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Các mẫu thư kinh doanh  trong Tiếng Anh
Sample Business Letters (1-100)
Sample Business Letters (1-100)
(Sample Business Letters are listed in Alphabetical Orde)
Disclaimer: Be aware that some of these sample letters have legal, financial, or other 
implications. If you are not sure about the use of any letter, consult with an appropriate 
professional first. 
1. 10-Day Notice Before Collections on Delinquent Account
2. 30-Day Notice to Quit
3. Acceptance of Counter Proposal
4. Acceptance of Order With Delivery in Lots
5. Acceptance of Purchase Security Agreement
6. Acceptance of Resignation
7. Acknowledged Receipt of Goods
8. Acknowledged Resignation
9. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Order
10. Acknowledgement from Publisher, Comments Referred to Author
11. Acknowledgement of Application
12. Acknowledgement of Cancellation of Backorder
13. Acknowledgement of Change in Meeting Date
14. Acknowledgement of Customer Praise of Employee
15. Acknowledgement of Letter
16. Acknowledgement of Merchandise Returned for Repair
17. Acknowledgement of Modified Terms
18. Acknowledgement of Notification of Lease Transfer
19. Acknowledgement of Receipt (Documents)
20. Acknowledgement of Receipt of Estimate
21. Acknowledgement of Request for Bid, Confirmation of Deadline
22. Acknowledgement of Unsolicited Idea
23. Acknowledgement of Warranty and Instruction for Product Return
24. Acknowledgment of Correspondence Indicating Postal Delay
25. Advance Notice of Out of Business Sale
26. Affidavit for Lost, Stolen, Destroyed Stock Certificate
27. Affidavit of No Lien
28. Agreement to Compromise Debt
29. Agreement to Extend Debt Payment
30. Amendment to Lease
31. Announcement of Additional Location
32. Announcement of Business Name Change
33. Announcement of Catalog Price Reductions
34. Announcement of Change of Address
35. Announcement of Change of Address for Billing
36. Announcement of Clearance Sale
37. Announcement of Free Delivery Limitations Change
38. Announcement of New Area Representative
39. Announcement of New Area Representative Visit
40. Announcement of New Business Opening
41. Announcement of New Discount
42. Announcement of New Pricing Policy
43. Announcement of New Shipment Arrival
44. Announcement of Partnership Buyout
45. Announcement of Price Increase
46. Announcement of Price Reduction
47. Announcement of Special Discount Offer
48. Apology & Proposal on Overshipped Merchandise
49. Apology After Cancellation of Order
50. Apology and Replacement of Damaged Goods
51. Apology and Request for Extension of Time to Deliver Goods
52. Apology and Tender of Compensation
53. Apology for Accounting Errors and Past Due Notices
54. Apology for Delay of Refund
55. Apology for Delayed Response & Request for Meeting
56. Apology for Not Crediting Payment
57. Apology for Not Crediting Payment from Prompt Payer
58. Apology for Overshipment
59. Apology for Poor Service Rating on Customer Questionnaire
60. Apology to Customer for Accounting Error
61. Apology to Receiver of NSF Check
62. Application for License
63. Appointment for Employment Interview and Testing
64. Appointment for Testing
65. Assignment
66. Assignment and Transfer of Stock Certificate
67. Assignment of a Claim for Damages
68. Assignment of Accounts Receivable (With Non-Recourse)
69. Assignment of Accounts Receivable (With Recourse)
70. Assignment of Contract
71. Assignment of Copyright
72. Assignment of Deed of Trust
73. Assignment of Income
74. Assignment of Lease
75. Assignment of Lease
76. Assignment of Lien
77. Assignment of Literary Property
78. Assignment of Security Interest
79. Assignment of Trademark
80. Assignment of Trademark
81. Authorization
82. Authorization to Direct Bill for Corporate Guest
83. Bid for the Purchase of Real Property (Probate)
84. Bill of Sale
85. Bill of Sale (with Warranty of Title)
86. Business Credit Application
87. Business Credit Application Form
88. Certificate of Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name
89. Certificate of Installation, Leased Equipment
90. Certification of Satisfaction of Lien
91. Change of Address Awaiting Refund
92. Charge Account Credit Limit Raise Notification
93. Charge Account Terms and Conditions Form
94. Charge Back Application of Discount on Delayed Shipment
95. Collateral Decision, Request for Preparation of Loan Documents
96. Collections Follow-Up on Release of Pending Order
97. Collections Report on Current Status of Debt
98. Commendation
99. Commendation and Refusal of Request for Raise
100. Commercial Account Analysis Form
10-Day Notice Before Collections on Delinquent Account 
I have written to you several times over the past three
months requesting an explanation on why you have failed
to bring your account with us current.
