Bộ đề 1000 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm môn Tiếng Anh - Nguyễn Văn Nam

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Bộ đề 1000 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm môn Tiếng Anh - Nguyễn Văn Nam
1. The number of illiterate children has been .........
	A. down	B. reduced	C. declined	D. downward
2. Motorbike is the most popular means of ........ in Vietnam.
	A. transporting	B. transport	C. transporter	D. transported
3. In the ...... parts of Africa, children have few chances to go to school.
	A. remotest	B. remotely	C. remoteness	D. remoter
4. The antonym of relevant is ............
	A. unrelevant	B. irrelevant	C. disrelevant	D. inrelevant
5. After a long .........., the mute finally managed to utter a word.
	A. conversation	B. talk	C. resistance	D. struggle
6. Maybe I should give up. I cannot read this passage.
 Don’t worry too much, things will ........ improve.
	A. hardly	B. gradually	C. sure	D. never
7. The new law has become ...... for a week.
	A. effective	B. bored	C. honorable	D. pleasant
8. It is important to ......... illiteracy out of this world.
	A. delete	B. cancel	C. eradicate	D. damage
9. Students from the northern ......... are asked to help their illiterate relatives with writing and reading skills.
	A. houses	B. highlands	C. planet	D. global
10. Only a ..... of British households do not have a car.
	A. many	B. population	C. minority	D. little
11. She insisted ...... him wearing the red cravat.
	A. in	B. on	C. of	D. about
12. The teacher tried to explain the new formula .... his students.
	A. with	B. for	C. to 	D. among
13. The English contest ...... the Student Union is an annual event in my school.
	A. by	B. organized by	C. held	D. to held
14. The participants must find ...... all the answers in order to go in the next round.
	A. of 	B. in 	C. by	D. out
15. The World Cup takes place ...... four years in different countries.
	A. each	B. every	C. by	D. for
16. I worked ........ a volunteer guide in the Asian Students’ sports competitions last year.
	A. by 	B. as	C. to	D. in
17. He offered ........ the bag for me.
	A. to carry	B. on carrying	C. for carrying	D. to carrying
18. He always tries to make his wife and children ..........
	A. feel happy	B. feeling happy	C. to feel happy	D. felt happy
19. ........... the end of the film, the heroine was reunited with her family.
	A. In	B. At	C. To	D. For
20. I want to congratulate you ....... the contest.
	A. to win	B. at winning	C. on winning	D. about winning
21. People who like art can ..... a course in painting.
	A. run	B. make	C. take	D. buy
22. We don’t have to repair the house as it is still .... .. good condition.
	A. at	B. in	C. on	D. of
23. I pay ........ the fees for the Internet at the end of every month.
	A. for	B. on	C. x	D. with
24. ....... were punished as they were late.
	A. Both Tom and Ann	B. Either Tom or Ann
	C. Neither Tom nor Ann	D. All of Tom and Ann
25. He is so stubborn that ........... his mother .............. hi brother can talk to him.
	A. either/ or	B. neither/nor	C. both/and	D. all/or
26. The film was ....... boring ............ long.
	A. either/or	B. B. neither/and	C. both/and	D. either/nor
27. Fish and chips .......... British people’s favorite food.
	A. are	B. is	C. was	D. were
28. Both my sister and her husband ...... good sense of humor.
	A. has	B. have	C. is having 	D. are having
29. .................advices ........... threats had any effects on him.
	A. Neither/nor	B. Either/or	C. Both/and	D. Not only/but also
30. She neither talked nor ....... her feelings.
	A. show	B. showed	C. showing	D. shown
31. You must either go at once or ......... till tomorrow.
	A. waiting	B. wait	C. must wait	D. to wait
32. They told me he was a wonderful guy. When I met him; however, I was disappointed to find that he is ....... handsome ........ polite.
