Đề kiểm tra học kỳ I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12

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Đề kiểm tra học kỳ I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12
I/ Phonetics:
. * / Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions
1. A.polite	 B.advice	C.pilot D.diploma
2. A. enjoyed B. scored C. announced D. sponsored
* / Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in the following questions.
3. A. general B. impatient C. proportion D. performance
4. A. proficiency B. certificate C. psychology D. mathematics
II. Vocabulary and grammar :
* / Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions .
5.In state schools, students have to follow a National. specified by the Ministry of Education and Training.
A.Curriculum	B.Program C.Subject D.Compulsory
6.Peterme to join the team before you.me the letter.
A.had asked/ wrote B.asked/ write C.was asking/ were writing D.ask/ have written
7.Helen .the college by the time you come back.
A.will finish B.is finishing C.will have finished D.has finished
8. She was the last applicant ..
A. to interview B. to be interviewing C. to be interviewed D. to have interviewed
9.Some parents didn’t approve.a lot of television.
A.in their children watching	 B.of their children watching
C.on their children watching	 D.at their children watching
10. A new hospital ----------------- in this area soon.
A. is going to build B.is going to be build C.is going to be built D. will build
11.The factory is said.in fire two years ago.
A.being destroyed	 B.to have been destroyed C.to have destroyed D.to destroyed
12to the party, they could hardly refuse to go.
A.Having been invited B.To have given	 C.To have been invited D.Haing invited
13.The girl ----------------------- is now in hospital.
A. who injured in the accident	 B. was injured in the accident.
C. who was injured in the accident	 D. whom she injured.
14.I’m going to have a house.this weekend.
A.redecorates	 B.redecorated	 C.redecorating	 D.redecorate
15.One of the most common ways to attract someone’s attention is by..
A.wave B.to wave C.waving D.to waving
16.The entranceto univerities in Vietnam always takes place in july.
A.way	B.road C.examination D.path
17.All aplicants are..to send the application forms before 15th March.
A.require	B.required C.requiring D.requirement
18.The first thing you have to do is to fill in thisform.
A.apply	B.applied C.applicant D.application
*/ Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) closest in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences.
19..”Happy birthday!This is a small present for you””..”
	A.What a pity!	B.How beautiful it is!Thanks.	
	C.Have a good time!	D.How terrific!
20.”” “Oh,it’s great.”
	A.How is the music of the film like?	B.Would you like the music of the film?
	C.What do you like the music of the film?	D.What do you think of the music of the film?
21.You look nice in that red shirt.” “..”
	A.It’s nice of you to say so	B.Am I?Thanks.
	C.Oh,poor me	D.I am interesting to hear that.
*/ Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) closest in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences.
22.The fire came and destroyed everything we owned.
	A.damaged	B.realised	C.rescued	D.escaped
23.I believe that everyone has had unforgettable experiences in their life.
 A.memorable 	 B. observable 	 C. acceptable	D. reflexible
*/ Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underline part thet needs correction in each of the following questions.
24.My cousin attends an university in the Midwest which specializes in astronomy.
 A B C D
25.There were a time that I used to swim five laps ever day,but now I do not have enough time.
 A B C D
26. While the boys were ice-skating,they slip on the thin ice and fell into the deep water.
 A B C D
III. Writing :
*/ Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence thatis closet in meaning to the sentence given in the following question.
27. I'll let you borrow the book but you must promise to return it next week.
A. If you promise to return the book,I let you borrow it.	
B. If you promise to return the book next week,I won't let you borrow it.	
C. If you promised to return the book,I will let you borrow it.	
D. If you promise to return the book next week,I 'll let you borrow it.
28. They have just stolen his car.
A. His car has just stolen.	 B. His car has just been stolen.	
C. His car have just been stolen. D. His car has just been stole.
29. "Would you like some coffee,Mike?"
A. Jane suggested drinking some coffee.	 
B. Jane offered to make some coffee for Mike.	
C. Jane wanted to know whether Mike like coffee.
D. Jane asked Mike to make her some coffee.
30. You saw that smoke.it came from the hills.
A. You saw the smoke which comes from the hills.	
B. You saw the smoke that came from the hills.	
C. You saw the smoke came from the hills.	
D. you saw smoke which came from the
*/ Read the following passage and choose the letter A , B , C or D to nidicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 35.
 * / Read the passage and choose the best answer
 Don’t be surprised if people you don’t know well ask you how much you earn and how much your cars costs. This is quite normal in Singapore. If you are invited for a meal, people will always offer you a second helping. You should always say “ No” so as not to appear greedy. This will be understood and your host will give you more anyway.
 In Britain, it is impolite to ask someone about money or age . However, if you arrange to meet someone , try not to be more than a few minutes late. On trains, people tend to sit in silence and read . if you try to start a conversation with the person next to you, don’t be surprised if you don’t get much of a response.
 In Thailand it is quite normal to visit people at home without being invited. It is rude to point at people with your finger but do it by nodding your head instead. The head is considered the most spiritual part of the body and the feet dirtiest part. So never put your feet up on a chair or a desk.