By ignoring these requests, you are damaging the
excellent credit record you had previously maintained
with our company. In addition, you are incurring
additional expense to yourself and to us.
Unless I hear from you within ten days, I will have no
other choice but to turn your account over for collection.
I am sorry that we must take such drastic action but I am
afraid you leave us no alternative. You can preserve
your credit rating by remitting your check today for the
amount stated above.
30-Day Notice to Quit 
TO _________________________, Tenant in possession:
Take notice that your month to month tenancy of the
herein described premises is hereby terminated at the
expiration of 30 days after service of this notice on you,
and that you are hereby required to quit and on said date
deliver up to me the possession of the premises now held
and occupied by you under such tenancy.
Said premises are known as:
__________(name of building)__________
__________( address )__________
__________(city, state, zip)__________
This is intended as a 30 days' notice to quit, for
the purpose of terminating your tenancy aforesaid.
Dated: __________________
Acceptance of Counter Proposal 
Your counter proposal on the above referenced project
has been reviewed and is acceptable in its entirety.
We are enclosing an executed copy of the agreement along
with two copies for your files.
We are enthusiastically looking forward to this project
and are pleased about having the opportunity to work
 Acceptance of Order With Delivery in Lots 
Date: _
To: _ (Customer)
We acknowledge acceptance of your order as per your order
of _, 19_. The goods will be shipped to you in the following
lots: (Specify lots and delivery schedule)
We request that payment be made as each lot is received.
Very truly,
Acceptance of Purchase Security Agreement 
Attached is an accepted copy of your Purchase Security
Agreement for the (specify equipment).
There are (number) remaining quarterly payments. Your
first quarterly payment will be due on (date) , and
we will mail you an invoice for it approximately one month
prior to that date. Please return the remittance portion
of the invoice with your check.
Under the Agreement, this contract is non-cancelable during
the term of the contract. The balance, however, can be paid
off at any time prior to the expiration of the contract.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our
appreciation for your business. If you have any questions
concerning your contract, or if we can be of service to you
in any way, please let us know.
 Acceptance of Resignation 
It is with deep regret, that we accept your resignation
as (position) of the (organization)
We can appreciate the demands that this position has placed
on you, and appreciate all of the fine contributions you
have made as (position)
Acknowledged Receipt of Goods 
The undersigned hereby acknowledges receipt and delivery
of the goods described on the annexed list or invoice and
further acknowledges that said goods have been inspected and
are without defect.
Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.
Acknowledged Resignation 
Date: _
To: _
Please be advised that the undersigned hereby resigns as
_, of the corporation effective upon acceptance.
Please acknowledge acceptance of said resignation on
behalf of the corporation.
Very truly,
The foregoing has been accepted pursuant to vote of the 
directors/stockholders of the corporation effective _, 19_.
For the corporation
Acknowledgement and Acceptance of Order 
Date: _
To: _ (Customer)
We are in receipt of your order as contained in the
attached purchase order form.
We confirm acceptance on said order subject only to the
following exceptions: (Describe)
On exceptions noted, we shall assume you agree to same
unless objection is received within ten days of receipt of
this notice.
Thank you for your patronage.
Very truly,
Acknowledgement from Publisher, Comments Referred to Author 
Thank you for your comments. A copy of your letter has
been forwarded to the author for his response. I am
sure you will be hearing from him in the near future.
I am pleased that you found our article informative and
hope that you will continue to read our publication.
Should you have any comments or questions in the future,
please do not hesitate to write to this office.
We value our readership and are proud to have you as a
member of our family of subscribers.
Acknowledgement of Application 
Date: _
To: _ (Applicant)
We appreciate your interest in being employed by our firm.
We regret to inform you, however, that the available
position(s) has been filled, and we cannot give your
application further consideration at the present time.
Your application will be kept on file for future reference
should an opening arise.
Very truly,
Acknowledgement of Cancellation of Backorder 
We have received your letter acknowledging receipt of
the items we mailed to you and noticing us to cancel
shipment of your order for those items which are back
We will be issuing you a refund as soon as we have
completed the necessary paperwork for your account.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for
shopping through (name) Our new (specify)
catalog should be arriving at your home shortly, and I
believe you will be pleased by some of the beautiful
choices our buyers have made this season.
Thank you for your patience and understanding and for
providing us with the opportunity to be of service to you.
