Bài tập ôn thi môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 1: The generation gap

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Bài tập ôn thi môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 1: The generation gap
1. afford (v) /əˈfɔːd/ cĩ khả năng chi trả 
2. attitude (n) /ˈỉtɪtjuːd/ thái độ 
3. bless (v) /bles/ cầu nguyện 
4. brand name (n.phr) /ˈbrỉnd neɪm/ hàng hiệu 
5. browse (v) /braʊz/ tìm kiếm thơng tin trên mạng 
6. burden (n) /ˈbɜːdn/ gánh nặng 
7. casual (a) /ˈkỉʒuəl/ thường, bình thường, thơng thường 
8. change one’s mind (idm) /tʃeɪndʒ - maɪnd / thay đổi quan điểm 
9. childcare (n) /ˈtʃaɪldkeə(r)/ việc chăm sĩc con cái 
10. comfortable (a): /ˈkʌmftəbl/ thoải mái, dễ chịu 
11. compassion (n) /kəmˈpỉʃn/ lịng thương, lịng trắc ẩn 
12. conflict (n): /ˈkɒnflɪkt/ xung đột 
13. conservative (a): /kənˈsɜːvətɪv/ bảo thủ 
14. control (v): /kənˈtrəʊl/ kiểm sốt 
15. curfew (n): /ˈkɜːfjuː/ hạn thời gian về nhà, lệnh giới nghiêm 
16. current (a): /ˈkʌrənt/ ngày nay, hiện nay 
17. disapproval (n): /ˌdɪsəˈpruːvl/ sự khơng tán thành, phản đối 
18. dye (v): /daɪ/ nhuộm 
19. elegant (a): /ˈelɪɡənt/ thanh lịch, tao nhã 
20. experienced (a): /ɪkˈspɪəriənst/ cĩ kinh nghiệm 
21. extended family (n.p): /ɪkˌstendɪd ˈfỉməli/ gia đình đa thế hệ 
22. extracurricular (a): /ˌekstrə kəˈrɪkjələ(r)/ ngoại khĩa, thuộc về ngoại khĩa 
23. fashionable (a): /ˈfỉʃnəbl/ thời trang, hợp mốt 
24. financial (a): /faɪˈnỉnʃl/ thuộc về tài chính 
25. flashy (a): /ˈflỉʃi/ diện, hào nhống 
26. follow in one’s footstep: ['fɔlou wʌns 'futstep] theo bước, nối bước 
27. forbid (v): /fəˈbɪd/ cấm, ngăn cấm 
28. force (v): /fɔːs/ bắt buộc, buộc phải 
29. frustrating (a): /frʌˈstreɪtɪŋ/ gây khĩ chịu, bực mình 
30. generation gap (n.p): /də ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃn ɡỉp/ khoảng cách giữa các thế hệ 
31. hairstyle (n): /ˈheəstaɪl/ kiểu tĩc 
32. impose (v) (on somebody) /ɪmˈpəʊz/ áp đặt lên ai đĩ 
33. interact (v): /ˌɪntərˈỉkt/ tương tác, giao tiếp 
34. judge (v): /dʒʌdʒ/ phán xét, đánh giá 
35. junk food (n.p): /ˈdʒʌŋk fuːd/ đồ ăn vặt 
36. mature (a): /məˈtʃʊə(r)/ trưởng thành, chín chắn 
37. multi-generational (a): /ˌmʌlti - ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃənl/ đa thế hệ, nhiều thế hệ 
38. norm (n): /nɔːm/ sự chuẩn mực 
39. nuclear family (n.p): /ˌnjuːkliə ˈfỉməli/ gia đình hạt nhân 
40. obey (v): /əˈbeɪ/ vâng lời, tuân theo 
41. objection (n): /əbˈdʒekʃn/ sự phản đối, phản kháng 
42. open –minded (a): /ˌəʊpən ˈmaɪndɪd/ thống, cởi mở 
43. outweigh (v): /ˌaʊtˈweɪ/ vượt hơn hẳn, nhiều hơn 
44. pierce (v): /pɪəs/ xâu khuyên (tai, mũi,...) 