	A. neither/nor	B. either/or	C. both/and	D. not only/but also
33. Don’t be so unreasonable ! I can’t ........ cook ........... iron your clothes.
	A. neither/nor	B. either/or	C. both/and	D. not only/but also
34. It is the children ........ were punished.
	A. whom	B. which	C. x	D. that
35. It is easy to get further education as there are a lot of courses on .......
	A. order	B. offer	C. sale	D. present
36. There is nothing special about him, ........... his handsome face.
	A. although	B. apart from	C. minus	D. but
37. Either I or they ......... enjoying the party now.
	A. are	B. is	C. was	D. were
38. Neither I nor she ....... seen the film before.
	A. has	B. have	C. was	D. were
39. You can choose ............ cake .......... fruit for dessert.
	A. neither/nor	B. either/or	C. both/and	D. not only/but also
40. This is the photo of the child abandoned by the river .......Maria adopted.
	A. which	B. where	C. whom	D. when
41. My father . me an interesting book for my birthday last Sunday. 
A. buy	B. will buy	 	C. bought 	D. buying 
42. Lan dislikes ............... the dishes. 
A. washing 	B. wash 	C. washed 	D. washes
43. By 8 o’clock last night, the police ....... three of the four bank attackers .
A. did catch	 B. had caught	C. caught	D. had catch 
44. My father .......................... smoking 2 years ago.
A. gives up 	B. give up 	C. giving up 	D. gave up
45. She . me for what I had done for her.
A. had thank	B. thank	C. had thanked	D. thanked
46. She enjoys ................... to pop music.
A. listen 	B. listened 	C. listening 	D. listens
47. It was a nice day, so we decidedfor a walk.
A. go	B. to go	C. go to	D. going
48. Please! Go on .............. your homework. I'll wait for you.
A. did	B. done 	C. doing 	D. to do
49. She alwaysgood marks in English.
A. getting	B. gets	C. get	D. to get
50. Don't forget .. the letter I told you.
A. to post	B. post	C. posting	D. posts
51. Take an umbrella because it . . . . .
A. is going to rain B. rains 	C. will rain 	D. is raining
52. It’s not good to avoid  the teacher’s questions in class.
A. answer	B. answering	C. answered	D. to answer
53. Have you seen the money .. was on the table?
A. where	B. whose	C. when	D. that
54. Please, stop.noise! I am trying to concentrate.
A. to make 	B. made	C. make	D. making
55. Students are always interested in  a party.
A. have	B. having	C. to have	D. had
56. I don’t like people  never stop talking.
A. who	B. which	C. whom	D. whose
57. It’s already 34oc. It .. very hot today.
A. will be	B. is going to be	C. is being	D. will not be
58. My friend . any beer at the party last night. 
A. not drinked	B. didn’t drink	C. did drink	D. drank not
59. The building  was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.
A. who	B. which	C. what	D. where 
60. You can pass the exam.harder
A. by study	B. by studying	C. to study	D. studying
61. She was out too late, . made her parents worried.
A. that	B. what	C. which	D. A and C are correct
62. They  the way to the park yet.
A. haven’t found	B. haven’t find	C. hasn’t found	D. hasn’t find
63. Nam passed the final examination,  surprised everybody.
A. what	B. that	C. which	D. who
64. There was smoke in the room. Someone..before I came in.
A. seemed to smoke B. had smoke	C. smoke	D. had smoked
65. The express train often . on time.
A. arrives	B. arrive	C. is arriving	D. has arrived
66. Information technology is very. to our life.
A. useful	B. use	C. used	D. using
67. My sister looks more beautiful in the picture. She’s . 
A. photo 	B. photograph	C. photographic	D. photogenic
68. My brother  speaking English very much.
A. enjoys	B. enjoying	C. enjoy	D. enjoyable
69. She enjoys watching the films make her laugh
A. they	B . what	C. which 	D. it
70. He is very ............ at maths.
	A. good	B. afraid 	C. fond	D. bored
71. He .... the details of his uncle’s will.
	A. was given	B. gave	C. gives	D. being given
72. For a long time, the earth ........... to be flat.
	A. had believed	B. had been believing C. was believed	D. was been believed
73. When we came, the film ........ half an hour before. 
	A. had been starting B. had started	C. was started	D. had been started
74. They advised that part-time workers should .........
	A. be employing	B. have been employ C. employ	D. be employed
75. He expected us ...... him the job.
	A. offering	B. to offer	C. offer	D. to be offered
76. Someone will have ....... to take her position.
	A. found 	B. to find	C. to be found	D. being found
77. The entire building is ..........
	A. being demolished B. been demolished C. been demolishing D. demolishing
