Bài tập môn Tiếng Anh - Luyện thi Đại Học năm học 2015-2016 - Bài số 29 - Phạm Thái Bạch Mai

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Bài tập môn Tiếng Anh - Luyện thi Đại Học năm học 2015-2016 - Bài số 29 - Phạm Thái Bạch Mai
LESSON 29 - June 14th, 2016 
Part I. Read the article and do the exercises below it. 
Better And Better
 Take a couple of minutes to lie still in bed and reflect on the day ahead. Do you feel cheerful or fed up, excited or bored? Or do you, perhaps, feel nothing? Go on, prod your subconscious to consider your situation. Unless you get pleasure from living a passive and non-eventful life, having a non-committal attitude can actually be as bad as being pessimistic. So if, as you walk yourself through the events of the day ahead, you feel pretty average about things, then try and aim higher. It will mean that you get much more out of life.
 So there you are, lying in bed. Picture yourself showering, making breakfast, catching the bus, attending meetings, shopping, cooking supper, watching TV and finally getting into bed. Did your spirits sink at the thought of any of it?
 If so, pluck what it was out of the timetable and examine it more closely. Is it a must-do, non-negotiable event? For instance, you may not mind the idea of going to work but hate your job or the daily commute. Find out what options you have to make changes or find alternatives.
 In the meantime, come up with a strong and confident affirming statement about the person you wish to be and the way you wish to tackle these life challenges.
 Once you have a clear picture of the things in your life that make you feel low, either eliminate, minimise or improve them and the way you manage them. If getting everyone organised in the morning is a nightmare, you need to apply some lateral thought to the process.
 Encourage everybody to help with the morning routine. Make everyone responsible for some parts of their own organisation. If everyone is leading busy lives in the household, it makes no sense for one person to be a martyr. Be realistic about your own stamina and stress limits and appreciate the importance of keeping yourself fit and happy. Agree new regimes with family members or housemates as a sensible training exercise, and stick with it until everyone takes their equal share. Instead of feeling miserable about your chores and responsibilities, adopt a positive approach and acknowledge that they are an essential component of life.
 Pessimism, doubt and negativity can often disguise themselves as realism. Facing up to the facts can sometimes be healthy but it’s essential not to poison hope and optimism with negative thoughts, observing how you think is vital. You really need to tune into hearing those negative waves as soon as they start and see a more positive alternative view. To find this perspective, you may need to examine closely the experience or subject of your attention. Be curious and interested in life, the things and the people that make up your day. Be resolute that you will find a positive in everything and everyone.
 The logical rationale for having a positive attitude is compelling. Nobody knows for sure what each day will bring and whether its end will mark a personal triumph or disaster. Make yourself work out what good things will happen. Today could be the day you meet your soul mate, or when you are praised or promoted. Carry a list and photographs of things in your life that are rewarding or make you feel happy. This can
include loved ones, favourite flowers, song tracks, a cutting from a newspaper that made you laugh, or a theatre ticket that reminds you of a wonderful occasion. If you need reminding that good things do happen, take this collection out and relive fond memories and thoughts.
 Even if today has been a bad day, you needn’t go to bed depressed because your optimism didn’t pay off. Why? Well, because tomorrow is another day. In the same way that a single look or a sour comment can instantly kill a feeling, so a bubble of optimism arising from even the most minor triumph will eventually get bigger if you refuse to let yourself look on the dark side. That is the great thing about life.
I. Read the article quickly and decide which sentence (A, B or C) is tile best summary.
A. Dealing with problems in your life. B. Finding out how to take things easy.
C. Learning to be more positive.
II. Read the text again and for questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best.
1. What does the writer advise people to do before getting up in the morning?
 A. Calmly contemplate their day ahead.
 B. Organise their routine to maximise their time,
 C. Decide which undesirable activity they could dispense with.
 D. Reject the idea of having to fulfil their obligations successfully.
2. The writer suggests dealing with difficult aspects of our home lives by.
 A. freeing up more time to handle them more effectively.
 B. delegating some responsibilities to others.
 C. learning to control stress by taking more exercise.
 D. asking for outside help to relieve pressures.
3. The writer initially implies that adopting a realistic attitude towards life can
 A. have a counterproductive effect on our lives.
 B. encourage US to look on the bright side of life.
 C. enable US to find solutions to our problems.
 D. help us be more analytical in our approach to life.
4. The writer justifies having a positive outlook on the day by saying it will.
 A. make the outcome of our day more predictable.
 B. help us blank out the less desirable events in our lives.
 C. give us renewed energy to face up to problems in life.
 D. reinforce our appreciation of what makes life worthwhile.
5. According to the writer, how should we react to having had a bad day?
 A. Focus on the one positive thing that happened, however insignificant.
 B. Try to communicate our feelings about it to another person in a positive way.
 C. Tell ourselves it is perfectly acceptable to feel down after a day like that.
 D. Stay positive and believe that tomorrow will be a better day.
Part II. WORD CHOICE (ADVERBS). Choose the correct alternative in italics.
1. I heard an absolutely / extremely funny ioke on the radio today,
2. That coat looks extremely / completely big on you.
3. Tickets for tonight’s performance are totally / very expensive.
4. The weather this summer has been completey / absolutely awful.
5. I’m going to be absolutely / really busy again next week.
6. Two buildings were quite / totally destroyed by the explosion.
7. I’m utterly / very fed up with my neighbours complaining all the time.
8. The police are absolutely / a bit sure they know who robbed the bank.
Part III. Rewrite sentences a-f using phrasal verbs with PUT.