45. prayer (n): /preə(r)/ lời cầu nguyện, lời thỉnh cầu 
46. pressure (n): /ˈpreʃə(r)/ áp lực, sự thúc bách 
47. privacy (n): /ˈprɪvəsi/ sự riêng tư 
48. relaxation (n): /ˌriːlỉkˈseɪʃn/ sự nghỉ ngơi, giải trí 
49. respect (v): /rɪˈspekt/ tơn trọng 
50. respectful (a): /rɪˈspektfl/ cĩ thái độ tơn trọng 
51. responsible (a): /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ cĩ trách nhiệm 
52. right (n): /raɪt/ quyền, quyền lợi 
53. rude (a): /ruːd/ thơ lỗ, lố lăng 
54. sibling (n): /ˈsɪblɪŋ/ anh/chị/em ruột 
55. skinny (of clothes) (a): /ˈskɪni/ bĩ sát, ơm sát 
56. soft drink (n.phr): /ˌsɒft ˈdrɪŋk/ nước ngọt, nước uống cĩ gas 
57. spit (v): /spɪt/ khạc nhổ 
58. state-owned (adj): /ˌsteɪt - /əʊnd/ thuộc về nhà nước 
59. studious (a): ['stju:diəs] chăm chỉ, siêng năng 
60. stuff (n): /stʌf/ thứ, mĩn, đồ 
61. swear (v): /sweə(r)/ thề, chửi thề 
62. table manners (n.p): /ˈteɪbl mỉnəz/ cung cách 
63. taste (n) in: /teɪst/ thị hiếu về 
64. tight (a): /taɪt/ bĩ sát, ơm sát 
65. trend (n): /trend/ xu thế, xu hướng 
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 
1. A. control B. conflict C. confidence D. constitution 
2. A. elegance B. manner C. privacy D. association l 
3. A. footstep B. roof C. food D. fool 
4. A. believe B. extend C. respect D. treat 
II. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others. 
l. A. concentrate B. accept C. distract D. impose 
2. A. viewpoint B. childcare C. opinion D. teenager 
3. A. convince B. respect C. support D. disagree 
4. A. experience B. ability C. behavior D. attitude 
III. Choose the odd one out. 
1. A. trend B. sibling C. prayer D. afford 
2. A. casual B. rude C. conflict D. studious 
3. A. sibling B. obey C. norm D. attitude 
4. A. elegant B. comfortable C. frustrating D. trend 
5. A. trivial B. dye C. browse D. afford 
6. A. conflict B. burden C. norm D. mature 
7. A. rude B. skinny C. tight D. pierce 
8. A. curfew B. flashy C. value D. trend 
9. A. attitude B. tight C. skinny D. rude 
10. A. interact B. swear C. spit D. studious 
IV. Match the advice with the suitable situation. 
A B 
1. I'm hot. 
2. I feel tired. 
3. John is always late for school. 
4. I want to lose weight. 
5. My mother reads my diary. 
6. I don't feel well. 
7. All fruits on the tree are ripe. 
8. I have a toothache. 
9. I have a test tomorrow. 
10. I can't speak English well. 
a. You should talk to her about your feelings. 
b. You should take a rest. 
c. He should manage his time better. 
d. You should do the exercise regularly. 
e. You should turn on the fan. 
f. You ought to pick them up immediately. 
g. You ought to review all lessons tonight. 
h. You should go to a doctor. 
i. You ought to go to the dentist. 
k. You should practice English every day. 
1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.  10.  
IV. Choose the best options to fill in the blanks. 
1. You will get into trouble if you come back home after the ________. 
A. norm B. curfew C. value 
2. She doesn't want to waste her money on clothes, so she ignores the ________ fashion trend. 
A. comfortable B. current C. mature 
3. When you ride a motorbike, you must ________ the general road rules. 
A. judge B. force C. obey 
4. I decided to get my nose _______ last week. 
A. pierced B. forbade C. afforded 
5. Instead of ________ someone by their appearance, you should get to know them better. 
A. swearing B. judging C. controlling 
6. Having two children in a family is becoming the ________ in some Asian countries. 
A. norm B. privacy C. conflict 
7. For a change, why don't you ________ your hair red? 
A. control B. force C. dye 
8. My parents do not want me to wear ________ dresses because they think that they aren't suitable for 
my age. 
A. tight B. casual C. rude 
9. I don't understand why you like ________ clothes. They are too bright and young for your age. 
A. flashy B. fashionable C. comfortable 
10. She whispered a ________ that her sibling wouldn't die. 
A. sibling B. burden C. prayer 
V. Choose the answer which best fit each space in each sentences. 
1. When people live in a multi-generation family, there is often a ________ 
A. generation gap B. extended family C. household D. footstep 
2. Children living with both parents in a stable _________ tend to be more confident and independent 
A. childcare B. nuclear family C. conflict D. norm 
3. Some parents may try to impose their choices of university of career ________ their children 
regardless of their children’s preferences. 
A. on B. in C. to D. for 
4. I can watch TV and play computer games on Sunday because I ______ go to 
school on that day. 