78. The sick man ....... to the hospital.
	A. took	B. is taked	C. being taken	D. was taken
79. Why do you ask me about the party? I ........ to it.
	A. was not invited	B. didn’t invite	C. not invited	D. was not been inviting
80. The problem is getting rid ........ nuclear waste.
	A. from	B. of	C. away from	D. out of
81. That book looks .........
	A. interest 	B. interested	C. interesting	D. interestingly
82. Two hundred people lost their jobs as a consequence .......... the company’s bankrupt.
	A. from	B. for	C. with	D. of
83. Firemen soon put the fire ............
	A. away	B. in	C. out	D. off
84. You need to consider these documents. There appears ......... many mistakes.
	A. to have been 	B. is	C. being	D. be
85. It is impossible for me ......... a lie to her.
	A. to tell	B. tell	C. telling	D. told
86. I was given some pills to take .......... the pain.
	A. off	B. without	C. along	D. away
87. The dam was not strong enough to ...... flood water.
	A. hold back	B. hold in	C. hold out	D. old off
88. Candidates are to bring ........ certificates when they come to the interview.
	A. needless	B. needing	C. needed	D. need
89. He is very sensitive ........ his weight, and therefore, easy o get angry if someone mentions words like “fat” or “overweight”
	A. in	B. about	C. along	D. around
90. Some young mothers feel ........ in their own homes.
	A. imprison	B. imprisoned	C. imprisoning	D. to imprison 
91. Marie Curie was the first woman in France ...........a university professor.
	A. was	B. to be	C. used to be	D. is
92. In spite of ....... up late, she got up early the next morning.
	A. staying	B. to stay	C. Mary stayed	D. stay
93. When he .........., every one ............. .
	A. arrived/had left	B. had arrived/left	C. would arrive/leaves D. arrived/has left
94. I suddenly remembered I ....... my wallet on the bus.
	A. leave	B. had left	C. have left	D. would leave
95. I ........ the washing up before my mother came home.
	A. was doing	B. did	C. had done	D. must have done
96. After her husband’s accident, she ............ the sole breadwinner of the family.
	A. had become	B. became	C. would become	D. used to be
97. The room smelled terrible. Someone ....... before I came.
	A. had smoked	B. smoked	C. seemed to smoke D. would smoke
98. Celine Dion......... to receive recognition for her talent in 1982. 
	A. had begun	B. began	C. probably begins	D. would have begun
99. In 1994, Celine Dion and Rene Angelil .......... at Notre Dame Basilica in Montreal.
	A. had married	B. married	C. marry	D. got married
100. I ....... as a hotel telephonist from May 2001 to March 2002.
	A. had worked 	B. would work	C. worked	D. get used to working
101. His ambition is .......... the richest man in the world.
	A. becomes 	B. will become	C. became	D. to become
102. Mary is such a humorous girl. She always makes me ..........
	A. laugh	B. laughing	C. to laugh 	D. laughed
103. Although his early education ........, Peter is now the best clerk in our company.
	A. interrupted	B. had interrupted	C. was interrupted	D. interrupting
104. By the time they came, we ......... our dinner.
	A. had finished	B. finished	C. would finish	D. were finishing
105. Neil Amstrong was the ........ man to set foot on the moon.
	A. only	B. first	C. one	D. individual
106. She studied hard .......... her parents’ expectation.
	A. meeting	B. to meet	C. meet	D. met
107. Sally was disappointed with the exam result. She ...... a bad mark before.
	A. had got	B. had ever got	C. never had got	D. had never got
108. It was impossible ............ his room. The door was looked.
	A. to enter	B. entering	C. enters	D. entered
109. The thieves ran away .......... they could.
	A. quick	B. quickly so that	C. quicker as	D. as quickly as
110. He said that no one could love me ........ he did.
	A. so much like	B. as much like	C. as much as	D. that much
111. Could you please ...... me the way to the post office?
	A. speak	B. tell	C. talk	D. ask
112. We use a ....... to break up the earth and plant the seeds.
	A. car	B. plough	C. dog	D. land
113. We are planning to go on a .......... holiday this summer.
	A. package	B. packing	C. pack	D. packed
114. Every passenger is required to ........ their seatbelt when they are on board.
	A. hold	B. take	C. leave	D. fasten
115. The holiday price is inclusive so our breakfast is ...... by the hotel.	
	A. taken	B. served	C. eaten	D. arranged
116. The house was ......... fire and it took almost three hours to extinguish it.
	A. in	B. on	C. at	D. for
117. ............ class allows students to acquire knowledge about living things.
