Đề cương ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 (Global Success) - Unit 3: Teenagers

I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the

others in each group

1. A. venture B. future C. mature D. culture

2.A. tour B. scour C. hour D. sour

3. A. curious B. plural C. during D. pure

4. A. soil B. hoist C. choir D. voice

5. A. endure B. fury C. cure D. bury

Circle the correct options to complete the phrases.

1. upload:

A. a website B. a post C. an account D. a forum

2. browse:

A. a post B. a picture C. a clip D. a website

3. check:

A. a clip B. a notification C. a picture D. a forum

4. log on:

A. to a school B. to a club C. to an account D. to a password

I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others in each group

1. As children move toward , they are less likely to ask for advice.

A. dependent B. dependence C. independent D. independence

2. My parents asked me to figure out gave me so much trouble.

A. what B. which C. how many D. where

3. We need to prepare food, do laundry and chores at home. It's

A. social skills B. self-care skills C. housekeeping skills D. cognitive skills

4. . and young adults, both male and female, benefit from physical activity.

A. Adolescence B. Adolescents C. Frustrations D. Newborns


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Đề cương ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 8 (Global Success) - Unit 3: Teenagers
P 1 
forum /ˈfɔːrəm/ (n) diễn đàn 
club /klʌb/ (n) câu lạc bộ 
midterm /ˌmɪdˈtɜːm/ (n) giữa kỳ 
stressful /ˈstresfl/ (adj) căng thẳng 
stay calm /steɪ kɑːm/ (vp) bình tĩnh 
pressure /ˈpreʃə(r)/ (n) áp lực 
problem /ˈprɒbləm/ (n) vấn đề 
user-friendly /ˌjuː.zəˈfrend.li/ (adj) thân thiện với người dùng 
craft /krɑːft/ (n) thủ công 
provide sb with sth /prəˈvaɪd/ (vp) cung cấp cho ai với cái gì 
interest /ˈɪntrəst/ (v/n) quan tâm, mối quan tâm 
competition /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/ (n) cuộc thi 
chess club /tʃes klʌb/ (np) câu lạc bộ cờ vua 
creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/ (adj) sáng tạo 
discuss /dɪˈskʌs/ (v) bàn luận 
upload /ˌʌpˈləʊd/ (v) tải lên 
notification /ˌnəʊ.tɪ.fɪˈkeɪ.ʃən/ (n) thông báo 
log on /lɔɡ ɒn/ (phr.v) đăng nhập 
connect /kəˈnekt/ (v) kết nối 
website /ˈwebsaɪt/ (n) trang mạng 
tournament /ˈtʊənəmənt/ (n) giải đấu 
concentrate /ˈkɒnsntreɪt/ (v) tập trung 
bully /ˈbʊli/ (n) người bắt nạt 
scare /skeə(r)/ (v) làm cho sợ hãi 
mature /məˈtʃʊə(r)/ (adj) trưởng thành 
expectation /ˌekspekˈteɪʃn/ (n) sự kỳ vọng 
teenager /ˈtiːneɪdʒə(r)/ (n) thiếu niên 
talkative /ˈtɔːkətɪv/ (adj) lắm lời 
request /rɪˈkwest/ (v/n) yêu cầu, lời yêu cầu 
participate /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ (v) tham gia 
freedom /ˈfriːdəm/ (n) tự do 
cheat on /tʃiːt ɒn/ (phr.v) gian lận 
music club /ˈmjuː.zɪk/ (np) câu lạc bộ âm nhạc 
turn off /tɜːn ɒf/ (phr.v) tắt 
teamwork /ˈtiːmwɜːk/ (n) tinh thần đồng đội 
prize /praɪz/ (n) phần thưởng 
tolerant /ˈtɒlərənt/ (adj) chấp thuận 
therefore /ˈðeə.fɔːr/ (adv) vì vậy 
P 2 
otherwise /ˈʌðəwaɪz/ (adv) nếu không thì 
sensitive /ˈsensətɪv/ (adj) nhạy cảm 
activity /ækˈtɪv.ə.t̬i/ (n) hoạt động 
college /ˈkɒlɪdʒ/(n) (n) trường cao đẳng 
right-hand /ˈraɪt.hænd/ (adj) tay phải 
social media /ˈsəʊʃəl ˈmiːdiə/ (np) truyền thông xã hội 
daily /ˈdeɪli/ (adj) hằng ngày 
browse /braʊz/ (v) duyệt 
classmate /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/ (n) bạn cùng lớp 
relaxing /rɪˈlæksɪŋ/ (adj) thư giãn 
beforehand /bɪˈfɔː.hænd/ (adv) tới trước 
focused /ˈfəʊ.kəst/ (adj) tập trung 
arts and crafts club /ɑːts ænd krɑːfts klʌb/ 
community service / kə'mju:nəti 'sɜːvɪs / (n) dịch vụ cộng đồng 
practical skill /ˈpræk.tɪ.kəl skɪl/ (np) kỹ năng thực hành 
teamwork skill /ˈtiːm.wɜːk skɪl/ (np) kỹ năng làm việc nhóm 
smartphone /ˈsmɑːtfəʊn/ (n) điện thoại thông minh 
