Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Undersea world

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Đề cương ôn tập học kỳ 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 9: Undersea world
I. GLOSSARY (Bảng từ vựng) 
1. accidental (adj) tình cờ; ngẫu nhiên; bất ngờ
2. Antarctic (adj) (thuộc) Nam cực
3. Artic (adj) (thuộc) Bắc cực
4. at stake (IDM) đang bị đe dọa
	Ex: The minister will face the enquiry with his reputation at stake. (Vị bộ trưởng sẽ phải đối mặt với cuộc điều tra ảnh hưởng đến uy tín của ông.)
5. Atlantic (adj) (thuộc) Đại Tây Dương
6. bay (n) vịnh
7. beneath (prep) ở dưới
	Ex: They slept outside beneath the stars. (Họ ngủ ngoài trời bên dưới những vì sao.)
8. biodiversity (n) hệ sinh thái
9. bottom (n) phần dưới cùng; đáy
10. breathe (v) thở; hố hấp
11. calf (n) (pi calves) con bê; voi con; cá voi con; hươu cao cổ con
12. carnivore (n) động vật ăn thịt cf herbivore; omnivore
13. challenge (v) thử thách; thách thức 
	Ex: The new discovery challenges traditional beliefs. (Phát hiện mới này thách thức các niềm tin truyền thống.)
14. commission (n) hội đồng; ủy ban
	 International Whaling Commission (n) Ủy Ban Đánh Bắt Cá Voi Quốc Tế
15. conservation (n) sự giữ gìn; sự bảo toàn; sự bảo tồn môi trường tự nhiên
16. contribute (v) (+ to) đóng góp; góp phần
	Ex: Many local businesses offered to contribute to the school rebuilding fund. (Nhiều doanh nghiệp địa phương đề nghị được đóng góp cho quỹ tái thiết ngôi trường.)
17. depth (n) chiều sâu; bề sâu; độ dày
	 the depths (n) (pi) (literary) những khu vực sâu nhất của đại dương; đáy đại dương
18. device (n) dụng cụ; thiết bị; máy móc
19. diet (n) thức ăn; chế độ ăn uống
20. discard (v) bỏ; loại bỏ; vứt bỏ
21. dispose of (phrv) vứt bỏ; tống khứ
	Ex: Please dispose of all litter in the container provided. (Vui lòng bỏ rác vào thùng.)
22. dolphin (n) cá heo
23. due (adj) (to sth/sb) vì; do; bởi (ai / cái gì)
	Ex: The team’s success was entirely due to her efforts. (Thành công của đội hoàn toàn nhờ vào nỗ lực của cô ấy.)
24. entrap (n) đánh bẫy; đánh lừa
	entrapment (n) sự đánh bẫy; sự đánh lừa
25. fall (v) (+ into/ within) thuộc về một nhóm hoặc một lĩnh vực nào đó
26. feature (n) nét đặc trưng; nét đặc biệt
27. feeding grounds (n) nơi mà một nhóm động vật thường đến tìm thức ăn; nơi kiếm ăn
28. fertilizer (n) phần bốn
29. fish (v) câu cá; đánh cá; bắt cá
	 fishing (xi) nghề đánh cá; môn câu cá 
	 fishing line (n) dây câu
	 fishnet (n) lưới đánh cá (= fishing net)
30. gestation (n) sự thai nghén 
	 gestation period (n) thời kỳ thai nghén
31. gulf (n) vịnh (phần biển hoặc đại dương ăn sâu vào đất liền)
32. habitat (n) môi trường sống
33. herbicide (n) thuốc diệt cỏ
34. Indian (adj) (thuộc) Ấn Độ
35. investigate (v) điều tra; nghiên cứu kỹ
36. jellyfish (n) (pi jellyfish) con sứa
37. lifespan (n) tuổi thọ
38. mammal (n) động vật có vú
39. marine (adj) (thuộc) biển; (thuộc) ngành hàng hải
40. migrate (v) di trú; di cư
	Ex: These birds migrate to North Africa in winter. (Vào mùa đông, những con chim này di trú đến Bắc Phi.)