31. According to the passage, in which country it is not impolite to ask about someone’s salary or wages?
 A. Thailand B. Singapore C. Britain D. All these countries
32. As a guest for dinner, you may want to have more food but it is better to refuse when offered. 
A. Say “ No ,thanks” B. Say “ I’d love to” C. say “ yes, please “ D. say “ you’re welcome “
33. Punctuality is important here.
A. in Thailand B. in Singapore C. in Britain D. Not mentioned in the passage
34. In Britain, people tend to keep their privacy.
A. in a car B. at home C. on trains D. when travelling to work 
35. The Thai considered the head the most spiritual part of the body.
A. the most respectable B. the most attractive C. the highest D. the most admirable
*/ Read the following passage and choose the letter A , B , C or D to nidicate the correct answer for each of the blanks from 36 to 40.
 This true story is about a policeman in New York City who had a girlfriend he cared for very much. The policeman regarded New York City as a..( 36 ) place. He warned his girlfriend about the danger of walking on the street alone after dark. But as he also believed in being prepared for...( 37 ), he bought a can of gas that would protect his girlfriend from attackers.
 The idea is.( 38 ) you point the thing at your attacker and spray him with the gas, which knocks him over. On the day he bought the gas, the policeman and his girlfriend had arranged .. ( 39 ) out for the evening. So he was looking forward to giving her the can later on. When he got home from work, he had a bath and then sprayed some deodorant on( 40 ). He knew nothing more until he woke up in hospital the next day. He had picked up the wrong can and sprayed himself with the gas.
36. A. danger B. endanger C. dangerously D. dangerous
37. A. worst B. the worse C. worse D. the worst
38. A. that B. when C. which D. where
39. A. go B. to go C. going D. to going
40. A. myself B. itself C. himself D. herself
Đáp án đề cương lớp 12
Năm học: 
I. Choose the underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each line.
1. A. where B. will C. answer D. what
2. A. music B. lesson C. sorry D. sight
*/ Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of other words:
4. A. difficult B. mention C. volunteer D. contest
5. A. instruction B. invention C. journalist D. departure
II. Choose the best answer A,B,c, or D :
6. I tried.the bus, but I missed it.
A. to catch B. catch C. catching D. catch up
7. I think it is no good..him about that.
A. to tell B. told C. telling D. being told
8. He was accused of .the car two months ago.
A. steal B. stole C. having stealing D. having stolen
9. You must responsiblewhat you’ve done.
A. for B. at C. to D. of
10. The.experience happened to me last Saturday.
A. embarrassment B. embarrassed C. embarrassing D. embarrasss
11. After I.. finishede working, I switched off the machine.
A. have B. having C. had D. was had
12. Parents rarely let their children.out after 9 P.m.
A. going B. went C. goes D. go
III. Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. ( 2Ms )
1. Mr Brown ( usually, work ). on his farm in the after noon.
2. While Mary ( watch ) her favourite TV programme, there ( be ) a
powere cut.
3. The teacher let him ( stay ). at home to finish the assignment.
4. It was nice of you ( show ) the way.
5. He spent two hours ( repair ) .his car yesterday.
6. If it didn’t rain now, I ( go ) .out with you.
7. I expected ( invite ). to the party, but I wasn’t.
IV. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning .
1. He escaped from prison. He looked for a place where he could get food ( Use present / perfect participle )
2. Mary got up late, so she missed the bus.
-> If Mary.
3. “ I am sorry. I didn’t visit you last night,” Tom said to his grandfather
-> Tom apologised.
4. My mother spent half an hour cleaning the living room veryday.
-> It.....
5. I last saw my old friends when I learnt in high school.
-> I haven’t.
6. Tom usually takes the vegetables to the market every morning. ( passive voice )
-> .
7. No one water the flowers in the garden yesterday.
-> The flowers ..
V. Read the passage and answer the questions.
 This is the tenth year of our annual competition, which is open to all local musicians. Whether you play or sing , alone or in a band or orchestra, we’d like you to enter. Classical, rock or any other kinds of music, we’d like to hear you. Our competition takes place from June 12 th to June 19 th in the Central Hall in front of a large audience and a jury of five.
 Competitors may perform any piece of their choice, including the one they have composed themselves provided it does not exceed the limit of 15 minutes.
Prizes : Winner : time in the recording studio without charge and a TV appreance.
 Runner-up : an instrument of your choice.
 Interested ? Telephone Paula Sheen on 098954634.
1. How often is the competition held ?
2. Who can take part in the competition ?
3. How long does the competition last ?
4. Can all musicians take part in the competition, except local ones ?
The end !
Năm học: 
I. Choose the underlined part is pronounced differently from the others in each line.
*/ Choose the word that has stress pattern different from that of other words:
II. Choose the best answer A,B,c, or D :
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. C 11.C 12. D
III. Give the correct form of the verbs in the brackets:
1. works 2. was watching / was 3. stay 4. to show
5. repairing 6. would go 7. to be invited
IV. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning . :
1. Having escaped from prison, he looked for a place where he could get food.
2. If Mary hadn’t got up late / If Mary had got up early, she wouldn’t have missed the bus.
3. Tom apologised to his grandfather for not visiting him the night before.
4. It took my mothere half an hour to clean the living room every day.
5. I haven’t seen my old friends since I learnt in high school.
6. The vegetables are ususlly taken to the market by Tom every day.
7. The flowers weren’t watered in the garden yesterday.
V. Read the passage and answer the questions. :
1. The competition is held every year / annual.
2. All local musicians can take part in the competition.
3. The competition lasts 7 days.
4. No, they can’t.
The end 

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