peer /pɪə(r)/ (n) bạn cùng trang lứa 
session /ˈseʃn/ (n) phiên 
deal with /diːl wɪð/ (phr.v) đối phó với 
schoolwork /’skuːl.wɝːk/ (np) việc học 
lonely /ˈləʊnli/ (adv) cô đơn 
Định nghĩa Câu đơn là câu chỉ có 1 mệnh đề chính, gồm có 1 chủ ngữ và 1 động từ. 
Hoặc câu có thể có chủ ngữ là 2 danh từ nối bằng ‘and’ hoặc có 2 động 
từ nối bằng ‘and’ nhưng vẫn là 1 câu đơn. 
Ví dụ I went to the supermarker yesterday. (Tôi đã đi đến siêu thị ngày hôm 
Mary and Tom are playing tenis.(Mary và Tom đang chơi tenis.) 
My broather ate a sandwich and drank beer. (Anh trai tôi đã ăn sandwich 
và uống bia.) 
1.Định nghĩa và cấu trúc câu ghép 
Định nghĩa -Là câu có 2 hay nhiều mệnh đề độc lập về ý nghĩa. 
-Được kết nối với nhau bởi một liên từ kết hợp hay còn gọi là lien từ 
đẳng lập như: and,or,but,so 
Cấu trúc Mệnh đề 1 + (,) + liên từ + mệnh đề 2. 
Ví dụ: You should eat less fast or you can put on weight. (Bạn nên ăn ít 
đồ ăn nhanh hơn hoặc bạn có thể tang cân đấy.) 
I wasn’t very hungry, but I ate a lot. (Tớ không đói lắm, nhưng tớ đã ăn 
rất nhiều.) 
My mother does exercise every day, so she looks very young and fit. 
(Mẹ tớ tập thể dục hang ngày, vì vậy mà trông mẹ rất trẻ và khoẻ.) 
P 3 
Lưu ý Chúng ta cần phải sử dụng dấu “,” trước lien từ so, con với các lien từ 
and/or/but thì có thể có dấu phẩy hoặc không. 
2. Các liên từ kết hợp thường gặp 
Liên từ Ví dụ 
And(và): dùng để bổ sung thêm thông tin (The Japanese eat a lot of fish, and they 
eat a lot of tofu too.( Người Nhật ăn rất 
nhiều cá, và họ cũng ăn rất nhiều đậu 
phụ nữa.) 
Or(hoặc): dung khi có sự lựa chọn You can take this medicine, or you can 
drink hot ginger tea. (Con có thể uống 
thuốc này hoặc con có thể uống trà gừng 
But (nhưng): dung dể nói 2 mệnh đề mag ý 
nghĩa trái ngược, đối lập nhau. 
She doesn’t eat much, but she’s still fat. 
(Cô ấy không ăn nhiều, những cô ấy vẫn 
So (nên/vì vậy mà/vậy nên): dung để nói về 
một kết quả của sự việc được nhắc đến 
trước đó. 
My mother eats healthily, so she is very 
(Mẹ tớ ăn uống rất lành mạnh, nên bà ấy 
rất khoẻ.) 
1.Định nghĩa 
-Câu phức là câu bao gồm một mệnh đề độc lập (independent clause) và ít 
nhất 1 mệnh đề phụ thuộc (dependent clause) liên kết với nhau.Hai mệnh 
đề thường được nối với njau bởi dấu phẩy hoặc các liên từ phụ thuộc 
(Subordinating Conjuntions). 
Ví dụ 
He always takes time to play with his daughter even though he is extremely 
Mệnh đề độc lập Mệnh đề phụ thuộc 
(Anh ấy luôn dành thời gian để chơi với con gái mặc dù anh ấy rất bận 
Even thoughhe is busy,he always takes time to play with his daughter. 
Mệnh đề phụ thuộc Mệnh đề độc lập 
(Mặc dù anh ấy bận rộn,nhưng anh ấy vẫn dành thời gian để chơi với con 
You should think about money saving from now if you want to study 
Mệnh đề độc lập Mệnh đề phụ thuộc 
(Bạn nên nghĩ về việc tiết kiệm tiền từ bây giờ nếu bạn muốn đi du học.) 
If you want to study abroad, you should think about money saving from 
Mệnh đề phụ thuộc Mệnh đề độc lập 
(Nếu bạn muốn đi du học,bạn nên nghĩ về việc tiết kiệm tiền từ bây giờ.) 
Lưu ý -Mệnh đề đi liền với liên từ trong câu phức chính là mệnh đề phụ thuộc 
(dependent clause). 
-Nếu mệnh đề phụ thuộc(dependent clause) nằm phía trược mệnh đề độc 
lập (independent clause) thì giữa hai mệnh đề phải có dấu phẩy còn lại thì 
2. Một số liên từ phụ thuộc thường gặp 
(sau khi) 
(mặc dù) 
(bởi vì/khi) 
As if 
(như thế là) 
As long as 
(miễn là) 
In oder to 
(cốt để mà) 
P 4 
(trước khi) 
Even if 
(mặc dù) 
(bởi vì) 
As though 
(như thế là) 
As much as So that 
(cốt để mà) 
(một khi) 
(mặc dù) 
(trong khi 
As soon as 
(ngay khi) 
(trừ phi) 
(kể từ 
khi/bởi vì) 
(mặc dù) 
(trong khi 
 In case 
(phòng khi) 
(cho đến khi) 
I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the 
others in each group 
1. A. venture B. future C. mature D. culture 
2.A. tour B. scour C. hour D. sour 
3. A. curious B. plural C. during D. pure 
