Bài kiểm tra thực hành số 2 môn Tiếng Anh Năm 2018 - Thẩm Tâm Vy

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Bài kiểm tra thực hành số 2 môn Tiếng Anh Năm 2018 - Thẩm Tâm Vy
 Thẩm Tâm Vy, October 11th, 2018 
I. Find the word that whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 
1. A. blown B. clown C. brown D. drown 
2. A. armchair B. kitchen C. match D. chemical 
3. A. absent B. event C. recent D. decent 
4. A. believes B. pencils C. contents D. tables 
5. A. county B. country C. mother D. lovely 
II. Find the word whose primary stress is different from that of the other three. 
6. A. decision B. deceive C. decisive D. decimal 
7. A. malice B. police C. office D. practice 
8. A. economy B. envelope C. attitude D. regular 
9. A. delicious B. convincing C. theory D. emphatic 
10. A. appetite B. appreciate C. architect D. arable 
III. Identify the underlined word or phrases that needs correcting. 
11.I (A) am looking forward (B) to see you (C) again (D) soon. 
12. We (A) saved money (B) this year for (C) to take a trip (D) to Hong Kong. 
13. What (A) do you think (B) of us (C) having a party (D) to celebrate? 
14. She could (A) not help(A) noticing the man (C) to cry (D) like a child. 
15. (A) One should avoid (B) to eat a (C) heavy meal (D) late in the evening. 
16. (A) Writing the letter, she (B) mailed it (C) on her way (D) to work. 
17. Our neighbours complained (A) about (B) us playing the stereo (C) too (D) loudly. 
18. As soon as (A) we met, he began (B) to excitedly chatter (C) about (D) the event. 
19. If I (A) will get the money (B) in time, I will go to California (C) on my (D) next vacation. 
20. (A) Applying at (B) the University of Arizona, she (C) anxiously (D) awaited her acceptance. 
21. She does (A) not know (B) who (C) did paint that beautiful (D) painting. 
22. We (A) had (B) Tom to make (C) the dinner (D) reservations. 
23. (A) Since he promised to take (B) care of it, his parents let the boy (C) to buy (D) a dog. 
24. Bob had (A) his gas and electricity (B) turn on when he (C) moved into (D) his new apartment last week. 
25. As (A) is the case, (B) most (C) ten-months-old Labies (D) cannot walk. 
IV. Choose the words or phrases among A, B, C, and D that best fits each blank. 
26. The bark of a tree thickens......... 
A. with age B. it gets older C. as older D. by age 
27.........charming shops and restaurants, Old Town is the most picturesque section of Albuquerque. 
A. For its B. Its C. Because its D. With its 
28........are hot is a common misconception. 
A. All deserts B. All deserts which C. That all deserts D. Of all deserts 
29. Dry cleaning is the process.........clothes are cleaned in liquids other than water. 
A. by B. by which C. which through D. through 
30........book Jubilee, which was based on the life of her great-grandmother, Margaret Walker was awarded the Pulitzer 
 A. For her B. Her C. It was her D. That her 
31........such as banking and travel, in which computers are not a convenience but a necessity. 
A. Where some industries B. In some industriesC. Some industries D. There are some industries 
32. One of the largest modern bridges newly.....today is the Dragon Bridge in Danang. 
A. was built B. is built C. built D. being built 
33......imaginative stories about the origin of the game of chess. 
A. Many of the B. There are many C. Many D. Of the many 
34. One of the most powerful optical telescopes, the "Big Eye" at Mt. Palomar,.......a 200-inch mirror. 
A. has B. that has C. with D. which 
35. The man ...last night may be the next president of the university. 
A. which I introduced you to C. that I introduced you to him 
B. to him I introduced you D. I introduced you to 
V. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. 
36. Don't ring her up at 12 o'clock. She ...her composition then. 
A. will be writing B. will write 
C. is going to write D. will have been writing 
37. Would you mind.......me your dictionary ? 
A. to lend B. lend C. lending D. lent 
38. Martin failed ...in his homework on time yet again. 
A. to have handed B. to hand C. handing D. having handed 
39.The police.....searching for a tall man with a beard. 
