Chương trình ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh 7 Hè

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Chương trình ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh 7 Hè
Tr­êng THCS Ng« QuyÒn
Ch­¬ng tr×nh «n tËp m«n tiÕng anh 7
hÌ 2012
Thêi gian
Néi dung «n tËp
Ghi chó
TuÇn I
Present Simple tense
Comparative and superlative adjectives
School and health vocabulary
Present progressive
Modal verbs
Sport and culture vocabulary
Revising future with “will/ shall” and “going to”
Entertainment and weather vocabulary
General revision of forms
Question words 
Nguyễn Minh Hoan
Nguyễn Minh Hằng
Hà Nội, ngày 15 tháng 6 năm 2012
Lê Thanh Hà
(*) L­u ý: §èi víi c¸c líp n©ng cao, gi¸o viªn bæ sung thªm c¸c bµi tËp ®Ó phï hîp víi tr×nh ®é cña häc sinh. 
Present Simple tense (Thì hiện tại đơn)
Form: + S - V(s/es) - (O) 
 - S - do not/don't - V - (O) 
 does not/doen't
 ? Do/does + S + V + (O)? 
 Do/does + S + not + V + (O)? 
Usage: Thì hiện tại đơn dùng để diễn tả :
* Việc hiện có, hiện xảy ra
Ví dụ: I understand this matter now.
 This book belongs to her. 
* Sự hiển nhiên lúc nào cũng thật/chân lý
Ví dụ: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 
 The earth goes around the sun. 
* Một việc thường hay xảy ra hay một thói quen
Ví dụ: I go to bed early and get up early everyday. 
 Mr. Smith drinks strong tea after meals.
*Chỉ việc tương lai khi trong câu có trạng từ chỉ rõ/ nên thời gian tương lai
Ví dụ: They go to London next month. 
 I come to see her next week. 
Notes: Trong thời hiện tại đơn, ngôi thứ 3 (ba) số ít (He, she, it - Tom, John, Hoa ...), ta cần lưu ý: 
1. Phải thêm "s" vào sau động từ ở câu khẳng định. ( V+s) 
2. Những động từ tận cùng bằng S, X, Z, CH, SH, O thì phải thêm "ES". 
Ví dụ: miss misses; mix- mixes; buzz- buzzes; watch- watches; wash washes; do does; go goes 
+ Nếu trước Y là nguyên âm thì: Y ---- Y + S (S/he plays the piano very well.) 
+ Nếu trước Y là phụ âm thì: Y ---- IES (S/he worries)
Các trạng từ thường được dùng trong thì hiện tại đơn
- Always, usually, often, not often, sometimes, occasionally, never; 
- Everyday, every week/month/year..., on Mondays, Tuesdays, .... , Sundays. 
- Once/twice / three times... a week/month/year ...; 
- Every two weeks, every three months (a quarter) 
- Whenever, every time, every now and then, every now and again, every so often 
Comparative and superlative short adjectives
So sánh hơn
So sánh hơn nhất
S1+ be + Adj-ER + than + S2
S + be + the Adj-EST
+ Nếu tính từ ngắn tận cùng bằng Y, đổi Y thành I rồi mới thêm ER
+ Nếu tính từ ngắn tận cùng bằng E, ta chỉ cần thêm R.
+ Nếu tính từ ngắn có cấu tạo là 1 PHỤ ÂM + 1 NGUYÊN ÂM + 1 PHỤ ÂM, ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối cùng rồi mời thêm \ER.
+ Khi tính từ ngắn tận cùng bằng Y, ta đổi Y thành I rồi mới thêm EST
+ Khi tính từ ngắn có cấu tạo là 1 PHỤ ÂM + 1 NGUYÊN ÂM + 1 PHỤ ÂM: ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối cùng rồi mời thêm EST
- Ở tất cả mọi trường hợp, đại từ nhân xưng liền sau THAN phải là chủ ngữ. Trong văn nói, ta có thể dùng đại từ tân ngữ ngay sau THAN nhưng tốt hơn vẫn nên dùng đại từ chủ ngữ.