4. A. soil B. hoist C. choir D. voice 
5. A. endure B. fury C. cure D. bury 
Circle the correct options to complete the phrases. 
1. upload: 
A. a website B. a post C. an account D. a forum 
2. browse: 
A. a post B. a picture C. a clip D. a website 
3. check: 
A. a clip B. a notification C. a picture D. a forum 
4. log on: 
A. to a school B. to a club C. to an account D. to a password 
I. Choose the words whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the 
others in each group 
1. As children move toward  , they are less likely to ask for advice. 
A. dependent B. dependence C. independent D. independence 
2. My parents asked me to figure out  gave me so much trouble. 
A. what B. which C. how many D. where 
3. We need to prepare food, do laundry and chores at home. It's  
A. social skills B. self-care skills C. housekeeping skills D. cognitive skills 
4. .. and young adults, both male and female, benefit from 
physical activity. 
A. Adolescence B. Adolescents C. Frustrations D. Newborns 
5. Do parents get .. from their children studies? 
A. satisfyingly B. satisfying C. satisfied D. satisfy 
6. She has been  because she has a big assignment to complete. 
A. frustration B. frustrated C. frustrating D. frustratedly 
7. The headmaster was very. . with Tom because of his bad behaviour 
at school. 
A. upset B. confident C. proud D. tired 
7. Physical changes in adolescence are different for everyone, so you don't need to 
feel or . frustrated. 
P 5 
A. independent B.confident C. embarrassed D. delighted 
8. Adolescence is the period between childhood and young adulthood. Your brain 
will grow and you'll have improved self-control and . 
A. selfish B. self-aware C. depression D. concentrate 
9. If you are an adolescent, you will feel you want more .. and 
A. denpendent B. dependence C. independence D. independent 
10. Our teacher broke the final project .. three separate parts. 
A. in B. into C. away D. down 
11. "I'm fighting with my sister again! It feels like we can never resolve our conflicts." 
A. recognise B. concentrate C. manage D. deal with 
12. Recognising your feelings is a way to . stress. 
A. create B. cause C. overcome D. conduct 
13.  is the practice of doing things that involve risks in order to 
achieve something. 
A. Risk-taking B. Cognitive skill C. Competitiveness D. Competition 
14. Helen was worried about the final term test, and she didn't sleep well. She was 
very tired after a  night. 
A. frustrated B. confused C. independent D. sleepless 
15. When you are in difficult situations, you will need adult support and guidance to 
make informed decisions and overcome stress. 
A. development B. operation C. instruction D. change 
16. Some students say that their parents have influence . their 
A. on B. in C. with D. to 
17. Waiting for exam results is a time of great  
A. frustration B. danger C. depression D. anxiety 
18. I suppose that Mai should take a break then start doing these hard assignments 
again. It would be better for her. 
A. continue B. stay up late C. empathise D. rest 
19. When you grow up, you will have more independence and more  
as well. (responsibility) (responsible) 
20. I have stomach ache,  I don't want to eat anything. 
A. but B. so C. because D. or 
21. My mother eats a lot of fruit and vegetables, she does exercise 
every morning. 
A. even B. but C. and D. so 
22. Helen was worried about the final term test, and she didn't sleep well. She was 
very tired after a .. night. 
A. frustrated B. confused C. independent D. sleepless 
P 6 
Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. You may have to change the 
form of the word. 
expectation concentrate bully forum improve 
coach better now pressure 
1. To meet her parents'  she spends five hours practising the piano 
 every day. 
2. It's not a problem for the contestants to work under  
