Câu gián tiếp trong Tiếng Anh

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Câu gián tiếp trong Tiếng Anh
A. Định nghĩa
Câu tường thuật (hay còn gọi là câu nói gián tiếp) là cách nói mà ta dùng để tường thuật hay kể lại cho ai đó nghe những gì người khác nói hoặc đang nói.
Ví dụ:
He said "I bought a new motorbike for myself yesterday".
=> He said he had bought a new motorbike for himself the day before.
B. Các yếu tố biến đổi trong lời nói gián tiếp
1. Thời của động từ
2. Đại từ nhân xưng
3. Đại từ sở hữu
4. Đại từ chỉ định
5. Trạng từ không gian
6. Trạng từ thời gian
I. Thì của động từ
1. Hiện tại đơn -> Quá khứ đơn
2. Hiên tại tiếp diễn -> Quá khứ tiếp diễn 
3. Hiện tại hoàn thành -> Quá khứ hoàn thànli
4. Quá khứđơn -> Quá khứ hoàn thành
5. Quá khứ tiếp diễn -> Quá khứ hoàn thành tiếp diễn
6. Tương lai đdn: will/ shall would/ should
7. Tương lai gần: be going to -> was/were going to
II. Động từ khuyết thiếu cũng lùi về 1 thời so với câu trực tiếp:
1. can => could
2. will=> would
3. shall => should
4. must => had to
5. may => might
III. Đại lừ nhân xưng trong câu gián tiếp thay đổi phù hợp với vai trò người trần thuât
1. I -> he/she
2. we -> they
3. you -> they/l/he/her
4. me -> him/her
5. us -> them
6. you -> them/me/him/her
IV. Đại từ sở hữu trong câu gián tiếp thay đổi phù hợp với vai trò người trần thuật
1. my -> her/his 
2. our > their
3. your -> them/my/his/her
4. mine > his/hers
5. ours -> theirs
6. yours -> theirs/mine/his/hers
V. Đại từ chỉ trong câu gián tiếp sẽ thay đổi như sau
1. this -> that
2. these -> those
VI. Trạng từ chỉ thời gian thay đổi theo
1. Here-> There
2. Now-> Then
3. Today -> That day
4. Ago -> Before
4. Tomorrows The next day / the following day
5. The day after tomorrow -> In two day’s time / two days after
6. Yesterday -> The day before / the previous day
7. The day before yesterday -> Two day before
8. Next week -> The following week
9. Last week -> The previous week / the week before
10. Last year -> The previous year / the year before
C. Dạng câu gián tiếp đặc biệt
I. Câu hỏi dùng trợ động từ:
- Trong câu gián tiếp thêm "if" hoặc "whether" và mệnh đề theo sau biến đổi về dạng khẳng định.
- Công thức: S + asked + O + if / whether + S + V + O .
- Động từ giới thiệu thường sử dụng: ask, wonder, want to know
- Ví dụ: She said "Do you want to go with me?" -> She asked if I wanted to with her.
II. Câu dùng từ để hỏi
- Trong câu gián tiếp phải biến đổi mệnh đề sau từ hỏi về dạng khẳng định.
- Công thức: S + asked + O + Wh- + S + V + O.
- Động từ giới thiệu thường sử dụng: ask, wonder, want to know
- Ví dụ: He asked "what time Witt you come?" -> He asked what time I woutd come. 
III. Shall/ would dùng để diễn tả đề nghi, lời mời:
Ví dụ: 
"Shall I bring you some tea?” he asked. -> He offered to bring me some tea
Tom asked: ’Shall we meet at the theatre?’ -> Tom suggested meeting at the theatre.
IV. Will/would dùng để diễn tả sự yêu câu:
- Công thức: S + asked + (O) + to infinitive
Ví dụ: 
"Will you help me, please?" -> He asked me to help him.
V. Câu mệnh lệnh và câu yêu c'âu trong lời nói gián tiếp.
- Công thức: S + told + (O) + (not) + to infinitive
Ví dụ:
" Go away!" -> He told me/The boys to go away.
VI. Lời khuyên
- Công thức: Should/Had better / If I were you => S + advised + (O) + (not) + to infinitive/ Hoặc: S + Say/tell (+ that) + chủ từ + should.
Ví dụ: 
“You should turn off the lights, Mary” Jane said –> Jane advised Mary to turn off the lights
“If I were you, I would phone her,” he said. -> He advised me to phone her.
VII. Câu cảm thán trong lời nói gián tiếp.
- Công thức: S + exclaimed + that + Clause 
Ví dụ: 
"What a lovely dress!" -> She exclaimed that the dress was lovely.
VIII. Câu gợi ý trong lời nói gián tiếp
- Công thức: Why don’t you / Why not / How about/ Let’s/ Shall we / It’s a good idea → S+ suggested + (someone) + V-ing 
Ví dụ:
Why don’t you send her some flowers?” he said. → He suggested me sending her some flowers.
“Let’s meet outside the cinema,” he said. → He suggested meeting outside the cinema.