A. mustn’t B. don’t have to C. ought not to D. haven’t to 
5. Despite the beat, we________ reach our destination in time 
A. Will B. are going to C. won't D. A&B are correct 
6. Since his bicycle_______ stolen, He______ to school by bus 
A. has been/ goes B. had been/ was going 
C. was/ has gone D. was / had gone 
7. You _________ keep out of that room. It’s private. 
A. don't have to B. mustn’t C. must D. can 
8. You haven't eaten all day. You _______ be hungry. 
A. can B. must C. could D. ought to 
9. Everyone_____ take a holiday sometimes. 
A. had better B. ought C. shouldn’t D. Should 
10. You really_______ make such a mountain out of a molehill. 
A. can’t B. won't C. Mightn't D. Shouldn’t 
VI. Form another word from the word in capitals to complete each sentences. 
1. I said I’d lost all my money at the races, but my friends were___________. (sympathy) 
2. The shop had sold out of what I wanted - you can imagine my___________. (disappoint) 
3. She’s just passed her driving test, but she’s still very ___________. (experience) 
4. Karen and Catherine are _____________twins. (identity) 
5. I’m sure that the whole problem is a simple___________________. (understand) 
6. I didn’t believe him. His story____________________. (convince) 
7. She found herself in _______________ with her parent over her future career. (conflict) 
8. I have no _____________ to him coming to stay. (object) 
9. The old man was respected by the whole village for his______________. (wise) 
10. Do you think they will be .. to our proposal? (agree) 
11. The elderly are more .. about their eating habit. (conservatively) 
12. They raised serious .. to the proposal. (object) 
13. Thanks to his .., every misunderstanding is cleared up. (open-minded) 
14. He shouldn't treat his parents ... (disrespect) 
15. My wife is .. for cooking meals. (responsibility) 
16. Teenagers like catching up with .. clothes, which puts a financial burden on their parents. (fashion) 
17. We are in need of .. professionals for this subject. (experience) 
18. There are at least three .. living under the same roof in my family. (generational) 
VII. Identify one underlined part in each sentence that needs correcting. 
1. When he landed at the airport, some reporters had waited for him. 
 A B C D 
2. However cheap it is, the poor quality products cannot always appeal to customers. 
 A B C D 
3. When we will hear the news, we will call you. 
 A B C D 
4. We needn’t drive fast; there is a speed limit here. 
 A B C D 
5. I’m not sure where Matthew is. He can be playing squash 
 A B C D 
VIII. Complete the passage using the words in the box. There are some extra words that you don’t 
concerned hero family that any no kept with word which 
My family are a funny lot. Take my father’s brother, Uncle George, for instance. He’s the black 
sheep of the (1)___________ and nobody ever mentions him unless they are asked a direct question 
about him. He ran away to sea at the age of 15 and no one heard a (2)_________from him until he 
returned 20 years later. During his absence _he’d had a lot of adventures but he made 
(3)_____________ money at all and his brothers had to support him until he found himself a job, 
(4)____________ took a long time because he had no skills and training in any trade apart from 
seamanship. During his time he (5)___________ getting into trouble and this also made him unpopular 
with his brothers. They, on the other hand, worked hard all their lives, supported their families and had 
no sympathy (6) ___________ people who seemed to have no sense of responsibility like Uncle George. 
As far as I am (7) ___________this makes them much less interesting than him and I don’t think it's right 
that they should look down on their brother. He may be the black sheep to them but to me after all his 
years of excitement and hardships at sea he seems a (8) ________________. 
IX. Read the text and questions below. Mark the correct letter A, B, C or D for each question. 
The American family unit is the process of change. In the first half of the 20th century, there were 
mainly two types of families the extended and the nuclear. An extended family includes mother, father 
children and some other relatives, living in the same house. A nuclear family is composed of just 
parents and children living under the same roof. 
As the American economy had progressed from agriculture to industrial one, peop1e were 
forced to move to different parts of the country to get good jobs. These jobs were mainly in the large 
city. Now, in fact three quarter of Americans live in urban areas which occupy 2.5% of the national total 
land mass. Of the 118 million in the labor force, only 3 million still work on the farm. 
Since moving for better jobs has often divided the extended family, the nuclear has become 
more popular. At present, 55% of the family in the US are nuclear families. But besides the two types of 
traditional family groupings. The family is now being expanded to include a variety of 27 other 
arrangements because of divorce. There is an increase in single-parent family, in which a father or a 
mother live with one or more children. Divorce has also led to blended families which occur when 
previously married men and women marry again and combine the children from former marriage into 
anew family. There are also some couples who do not want to have children to form two-person 
childless families. 
1. A nuclear family is the one that_________________ 
A. consists of father, mother, and children living in the same house. 
B. is bigger than extended family. 
C. there are only grandparents, parents and their children living In. 
D. relatives live with. 
2. The expression under the same roof means____________ 
A. a house with one roof. 
B. a house with the roof the same as the wall. 
C. under the house. 
D. in the same building. 
3. The nuclear family becomes more popular because of_______________ 
A. fewer jobs in big cities B. more divorces. 
C. the division of the extended family D. an increase in single-parent families. 
4. How many types of family have there been in the US since the first half of the 20th century? 
A. Two B. Three C. Four D. Five 
5. Extended family is a newly form _____________________ 
A. that there is only one couple living in with there newborn children 
B. In which there are no children. 
C. with the Combination of children of the two previously married father and mother 
D. that has only father or mother with children 
X. Complete the second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first 
sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap- 
1. His lights are on so I’m pretty sure Dan is at home. as 
 Dan .. his lights are on. 
2. There’s no way that boy’s Simon. He’s much taller! boy 
 That . Simon. He’s much taller! 
3. I bet you were exhausted after such a long journey! have 
 You . exhausted after such a long journey! 
4. You may be able to find a pair in your size at our other branches. will 
 It’s possible ..to find a pair in your size at our other branches. 
5. It’s not necessary to push, just wait your turn. need 
 There .. to push, just wait your turn. 
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