3. Their PE teacher  them after school every day. 
4. Stay away from him. He is a big .. at our school. 
5.I started playing chess two months ago, and I can . than before. 
Underline the correct words to complete the sentences. 
1. Some teenagers never join in any forums for help, (so/because) they prefer 
talking to their parents about their problems. 
2. In some forums teens can get advice from peers; (therefore / however), my 
friends often use those forums to share their problems. 
3. Many teenagers want to support needy people, (but/so) they join community 
service projects. 
4. Our students can participate in any club they like, (but /or) they shouldn't try to 
join all the school clubs at the same time. 
5. Minh told his teachers about the school bullies; (therefore / otherwise), the bullies 
wouldn't leave him alone. 
Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence. 
1. Teenagers need encouragement from their parents,  not all parents 
are willing to encourage their children. 
A. for B. and C. but D. so 
2. Many girls worry about their appearance, . they often look at 
themselves in a mirror. 
A. but B. so C. or D. for 
P 7 
3. Teenagers should learn to mix with their classmates, . they can try to 
 get on with their siblings. 
A. so B. for C. or D. yet 
4. Social media help teens connect with others;  they also cause teens 
to feel lonely. 
A. however B. therefore C. otherwise D. although 
5. They spend a lot of time surfing the net;. they have little time to 
read books. 
A. however B. therefore C. although D. otherwise 
Bài nghe: 
- Ms Hoa said we can discuss the stress we have in our lives on the class forum. 
- So what stress do you have? 
- I'm tired of trying to meet my parents expectations. They want me to study well 
and be good at many things. So they send me to many classes like maths, English 
piano and karate. 
- Why don't you tell them your interests and abilities? 
- Minh, I talk to my parents about this so they no longer send me to classes I don't 
like now. I just focus on my health and try to lose some weight. 
- You look fit Anne, you should feel good about your body. 
- Are you kidding me? I still need to lose a few more kilos. 
- How about you? 
- Me? Actually, I don't get on with my sister. She is jealous of anything I have and 
always starts arguments. So I had to talk to my mum. 
Choose the suitable response A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following 
exchanges. Sometimes you can choose two answers. 
1. Tom: How about playing a game of 
chess? Mai: 
A. No, that's a waste of time B. I'd love to. But I have to finish my homework first 
C. Chess is interesting to play D. I'm sorry. Don't ask me to do that 
2. Mai:  ? Ann: Yes, certainly. 
A. Can I join you in this game. B. Will I join you in this game. 
C. Shall you join us in this game. D. Should you join us in this game. 
3. Nick: Could you tell me how I can deal with a bully? 
A. That's very kind of you. Thanks B. Who's he? I don't know him. 
C. You should talk to your parents about him. 
D. You shouldn't talk to your parents about him. 
4. Teacher: Would you like to discuss the causes of your stress in our forum? 
A. No, I wouldn't B. That's a good idea 
C. Yes, I would join the forum D. That's very kind of you 
5. Minh:  ? 
P 8 
Tom: Certainly. Go past this building, then turn left. It's right in front of you there. 
A. Would you show me the way to the library, please. 
B. Could you show me the way to the library, please. 
C. Should you show me the way to the library, please. 
D. May you show me the way to the library, please. 
Minh and Kate are talking about their club activities. Choose A - E to complete their 
conversation. Then practise it with a friend. 
Minh: Kate, so what club are you a member of? 
Kate: (1) . 
Minh: Great! I'd love to join it too. So, what time does it meet? 