	A. Geography	B. Chemistry	C. Biology	D. History 
118. Since we came late we ......... the first part of the film.
	A. missed	B. caught	C. forgot	D. left
119. The homework is .......... to be submitted next week so we all feel worried.
	A. due	B. thought	C. made	D. hoped
120. A ..... is a man whose job is to stop fires from burning.
	A. ire service	B. fireplace	C. firewall	D. fireman
121. “How are you feeling?” “I’ve been feeling better since the doctor ..........”
	A. has come 	B. had come	C. comes	D. came
122. Water and oil ........... .
	A. don’t mix	B. does not mix	C. has not mixed	D. is not mixing
123. Playing computer games for 12 hours everyday ............ him exhausted.
	A. make	B. making	C. makes	D. made
124. “How does Amy like her new school?” “Fine, she is doing ........ in her course.”
	A. extreme good	B. extremely good	C. extreme well	D. extremely well
125. Linh’s house is near his school and it ....... him only 15 minutes to go there on foot.
	A. takes	B. took	C. has taken	D. is taking
126. It is ....... that every student will have to follow the school timetable strictly.
	A. certainly	B. surely	C. obviously	D. certain
127. She was so surprised ........ the exam result that she could not say anything.
	A. in	B. at	C. of	D. for
128. ........... , Phuong gets up at 6 a. m but today is Sunday so she gets up a bit late.
	A. Normal	B. Rarely	C. Normality	D. Normally
129. Spain ....... at one time a very powerful country.
	A. was	B. is	C. has been	D. was being
130. “ Who ate all the cookies?” “Cuong .........”
	A. has	B. ate	C. did	D. had
131. Binh .... to England to visit one of her cousins at the end of this month.
	A. went	B. had gone	C. goes	D. is going
132. Before electricity was discovered, oil lamps ..........
	A. used	B. has used	C. has been used	D. had been used
133. Almost every household ............. a computer nowadays.
	A. have	B. has	C. has had	D. had
134. Did you say that you ........ here only three days ago?
	A. came	B. had come	C. have come	D. come
135. This is the ........ film I have watched.
	A. most excited	B. most exciting	C. most excite	D. most excitement
136. The excuse Hanh gave for her absence seems ....... unbelievable.
	A. to being	B. be	C. being	D. to be
137. Would you like ........ with me tonight?	
	A. going out	B. go out	C. to go out	D. to be going out
138. On ........ at the airport, I was very worried to find that no one ........... for me.
	A. arriving/was waiting B. arrive/was waiting C. arriving/waited D. arrive/is waiting
139. “To take off” ........... to move off the ground.