1. Our local supermarket is going to increase the price of milk.
2. Why does that boy like to humiliate other children?
3. We have a big house so can accommodate six people.
4. Local people have provided the money for a new statue in the town centre,
5. Jane says her friends persuaded her to do it.
6. I simply can’t tolerate that horrible noise any longer!
Part IV. Read the report and do the exercise below it.
Climate Conference Collapses 
 Ministers at the conference in Buenos Aires today told the world's press that they had failed to reach an agreement on 'greenhouse gas' emissions, which raise the earth's temperature. Scientists warned that this would mean more pollution and a greater risk of disasters across the globe.
 A UN representative said the conference had been organised to reach agreements on reducing emissions. It was another followup to the 1997 conference in Kyoto, Japan, when governments promised they would reduce emissions of carbon-based gases below 1990 levels by 2012. In Kyoto, the European Union agreed to cut emissions by 8%, Japan 6%, and the USA 7%. At the conference Britain declared that it was one of the few countries to have reduced its emissions but critics asked if this was due to government policy or the decline in the coal industry. The EU reminded the USA (the world's biggest polluter, producing 24% of the world's emissions) that it had not met its targets. The USA firmly denied it was making excuses and asked why the targets were so unrealistic.
 Some environmentalists at the conference claimed that the world is warming faster than at any time in the last 10,000 years. However, other experts suggested that it is part of natural weather cycles. In 1995, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) announced that there was a definite human influence on climate change. Some government ministers reluctantly admitted that they may need to cut global emissions by up to 60% in the long-term. However, many developing countries have refused to sign any pollution agreements; they say it would harm their economic growth and insist that the developed countries lead the way and show it is possible to break the link between economic growth and rising emissions.
 Decide if these statements are True (T) or False (F).
1 The 'greenhouse effect' is caused by the release of carbon-based gases.
2 Britain's coal industry is producing more and more carbon-based gases.
3 The USA produces more harmful gases than any other country in the world.
4 All experts agree that global warming is part of a natural weather cycle.
5 Only the industrially developed countries are responsible for global warming.
Part V. Match the sentences with appropriate reporting verbs from the list. Then write the reported sentences.
	admit – boast – forbid – inquire - invite – order – suggest - threaten
1. We'll close credit lines if you don't reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
2 . OK, you're right, some poisonous chemicals did escape into the atmosphere.
3. Why don't you drop in tonight?
4. Stand up immediately!
5. I'm the best student in this school!
6. You can't use your dictionaries during the test.
7. Shall we have a cup of tea?
8. Is the bus service running according to the timetable today?
Part VI. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given and up to four more words.
1. Climate change is now an accepted fact.	known
 It...........the clim ate is changing.
2. They are optim istic about the patient's chances of recovery.	expected
 The patient.....................................................
3. They say that the burglars got away by using a helicopter.	 said
 The burglars............used a helicopter.
4. There are probably no survivors from the shipwreck.	feared
 It...........no survivors from the shipwreck.
5. According to experts, Neanderthal Man could speak in a limited way. 	believed
 Neanderthal Man......................able to speak in a limited way.
6. Doctors now recognise that malaria is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito.	 acknowledged
 It............is transmitted by the Anopheles mosquito.
Part VII. Add suffixes to the words in bold to produce the correct form to complete each sentence.
1. There weren’t many talent shows on TV before the of Pop Idol. 	 ARRIVE
2. How can we explain the continued of reality TV? 	POPULAR
3. It seems that some people are willing to do almost anything to be...... 	 FAME
4. The group gave a wonderful of Bohemian Rhapsody. 	 PERFORM
5. Some people feel that Big Brother is just a form of bullying used as....... 	 ENTERTAIN
6. Only one of the can go through to the next stage of the competition. 	CONTEST
7. He has a great voice but lacks the to appear on stage. 	 CONFIDENT
8. His debut album was a big hit but the second one was less...... 	 SUCCESS
9. I couldn’t hide my when he won the competition. 	 AMAZE
10. He claims to be an expert in musicology but he never studied it in..... 	 DEEP
Part I. (I) C ~ (II) 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D
Part II. 1. extremely 2. extremely 3. very 4. absolutely 5. really 6. totally 
 7. utterly 8. absolutely
Part III. 
1. Our local supermarket is going to put up the price of milk.
2. Why does that boy like to put down other children?
3. We have a big house so can put up six people.
4. Local people have put up the money for a new statue in the town centre.
5. Jane says her friends put her up to (doing) it.
6. I simply can’t put up with that horrible noise any longer!
Part IV. 1. T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. F
Part V. 
1. Тhеy thrеatеned to сlosе the сredit lines if wе don't rеduсe саrbon dioxide emission.
2. They admitted that some poisonous сhemiсаl had esсaped into the atmosphеrе.
3.. He / She / They invitеd me to drop in tonight.
4. He / She / They ordered me to stаnd up immediatety.
5. He / Shе boastеd thаt he / she is the bеst student in that sсhool.
6. He / She / They forbadе us to use our diсtionаriеs during the test.
7. She / He / They suggested having/thаt we should have а сup of teа.
8. I / He / She / They / We inquired if the bus serviсe was runпing aссording to the timetablе today
Part VI. 1. is known that 2. is eхpeсted to reсover 3. are said to hаve 
4. is feared thаt there arе 5. is believed to have been 
6. is now aсknowlеdged thаt malаria
Part VII. 1. arrival 2. popularity 3. famous 4. Performance 5. entertainment 
6. contestants 7. confidence 8. successful 9. amazement 10. Depth

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