Acknowledgement of Change in Meeting Date 
Pursuant to your request, we have changed your meeting
with (name of individual) to (time), on (date)
We are pleased to be able to accommodate you in this
manner, and (name of individual) will be looking forward
to your meeting on this newly appointed date.
Acknowledgement of Customer Praise of Employee 
Thank you for your kind letter regarding your exceptional
treatment by one of our employees. A copy of your letter
has been forwarded to the personnel department and will be
included in the employee's file.
So seldom is it that a customer takes the time to write a
letter of appreciation, that I feel moved to reward your
Please accept the enclosed certificate, which, when
presented, will entitle the bearer to a ten percent
discount on the merchandise being purchased at that time.
This is but a small token of our appreciation of customers
such as you, upon whose satisfaction we have been allowed
to grow and prosper in this highly competitive marketplace.
Again, on behalf of our entire organization, a heart-felt
thank you.
Acknowledgement of Letter 
Because Mr. Jones is out of the office for the next two
weeks I am acknowledging receipt of your letter dated
May 20, l983. It will be brought to his attention
immediately upon his return.
If I may be of any assistance during Mr. Jones' absence,
please do not hesitate to call.
Acknowledgement of Merchandise Returned for Repair 
The (product name and model number) that you
mailed to us for repair was received on (date)
We will be returning it to you as soon as the necessary
adjustments are made.
We are sorry that you experienced a problem with our
product and want to thank you for purchasing a
(name of product)
Acknowledgement of Modified Terms 
Date: _
To: _
Reference is made to the contract or order between us
dated _, 19_.
This letter will acknowledge that the contract is
modified and superseded by the following change in terms:
(Describe changed terms)
Unless we immediately hear from you to the contrary, we
shall assume said modification is mutually agreeable.
Very truly,
Acknowledgement of Notification of Lease Transfer 
(name of leasing company) has received a notification that
the equipment we are leasing to (name of previous lessee)
will be transferred to and/or used by the (transferee.)
We have modified our records to direct future invoices to:
(new lessee)
Schedule # 000000 commenced on (date) and rental
payments in the amount of $ plus applicable taxes are
due on the (date) of each month during the (number)
month initial lease term.
In consenting to this change, it is understood that (name
of transferee) agrees to pay the rent and perform all other
obligations required to be performed by the lessee in the
Should you have occasion to correspond with us regarding
this lease, please include the complete lessee number and
direct your inquiry to our Customer Service Department.
This will ensure a prompt reply.
Thank you and we look forward to your continued interest
in our services.
Acknowledgement of Receipt (Documents) 
I hereby acknowledge the receipt of the following
documents from the firm of (firm) :
(Signature of Client)
Acknowledgement of Receipt of Estimate 
This is to inform you that we have carefully reviewed your
estimate on the parking lot refurbishing. We are planning
to contract with you for this work.
We are unable to let this contract immediately, as final
approval of expenditures of this nature must come from the
head office in New York.
We expect to receive approval or disapproval within the
next 30 days. At such time, we will contact you with
instructions accordingly.
If we may be of any assistance in the meantime please
feel free to contact this office.
Acknowledgement of Request for Bid, Confirmation of Deadline 
Thank you for your request for our bid on (project)
This letter is to acknowledge our receipt of said request
and to advise you that we will be submitting our proposal
on or before (confirmation of deadline)
Acknowledgement of Unsolicited Idea 
Dear _:
We appreciate your interest in submitting to us an idea
or proposal relative to: _
Our firm receives many ideas, suggestions and proposals,
and has many of its own projects under development. Therefore,
it is possible the idea or proposal you plan to submit to us
has been considered and/or may already be in the planning
Nevertheless, we would be pleased to accept your idea or
proposal for review, provided it is accompanied by this
acknowledgement letter signed by you.
It is understood that:
1. Samples or other submissions will be returned to the
submitter only if return postage or freight is prepaid.
2. The company accepts no responsibility for casualty or
loss to samples in our possession.
3. The company can accept no responsibility for holding
any information in confidence.
4. The company shall pay compensation only in the event
it, a) accepts the idea, b) has received the idea only
from the submitter, and c) reaches agreement with the
submitter as to terms and conditions.
If these terms are acceptable to you, please sign where indicated below 
and return together with your idea or proposal.
Very truly,
The foregoing terms and conditions are understood and acknowledged.
Acknowledgement of Warranty and Instruction for Product Return 
We are sorry to hear that you have been experiencing
problems with your new (name of product).
While we do ask that our customers contact their dealer in
the event of a problem, we recognize that, in your case, it
his would be impossible. Therefore, if you will carefully
package the unit in its original carton and send it to us,
our "doctors" will put it through a thorough examination to
determine the source of the problem.