Kate: (2) . 
Minh: Where does it meet? 
Kate: (3) . 
Minh: Who is the coach? 
Kate: (4) . 
Minh: Is that the reason why you like to join this club? 
Kate: (5) . 
A. It meets on Thursdays, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 
B. I'm a member of the chess club. 
C. Yes, that's one reason. Playing chess also teaches me to stay calm and solve 
D. It meets in the school hall, on the second floor. 
E. Mr Tan. He was a chess champion at the national chess competition last year. 
Make sentences using the words and phrases below. You can add necessary 
1. Teenagers / should/play/sport/keep fit. 
2. Teens/may feel/stressed/when/ classmates/do better/ than them / school. 
3. Some teens / participate / school clubs/make/new/friends. 
4. Some teens / feel / pressure / because / they/want/fit/ a group. 
5. main causes / teen stress / include / peer pressure / schoolwork pressure / 
pressure from parents. 
Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the 
sentence given. 
1. I'm interested in participating in some club activities. 
A. Joining in some club activities is not my interest. 
P 9 
B. My interest is to joining in some club activities. 
C. I'm interested in joining in some club activities. 
D. Club activities are what I am interested in. 
2. I play chess to relax, but I'm now confident enough to enter competitions. 
A. Although I play chess to relax, but I'm now confident enough to enter 
B. Although I play chess to relax, I'm now confident enough to enter competitions. 
C. I'm now confident enough to enter competitions in spite of being relaxed. 
D. I play chess to relax, and I'm now confident enough to enter competitions. 
3. Teenagers join the Teen Line forum as they enjoy chatting with other teens. 
A. Teenagers join the Teen Line forum, so they enjoy chatting with other teens. 
B. Teenagers join the Teen Line forum although they enjoy chatting with other teens. 
C. Teenagers join the Teen Line forum, but they enjoy chatting with other teens. 
D. Teenagers join the Teen Line forum because they enjoy chatting with other 
4. Although teens don't know how to avoid bullies, they don't want to tell their 
A. If teens knew how to avoid bullies, they would not tell their teachers. 
B. Teens don't know how to avoid bullies, but they don't want to tell their teachers. 
C. Teens will tell their teachers although they know how to avoid bullies. 
D. Teens know how to avoid bullies; however, they will tell their teachers. 
5. If you don't stop spending so much time playing video games, you will get 
A. You should stop spending so much time playing video games; otherwise, you will 
get addicted. 
B. You should stop spending so much time playing video games; however, you will 
get addicted. 
C. Stop spending so much time playing video games, so you will get addicted. 
D. Although you stop spending so much time playing video games, you will get 
Choose the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 
1. A. choose B. look C. spoon D. food 
2. A. truth B. June C. cushion D. conclusion 
3. A. again B. company C. woman D. villager 
4. A. mixture B. leisure C. lure D. lecture 
5. A. choice B. join C. going D. noise 
Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence. 
1. In his free time, my younger brother is . on taking photos and doing puzzles. 
A. fond B. keen C. interested D. crazy 
P 10 
2. What are you interested . doing at weekends? 
A. into B. on C. about D. in 
3. How often do you  notifications on Facebook? - Once a day. 
A. upload B. browse C. connect D. check 
4. Be quiet, please! I'm trying to .. on my homework. 
A. concentrate B. log C. advise D. bully 
5. It's  time, so the villagers are busy cutting and gathering their crops. 
A. festival B. growing C. harvest D. planting 
Complete each sentence below by filling in each blank with the correct form of the 
