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Bài tập về cụm động từ phổ biến trong Tiếng Anh
Common Phrasal Verbs Exercise
Source: www.englishgrammar.org
Fill in the blanks with an appropriate phrasal verb.
1. When I was talking to James, Susie  our conversation.
broke out
broke in on
broke on
To break in on a conversation is to interrupt it.
2. James has agreed to  the condition of my ancestral home every now
and then.
check on
check up on
check out
To check up on something is to examine or investigate it.
3. Susie has  with an interesting suggestion.
come out with
come up with
come with
To come up with something is to contribute.
4. If you don’t want to fall into the debt trap, you should  the money
you spend on food and entertainment.
cut down
cut on
cut down on
To cut down on expenses is to curtail them.
Common Phrasal Verbs Exercise
Source: www.englishgrammar.org
5. I wish I hadn’t dropped .. school at 14.
out of
To drop out of school is to leave school.
6. He doesn’t get  his siblings.
along with
To get along with somebody is to have a good relationship with them.
7. Do you think you can cheat on the exam and then get  it?
on with
away with
out with
To get away with something is to escape blame.
8. The politician tried hard to .. his bad image.
get rid of
get rid off
get out of
To get rid of something is to eliminate it.
9. It took me quite some time to get . that assignment.
through with
Common Phrasal Verbs Exercise
Source: www.englishgrammar.org
To get through with something is to finish it.
10. When they became rich, they started looking  their neighbors.
down on
out on
To look down on somebody is to despise them.
11. .. drunk drivers.
Look for
Look out
Look out for
To look out for somebody or something is to anticipate them.
12. I will not .. any more nonsense.
put with
put up with
put out with
To put up with something is to tolerate it.
1. When I was talking to James, Susie broke in on our conversation.
2. James has agreed to check up on the condition of my ancestral home every now and
3. Susie has come up with an interesting suggestion.
4. If you don’t want to fall into the debt trap, you should cut down on the money you spend
Common Phrasal Verbs Exercise
Source: www.englishgrammar.org
on food and entertainment.
5. I wish I hadn’t dropped out of school at 14.
6. He doesn’t get along with his siblings.
7. Do you think you can cheat on the exam and then get away with it?
8. The politician tried hard to get rid of his bad image.
9. It took me quite some time to get through with that assignment.
10. When they became rich, they started looking down on their neighbors.
11. Look out for drunk drivers.
12. I will not put up with any more nonsense.

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  • pdfbai_tap_ve_cum_dong_tu_pho_bien_common_phrasal_verbs_exercis.pdf