If the problem turns out to be a minor adjustment, we shall
make the repair and be sure to return the (product) to you
within thirty days. If our determination is that the unit
is defective, we will send you an immediate replacement.
Again, I am sorry that you experienced this difficulty and
wish to thank you for your patience and for purchasing our
Acknowledgment of Correspondence Indicating Postal Delay 
Thank you for your order. At this time we cannot fill your
order due to an unexpected shipment delay from our overseas
We will hold your order for arrival of the merchandise, and
ship shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, we cannot provide
you with a specific shipping date at this time.
Thank you for your anticipated patience in this matter.
Advance Notice of Out of Business Sale 
It is true, we are going out of business!
My wife and I have decided that now that the children
are grown, we are going to do some of things we could
only dream about for so many years.
So, starting on (date) , everything in our store
which includes our merchandise, our racks, our fixtures,
our showcases and even our delivery truck will be up for
sale and prices that are too good to be true.
As a good and valuable customer of ours, we thought you
would be interested in this advance notice of sale that
we are sending out today.
We will look forward to seeing you on the (date)
Affidavit for Lost, Stolen, Destroyed Stock Certificate 
State of ______________________
County of _____________________
I, (name) , being duly sworn, state:
That I reside at (address) , (city) , (state)
That I am the legal and beneficial owner of (number)
shares of the (specify class) stock of (corporation)
represented by certificates described as follows:
Number Date Registered Name
That said certificates (were or were not) endorsed.
That I have not assigned, hypothecated, pledged, or in any
other way disposed of either the stock certificates or my
rights as a stockholder, in whole or in part.
That I am entitled to full and exclusive possession of said
That the circumstances surrounding the (loss, or theft,
or destruction, or disappearance) of said certificates
and my attempt to locate them are as follows:
That the purpose of preparing this affidavit is to induce
(corporation) to issue new certificates to replace those
that have been (lost, stolen, destroyed).
I hereby agree to surrender to (corporation) the
original certificates issued to me should they hereafter
come into my possession or control.
Affidavit of No Lien 
STATE OF___________________
COUNTY OF__________________
Before me, a duly commissioned Notary Public within and for
the State and County aforesaid, personally appeared________
_________who, after being duly sworn as required by law,
deposes and says:
1. That he is the ___________________(title) of __________
2.That_____________________(said firm) is the owner of the
improved property known and legally described as follows:
(set forth legal description)
3. That ___________________is not the subject to any
bankruptcy, creditor's reorganization or insolvency
proceeding and none are pending, contemplated or threatened.
4. That ____________________has possession of the
property and that there is no other person in possession
who has any right in the property.
5. That there are no unrecorded labor, mechanic's or
materialmen's liens against the property and no material
has been furnished or labor performed on the property which
has not been paid in full.
6. That there are no unrecorded easements, liens of
assessments for sanitary sewers, paving or other public
utilities against said property.
7. That there are no claims whatsoever of any kind or
description against any fixtures or equipment located on
the said premises.
8. That there are no existing contracts for sale, options
to purchase or unrecorded deeds or mortgages existing
against said property.
9. That this affidavit is made for the purpose of_________
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ___ day of _______,
My commission expires________ NOTARY PUBLIC
Agreement to Compromise Debt 
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned being a creditor of _
(Company) hereby enters into an agreement to compromise and
reduce the indebtedness due the undersigned on the following
terms and conditions:
1. The Company and the undersigned acknowledge that the
present debt due is $_.
2. The parties agree that the undersigned shall accept the
sum of $_ as full and total payment on said debt and in
complete discharge of all monies presently due,
provided the sum herein shall be punctually paid in
the manner following:
3. In the event the Company fails to punctually pay the
reduced amount, the undersigned creditor shall have
full rights to prosecute it claim for the total debt
due under paragraph 1 (less payments made).
4. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns and
personal representatives.
Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.
Agreement to Extend Debt Payment 
FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned, _ (Creditor) and _
(Company), hereby acknowledge and agree that:
1. The Company presently owes the Creditor the sum of
$_, said sum being presently due and payable.
2. In further consideration of the Creditor's
forbearance, the Company agrees to pay said debt on
extended terms in the manner following:
3. In the event the Company fails to make any payments
punctually on the agreed extended terms, the Creditor
shall have full rights to proceed for the collection
of the entire balance then remaining.
4. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns and
personal representatives.
Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.
Amendment to Lease 
FOR GOOD CONSIDERATION, _ (Landlord), and _ (Tenant),
under a certain lease agreement between them for premises
known as _, dated _, 19_ hereby modify and amend said lease in
the following particulars: (Describe modified terms)
All other terms shall remain as contained.