+ HE IS RICHER THAN I. (có thể nói HE IS RICHER THAN ME trong văn nói) 
- Ở vế liền sau THAN, ta không bao giờ lập lại vị ngữ có ở vế trước THAN, Nếu muốn rõ nghĩa, ta chỉ cần dùng TRỢ ĐỘNG TỪ tương ứng. Với động từ TO BE, vế sau THAN có thể lập lại TO BE tương ứng, nhưng điều này cũng không bắt buộc.
3. School and health vocabulary
Ex1: Present Simple
A) Which sentences/questions are correct?
1) Which question is in the Simple Present?
From where do you come?	Where do you come from?
Where does you come from? 	Where dos you come from? 
2) In which sentence is the Simple Present used correctly?
Carol clean the bathroom.	Carol cleans the bathroom.
B) Form questions.
Example: where / they / to have / breakfast
Where do they have breakfast?
1) you / to walk / to school
2) why / you / to ride / your bike 
C) Fill in the correct verb forms.
1) John often (play) handball.
2) Mandy and Susan (watch) a film every weekend.
D) Negate the sentences.
Example: He works on the computer. - He does not work on the computer.
1) Mr. Smith teaches French.
2) He is from Spain.
Ex 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct form and then change into negative and interrogative:
1) We our dog. (to call)
2) Emma in the lessons. (to dream)
3) They at birds. (to look)
4) John home from school. (to come)
5) I my friends. (to meet)
6) He the laptop. (to repair)
7) Walter and Frank hello. (to say)
8) The cat under the tree. (to sit)
9) You water. (to drink)
10) She the lunchbox. (to forget)
Ex 3: Give the correct forms of words in the brackets
1.The movie was ( interest) .................................. than the one on TV.
2.We've got ( little) ............... time than I thought.
3. This shirt is too small. I need a ( large) ........................ one.
4. Lan is ( clever) ................... and ( pretty) ..................... than Lien.
5. You are standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit ( far) ................ away?
6. Could you speak a bit ( slow) ......................, please?
7. Health and happiness are ( important) .................................... than money.
8. You look ( thin) ........................... Have you lost weight?
9. This was the ( big) ................ farm I've ever visited.
10. Who between the two workers is the ( good) ................................?
11. This old machine is (power) ....................... than we thought.
12. The farmers have never had a (rich) ....................... harvest than that.
13. Which is ( difficult) ...................................., English or Math?
14. The lessons are ( interest ) ............................ and ( bore)............................... than some years ago.
15. It is the ( expensive) ....................................... of the two cars.
16. My sister drives ( fast) .................................... but ( care ).................................. than I do.
17. Which is the ( expensive ) ............................................ of these two coats?
18. What is the (long ) ................................... river in Viet nam?
Present progressive tense: (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)
Form: + S - be - Ving 
 - S - be not - Ving 
 ? Be - S - Ving? 
Usage: Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn dùng để:
- Khi diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra trong hiện tại ngay khi nói.
- Khi diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra trong hiện tại, nhưng không nhất thiết là trong lúc đang nói. 
- Khi diễn ta hành động mà bình thường không xảy ra, hiện giờ chỉ xảy ra tạm thời, vì một lý do nào đó.
- Khi diễn tả một hành động sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai rất gần, đã có kế hoạch sẵn, phải nêu rõ trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian trong câu.
- Khi diễn tả một sự thay đổi hay một sự tiến triển
Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn thường dùng với các trạng từ sau:
NOW = bây giờ
RIGHT NOW = ngay bây giờ
AT THE MOMENT = hiện thời
FOR THE TIME BEING = trong thời điểm hiện tại
- Nếu động từ tận cùng bằng 1 chữ cái E, bỏ E đi rồi mới thêm ING ( RIDE --> RIDING)
- Nếu động từ tận cùng bằng 2 chữ cái E, thêm ING bình thường, không bỏ E ( SEE --> SEEING)
- Nếu động từ tận cùng bằng IE, đổi IE thành Y rồi mới thêm ING (DIE --> DYING)
- Nếu động từ một âm tận cùng bằng 1 nguyên âm (A, E, I, O, U) với một phụ âm, ta gấp đôi phụ âm đó rồi thêm ING.( STOP --> STOPPING, WRAP --> WRAPPING...)