word provided. 
1. The farmers are  the rice from the back of the truck. (LOAD) 
2. They live in a beautiful cottage .. by trees and flowers. (SURROUND) 
3. When you feel you have to do something so that your friends accept you, you're 
experiencing peer  (PRESS) 
4. The Internet . at our home is not strong, so I can't study online. 
5.I .. cooking because I usually burn the food. (LIKE) 
Choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the word/phrase that needs correction. Then 
correct the mistake. 
1. Mi loves playing sport, so his brother hates it. 
2. Farmers should plough their fields carefully; however, they will not have a bumper 
3. If you don't do your homework more careful, you won't get good marks. 
4. In his free time, my grandpa enjoys to catch fish and feeding pigs. 
5. She hates use Facebook Messenger to discuss schoolwork. 
 Find and correct ONE mistake in each sentence 
1. My brother studies (harder/hardly) than my sister. 
2. Ann uploads pictures to social networks more (frequently/frequent) than her 
3. Phong spends a lot of time doing puzzles; (therefore / otherwise), he can solve 
puzzles more quickly than his other classmates can. 
4. What does your sister dislike (to do / doing) in her free time? 
5. It's late now, and I can't stay any (long/longer). 
Make sentences using the words and phrases below. You can add necessary 
1. Nam not good/ dancing/ however / he /member/ dancing club. 
2. Lan/ fond/message/friends / because / it / more convenient / calling. 
P 11 
3. Feed/pigs/ and / milk / cows/be/her/daily/ activity. 
4. Today/farmer/village / usually / use / combine harvester / harvest / crops. 
5. Teenagers' / stress/may/ come/schoolwork/family/friend. 
Complete the sentences with the words given: and, but, or, so, for 
1. I feel tired, _____I feel weak. 
2. The Japanese eat healthily, _____they live for a long time. 
3. I have the flu, _____I don’t feel very tired. 
4. You should eat less fast food, _____you can put on weight. 
5. You can go and see the doctor, _____you can go to bed now and rest. 
Combine sentences, using appropriate coordinating conjunction in the box 
1. You may have an allergy. Be careful with what you eat and drink. (so) 
2. Tom has a temperature. Tom has a sore throat. (and) 
3. I want to buy other car. I have no money. (but) 
4. I pass the test. My parents took me to the cinema. (therefore) 
5. I feel sleepy. I must finish the report. (however) 
6. His shoes are worn. He has no socks. (for) 
7. I enjoy visiting many different countries. I wouldn’t want to live overseas. (yet) 
8. She doesn’t like vegetables. She doesn’t eat fruit. (nor) 
9. Paul has a three – week holiday. He has enough money to travel. (moreover) 
Nối hai câu riêng lẻ dưới đây thành một câu 
1. He worked for a woman. She used to be an artist. 
2. They called a doctor. He lived nearby. 
3. I wrote an email to my sister. She lives in Italy. 
P 12 
4. Linh liked the waiter. He was very friendly. 
5. We broke a car. It belonged to my uncle. 
6. Ba dropped a cup. It was new. 
7. Nam loves books. They have happy endings. 
Hoàn thành những câu sau với so, but, while, because, or, although 
1. I haven’t really studied for this exam, .. I feel a little nervous. 
2. I told him not to come, .. he came anyway. 
3. .. I was really tired, I took a nap for 15 minutes. 
4. .. she likes to play basketball, her favorite sport is tennis. 
5. .. it was really hot outside, I wore shorts. 
6. I was on time, .. everyone else was late. 
7. Nadia doesn’t like to drive, .. she takes the bus everywhere. 
8. Keep quiet .. go out. 
9. I turned on the fan .. the room was hot. 
10.Carol showed up for the meeting .. I asked her not to be there. 

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • pdfde_cuong_on_tap_mon_tieng_anh_lop_8_global_success_unit_3_te.pdf