	A. meant	B. means	C. is meaning	D. has meaning
140. She has the habit of drinking ........ after every meal.
	A. cup of tea	B. a cup for tea	C. a teacup	D. a cup of tea
141. Lan always ............ her bike to school.
	A. rides	B. drives	C. travels	D. runs
142. It is good to ....... up early for school.
	A. catch	B. take	C. get	D. climb
143. What is the ....... like today?
	A. climate	B. weather	C. air	D. sky
144. She stays at home because she feels ......... .
	A. sick	B. well	C. fine	D. strong
145. He goes to the library to ........ some reference books.
	A. pay	B. borrow	C. buy	D. lend
146. No one ......... the lesson interesting.
	A. thinks	B. believes 	C. hopes	D. finds
147. This school is ....... from most others.
	A. same	B. special	C. different	D. similar
148. He’s ........... a lot of subjects this semester.
	A. getting	B. taking	C. doing	D. setting
149. The ........ is the family name.
	A. surname	B. first name	C. given name	D. middle name
150. Students often have a three- month ........ every summer.
	A. holiday	B. rest	C. break	D. relaxation
151. In class students must pay ....... to the teacher.
	A. attendance	B. concentration	C. focus	D. attention
152. In an English class, working in ......... seems helpful.
	A. two	B. couples	C. both	D. pairs
153. These students are nervous ........ the Maths exam.
	A. with	B. by	C. on	D. about
154. She has got a bad ....... for definitions.
	A. memory	B. mind	C. brain	D. nerve
155. They ........... his name from the enrolment list.
	A. deleted	B. cut	C. left	D. moved
156. He got his finger ........... in the hole.
	A. kept	B. jammed	C. stuck	D. caught
157. He is a lawyer by ......... .
	A. job	B. occupation	C. profession 	D. work
158. On the ....... of the teachers’ day, we wish you all the best.
	A. situation	B. occasion	C. opportunity	D. chance
159. There’s no ............. to discuss this before class.
	A. matter	B. point	C. effect	D. need
160. What is the teacher’s ...... towards his bad behavior?
	A. opinion	B. attitude	C. idea	D. thought
161. Are you a student? If so, which university do you ........?
	A. attend	B. frequent	C. assist	D. go on
162. There is a .......... of skilled craftsmen in the industry.
	A. want	B. fault	C. lack	d. need
163. What is your ........? I am a Buddhist.
	A. confession	B. religion	C. profession	D. persuasion
164. We carried out a few ......... to find how good the drug was.
	A. experiments	B. tries	C. experiences	D. proofs.
165. She isn’t really sexist. She just says things like that from force of ............
	A. custom	B. use	C. attitude	D. habit
166. She had changed so much that .............. anyone recognized her.
	A. almost	B. hardly	C. not	D. nearly
167. How old is Janet? I haven’t the slightest ........... 
	A. bet	B. theory	C. guess	D. idea
168. Would you like a beer? Not while I’m ..........
	A. in the act	B. in order	C. on duty	D. under control
169. He didn’t ........... to help her even though she was very ill.
	A. open an eye	B. lift a finger	C. bend his arm	D. shake his leg
170. Their neighbor was very ......... when they complained about the noise.
	A. aggressive	B. provocative	C. irritable	D. annoying
171. There was hardly ........... money left in my bank account.
	A. more	B. no	C. some	D. any
172. You’re ........ who noticed.
	A. the single	B. the only	C. only one	D. the only one
173. Their house is ........ near the cathedral.
	A. whereabouts	B. anywhere	C. somewhere	D. anyplace
174. The reason I left is ......... I was bored.
	A. why	B. that	C. while 	D. for
175. I’ll go on holiday ......... I can.
	A. as soon as 	B. as	C. until	D. how
176. I’m sorry I ...... your party. I was away at the time.
	A. lost	B. failed	C. passed	D. missed
177. We ....... her a happy birthday.
	A. wished	B. said	C. told	D. wanted
178. Your room is a mess! ......... it up at once.
	A. Arrange	B. Make 	C. Tidy 	D. Do
179. Could you ....... me ten pounds until next payday?
	A. let	B. provide	C. borrow	D. lend
180. Bill has .......... his job and gone back to college.
	A. let off	B. given up	C. passed up	D. withdrawn
181. I wish to apply .......... the post of surveyor with our company.
	A. in	B. for	C. to	D. x
182. I came .....a reference to Makonde carving when I was an artist.
	A. across	B. into	C. over	D. for
183. You can use my typewriter .......... now, but I shall need it later.
	A. in	B. at	C. for	D. on
184. Are you aware .......... the regulations concerning the use of guns?
	A. for	B. about	C. in	D. of
185. He ..... the world of her. 
	A. believes	B. loves	C. expects	D. thinks.
186. Instead of thinking carefully, he tends to .......... conclusions.
	A. run at	B. jump to	C. fly into	D. hit on
187. Please ............ on, I’m just looking for something.
	A. carry	B. get	C. stick	D. push
188. When decimal currency was introduced, one old lady in the village said : “I don’t think it will catch ..........round here”
	A. up	B. out	C. on	D. in
189. You can come ........ if you like, but I don’t walk too slowly.
	A. along	B. after	C. behind	D. on
190. She didn’t do it herself. She asked some workmen ..... it for her.
	A. do	B. doing	C. they did	D. to do
191. She loves London, .......... in the spring.
	A. mostly	B. specially	C. most	D. especially
192. The station is too ............ away for us to walk.
	A. long	B. far	C. way	D. distant
193. Mary searched all over the house ........ could not find the key.
	A. but	B. although	C. however	D. because
194. ............. Tom nor his brother helps in the housework.