41. mystery (n) điều huyền bí; sự huyền bí 
	→ mysterious (adj)
42. nurse (v) 1. cho bú (SYN breastfeed) 2. bú
43. offspring (n) (pi offspring) con; hậu duệ
44. organism (n) sinh vật, nhất là những loại rất nhỏ
45. overcome (v) thắng; chiến thắng; tìm cách vượt qua; khắc phục; đánh bại khó khăn
	Ex: What can I do to overcome my fear of flying? (Tôi có thể làm gì để vượt qua nỗi sợ đi máy bay?)
46. oversized (adj) quá khổ; ngoại cỡ
47. Pacific (adj) (thuộc) Thái Bình Dương
48. pesticide (n) thuốc trừ sâu
49. pressure (n) sức ép; áp suất; áp lực
50. range (n) phạm vi; lĩnh vực; loại
51. rely on (phrv) dựa vào; cậy vào; nhờ vào
	Ex: The museum relies on voluntary donations to stay open; (Viện bảo tàng tồn tại nhờ vào những khoản đóng góp tự nguyện.)
52. sample (n) mẫu vật
53. satellite (n) vệ tinh (nhân tạo); truyền hình vệ tinh
54. seabed (n) đáy biển
55. seal (n) hải cẩu
56. shark (n) cá mập
57. shopper (n) người đi mua hàng; người đi chợ
58. sparingly (adv) với số lượng nhỏ; tiết kiệm; dè sẻn
59. species (n) (pi species,) loài
	Ex: Over 120 species of birds have been recorded in this National Park. (Hơn 120 loài chim đã được ghi nhận ở Công viên quốc gia này.)
60. squid (n) mực ống
61. starfish (n) sao hiển
62. submarine (n) tàu ngầm
63. tanker (n) tàu chở dầu
64. tiny (adj) nhỏ xíu (extremely small)
65. turtle (n) rùa hiển; baba (cf. tortoise)
66. undersea (adj) dưới biển; dưới đáy đại dương
67. warm-blooded (adj) có máu nóng (thân nhiệt không thay đổi khi môi trường thay đổi) (cf. cold-blooded)
68. water (n) nước; mặt hồ; mặt biển
	 waters (n) vùng nước thuộc một khu vực, một tiểu bang, một quốc gia nào đó; khối nước; hải phận
	Ex: The boat sailed into international waters. (Thuyền đi vào hải phận quốc tế.)
69. whale (n) cá voi 
	→ blue whale (n) cá voi xanh
	 gray whale (n) cá voi xám
	 killer whale (n) cá nhà táng
	 sperm whale (n) cá nhà táng
	 whaling (n) sự săn cá voi; nghề săn cá voi
II. GRAMMAR (ngữ pháp)
1. Should 
a. Form (cấu trúc)
Positive (Khẳng định)
S + should + inf + O
Negative (Phủ định)
S + shouldn’t + inf + O
Question (Nghi vấn)
Should + S + inf + O?
	Ex: You should take an aspirin if you have got a headache. (Nếu bị nhức đầu bạn nên uống một viên aspirin.)
	You shouldn't eat too much chocolate; it's not good for you. (Bạn không nên ăn quá nhiều sôcôla; không tốt đâu.)
	Should we tell Judy? (Chúng ta có nên nói với Judy không?) 
b. Use (cách dùng)
Should là động từ tình thái, được dùng để - nói về trách nhiệm, bổn phận, hoặc sự bắt buộc (nghĩa của should không mạnh bằng must)
	Ex: People should drive more carefully. (Người ta nên tái xe cẩn thận.)
	Applications should be sent before December 30th. (Đơn xin việc nên được gửi trước ngày 30 tháng 12.) Lịch sự hơn câu “Application must he sent...” 
