Bài kiểm tra thực hành số 1 môn Tiếng Anh Năm 2018 - Thẩm Tâm Vy

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Bài kiểm tra thực hành số 1 môn Tiếng Anh Năm 2018 - Thẩm Tâm Vy
 Thẩm Tâm Vy, October 9th, 2018 
1. Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question. 
1. A. apologize B. abundant C. arrive D. absence 
2. A. maintain B. mountain C. certain D. bargain 
3. A. would B. should C shoulder D. could 
4. A. matter B. talk C. tank D. back 
5. A. swear B. hare C. spear D. bear 
II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three. 
6. A. office B. applicant C. moment D. appliance 
7. A. product B. purpose C. postpone D. postcard 
8. A. considerate B. communicate C. discovery D. economic 
9. A. diagram B. diameter C. dialect D. diamond 
10. A. insect B. identily C. effective D. infectious 
III. Identify the underlined part that needs correcting. 
11. The sofa was (A) big enough (B) as to seat four (C) people (D) comfortably. 
12. The stars are (A) so farther (B) from (A) the earth that we cannot see (D) most of them. 
13. Jogging is (A) more (B) vigorous exercise (A) than to (D) play golf. 
14. There (A) were (b) a little people (A) waiting to buy (D) tickets. 
15. You hardly have enough time to do the first exercise. 
16. Although Bill (A) has owned many (B) kind of cameras, he has never considered (C) buying this kind (D) before. 
17. There is (A) no one outside (B) the theatre; the performance (C) could have been (D) cancelled. 
18. She (A) spoke French well (B) enough (C) for being a (D) translator. 
19. They could (A) not longer put up (B) with (C) the noise (D) from the factory. 
20. He (A) had (B) so many homework that he (C) could not go to (D) the movies. 
21. (A) The pen rolled off (B) of the table (C) and (D) onto the floor. 
22. If I (A) will finish studying, I (B) will go to the (C) movies (D) with you. 
23. The explanation he (A) had given was (B) so confusing as I (C) could not understand (D) it. 
24. We would have (A) went to Florida, (B) but it (C) was having an unusual (D) cold spell. 
25. If my father (A) knew (B) the truth, he (C) would have been (D) very angry. 
IV. Choose the one among A, B, C, or D, that best completes each sentence. 
26. Most of their time in HCM City was spent.....relatives. 
A. to visit B. visiting C. going visiting D. go to visit 
27. The air conditioning unit.....for hours by the time you arrive. 
A. will have been running B. shall run C. will be running D. will run 
28. Constance breathed a sigh.....relief when she heard that her scholarship application had been approved. 
A. to B. for C. by D. of 
29. The newly discovered ore is being extracted by.....of a huge robotic arm. 
A. mean B. means C. meant D. meanings 
30. Although most people are.....than I am, they are not as healthy or wise. 
A. wealth B. wealthy C. wealthily D. wealthier 
31. We were having so much fun on the ship that we were.....to disembark at our destination. 
A. refusing B. doubtful C. reluctant D. hesitant 
32. Health care.have been rising but so has the quality. 
A. cost B. costs C. costing D. costly 
33. Assembly lines in car manufacturing plants.....for countless jobs. 
A. supply B. create C. account D. look 
34. We are restocking the warehouse now that the transport strike is over.....that customers get what they need right away. 
A. to ensure B. ensured C. for ensuring D. ensure 
35. Whereas the language barrier, in.....times, was once an obstacle to trade, that is no longer the case. 
A. earliest B. earlier C. early on D. early to 
V. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence. 
36. If you can't unscrew the lid, try.......it with a hammer. 
A. hitting B. to hit 
C. Both A and B are correct. D. Neither A nor B is correct. 
37. The day was so cold that we stayed indoors. 
To express the same idea, the correct sentence should read 
A. It was such cold a day that we stayed indoors. 
B. It was such a cold a day that we stayed indoors. 
C. It was a cold day so that we stayed indoors. 
D. All are correct. 
38. "OK, we.......at 5 o'clock." ~ "Good, I.......for you". 
A. shall come - shall wait B. shall be coming - shall be waiting 
C. shall come - shall be waiting D. shall come - shall have been waiting 
 Thẩm Tâm Vy, October 9th, 2018 
39. He has been studying in the library every night..... the last three months. 
A. since B. until C. for D. before 
40. Don't leave the classroom until you .......the books back on the shelves. 
A. have put B. put C. had put D. will have put 
41. Don't leave your clothes.......about on the bedroom floor. 
A. lie B. lay C. lying D. laying 
42. West Germany.....Argentina in the 1986 World Cup final. 
A. competed B. played C. fought D. matched 
43......the rain, they continued to work in the garden. 