“It’s a good idea to go for a picnic this weekend,” she said → She suggested going for a picnic that weekend.
IX. Câu điều kiện
Nếu trong lời nói trực tiếp có câu điều kiện thì chỉ có câu điều kiện loại 1 là thay đổi về thì, câu điềukiện loại 2 và 3 vẫn giữ nguyên hình thức động từ của chúng.
Ví dụ:
“If I have time, I will visit her,” he said.→ He said that if he had time he would visit her.
She said: “If I had enough money, I would buy a car.” → She said that if she had enough money she would buy a car.
X. Lời mời trong lời nói gián tiếp
- Công thức: Would you like / Will you → S + invited someone + to-inf 
Ví dụ:
“Will you have lunch with me?” he said. → He invited me to have lunch with him. 
XI. Các hình thức hỗn hợp trong lời nói gián tiếp.
Lời nói trực tiếp có thể bao gồm nhiều hình thức hỗn hợp: câu khẳng định, câu hỏi, câu mệnh lệnh, câu cảm thán:
Ví dụ: She said, "can you play the piano?" and I said “no" -> She asked me if could play the piano and I said that I could not.
D. Các động từ thường dùng
- tell/ told: Dùng ở trần thuật, kể lại
- ask/ wonder/ want to know: câu hỏi
- tell/ ask/ require/ request/ demand + sb + to do st: Yêu cầu, đề nghị hay đòi hỏi ai làm gì.
- order sb to do st: ra lệnh cho ai làm gì.
- advise sb to do st: khuyên ai đó nên làm gì.
- invite sb to dost: mời ai đó 
- exclaim: dùng cho câu cảm thán
- apologize (to sb) for st/ for doing st: xin lỗi (ai) về điều gì/ vì đã làm gì
- remind sb to dost: Nhắc nhở ai làm gì
- accuse sb of St/ doing St: Buộc tội ai điều gì/ vì đã tàm gì
- s + promised + (not) to V: dùng dể hứa
- Congartulated on: chúc mừng
- Dreamed of: mơ ước
- Thanked.....for: cảm ơn
- Insisted on: năn nỉ
- Looked forward to: mong đợi 
- Admitted: thừa nhận
- Suggested: gợi ý
- Think of: nhớ về
- Denied: từ chối
- Prevented........from: ngãn cản
- Stop...........from: dừng lại
- Warn .......against: cảnh báo
Luyện tập
1. He said to her, “You are my friend.”
2. Johnny said to his mother, “I don’t know how to do this exercise.”
3. “ Don’t come back before one o’clock”, advised my brother.
4. “Cook it in butter”, Mrs Brown said to her daughter.
5. The pupils said “ Teacher, give us better marks, please.”
6. My friend said, “ Are you going to leave tomorrow?”
7. “ Have you done your homework?”, said my mother.
8. I asked Bill,” What time did you go to bed last night?”
9. Paul said, “ I must go home now.”
10. “ There is an accident .”, said the policeman.
11. “ We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children.
12. “ Must you go now?”, said Mr Brown.
13. “ Are you going to visit your aunt tomorrow?” asked Tom.
14. “ Listen to me and don’t make a noise, ”said the teacher to his students.
15. “ I’m tired of eating fish”, said Mary to Helen.
16. “ The sun always rises in the east,” said Peter.
17. “ I didn’t steal your fur coat yesterday,” said Sammy to Jean.
18. “ You must do your homework everyday”, said Miss Lan to us.
19. “ Will we read the story?”, Bill asked his teacher.
20. “ I don’t know where Alice is,” said Vicky.
21. “ There isn’t much rain in the south of the country,” said Harry.
22. “ Would you mind turning the music down?" Andrew said to Anne.
23. “ How much do you think it will cost?” He asked.
24. “ Can you speak more slowly? I can’t understand,” He said to me.
25. “ Have you already reviewed all your lessons?” she said to me.
26. “ Come in and look around. There’s no obligation to buy,” said the shopkeeper.
27. “ I’m sorry I’m late,” she said.” The bus broken down”
28. Mary asked me “ Can you tell me why you are so sad?”
29. “ Will you please find out when he last wrote to me?” Jane said to her friend.
30. “ You must decide what you want to do”, she said to her daughter.
"Where is my umbrella?" she asked.
She asked............................................. ......................
"How are you?" Martin asked us.
Martin asked us................................................ ...................
He asked, "Do I have to do it?"
He asked............................................. ......................
"Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter.
The mother asked her daughter.......................................... .........................
"Which dress do you like best?" she asked her boyfriend.
She asked her boyfriend......................................... ..........................
"What are they doing?" she asked.
She wanted to know.............................................. .....................
"Are you going to the cinema?" he asked me.
He wanted to know.............................................. .....................
The teacher asked, "Who speaks English?"
The teacher wanted to know.............................................. .....................
"How do you know that?" she asked me.
She asked me................................................ ...................
"Has Caron talked to Kevin?" my friend asked me.
My friend asked me................................................ ...................