	A. Not	B. Both	C. Either	D. Neither
195. The football team won partly because they had been well trained by their ...........
	A. teacher	B. director	C. instructor	D. coach
196. Everyone .......... Tom was invited to the party.
	A. as	B. from	C. but	D. for
197. For .......... reason is this meeting being held.
	A. what	B. why	C. how	D. that
198. I will ......... you this book if you promise to return it next week.
	A. offer	B. lend	C. borrow	D. allow
199. I’d be very ......... to go to Japan one day.
	A. fond	B. enjoyable	C. interested	D. hopeful
200. Many scientists are sure there is ......... on other planets.
	A. life	B. existence	C. people	D. creature
201. I don’t feel good I ........ home from work tomorrow.
	A. am staying	B. stay	C. have stayed	D. stayed
202. Next week when there ......... a full moon, the ocean tides will be higher.
	A. is being	B. is	C. will be	D. will have been
203. The ........... bought from that factory ......... faulty.
	A. equipment/was	B. equipments/are	C. equipment/were	D. equipments/were
204. I’ll be with all of you in ......... hour.
	A. a quarter of an	B. one quarter of an C. a quarter of one D. a quarter of
205. Jack got into trouble when he refused ............ his briefcase for the customs officer.
	A. opening	B. being opened	C. to open	D. to be opened
206. I’m sorry I never graduated. I’ve always regretted not ........ college.
	A. to finish	B. finish	C. finished	D. having finished
207. Alice didn’t expect ............. to Bill’s party. 
	A. asking	B. being asked	C. to ask	D. to be asked
208. Neither Dick ....... Tom knows how to speak German.
	A. nor	B. or	C. and	D. but
209. Renoir’s paintings .............. masterpieces all over the world.
	A. had considered	B. are considered	C. are considering 	D. consider
210. A tornado swept through Rockville. It ..... destroyed everything in its path.
	A. x	B. was	C. was being	D. had been
211. Many US automobiles ........ in Detroit, Michigan.
	A. manufacture	B. have manufactured C. are manufactured D. are manufacturing
212. The chemistry book ....... was a little expensive.
	A. I bought	B. that I bought it	C. I bought that	D. what I bought
213. People who exercise frequently have physical endurance than those ........
	A. who doesn’t 	B. who don’t 	C. that doesn’t 	D. which don’t
214. The voters were against the candidate ...... proposals called for higher taxes.
	A. who his	B. whose	C. that his	D. whom he had
215. If you ......... to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess now.
	A. listen	B. will listen	C. listened	D. had listened
216. Gloria never seems to get tired. I wish I .......... her energy.
	A. had	B. have	C. have had	D. would have
217. If my candidate had won the election, I ......... happy now.
	A. am	B. was	C. would be	D. can be
218. I don’t think he will ever ............ the shock of his father’s death.
	A. get over	B. get through	C. get by	D. get off
219. I am late because my alarm clock didn’t .......... this morning.
	A. come on	B. ring out	C. go off	D. turn on
220. The three friends all .......... for the same job.
	A. requested	B. intended	C. applied	D. referred
221. We have decided to ..... the money for the local secondary school.
	A. beg	B. collect	C. raise	D. rise
222. At present the school can't ............. to buy all the computers it needed.
	A. afford	B. have	C. risk	D. have enough
223. We hope to set ........ a number of fund-raising projects.
	A. in	B. out	C. off	D. up
224. We hope that the students themselves will enjoy taking ............ in the projects.
	A. advantage	B. notice	C. part	D. place
225. I’d like to ...... when I am sixty.
	A. relax	B. rest	C. retire	D. stop
226. Have a good flight and remember to give me a .... as soon as you arrive.
	A. call	B. phone	C. ring	D. touch
227. She didn’t get ..... well with her boss, so she left the company.
	A. at 	B. on	C. through	D. up
228. By the time we ..... the resort, the rain will have stopped.
	A. arrive	B. come	C. get	D. reach
229. Max is not a(n) ......... drinker but he likes a glass of wine occasionally.
	A. addict	B. drunk	C. heavy	D. obsessed
230. Please don’t disturb me ........ there is something urgent.
	A. if	B. or	C. otherwise	D. unless
231. The cost of the material is ........... in the bill for the work.
	A. include	B. included	C. including	D. includes
232. The bus company has ......... the fare by 20%.
	A. raised	B. risen	C. raising	D. arisen
233. “You were late for your dental appointment.” 