A. Although B. In spite C. Whatever D. Despite 
44. You've never told me.....you really think about it. 
A. that B which C what D how 
45......I like our new neighbours, I'm not sure that I trust them. 
A.,In spite of B. Despite C. However D. Although 
46. Our brains are more.....than a computer. 
A. simply B. complex C. difficult D. fast 
47. He....... back to his village and.......several people he.......since the war. 
A. had come - met - hadn't met B. came - met - didn't meet 
C. came - met - hadn't met D. came - met - hasn't met 
48. Doing these exercises may be good......me, but I hate every minute of it. 
A. to B. for C. at D. on 
49. If you compare this sweater......the red one, you'll see it's much better made. 
A. with B. to C. against D. at 
50. She's up in the attic,..... some old letters. 
A. searching B. looking after C. hunting D. looking for 
51. "Would you like some entertainment?" ~ "I wouldn't mind having......." 
A. little B. a few C. a little D. few 
52. .....a result, they never went there again. 
A. For B. As C. So D. By 
53. I am hoping.......the problem. 
A. to solve B. for solving C. solve D. solving 
54. The student's hard work was......with success in his degree exanimations." 
A. awarded B. rewarded C. represented D. gifted 
55. She disappeared, and came back a few minutes.....with a cup of coffee in each hand. 
A. after B. on C. later D. more 
56. The committee is made up.....players, trainers and managers. 
A. for B. by C. to D. of 
57. "How long you.....in this town?" - "26 years." ~ "Where.....you.......before?" - "In Oxford." 
A. have you been living - have you lived B. have you lived - have you lived 
C. did you live - did you live D. have you lived - did you live 
58. There are enough sandwiches here.....feed the whole town! 
A. for B. to C. as D so 
59. I don't like being the first person.....at a party. 
A. arriving B. arrive C. having arrived D. to arrive 
60. It's a large hotel with.....a hundred rooms. 
A. above B. more C. over D. plus 
61. ........the bread in a hot oven. 
A. Bake B. Boil C. Fry D. Roast 
62. I'm sorry that I didn't learn to ride a bicycle when I was younger. 
 To express the same idea, the correct sentence should read 
A. I regret not learning to ride a bicycle when I was younger. 
B. 1 regret not having learnt to ride a bicycle when I was younger. 
C. I wish that I had learnt to ride a bicycle when I was younger. 
D. All are correct. 
63 David always.....over to my house after he had done his homework. 
A came B. went C. gone D. passed 
64. Don't throw the potato.......away! It's very nutritious. 
A. core B. peel C. shell D. skin 
65. After a meal in a restaurant, you ask the waiter for the....... 
A. bill B. prescription C. receipt D. recipe 
66. Let's have soup to start with, and fish for the main........ 
A. helping B. dish C. course D. serving 
67. The lorry was too.......to pass between the parked cars. 
A. high B. long C. wide D. large 
 Thẩm Tâm Vy, October 9th, 2018 
68. It.......me two hours to get here. 
A. spent B. required C. took D. passed 
69. You.....meat in an oven. 
A. bake B. roast C. grill D. fry 
70. She asked for.......classes at home because she thought she would learn English more quickly. 
A. peculiar B. particular C. private D. personal 
71. I waved my hand to.......the waiter's attention. 
A. attract B. signal C. make D. call 
72. I don't think we've met before. You are confusing me with....... 
A. some other B. someone else C. other person D. one other 
73. He is so.......that he never lets his wife go out alone. 
A. disgusted B. envious C. angry D. jealous 
74. I've made an..for you to see the dentist at 5 o'clock tomorrow. 
A. appointment B. interview C. opportunity D. assignation 
75. There is nothing more.......than a mosquito in the bedroom at night. 
A. worrying B. boring C. angry D. irritating 
76. We’ll go to Paris for our holiday, .......it isn’t too expensive. 
A. except B. provided C. so far as D. unless 
77. It is obvious.....everyone that he ns not responsible.....this mistake. 
A. to - for B. for - above C. in - at D. over - on 
78. Even though he was often cruel......his dog, it remained faithful.....him. 
A. on - of B. about - for C. to - to D. on - off 
79. The losing team were disappointed at the result, but all the players agreed that it had been a good........ 
A. play B. score C. game D. sport 
80. The wind became colder, and the men began to....... 
A. vibrate B. vanish C. shake D. shiver 
81. My teacher is angry with me. I didn't do all the work that I.......last week. 
A. should have done B. should do C. must have done D. might have done 
82. ......so many people been out of work as today. 