Signed under seal this _ day of _, 19_.
Announcement of Additional Location 
( Name of Company ) 
is pleased to announce
the addition of a new location for your convenience
Our address is:
4500 4th Street North
St. Petersburg, Florida 33702
Telephone (813) 546-6941
Announcement of Business Name Change 
As our new letterhead indicates, we have recently changed
the name of our business from (old name) to (new name)
There has been no change in management and we will be
providing the same products and fine service on which we
have built our reputation in the industry. We would
appreciate it if you would bring this announcement to the
attention of your accounts payable department and direct
them accordingly.
Thank you for being one of our valued customers. We
appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
 Announcement of Catalog Price Reductions 
This is my favorite kind of letter. How many letters have
I had to write over the years advising you of a price
increase? Why, you ask, am I so happy? Read on.
This is to advise you that, for a limited period of time,
we are reducing prices on certain items in our catalog.
Take a moment to review the enclosed catalog. I have
circled in red ink the items that are temporarily reduced.
What an opportunity!
Please take advantage of these prices. If you wish to
order large quantities, or stagger shipments, give me a
call and we will try to work out mutually acceptable
terms and conditions.
In any event, get your order in, as these prices are only
in effect until (date)
I do enjoy writing this type of letter. Thank you in
advance for your order.
Announcement of Change of Address 
As of Monday, July 1, 1986, Kabuki Sales Corporation of
America's Eastern Regional Office will be located in our
new offices and warehouse building at 401 Grandiosa
Boulevard, Tampa, Florida, 33715. The telephone number
for this new location is (813) 555-5428.
Our Manufacturing Division will remain at 2550 Santa Fe
Avenue, in St. Petersburg.
I have enclosed our most recent brochure on robotic
equipment for your review. I hope you find it
Announcement of Change of Address for Billing 
Our new building is completed and we have moved into our
brand new offices.
Our new address and telephone number is as follows:
Thank you for bringing this announcement to the attention
of your accounting department.
Announcement of Clearance Sale 
( Name of Company ) 
is pleased to announce our
Offering 50% Off On All Summer Merchandise
Including Designer Fashions
commencing on August 1, 1986
We Hope To See You !
Announcement of Free Delivery Limitations Change 
There has been a change in our delivery service policy
which we would like to bring to your attention.
We have always provided free delivery for any orders
placed with the (firm) , regardless of the
size of the order. Due to the increase in the price of
fuel, we must now limit this free delivery service to
any orders over $ , not including the purchase of
cigarettes. We regret the necessity of imposing this
We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for being
one of our most valued customers.
Announcement of New Area Representative 
It is my great pleasure to advise you that (name of new
sales representative) will now be representing our firm
in your area.
(name of individual) has been handling our accounts in
(locale) for some time and is extremely knowledgeable in
the field of (specify)
Your new representative is scheduled to visit your office on
Announcement of New Area Representative Visit 
We have assigned (name of rep) as our new
representative for your area. (name of rep)
has been with our firm for quite some time and is
extremely experienced in all aspects of our production.
(name of rep) will be coming to (name of city)
on (date) and will be calling on you in the
morning if that doesn't conflict with your schedule.
If there is any problem with that date, please let us
Announcement of New Business Opening 
This is to inform you that The ( Name of Company )
is now open and is located at 4500 4th Avenue North,
St. Petersburg, Florida.
Our store offers a complete and diverse line of computer
software packages for both personal and business
application. Since we do not represent any individual
computer hardware manufacturer, the products that we
carry are compatible with many systems. We are therefore
able to offer to our customers a wide range of excellent
software packages. Enclosed, for your review, is a
partial list of the items we currently have available.
We hope that you will come and visit us soon.
Announcement of New Discount 
It is with great pleasure that we have recently welcomed
(name) to our beauty salon. (name) was
previously with (name of previous salon) in
(city) and we feel privileged that he has chosen
to work with (shop name)
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you of
another change that has taken place in our salon. Now, if
you make an appointment to have more than one treatment
done on the same day, we are offering a discount. For
example, if you are having your hair done and also having
us apply sculptured nails, the cost for your nail
application will be $25.00 instead of $30.00. The discount
for a manicure or pedicure is $2.00 off our regular price.
We felt you would want to hear about this and are hoping to
see you in the near future.
Announcement of New Pricing Policy 
It has been our policy in the past to supply ice to our
customers when their ice machine has broken down. Because
we have many customers who are paying later and later, we

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