"What's the time?" he asked.
→ He wanted to know .................................................. .
"When will we meet again?" she asked me.
→ She asked me .................................................. .
"Are you crazy?" she asked him.
→ She asked him .................................................. .
"Where did they live?" he asked.
→ He wanted to know .................................................. .
"Will you be at the party?" he asked her.
→ He asked her .................................................. .
"Can you meet me at the station?" she asked me.
→ She asked me .................................................. .
"Who knows the answer?" the teacher asked.
→ The teacher wanted to know .................................................. .
"Why don't you help me?" she asked him.
→ She wanted to know .................................................. .
"Did you see that car?" he asked me.
→ He asked me .................................................. .
"Have you tidied up your room?" the mother asked the twins.
→ The mother asked the twins .................................................. .
"Stop talking, Joe," the teacher said.
→ The teacher told Joe .................................................. .
"Be patient," she said to him.
→ She told him .................................................. .
"Go to your room," her father said to her.
→ Her father told her .................................................. .
"Hurry up," she said to us.
→ She told us .................................................. .
"Give me the key," he told her.
→ He asked her .................................................. .
"Play it again, Sam," she said.
→ She asked Sam .................................................. .
"Sit down, Caron" he said.
→ He asked Caron .................................................. .
"Fill in the form, Sir," the receptionist said.
→ The receptionist asked the guest .................................................. .
"Take off your shoes," she told us.
→ She told us .................................................. .
"Mind your own business," she told him.
She said, "Go upstairs."
→ She told me .................................................. .
"Close the door behind you," he told me.
→ He told me .................................................. .
"Don't be late," he advised us.
→ He advised us .................................................. .
"Stop staring at me," she said.
→ She told him .................................................. .
"Don't be angry with me," he said.
→ He asked her .................................................. .
"Leave me alone," she said.
→ She told me .................................................. .
"Don't drink and drive," she warned us.
→ She warned us .................................................. .
"John, stop smoking," she said.
→ She told John .................................................. .
"Don't worry about us," they said.
→ They told her .................................................. .
"Meet me at the cinema." he said.
→ He asked me .................................................. .
Đáp án
1. He said to her she was his friend.
2. Johnny said to his mother he didn’t know how to do that exercise.
4. My brother advised me not to come back before one o’clock.
5. Mrs Brown told her daughter to cook it in butter.
6. The pupils asked their teacher to give them better marks.
7. My friend asked me if I was going to leave the day after.
8. My mother asked me if I had done my homework.
9. I asked Bill what time he had gone to bed the night before.
10. Paul said that he had to go home then
10. The policeman said that there was an accident.
11. The children said that they were waiting for the school bus.
12. Mr Brown asked me if I had to go then.
13. Tom asked if I was going to visit my aunt the next day.
14. The teacher asked his students to listen to him and not to make any noise.
15. Mary said Helen she was tired of eating fish. 
16. Peter said the sun always rises/rose in the east.
17. Sammy told Jean that he didn’t steal/hadn’t stolen her coat the day before.
18. Miss Lan told us that we must/ had to do our homework every day./ Miss Lan asked us to do our homework every day.
19. Billy asked his teacher if they would read the story.
20. Vicky said she didn’t know where Alice was.
21. Andrew asked Anne to turn the music down.
22. He asked how much I thought it would cost.
23. He asked me to speak more slowly because he couldn’t understand.
24. She asked me if I had already reviewed all my lessons.
25. The shopkeeper invited us to come in and look round and told us that there was no obligation to buy.
26. She apologized for being late and explained that the bus had broken down.
27. Jane advised me to take the course.
28. Mary asked me if I could tell her why I was so sad.
29. Jane asked me to find out when he last wrote to her.
30. She urged her daughter to decide what she wanted to do.
She asked where her umbrella was.
Martin asked us how we were.
He asked if he had to do it.
The mother asked her daughter where she had been.
She asked her boyfriend which dress he liked best
She wanted to know what they were doing
He wanted to know if I was going to the cinema
The teacher wanted to know who spoke English
She asked me how I knew that
My friend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin
He wanted to know what the time was
She asked me when we would meet again
She asked him if he was crazy
He wanted to know where they had lived
He asked her if she would be at the party
She asked me if I could meet her at the station
The teacher wanted to know who knew the answer
She wanted to know why he didn't help her
He asked me if I had seen that car
The mother asked the twins if they had tidied up their room
The teacher told Joe to stop talking
She told him to be patient
Her father told her to go to her room
She told us to hurry up
He asked her to give him the key
She asked Sam to play it again
He asked Caron to sit down
The receptionist asked the guest to fill in the form
She told us to take off our shoes
She told him to mind his own business.
She told me to go upstairs
He told me to close the door behind me
He advised us not to be late
She told him to stop staring at her
He asked her not to be angry with him
She told me to leave her alone
She warned us not to drink and drive
She told John to stop smoking.
They told her not to worry about them.
He asked me to meet him at the cinema

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  • docxcau_gian_tiep_trong_tieng_anh.docx