A. More than ever before B. Never before have 
C. In the past, there have never D. Formerly, there never were 
83. Would you be so good as.....the phone when it rings? 
A. to answer B. answer C. answering D. answered 
84. There was a short silence and then footsteps were heard.....from the direction of the library. 
A. come B. to come C. comes D. coming 
85. "Why has David been looking so miserable lately?" she wondered. 
 In Indirect Speech this sentence should read: 
A. She wondered why has David been looking so miserable lately. 
B. She wondered why had David been looking so miserable lately? 
C. She wondered why David had been looking so miserable lately. 
D. She wondered why David has been looking so miserable lately. 
VI. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space. 
 How are things with you? Since I saw you last, I've been very ill. (86)......the time I arrived heme after seeing you on Monday, 
I felt an awful headache. 
 I thought that perhaps my eyes were tired (87)......I had been working so hard, so I took some aspirins and went to bed. 
However, when I woke up the next morning the headache was (88)......than ever, and my throat was sore. I tried to get up but my 
arms and legs (89)......stiff. 
 I saw the doctor and she (90)......me I had a temperature. She said I probably had flu. She advised me to take some medicine 
and (91)......in bed. The medicine tasted horrible and it didn't make (92)......feel any better. I felt sick and 1 didn't want to eat 
anything at all, although was very hungry. 
 I have almost (93)......now, and I'm going to start work again tomorrow. I still have a slight ccld and a cough, but my chest 
doesn't hurt when I (94)....... 
 Can we meet on Saturday? I'm looking (95)......to seeing you. 
86. A. By B. At C. On D. During 
87. A. during B. though C. while D. as 
88. A. worse B. hard C. more D. painful 
89. A. sensed B. moved C. felt D. looked 
90. A. examined B. told C. spoke D. said 
91. A. stays B. stayed C. staying D. stay 
92. A. myself B. me C. them D. it 
93. A. improved B. decided C. recovered D. succeeded 
94. A. breathe B. see C. listen D. touch 
95. A. back B. ahead C. towards D. forward 
 Thẩm Tâm Vy, October 9th, 2018 
VII. Read the passage, then choose the answer A, B, C, or D that fits best each quaetion below. 
 London, the capital of Great Britain, is one of the largest cities in the world. It is also a very old city, dating back nearly 2,000 
years to days of the Roman Empire. London, which is located on the River Thames and near the Atlantic coast, is one of the 
busiest centers of commerce and finance in the world. 
 People of many nationalities and occupations can be found in this historic city. In the shopping areas, a wide range of goods is 
offered to the public. People travel about the large, busy city in subways or on double-decked buses. 
At the center of London is Trafalgar Square, with its tall statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson, a British hero. Other attractions for 
visitors to London inclucfe Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, the British Museum, and many 
lovely parks and gardens. Many visitors also go to Parliament to watch the British lawmakers at work in the House of Commons 
and the House of Lords. 
96. While not stated in the article, you can tell that..... 
A. London is located on the ocean. B. London is a new city,. 
C. sea trade probably helped London grow. D. London was the capital of the Roman Empire. 
97. This article as a whole is about..... 
A. London, a large, busy city. B. commerce and finance. 
C. the capital of the U.S. D. Admiral Horatio Nelson. 
98. Which of the following is NOT true? 
A. London is a large city. B. London is on the Thames River. 
C. London is 5,000 years old. D. Buckingham Palace is located in London. 
99. The statue of Admiral Horatio Nelson is found..... 
A. at the center of London. B. in Trafalgar Square 
C. in the British Museum D. in Buckingham Palace 
100. The House of Commons and the House of Lords are parts of ..... 
A. St. Paul's Cathedral B. the British Museum 
C. Buckingham Palace D. the British Parliament 
1D 11B 21B 31C 41C 51C 61A 71A 81A 91D 
2A 12A 22A 32B 42B 52B 62D 72B 82B 92B 
3C 13D 23B 33C 43D 53A 63A 73D 83A 93C 
4B 14B 24A 34A 44A 54B 64B 74A 84D 94A 
5C 15A 25A 35B 45D 55C 65A 75D 85C 95D 
6D 16B 26B 36A 46B 56D 66C 76B 86A 96C 
7C 17C 27A 37B 47C 57D 67D 77A 87D 97A 
8D 18C 28D 38C 48B 58B 68C 78C 88A 98C 
9B 19A 29B 39C 49A 59D 69B 79C 89C 99B 
10A 20B 30D 40A 50D 60C 70C 80D 90B 100D 

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