lan ________ a bad cold and a headache.(A. was/B. had /C. took/D. went)
8. She ____________ to Nha Trang last summer.(A.went/B.goes/C.is going /D.will go)
9. What______________ you do yesterday?(A. do/B. Did/C. will 	/D. were)
 10. You have to take care_____yourself when you’re away home.(A. in/B. On/C. at/D. of)
 11. _________ you open your mouth, please?(A. Would /B. Do	/C. Will/D. Are)
 12. _does she brush her teeth? – Twice a day(A. How/B. How long/C. How often/. How far)
13. I ________ very happy on my last vacation(A. will be/B. am/C. was /D. were)
14.Most of children feel _____when they have to see a doctor.(A. happy/B. scared/C. lucky/D. worry)
15. When a nurse wants to know your height, she has to ________ you.
	A. measure	B. weigh 	C. see	D. take temperature
16.She is 145 centimeters ________(a. tall /b. high	/c. heavy /d. old)
17. You should ____your hands before meals.(a. to wash/b. washing /c. wash /d. washed)
18. The nurse told Hoa ______to the waiting room.(to return/ returning/ return/ returned)
19. ________ do you brush your teeth? – Three times a day.
(a. How many times a days	/b. How often	/c. How long	/d. a & b are correct
III/ Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets
1. You should (wash) ________________ your hands before meals.
2. We (have) _______________________ a course of English next month.
3. I (buy) ________________ a new comic yesterday.
4. Nam and Hoa (wait) _______________________ for their parents at the moment.
5.What time ____ you (go) _______to bed last night?- I(go)________ to bed at 9.
6. Nam (go) _______________________ to the market right now.
7.She never ( stay)....................... up late at night.
8. My mother ( not plant).................................... flowers in the garden at this time.
9. There ( be)............... nobody there when I ( arrive)....................yesterday.
IV/ Match the question in column A with the answer in column B.
1. Where were you yesterday?
2. Why didn’t Lan go to school yesterday?
3. How tall are you?
4. What was wrong with her?
5. How heavy is he?
6. Is there a cure for the common cold?
7. What are the symptoms of the common cold?
8. What did he do last night?
9. Did she go to see the doctor yesterday?
10.How often do you brush your teeth?
a. Because she had a bad cold.
b. He is 40 kilos.
c. No, there isn’t.
d. He went to the bookstore last night.
e. I was at home.
f. I’m one meter 50 centimeters.
g. They are: a runny nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing.
h. She had a stomachache.
i. No, she didn’t
j. Every day
1 ___
2 ___
3 ___
4 ___
5 ___
6 ___
7 ___
8 ___
9 ___
10 __
V. Fill the suitable prepositions:
Minh is scared__________ the sound _________ the drill.
She tells a lot of ____________ her teacher.
Staying up late ____night and getting up late ____ the morning are bad ____our health.
When I was sick, my mother took care ___________ me.
What’s the matter__________ him?
The nurse smiled _________ Minh ,so Minh didn’t feel nervous.
My mother wrote a sick note __________ me yesterday.
Millions ____________ trees die when the forest was burned.
Hoa filled ________ her medical records and gave it __________ the nurse.
Minh has a small cavity _____________his tooth.
The dentist finished the work ____________ less than ten minutes.
There was a good film ___________ TV yesterday.
VI. Put the correct of verbs in the brackets:
1.What’s her_____________? – She 44 kilos.(weigh)
2. My_____________ is one meter 45 centimeters (high)
3. I felt ___________ when I cam to see the doctor.(worry)
4. Hoa is in the_____________ room to see the doctor.(wait)
5. When you have a cold, you feel________________(pleasant)
6. Whatever you do, your cold will last a few days, then it _____________(appear)
7. Lan is having a _______________ check-up(medicine)
8. Dr is a kind and_____________ person.(help)
9. Minh has a______________ because he eats too much candy and doesn’t brush his teeth regularly.(tooth)
10.When I was young, I was so __________ when I visited the dentist.(scare)
11.After the dentist fixed my tooth, it stopped__________.(hurt)
VII/ Read the passage then answer the questions
 A .Dr Nga is a dentist .She looks after people’s teeth . Dr Nga’s surgery is clean and tidy, and so is her uniform. Most children are scared when they come to see Dr Nga but she is a kind woman. She explains what will happen so they are not afraid . Dr Nga often gives children advice. She tells them how to look after their teeth , she reminds them to brush their teeth regularly and eat sensibly. 
 1. What does Dr Nga do?
2. How do most children feel when they come to see Dr Nga?
3. Does she often give children advice?
4. What does she tell them?
5. What does she remind them?
B. Lan had a bad cold two days ago. She felt very unpleasant so she went to see a doctor. The doctor gave her some medicines to relieve the symptoms of the cold. Now she feels better. Yesterday she had a medical check-up. The doctor weighed her, measured her height and took her temperature. Everything was normal. Last year she weighed 40 kilos and her height was one meter 40 centimeters. Now she is 150 centimeters tall and her weight is 42 kilos. She always takes care of herself carefully.	
1. What was wrong with Lan two days ago?
 à ....................................................................................................................................
2. Did she have a medical check-up yesterday?
3. What did the doctor give her?
4. How does she feel now?
5. What was her height last year?
6. How heavy was lan last year?
à ....................................................................................................................................
C. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions :
 Hoa had a bad cold two days ago. She felt very unpleasant so she went to see a doctor. The doctor gave her some medicines to relieve the symptoms of the cold. Now she feels better. Yesterday she had a medical check-up. The doctor weighed her, measured her height and took her temperature. Everything was normal. Last year she weighed 40 kilos and her height was one meter 40 centimeters. Now she is 150 centimeters tall and her weight is 42 kilos. She always takes care of herself carefully.
* Questions :	
1. What was wrong with Hoa two days ago?	
2. Did she have a medical check-up yesterday?
3. What was her height last year?	
4. How tall is she now?
5. What did the doctor do?
6. Does she always take cace of herself carefully now? 
VIII. Arrange the words to make the full sentences.
well./ a / talks / father / lot / about / and / he / hopes / is / his / him / often
after / it / hurting / the / filled / broken / my / tooth./ stopped / dentist
a / yesterday / received / letter / her / from / mother ./ Mai
do / how / most / feel / they / to / come / see / dentist? / children / when / the 
mother./ to / younger / my / sister / how / take / of / care / herself, / knows
told / dentist / Chi / to / not / forget / brush / teeth./ the / to / her 
cavity./ saw / checked / Hoang / Lan’s / and / a / doctor / teeth
brush / often / you / teeth , / your / Laon? / how / do 
9. absent / because / was / from / she// class / headache / had / a / she.
10. cold / few / disappear / will / the / last / for / days / a / then / and.
11. no / there / for / cure / is / common / the / cold.
12. better / stay / at / you / inside / had / recess.
13/ filling / Lan / medical / her / is / record.
14. a / come / because / she / Lan / had / didn’t / to / cold / school / yesterday / bad.
15, write / her / her / to / note / sick / mother / had / a / for.
16, about / went / see / with / cold / doctor / she / mother / to / a / her / her.
17. some / the / tablets / temperature / doctor / gave / took / he r/ and / her.

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