- Một số động từ với bản chất ngữ nghĩa của chúng không thể dùng với thì tiếp diễn được, như:
KNOW = biết 
BELIEVE = tin 
HATE = ghét
LOVE = yêu
LIKE = thích
SOUND = nghe có vẻ
NEED = cần (nếu muốn nói "Tôi đang cần..." bạn phải nói "I AM IN NEED OF..." hoặc chỉ là " I NEED...")
APPEAR = trông có vẻ
SEEM = có vẻ
OWN = sở hữu 
Modal verbs (Động từ khuyết thiếu)
Các động từ khuyết thiếu trong tiếng Anh là CAN, COULD, MAY, MIGHT, SHALL, SHOULD, WILL, WOULD, MUST VÀ OUGHT TO. Chúng có thể được sử dụng trước những động từ khác, dùng trong câu hỏi đuôi và các câu trả lời ngắn. 
Ví dụ:"I must cook dinner for everyone tonight." 
Sport and culture vocabulary
A) Negate the sentences.
Example: He is playing on the computer. - He is not playing on the computer.
1) The teacher is opening the window.	2) My mum is preparing lunch now.
B) Which questions are correct?
1) Which verb forms are correct?
we are makeing 	we are making 
we are writeing	we are writing 
2) Which sentences/questions are in the Present Progressive?
Are you listening to the radio? 	He is 13. 
I am watering the flowers. 	She drives a taxi. 
She isn't helping her mother.	We are painting the walls. 
C) Which sentences/questions are correct?
1) Which question is in the Present Progressive?
Does he sing in the bathroom? 	Is he singing in the bathroom?
Singing he in the bathroom?
2) Which negative sentence is in the Present Progressive?
We aren't write a test. 	We aren't writing a test.
We don't writing a test.
D) Fill in the correct verb forms.
1) They doing an exercise.	2) We making sandwiches.
E) Form short forms/contracted forms.
Example: he is writing - he's writing
1) you are sleeping 	2) I am dancing 
Ex2: Form sentence in the Simple Present or the Present Progressive.
1) John (play) football at the moment.
2) We often (have) tests at our school.
3) I (talk) to my teacher now.
4) Look! Mandy and Susan (watch) a film on TV.
5) Olivia (visit) her uncle every weekend.
6) Now the sun (shine).
7) They sometimes (read) poems in the lessons.
8) Listen! The band (play) the new guitar.
9) First I (get) up, then I dress.
10) Every morning my mother (get) up at 6 o'clock.
Ex 3: Find out and correct the sentences: 
1. I don’t can ride a bicycle. 
2. I would like to can travel more. 
3. He should to work harder. 
4. I must working last Saturday and Sunday. 
5. Could you telling me how to get to the bank?
Ex 4: Choose the best answer 
1. I ....... go to see the doctor last week because I was very ill.
Must/ must to/ have to
2. I could ....... bought that car but I didn't have enough money to pay for the petrol.
Had/ Have/ have to
3. I ....... go now because I am already late for my class.
Must/ Have/ had 
4. I may ....... able to come to your party if I have the time.
Be/ Being/ being to
5. Do you ....... clean the house every day or every week?
Must/ Have/ have to 
6. I ....... speak French without a problem now because I have had many lessons.
Can/ May/ have
7. They ....... do their homework today because it is a holiday at the school.
must not/ don't have/ don't have to
8. I ....... help you with your shopping because you have a lot of bags.
Ought/ ought to/ thought
9. When will you ....... come and see us in our new house?
Can/ be able to/ must
10. I may ....... go to Paris next week because there is a very big exhibition there.
 Had/ have/ have to
Future with will/ shall and going to
Form: S + will/ shall + V-inf
 S + be going to + V-inf
- Cả will lẫn going to dùng để diễn tả hành động tương lai hay dự đoán một tình huống sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai , nhưng
+ dùng Will để nói về một hành động trong tương lai vừa được quyết định ngay vào lúc nói.
