Đề kiểm tra số 2 học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Đề 001 - Trường THPT Thạch Lộc

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Đề kiểm tra số 2 học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 7 - Năm học 2018-2019 - Đề 001 - Trường THPT Thạch Lộc
( Đề có 2 trang )
ĐỀ KIỂM TRA SỐ 2 HỌC KÌ I - NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019
Thời gian làm bài: 45 Phút 
Mã đề 001
Họ tên :................................................................... Lớp 7A : ...............
POINT ( Number)
POINT (Written)
 Choose the best answer by circling the letter a, b, c or d. (3ms)	
Câu 1: Minh loves...with their friends	
	A. talked B. talking C. to talk D. talk 
Câu 2: The science books are the right of the library
	A. on	B. in	C. at	D. of
Câu 3: In.., we learn about books and write essays.	
	A. history B. Literature C. math	 D. geography
Câu 4: The students learns .to play voleyball. 
	A. what B. when C. where D. how 
Câu 5: Do you often rope at recess?	
	A. catch B. skip C. marbles D. talk 
Câu 6: do you go to to school?	
	A. How alwaysB. How usually C. How sometimes 	D. How often 
Câu 7: .  don’t you go to school on time?	
	A. When B. Why C. where	 D. What 
Câu 8: Weour assignmet now
	A. is doing	B. am doing	C. does	D. are doing
Câu 9: What about.marbles.
	A. to play	B. play 	C. played 	D. playing 
Câu 10: What tiem is it? - It’s two fifty
	A. ten to two	 B. ten to three	 C. ten past three	D. ten past two
Câu 11: They sometimes the games with friends 	 
	A. take part at B. take part of C. take part in D. take part on 
Câu 12: Lan ..Da lat next month.	
	A. visiting B. to visit C. will visit D. visited 
Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others (1m)
Câu 13: A. invite	B. fine	C. begin	D. five 
Câu 14: A. uniform	B. bluff	C. number	D. club 
Câu 15: A. event	B. enjoy	C. equation 	D. essay
Câu 16: A. campaign 	B. calculator	C. aplaiance	D. relax
IV. Read the passage.Then answer the questions (2 ms)
 Ba goes to Quang Thanh Loc high school. He is in class 7A and he enjoys school very much. His favorite subject is Electronics. In this class, he learns how to repair household appliances. Now Ba can help other people at home. He can fix the lights, the washing machine and the refrigerator. He is good at fixing things.
 In his free time, Ba learns how to play the guitar. Sometimes he goes to his art club after school. He draws very well. His teacher says, “ Ba, you’ll be a goodartist one day”.
1. Which school does Ba go to?
2. Who can he help?
3. Is he good at fixing things?
4. What does his teacher say?
V/ Answer about you : (1m)
1. What is your favorite subject?
2. What do you usually do after school ?
VI/ Put the words in correct order to make sentences (1m)
1. like/ you/ swimming/ Would/ to/ go/ ?
2/ do / you/ like / what?
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