- Xin lời khuyên hoặc lời hướng dẫn 
	Ex: Should I go and see the police, do you think? (Bạn nghĩ tôi có nên đến gặp cảnh sát không?)
- Nói rằng điều gì đó có thể xảy ra (bởi vì nó hợp lý hoặc theo thông lệ).	
	Ex: Henry should get here soon - he left home at six. (Henry sẽ đến đây ngay thôi - anh ấy đã rời nhà từ lúc sáu giờ mà.) 
	“We're spending the winter in Florida.” “That should be nice.” (Chúng tôi sẽ nghỉ đông ở Florida.” “Hẳn là tuyệt lắm!”
2. Conditional sentences type 2 (câu điều kiện loại 2)
Câu điều kiện loại 2 là loại điều kiện không có thật trong hiện tại, được dùng để nói về tình huống không có thật hoặc không thể xảy ra trong hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
Past simple 
would! + infinitive
	Ex: If I knew her name, I would tell you. (Nếu tôi biết tên cô ấy, tôi sẽ nói cho anh biết.) nhưng tôi không biết tên cô ấy
	If he didn’t love her, he would not get married. (Nếu anh ta không yêu cô ta, anh ta sẽ không cưới cô ta.)
	If I had more time, I would travel. (Nếu tôi có nhiều thời gian hơn, tôi sẽ đi du lịch.) Nhưng tôi không có nhiều thời gian, vì thế tôi không đi du lịch. 
Lưu ý:
- Động từ tình thái could và might có thể được dùng trong mệnh đề chính để nói đến khả năng có thể xảy ra.
	Ex: If I had time, I could read more. (Nếu tôi có thời gian, tôi sẽ có thể đọc nhiều sách hơn.)
- Không dùng would trong mệnh đề IF
	Ex: If she knew the answer, she would tell you. (NOT If she would knew the answer, (Nếu cô ấy biết lời giải, cô ấy sẽ cho bạn biết.)
- Các câu bắt đầu bằng If I were you, ... thường được dùng để khuyên bảo: 
	Ex: If I were you. I'd read “Peanuts.” It's really funny. (Nếu tôi là bạn, tôi sẽ đọc quyển “Peanuts.” Nó rất khôi hài.)
- Were có thể được dùng thay cho was trong mệnh đề if, nhất là trong mệnh đề if l were you ...
	Ex: If I was/ were rich. I would travel around the world. (Nếu tôi giàu, tôi sẽ đi vòng quanh thế giới.)
3. I don't think/ believe/ suppose ...
- Khi chúng ta giới thiệu một ý phủ định với các động từ như think, believe, suppose, imagine và các từ có nghĩa tương tự như vậy, chúng ta thường dùng động từ đầu tiên ở thể phủ định chứ không phải động từ thứ hai.
	Ex: I don’t think you've met my wife. (Tôi nghĩ anh chưa gặp vợ tôi.) Nghe tự nhiên hơn câu ‘I think you haven't met my wife.”.
	I don’t believe she's at home. (Tôi không tin là cô ấy đang ở nhà.) Nghe tự nhiên hơn câu “I believe she isn't at home.”.
- Tuy nhiên, để diễn đạt sự ngạc nhiên ta thường dùng I thought + negative. 
	Ex: “Would you like a drink?” “I thought you'd never ask.” (“Bạn có muốn uống gì không?” “Cứ tưởng là bạn chẳng thèm hỏi chứ.” 
	Hello! I thought you weren’t coming. (Xin chào! Tôi cứ tưởng bạn sẽ không đến.)
Lưu ý
hope không được dùng theo cách nói trên:
	Ex: I hope it doesn’t rain. (NOT I don't hope it rains.) (Tôi hy vọng trời sẽ không mưa.)
