Đề luyện thi Anh Văn bằng B - Đề số 1

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Đề luyện thi Anh Văn bằng B - Đề số 1
VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
SECTION I: Choose the right answers:
1. They always get to school bus.
a. by b. on c. over d. through
2. We were eager to find the truth about her.
a. through b. at c. out d. up
3. More and more people are addicted.. games online.
a. by b. with c. to d. at
4. It says in the paper that electrical goods will be sale this month.
a. form b. on c. in d. about
5. He was putting his shirt when he heard a loud noise outside.
a. back b. up c. on d. at
6. You need a ....to leave the country.
a. passkey b. passport c. pocketbook d. visa
7. Even with a degree, there’s noof work nowadays.
a. guarantee b. security c. project d. supply
8. What was the final.. of the game?
a. count b. mark c. grade d. score
9. The girl’s teachers.. her to improve her drawing.
a. encouraged b. insisted c. made d. persisted
10. The plate was right on the edge of the table and could have been ..off at any moment.
a. kicked b. knocked c. pushed d. hit
11. “Can you do that exercise?” - “That one? Oh, it’s a  of cake.”
a. bit b. piece c. sample d. slice
12. We went through the Customs quickly because we had nothing to.
a. pay b. say c. spend d. declare
13. There is a wide of nutritious foods in the world.
a. chain b. series c. range d. net
14. After people. a plane, it takes off.
a. board b. climb c. mount d. occupy
15. We must find a  to the problem of over population.
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b. solution c. treatment c. way d. method
16. He should present his ID, ..?
a. does he b. doesn’t he c. should he d. shouldn’t he
17. He. be tired. He has been working for hours.
a. can b. could c. will d. must
18. The vehicle was found yesterday evening, but.. no sign of him.
a. there had b. it was c. there was d. it had
19. The hostesses had finished.. the trays.
a. collecting b. to collect c. collected d. at collecting
20.” Did you see anyone interesting at the party?”
“ Yes, .. were there”
a. some of Jon’s friends b. some friend John’s
c. some of John’s friend c. some of John friends
SECTION II: Read the passage and choose the right answers:
Man’s rise to a position as the dominant creature on this earth has been closely involved
with his mammalian cousins. Even in highly industrialized nations, mammals provide food,
drink, clothing, transportation, and power. It’s interesting, however, that man’s
interdependency is limited to a few dozen domesticated species. The other mammals are
either in the category of “enemies” or of little interest at all.
Man has waged a war against his mammalian enemies with little result. Despite trapping,
shooting, poisoning, gassing, and a dozen other ploys, most of our enemies are still with us.
The victims of man’s dominance have been rather the ones in which we have little interest.
In fact, the majority of the animals that have become extinct during man’s march to global
dominance have been just these uninteresting creatures.
For all of man’s success, he is still a newcomer. It is only in the past century that we have
been able to cross water better than a porpoise or to dive as deeply as whale. It is only
recently that we have been able to travel on land faster than a cheetah or fly faster than a bird.
With this new power, man has a responsibility to his cousins, because he is interdependent,
even with the mammals for which he cares little.
21. What is the main idea of this passage?
a. The evolution of man b. The interdependence of man and mammals.
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c. The extinction of mammals c. The success of man
22. According to this passage, man has been dependent on mammals for
a. food and drink c. technology
b. evolution d. his success
23. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
a. Man is the dominant creature on earth.
b. Many mammals have become extinct.
c. Man has little need for most mammals.
d. Man is interdependent with other mammals.
24. According to the passage, what must man do now?
a. Develop more synthetic goods.
b. Assume more responsibility for our interdependence with mammals.
c. Put all the mammals in the zoo where they will be protected.
d. Intensify our efforts to control our traditional enemies.
25. According to the passage, what has man accomplished in his rise to dominance?
a. Developed human speech b. Domesticated some animals
b. Put a man on the moon c. Extinguished many mammalian enemies
SECTION III: Fill the gaps with proper answers:
Matthew and Polly Winthrop took their two children (26) ..A fly-drive holiday. Polly’s
talking about it.
“We’d never have gone fly-drive (27)..we’d had the kids with us. Matthew is a bus-
driver and it wasn’t (28) of a holiday for him! But I think it’s the only way to travel
with young children. The distances were much (29).than we had imagined. If we had
another holiday in the States, we (30)..... try to drive so far. I think we’d cover the longer
distances by plane, (31)..hire a different car in each place. The motels were very well
(32). and the children were always made welcome. The motels didn’t have much
character, (33).when you’re touring you just need (34) . to sleep. Every room
had a TV (35).. ; for us , that was marvelous. We wouldn’t have been (36)to
leave the children if (37).hadn’t been a TV in the room. We would never
have(38)..them alone for too long of course, but it was nice for us to go down to the
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bar(39) a drink. New England was absolutely fantastic and we’d (40) it to
26. a. in b.at c.on d.with
27. a.if b.when c. although d. unless
28. a. much b. very c. many d. any
29. a. great b. greater c. the greater d. greatest
30. a. will b. would c. will not d. would not
31. a. and then b. then c. but d. so
32. a. equip b. equiping c. equipped d. equips
33. a. or b. but c. for d. so
34. a. anywhere b. everywhere c. nowhere d. somewhere
35. a. set b. machine c. tool d. facility
36. a. capable b. likely c. possible d. able
37. a. it b. which c. there d. when
38. a. left b. made c. allowed d. turned
39. a. with b. on c. for d. at
40. a. suggest b. advise c. encourage d. recommend
SECTION IV: Complete the following sentences with suggested words:
41. He/ read/ this novel/many/ times/
=> He has read this novel for many times.
42. She / work/ company/ she left school/
=> She has worked for the company since she left school.
43.He/ not old/understand/ your idea./
=> He isn’t old enough to understand your idea.
=> He is so young that he can’t understand your idea.
=> He is such a young man that he can’t understand your idea
44. You have / work harder /if you want/ pass/ next test.
=> You have to work harder if you want to pass the next test.
45. How/ your car/ run?
=> How fast does your car run?
46. The city is often more polluted than the countryside.
VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí
=> The country is less polluted than the city.
47. He did well in the exam thanks to his good preparation.
=> He was well prepared, so he did well in the exam.
48. Tom managed to win the match despite his injury.
=> Although Tom was injured, he managed to win the match.
49. They never make their daughter work too hard.
=> Their daughter is never made to work too hard.
50. I received the last letter from him two years ago.
=> It has been two years since I received the last letter from him.
51. He is both my friend and my advisor.
=> Not only is he my friend but he is also my advisor.
52.Their house was redecorated by some workmen last week.
=> They had some workmen redecorate their house last week.
53. Why not go out for dinner now?
=> Let’s go out for dinner now?
54. Mai can’t tolerate the noise any more.
=> Mai can’t put up with the noise any more.
55. He is interested to go on the picnic this weekend.
=> He can’t wait to go on the picnic this weekend.
Try yourself! Cheers!

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