+ dung diễn tả một sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai nhưng chưa chắc chắn
+ dùng Going To để nói về một hành động trong tương lai đã được quyết định trước lúc nói. 
+ dùng Going To để dự đoán một điều chắc chắn sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai dựa vào bằng chứng, căn cứ ở hiện tại. 
 * Tuy nhiên, ở những tình huống khác thiếu bằng chứng / căn cứ, ta có thể dùng cả hai
 hình thức đều được, nhưng be going to + infinitive mang nghĩa chắn chắn hơn. 
Entertainment and weather vocabulary
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form negative sentences in the will-future.
Example: The rain __________ in the afternoon. (to stop)
Answer: The rain will stop in the afternoon. 
1) Tim the teacher. (to tell)
2) I hope I the train to Manchester. (to miss)
3) She her hair green. (not/to dye)
4) He breakfast tomorrow morning. (to prepare)
5) The manager trees in front of the office building. (to plant)
Ex2: Change the sentences into negative and interrogative
Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form negative sentences in the going to-future.
Example: She ________________ her bike in the afternoon. (to ride)
Answer: She is going to ride her bike in the afternoon. 
1) They the lunch basket. (to pack)
2) I somebody the way. (to ask)
3) Rita Jim's book. (to borrow)
4) We a T-shirt. (to design)
5) I on the red button. (to click)
Ex4: Change the sentences into negative and interrogative
Questions words 
Question Word
asking for information about something
What is your name?
asking for repetition or confirmation
What? I can't hear you.
You did what?
asking for a reason, asking why
What did you do that for?
asking about time
When did he leave?
asking in or at what place or position
Where do they live?
asking about choice
Which colour do you want?
asking what or which person or people (subject)
Who opened the door?
asking what or which person or people (object)
Whom did you see?
asking about ownership
Whose are these keys?
Whose turn is it?
asking for reason, asking what...for
Why do you say that?
why don't
making a suggestion
Why don't I help you?
asking about manner
How does this work?
asking about condition or quality
How was your exam?
how + adj/adv
asking about extent or degree
see examples below
how far
How far is Pattaya from Bangkok?
how long
length (time or space)
How long will it take?
how many
quantity (countable)
How many cars are there?
how much
quantity (uncountable)
How much money do you have?
how old
How old are you?
how come (informal)
asking for reason, asking why
How come I can't see her?
General revision of all tenses
Ex1: Tenses
This (be) Marc. 
He (wear) a t-shirt and shorts today. 
He (eat) an apple at the moment. 
Marc (like) fruits and vegetables. 
He (eat) some every day. 
Marc (know) that apples (be) good for his health. 
It (rain) . 
They (eat) stew. 
I (wear) blue shoes tonight. 
We (not / help) you. 
Jack (not / walk) home. 
(cook / you) dinner? 
Sue (share / not) her biscuits. 
(leave / they) the house? 
(take part / she) in the contest? 
I (not / spend) my holiday abroad this year
Exercise 2: Questions:
1) John is writing a letter.
2) She walks home from school.
3) The children are sitting in the garden.
4) Peter runs with his dog on Sundays.
5) My rabbit has a cage in the garden.
6) They go to work by bus.
7) David likes cats because they are nice.
8) Jenny isn't sleeping late today.
9) We are going to the cinema.
10) I'm leaving now.
Exercise 3: 
Put in What, Where, Why, When, How into the gaps and form meaningful questions.
1) is the weather like today?
2) don't you like apple juice?
3) about a walk through the forest?
4) do you play volleyball?
5) is my red sweat shirt, Mum?
6) do Anne and Betty get to school every day?
7) does your father go to work?
8) is the dog's bone?
9) are we going for a holiday by the sea again?
10) do you like your coffee?
Ex4: Finish the sentences. Use short answers.
1) Is he nice? - Yes, .
2) Can they play hockey? - No, .
3) Is she new at our school? - Yes, .
4) Are the boys in the garden - No, .
5) Is John from France? - No, .

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