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1.	a.	where	b.	sphere	c.	atmosphere 	d.	here
2.	a.	clear	b.	hear	c.	idea	d.	heart
3.	a.	tour	b.	pour	c.	your	d.	mourn
4.	a.	square	b.	share	c.	are	d.	rare
5.	a.	sure	b.	pure	c.	picture	d.	mature
Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; best substitutes the underlined part; or has the same meaning to the sentence above.
6.	How ____________ is the lake?
a. deep	b. depth	c. deepen	d. deeply
7.	To ____________ a bad habit, such as smoking and gambling, is not quite easy to most of human beings.
a. divide	b.	overcome	c.	reveal	d.	investigate
8.	Now. scientists can discover a lot in outer space as well as undersea world by using sophisticated instruments.
a. convenient and comfortable	b. complicated and refined
c. various	d. huge and enormous
9.	John’s father is a ____________ scientist. He studies life in the sea.
a. marine	b.	undersea	c.	submarine	d. organism
10.	There used to be ____________ no people living in this area.
a. a	b.	an	c.	the	d. no article
11.	The teacher had divided the students ____________ small groups before they did their task.
a. of	b.	for	c.	into	d. in
12.	The law is no longer ____________ so we have to cancel the contract and make another one.
a. effect	b. effective	c. effectiveness	d. effectively
13.	Whenever I visit an interesting place, I have my photographs ____________ .
a. made	b.	taken	c.	grasped	d.	held
14.	In some countries, teenagers can live ____________ from their parents if they want.
a. dependently	b. independence	c. independent	d. independently
15.	Animals, ____________ oysters, mussels, snails, and slugs, have a soft body and no backbone, use a hard shell.
a. including	b.	interacting 	c.	connecting	d.	understanding
16.	Many people believe that undersea world is ____________ origins of life on ____________ earth.
a. a / the	b.	an / an	c.	the / an	d.	the / no article
17.	37°C is the normal ____________ of the human body.
a. coldness	b.	heat	c.	temperature	d.	weather
18. ____________ , he would lend us his car.
a. If he was here	b. Was he here	c. Were he here	d. Unless he was here
19. ____________ a vacation now if she had more time?
a. Will she take	b. Would she take	c. Is she taking	d. Does she take
20.	Our teacher often advises us that ____________ work in order to realize our ambitions.
a. you will	b.	we should	c.	should you	d.	should we
21.	You should work harder for the coming terminal examination.
a. had better	b. would rather 	c.	needn’t	d.	mustn’t
22.	When we were children we used to go skating every winter.
a. should	b.	were	c.	would	d.	ought to
23.	 ____________ a foreign language helps us to open a new horizon to a culture and people.
a. Learning	b. Learn	c.	Learnt	d.	Learned
24.	The traffic is heavy during rush hours so they are sometimes late for school.
a.	If the traffic is not heavy during rush hours, they are not sometimes late for school.
b.	If the traffic were not heavy during rush hours, they would not be sometimes late for school.
c.	The heavy traffic during rush hours should not make them be late for school.
d.	In spite the traffic is heavy during rush hours they are not sometimes late for school.
25.	Should anyone call, tell him or her I am away.
a. If anyone calls	b. If no one will call, 	c. If anyone call	d. As if anyone called
26.	It is necessary that he ____________ home immediately.
a. will be	b.	will have been	c.	should being	d. should be
27.	If I ____________ in your position, I would not accept her offer.
a. am	b.	were	c.	have been	d. would be
28.	I wish he ____________ here now.	
a. is	b. will be	c.	were	d. has been
29.	Peter cannot go out for lunch because his car is broken.
a.	In spite of his broken car, Peter goes out for lunch.
b.	If his car is not broken, Peter will go out for lunch.
c.	If his car were not broken, Peter could go out for lunch.
d.	Unless his car were not broken, Peter could go out for lunch.
30.	She suggested that he ____________ his situation carefully.
a. should consider 	b. considers	c. is considering 	d. has to consider
Error Identification.