 “I know. I shouldn’t ....... so long at the library”
	A. be staying	B. have stayed	C. had stayed	D. stay
234. The police ......... to report to the headquarters immediately.
	A. require 	B. required	C. is required	D. are required
235. He was advised ................. singing lesson.
	A. take	B. taken	C. taking	D. to take
236. Magazines are usually weekly or monthly, but newspapers are ............
	A. every day	B. daily	C. day	D. day after day
237. There isn’t ............. foreign news in the paper.
	A. a lot	B. lots	C. many	D. much
238. I read in one paper that they are ...... married.
	A. getting	B. got	C. being	D. having
239. I wish I ........ some jeans I really like. I must have tried on ten pairs.
	A. find	B. can find	C. could find	D. should find	
240. Everyone ........... what they have to do, don’t they?
	A. know	B. knows	C. do know	D. have known
241. She used to work here as a typist, ...... she?
	A. did	B. didn’t 	C. use	D. wouldn’t 
242. Tom is not used to ............. up early. He is late for school very often.
	A. get	B. got	C. getting	D. having got
243. Can you help me ............. in this application form?
	A. fill	B. to fill	C. filling	D. A and B
244. Please invite .......... you like to the reception.
	A. one	B. anyone	C. ones	D. all
245. ..........you do, please don’t tell Mary that we’ve lost her book.
	A. Anything	B. What	C. Whatever	D. it’s better
246. I’d rather you .............. smoke in here.
	A. don’t	B. didn’t	C. not	D. shouldn’t
247. I feel rather cold. I wish I ....... my pullover with me.
	A. bring	B. brought	C. had brought	D. would bring
248. It’s high time you ........ to look after yourself.
	A. learn	B. learned	C. will learn	D. would learn
249. Don’t phone between 8.00 and 9.00. I shall ........... then.
	A. study	B. be studying	C. be studied	D. have studied
250. Let me know as soon as Linda .......... here. 
	A. gets	B. got	C. will get	D. would get
251. Hot weather makes me ............. uncomfortable.
	A. feeling	B. feel	C. to feel	D. to have felt
252. I hear Hien has won the lottery. What .......... with such a big sum of money?
	A. does she do	B. was she done	C. did she do	D. is she going to do 
253. There are some differences .............. British English and American English.
	A. between	B. about	C. among	D. of
254. I’d like you ....... other students assemble here at 7 a.m.
	A. to inform 	B. inform	C. will inform	D. that you inform
255. Let’s go for a picnic this weekend, ............?
	A. do we	B. don’t we	C. shall we	D. have we
256. Nam is a cousin .........
	A. of me	B. of my	C. for me	D. of mine
257. The price of a tour to Thailand is getting ........... cheaper.
	A. much	B. little	C. more	D. less
258. Look! They ........... cups of tea and ....... a lot of sandwiches.
	A. are drinking/eat	B. drink/ eat	C. are drinking/eating	D. drink/are eating
259. They intend to make ........... excursion next month.
	A. a two- week	B. two-weeks	C. two-weeks	D. a two-week’s
260. “What is this button for?” – “It ........ the machine.”
	A. start	B. is to start	C. is start	D. is starting
261. There is plenty to do .......... the day and ..............night on Barcelona.
	A. x/x	B. at/x	C. during/ at	D. at/ during
262. The punishment for not doing your homework ............. behind after school.
	A. stays	B. will be stayed	C. will stay	D. will be to stay
263. .................. it wasn’t necessary .......... we got to the airport two hours in advance.
	A. But/x	B. though/x	C. But/ though	D. though/but
264. “Why do you look so sad?” “My sister wanted ........ to her wedding, but I couldn’t”
	A. I go	B. me to go	C. me going	D. that I go
265. I prefer ......... books to .......... with computers.
	A. reading/playing	B. read/playing	C. read/play	D. reading/play
266. He’s ........... honest person.
	A. an	B. a	C. the	D. x
267. “Do you know Mr. Brown?” “Yes. There’s no one generous .......... him”
	A. than	B. like	C. to 	D. as
268. He said the cake ............ .
	A. was tasting very sweetly	B. tasted very sweetly
	C. tasted very sweet	D. was tasting very sweet
269. It’s not .......... that he came her first.
	A. surprising	B. surprised	C. to surprise	D. to be surprised
270. “I wish you

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