A. is B. are C. has been D. was 
 Thẩm Tâm Vy, October 11th, 2018 
40. How much time do you.....your homework? 
A. make at B. bring to C. give for D. spend on 
41 Mr. and Mrs. Black were delighted when they...to sell their old house so quickly. 
A. managed B. could C. risked D. succeeded 
42. My mother is busy.....her housework. 
A. at B. with C. on D. in 
43. He found learning to drive easy and.......his driving test the very first time. 
A. sat B. succeeded C. passed D. made 
44. He missed the lecture, so I lent him my notes........ 
A. after B. afterwards C. at last D. finally 
45. He filled in the necessary forms and.......for the job. 
A. appealed B. asked C. requested D. applied 
46. He completely......with what I said. 
A. admitted . B. agreed C. accepted D. argued 
47. It is an impressive building.......on a large square. 
A. to build B. build C. builds D. built 
48. It's not worth.......such a bad novel. 
A. reading B. to read C. having read D. to have read 
49. If you've got a headache, why don't vou try...an aspirin? 
A. having taken B. to take C. taking D. to have taken 
50. Nothing has changed in this town since I first.......it. 
A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. am visiting 
51. We.......by a loud noise during the night. 
A. woke up B. are woken up C. were woken up D. were waking up 
52. Harry says he doesn't remember ...Sally before. 
A. meeting B. to meet C. to have met D. to have been meeting 
53. The ship was.....around the Mediterranean Sea. 
A. running B. sinking C. sailing D. flying 
54. By the age of twenty-five he had......his ambition of becomingpianist. 
A. achieved B. completed C. reached D. obtained 
55. His roses won first.......in the local flower competition. 
A. cup B. price C. prize D. reward 
56. I wish our teacher......our problems a little. 
A. understands B. understood C. has understood D. will understand 
57. He's very poor, and he has.......possessions. 
A. any B. little C. a little D. few 
58. There are now six billion people living on......... 
A. earth B. world C. globe D. universe 
59. Do you........to use a computer? 
A. know B. able C. understand D. know how 
60. He.......a policeman; he's much too short. 
A. can't be B. must be . C. looks like D. should be 
61. Some people.......at least four hours a day watching TV. 
A. take B. use C. spend D. last 
62. He went on a long holiday to get ...his illness. 
A. through B. over C. by D. away 
63. Her parents never......her to go out after eight. 
A. made B. let C. agreed D. allowed 
64. You must always......us the truth 
A. confess B. tell C. speak D. say 
65. Petrol in this country is so expensive....we use public transport as much as possible. 
A. then B. that C. thus D. than 
66. He ordered them.......it again. 
A. don't do B. not do C. didn't do D. not to do 
67. A patient is someone..... 
A. who waits a long time B. who is very patient C. under a doctor's care D. about to leave the house 
68. If she....., she will get a surprise. 
A. comes B. came C. has come D. will come 
69. In my mother's........, it is essential not to talk over meals. 
A. principle B. idea C. confidence D. opinion 
70. Oil......in many parts of the Persian Gulf. 
A. has found B. finds C. is found D. is finding 
 Thẩm Tâm Vy, October 11th, 2018 
71. A.......is an actor who always has funny parts in plays. 
A. comedian B. guardian C. musician D. magician 
72..I'd......do my lessons than play in the streets. 
A. prefer B. eager C. rather D. better 
73. I was born in Scotland but I........in Northern Ireland. 
A. raised B. grew up C. brought up D. rose 
74. Graham works well in class, but his........could be better. 
A. rudeness B. behaviour C. politeness D. acting 
75. It was.....a difficult question that we couldn't answer it. 
A. so B. such C. very D. too 
76. You can't speak Russian........ 
A. Either can I B. Neither can't I C. Neither can I D. I can't neither 
77. They.......all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach. 
A. passed B. used C. spent D. occupied 
78. How long will it......you to get there? 
A. take B. need C. have D. go 
79. Mr. Brown invented the machine....... 
A. hisself B. itself C. himself D. Both B and C are correct. 
80. When it began to rain, they.......in the yard. 
A. played B. have played C. had played D. were playing 
81. That was a very......story about the adventure in the tropical forests. 
A. excitement B. excited C. exciting D. excitingly 
82. I was in such a hurry that I left one of my bags....... 
A. out B. aside C. on D. behind 
83. If your camera is faulty, you should return it to the....... 
A. creator B. builder C. inventor D. manufacturer 
84. She is always complaining about..the children from school. 
A. to meet B. meeting C. collecting D. education 
85. Julian Snow has been a war...for many years and covered number of conflicts. 
A. correspondent B. news-agent C. editor D. publisher 
VI. Read the text below and mark the answer (A, B, C, or D) that best fit each space. 
The Importance of Plants 
 Man has always depended on plants (86)......food and many other useful products. For this reason, farming is one of the 
world's most important industries. At first, (87)......man did not know how to plant seeds and raise crops. He (88)......wild 
fruits and vegetables where he found them. Then man discovered how to grow his own food. He (89).....seeds and waited 
for the crop to grow. For the first time, he could be reasonably sure of his food supply. He could settle down and 
(90)......shelters in the places where he grew food. 