31.	All water, even rain water, contains dissolved chemicals those scientists call "salts.”
 A B C D
32.	Sea water, in contrast to the water we use daily, contains unacceptable amounts of 
	dissolved chemicals, which makes it is too salty for human consumption.
 B C D 
33.	Scientists seek the answers about the mysteries of undersea world with full awareness that little 
 A B D
	about the oceans has understood.
34.	What arouses the scientists’ curiosity is not so many why the ocean is salty, but why it is not 
 A B C
	fresh like the rivers and streams that pour into it. 
35.	If the salt in the sea could be removed and spread evenly over the Earth’s land surface, it 
 A B
	will form a layer more than 500 feet thick, about the height of a 40-storev office building.
 C D
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Many people consider fishing as their favorite pastime but only few of them ever think about fish as an ocean resource. Lots of people fish for a living. Fishery is the name of the business of harvesting fish and other marine animals and plants in order to make a living. Fisheries include large industrial-scale operations with foreign fishermen who process their catch for export and commercial Sales, small-scale operations by local fishermen who primarily supply nearby markets, aquaculture farms which raise marine animals and fish in a maintained environment, and businesses that produce fish products.
Fish and other seafood are harvested from the oceans around the globe. In fact, millions of tons of fish are harvested on an annual basis. Seventy percent of that fish is for, human consumption. Fish is also used in the production of pet and other animal food, oil, and other industrial products. Fisheries support the livelihoods of almost 200 million people worldwide.
Shrimp and tuna are probably the most recognized products from fisheries, and it also includes lobsters, crabs, scallops, oysters, seaweed, cod, salmon, flounder, swordfish, shark, herring, numerous reef fish, among many other species.
More than 90% of world marine fish catch comes from the 10% of the oceans closest to land. With all the fishing that goes on and all the people that fish, our ocean resources are being used rapidly. Many organizations and governments are researching what measures can be taken so that we will always be able to eat our delicious food from the sea.
36.	The business of harvesting fish and other marine animals and plants in order to make a living is called ____________.
a. fishing	b. fisheries	c. fishermen	d. fish
37.	Aquaculture farms ____________ .
a.	are not included in fisheries
b.	catch as much as possible
c.	raise marine animals and fish in a maintained environment
d.	do not raise marine animals and fish
38.	Fish ____________ .
a.	is all used for human consumption 	b.	cannot be used as other animals’ food
c.	is not used to make oil 	d.	is also used to produce industrial products
39.	Our ocean resources ____________ .
a. cannot be used any longer	b. are consumed fast
c. will exist forever	d. are not enough for human consumption
40.	Many organizations and governments ____________ .
a.	are doing research to conserve the ocean resources
b.	pay no attention to the ocean resources
c.	can never find measures to eat our delicious food from the sea
d.	have already found measures to eat our delicious food from the sea 
Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
The oceans unite us. Reaching from continent to continent, from culture to culture, the oceans touch all people. The oceans (41) ____________ us to understand and protect them. Since time began, the (42)____________ waters have awaited human interaction. Cool ocean breezes invite people to the shores. The foods of the sea tempt fishers to (43) ____________ their nets. Deep waters lead ship-makers to their craft. 
Since the past, cultures around the world (44) ____________ the oceans for survival and for (45)____________ , but have also taken the oceans (46) ____________ granted. The vast supply of water seems beyond harm. How could we hurt the oceans? 
At the present, we (47) ____________ to use the oceans to our advantage, yet we also know more than ever before about the undersea world. Technology has enabled scientists to study the oceans to greater (48) ____________ and wider horizons. We also now know that the oceans can (49) ____________ and that pollution threatens places around the world. Once again, the salty waters await human interaction. Now, and for the future, the ocean calls people to help, to protect the oceans (50) ____________ themselves.
