Cách viết một Report thi FCE (Phần 1)

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Cách viết một Report thi FCE (Phần 1)
Cách viết một Report thi FCE 
A report 
Useful expressions 
Introducing the report / Stating your purpose 
The following report outline  
The aim of this report is to  
The report is based on  
Introducing ideas 
The first / Another idea is to  
One possibility is  
Our final idea /plan/suggestion is to  
Proposing and suggesting 
We should / could  
We would like to  
If possible, we  
It might be a good idea to  
One suggestion is to  
Giving reasons / Recommending 
As result of  we think  
This is a good idea because  
We recommend this because  
Contrasting and alternatives 
On the one hand  on the other  
One problem is / However  
In contrast  
In general  
On the whole  
Concluding and summing up 
In conclusion  
To sum up  
Our final recommendation is that  
To: Mr. Jones 
From: William Smith 
Subject: Late homework 
As requested. I am writing this report with a view to finding out why members of the class 
have been handing in their homework late and suggesting ways of dealing with the matter. 
Reasons for late homework 
There were many reasons given for handing in homework late. One of the main reasons was 
pressure of time; the students feel that they do not have enough time to finish all the work 
for all the teachers. Another reason given was how interesting the work was; students felt 
that the work either did not challenge them or was simply too boring. The final reason was 
outside pressure; students believed that they should not spend all their time studying at 
home and they needed personal time to pursue their own interests. 
There are many ways in which we can reduce the pressure of homework on the students. 
Firstly, we should arrange for the teacher to set a homework timetable for themselves. In 
this way, students will not have all their homework on one night but it will be evenly spread 
throughout the week. Another suggestion is to involve the students in setting the homework; 
if the students can choose the work, they will be more interested in completing it. Finally, 
some students suggested a homework club after school where students would be able to do 
their homework, maybe even with supervised help. 

Tài liệu đính kèm:

  • pdfcach_viet_mot_report_thi_fce_phan_1.pdf