 As populations began to increase, the (91)......for food became greater. Old-fashioned tools and farming methods were 
insufficient in meeting the demand, so man cultivated more and more land and invented complicated machines to make 
his work easier. Tractors replaced horses and other farm animals. Scientists studied and (92)......with plants. They, told 
farmers how to (93)......plant diseases, and how to grow bigger and better crops. Now one man, with a knowledge of 
plants and the (94)......of machines, can cultivate hundreds of acres. 
 He can raise plants which did not originally grow in the soil or (95)......of his community. 
86. A. about B. with C. for D. to 
87. A. early B. initial C. primary D. original 
88. A. collected B. gathered C. assembled D. amassed 
89. A. brought up B. raised C. grew D. planted 
90. A. form B. set up C. build D. construct 
91.A. demand B. request C. requirement D. necessity 
92. A. practised B. tried on C. tested D. experimented 
93. A. check B. control C. wipe out D. dismiss 
94. A. aid B. support C. assistance D. help 
95. A. situation B. condition C. climate D. weather 
VII. Read the passage and choose the answer A, B, C, or D that you think fits best each question. 
 The government published a report yesterday saying that we need to eat more healthily - more fruit and vegetables, less 
fat and sugar. So that means fewer burgers, chips and fried food as well as cutting down on sweet things. We went into 
central London yesterday at lunch-time and asked people what they thought about it. 
 'It's got nothing to do with the government what I eat,' says Paul Keel, a building worker, as he eats a beefburger and 
chipr washed down with strawberry milkshake. 'I think I have a healthy diet. You see, I don't normally eat a beefburger 
for lunch. Normally I just have the chips.' 'Any fish? 'I like cod. But I've only ever had it once.' 
 Tim Kennor, a librarian, welcomes the government advice. But he also has his own rules. 'I think,' he explains, eating his 
fried chicken and chips, 'it's important to eat a variety of food.' We then asked Dorothy Matthews, aged 74. 'I don't think 
it's the government's business to tell us what to eat.' We went into Simpson's restaurant and asked the manager if people 
had changed what they were eating. 'I don't think people believe all these reports any more. What they say is good for you 
 Thẩm Tâm Vy, October 11th, 2018 
in June, they say is bad for you in July. People have stopped taking notice. We serve what we've always served. Almost 
all of it is fattening.' 
96. What is the writer trying to explain in the text? 
A. what people think B. his own opinion 
C. the government report D. the popularity of certain foods 
97. What can the reader learn from the text? 
A. what the government is going to do B. which meals are healthiest 
C. what kind of people like beefburgers D. whether the advice will be followed 
98. What is Paul Keel's opinion? 
A. The government's advice is wrong. B. Fish isn't good for you. 
C. He doeen't need to change his habits. D.He eats too many beefburgers 
99. What does the manager think of the report? 
A. People don't understand the advice given. 
B. People think they will soon be given different advice. 
C. People don't bother to read these reports. 
D. People are more concerned about losing weight. 
100. Which of the following is part of the government report ? 
A. The population of this country should eat less. 
B. Bad health in this country is caused by people eating the wrong kinds of food. 
C. People should take the time to prepare their own food at home instead of eating in restaurants. 
D. working people should make sure they have a good hot meal in the middle of the day. 
The End 
1A 11B 21C 31D 41A 51C 61C 71A 81C 91A 
2D 12C 22B 32C 42B 52A 62B 72C 82D 92D 
3B 13B 23C 33B 43C 53C 63D 73B 83D 93B 
4C 14C 24B 34A 44B 54A 64B 74B 84C 94D 
5A 15B 25C 35D 45D 55C 65B 75B 85A 95C 
6D 16A 26A 36A 46B 56B 66D 76C 86C 96A 
7B 17B 27D 37C 47D 57D 67C 77C 87A 97D 
8A 18B 28C 38B 48A 58A 68A 78A 88B 98C 
9C 19A 29B 39B 49C 59D 69D 79D 89D 99C 
10B 20A 30A 40D 50B 60A 70C 80D 90C 100B 

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