41.	a. challenge 	b. suggest	c. encounter	d. include
42.	a. salt	b.	salty	c. salinity	d. salted
43.	a. cast	b.	drop .	c. fall	d. give
44.	a. use	b.	used	c. have used	d. were used
45.	a. transport	b.	transportation 	c. transporters	d. transported
46.	a. in	b.	as	c. with	d. for
47.	a. succeed	b.	connect	c. transfer	d. continue
48.	a. deep	b.	depth	c. deeply	d. deepened
49.	a. harm	b.	harmed	c. be harmed	d. harming
50.	a. in	b.	for	c. from	d. with
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
1.	a. ocean	b.	divide	c. challenge	d.	picture
2.	a. indication	b.	sophisticate	c. interaction	d.	understanding
3.	a. various	b.	animal	c. temperature	d.	connection
4.	a. discover	b.	endanger	c. fertilize	d.	contribute
5.	a. reveal	b.	supply	c. effect	d.	planet
Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; best substitutes the underlined part; or has the same meaning to the sentence above.
6.	A ____________ is a naval vessel that can operate under water as well as on the surface.
a. submarine	b.	satellite	c.	photograph	d.	organism
7.	The police are ____________ to find out the cause of the crash.
a. dividing	b.	indicting	c.	investigating	d.	supplying
8.	She gave no indication of being able to improve the situation.
a. connection	b.	evidence	c.	temperature	d.	interaction
9.	The authority supplied the victims of the fire	food, clothes, and money.
a. on	b.	for	c,	to	d.	with
10.	The ____________ between teachers and students is very important in teaching and learning.
a. interaction	b. independence 	c. variety	d. challenge
11.	____________ Pacific is the world’s largest ocean, covering one third of the Earth’s surface.
a. A	b. An	c. The	d. no article
12.	I took part in every school ____________ when I was a student.
a. act	b. action	c. activity	d. acting
13.	The existence of different kinds of animals and plants which make a balanced environment is called ____________ .
a. biodiversity	b. challenge	c. rubbish	d. maintain
14.	He is always interested in the mysteries that lie beneath the blue depths of the ocean.
a. over	b. under	c. above	d. on
15.	Seventy percent of ____________ earth surface is covered by water.
a. a	b. an	c. the	d. no article.
16.	Remember to keep our private business ____________ .
a.	secret	b. secretly	c. secrecy	d. secreted
17.	For years, scientists in many countries ____________ a lot of research to find a vaccine against AIDS.
a. are doing	b. will do	c.	did	d.	have done
18.	You should always pay your income tax before the deadline.
a. had better	b. would rather	c. needn’t	d.	do not need
19.	Peter was sacked yesterday because of his laziness. He ____________ .
a. should work harder	b. will work harder
c. worked hard	d. should have worked harder
20.	I cannot force you to learn English but I think you ____________ .
a. should	b.	should be	c.	should have 	d. cannot
21.	I said I ____________ buy something for lunch.
a. will	b.	shall	c.	should	d.	should be
22.	If only I ____________ at home and ____________ a football match on TV now.
a. am / watch .	b. were / were watching
c. should be / should be watching 	d. be / watch
23.	The racer could continue running if his leg were not broken.
a.	It was his broken leg that made the racer run.
b.	The racer could continue running because of his broken leg.
c.	The racer broke his leg and continues running.
d.	The racer cannot continue running because of his broken led
24.	You look tired and pale. You should go to see the doctor.
a.	Why don’t you go to see the doctor?
b.	Why do you go to see the doctor?
c.	What’s the matter with you and your doctor?
d.	Do you want to go to see the doctor?
25.	____________ I had enough money to buy whatever I like.
a. If only	b. If	c. Only if	d. As if
26.	If he does not come soon, ____________.
a. we would miss the bus	b. would we miss the bus
c. will we miss the bus	d. we will miss the bus
27. ____________ , they would enter the contest next week.
a. If they are old enough	b. Were they old enough
c. They were old enough	d. If were they old enough
28.	Would she come to see us if she knew ____________ ?
a. where we are living	b.	we lived where
c. where we had lived	d.	where do we live
29.	Conserve our environment as soon as possible	____________ we all die out someday in the future!
a. if	b. unless	c. or 	d. provided that
30.	I ____________ it if you ____________ with me now.
a. will appreciate / had came	b.	would appreciate / are coming
c. would appreciate / came	d.	appreciate / would come
Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given.
31.	tuna / also called tuna fish / fast swimmers
a.	Tuna which are also called tuna fish are fast swimmers.
b.	Tuna are also called tuna fish are fast swimmers.
c.	Tuna which being also called tuna fish are fast swimmers.
d.	Tuna which are also called tuna fish be fast swimmers.
32.	they / swim / fast /77 km an hour
a.	They can swim as fast as 77 km an hour.
b.	They can swim more fast as 77 km an hour.
c.	They can swim fast about 77 km an hour.
d.	They can swim so fast that 77 km an hour.
33. unlike / flesh / most of fish species / flesh of tuna / red
a.	Because unlike the flesh of most of other fish species, the flesh of tuna is red.
b.	Unlike it is the flesh of most of other fish species, the flesh of tuna is red.
c.	It is unlike the flesh of most of other fish species, the flesh of tuna is red
d.	Unlike the flesh of most of other fish species, the "flesh of tuna is red.
34.	tuna / warm-blooded / survive / a wide range of circumstances.
a.	Tuna are warm-blood so that they survive in a wide range of circumstances.
b.	Tuna are warm-blood so as to they survive in a wide range of circumstances.
c.	Tuna are warm-blood so they survive in a wide range of circumstances.
d.	Tuna are so warm-blood that they survive in a wide range of circumstances.
35.	tuna / important commercial fish / many countries by the Mediterranean / specially / Japan.
a.	Tuna are important commercial fish in many countries by the Mediterranean, specially in Japan.
b.	Tuna that are important commercial fish in many countries by the Mediterranean, specially in Japan.
c.	Tuna, they are important commercial fish in many countries by the Mediterranean, specially in Japan.
d.	They are, tuna, important commercial fish in many countries by the Mediterranean, specially in Japan.
Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
Sea ice is commonly found in the Arctic and Antarctic where low air and water temperatures provide ideal conditions for ice formation and growth.
Salinity, the amount of salt in seawater, determines the temperature at which sea water freezes. Although sea water is usually very salty, sea ice is practically salt-free. Why is this? When the water temperature dips to its freezing point (about 28.6°F), tiny ice particles form. Salt is not part of the ice crystals’ molecular Structure, so it is gradually released into the surrounding water. However, in extremely cold water, ice freezes rapidly, so salt cells are sometimes trapped before they are discarded. The cells then “migrate” through the ice, a process which takes up to a year.
As ice crystals multiply, the water turns slushy and the surface freezes into thin sheets of ice. Wind and wave action break the sheets into pieces, push them together, and freeze them into thick solid masses of pack ice. Depending on the severity of the winter, the pack’s thickness is usually nine to ten feet. Pieces breaking from the pack present the greatest threat to ships transiting through polar waters.
The Arctic produces 10,000 to 50,000 icebergs annually. The amount produced in the Antarctic regions is inestimable.
36.	The Arctic and Antarctic have a lot of sea ice because of ____________.
a.	low air and water temperatures 	b. ice formation
c. ice growth	d. being common
37.	The temperature at which sea water freezes are determined by ____________ .
a.	low air	b. salinity	c. sea ice	d. seawater
38.	Sea ice ____________ .
a.	is usually very salty
b.	contains no salt even in extremely cold water
c.	is practically salt-free
d.	is practically very salty
39.	Solid masses of pack ice ____________ .
a. form with the help of wind and wave action 	b. do no harm 
c. are always very thin	d. can never break
40.	Which sentence is true?
a.	The severity of the winter does not influence the thickness of sea icebergs.
b.	Ships transiting through polar waters are interested in sea icebergs.
c.	Every month, the Arctic produces 10,000 to 50,000 icebergs.
d.	We cannot estimate the amount of icebergs in the Antarctic regions.
Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
Seaweeds are found throughout the world’s oceans and seas and none is known to be (41)____________. Many kinds of seaweeds are in fact eaten and (42)____________ to be a great delicacy. Seaweeds are used in many (43) ____________ countries, which are situated by or near the seas, as a fertilizer and in cosmetics. They have the (44) ____________ to be used as a source of long- and short-chain chemicals with medicinal and industrial uses. Seaweed baths have been popular in Ireland since Edwardian times with the theory (45) ____________ your skin will absorb nutrients (46) ____________ the seaweed. The major utilization of these plants as food is in Asia, where seaweed (47) ____________ has become a major industry. Seaweeds are also one of the main food species (48) ____________ by aquaculture in China, Korea and Japan. In Japan alone, the total annual production value of seaweeds is up to 1 billion USD, one of (49) ____________ most valuable crops produced by aquaculture in the world. In most western countries seaweeds (50)____________ is relatively restricted and there has not been any great pressure to develop mass cultivation techniques of seaweeds.
41.	a.	poison	b.	poisoning	c.	poisonous	d.	poisoned
42.	a.	considered	b.	enjoyed	c.	appreciated	d. practice
43.	a.	past time	b.	spare time	c.	maritime	d.	overtime
44.	a.	challenge	b.	potential	c.	information	d.	indication
45.	a. where	b. that	c. what	d. this
46.	a.	from	b.	at	c.	along	d.	with
47.	a.	connection	b.	population	c. interaction	d.	cultivation
48.	a.	grow	b.	grew	c.	growing	d.	grown
49.	a.	a	b.	an	c.	the	d.	no article
50.	a.	consumption	b.	contribution	c. marine	d.	variety
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
1.	a.	mystery	b.	century	c.	oxygen	d.	submarine
2.	a.	activity	b.	investigate	c.	diversity	d.	fertilizer
3.	a.	mammal	b.	human	c.	beneath	d.	secret
4.	a.	oversize	b.	satellite	c.	existence	d.	pesticide
5.	a.	plastic	b.	concern	c.	carry	d.	reason
Choose a, b, c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; best substitutes the underlined part; or has the same meaning to the sentence above.
6.	Sperm whale populations are at risk due to hunting.
a. in danger	b. at hand	c. on purpose	d. in use
7.	The blue ____________ is the largest known animal ever to have lived on sea or land.
a. krill	b.	tuna	c. whale	d. shell
8.	Green turtles can migrate more than 1,400 miles to	____________ their eggs
a. lie	b.	lay	c. laid	d. lain
9.	Sea life has a strong ____________ on the composition of sea water.
a. challenge 	b. information 	c. investigation 	d. influence
10.	There is a wide variety of opinions on sea food cultivation.
a. same	b.	diversity	c. supply	d.	interaction
11.	The sea bottom is ____________ into three areas: the continental shelf, the continental slope, and the ocean floor.
a. divided	b.	changed	c. consisted	d. included
12.	If you pour oil on water, it will ____________ .
a. float	b.	drown	c. dissolve	d. compound
13.	Over millions of years, the forceful rush of water can cut deep canyons into dry desert rock. ____________ Grand Canyon, in Arizona, for example, was carved by water.
a. A	b. An	c. The	d. no article
14.	Mr. Pike works hard and spends more economically to make ____________ for his old age.
a. provide	b. provision	c. provider	d.	provident
15. Only a very delicate thermometer can measure such tiny changes in ____________ .
a. water	b. temperature 	c. current	d. marine
16.	They spent their childhood in a tiny fishery village by the sea.
a. small	b. big	

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