ĐỀ TÀI: BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG CHUYÊN ĐỀ SỬA LỖI SAI TRONG LUYỆN THI THPT QUỐC GIA Môc lôc PhÇn thø nhÊt: §ÆT VÊN §Ò I. Lý do chän ®Ò tµi II. NhiÖm vô cña ®Ò tµi III. §èi tîng nghiªn cøu IV. C¬ së nghiªn cøu PhÇn thø hai: Néi dung cña ®Ò tµi I. Lý thuyÕt II. bµi tËp c¬ b¶n III. bµi tËp n©ng cao IV. hiÖu qu¶ cña s¸ng kiÕn PhÇn thø ba: KÕt luËn PhÇn thø nhÊt §ÆT VÊN §Ò I. Lý do chän ®Ò tµi NÒn gi¸o dôc ë níc ta ®ang ®îc c¶i biÕn vµ n©ng cao, nhu cÇu häc vµ sö dông ngo¹i ng÷ ®ang ®îc mäi ngêi quan t©m, ®Æc biÖt lµ tiÕng Anh. TiÕng Anh ®îc coi lµ mét trong nh÷ng ngo¹i ng÷ quan träng trªn thÕ giíi, ngêi ta cã thÓ sö dông tiÕng Anh nh ng«n ng÷ thø hai cña m×nh. Bé m«n tiÕng Anh ®· ®îc ®a vµo ch¬ng tr×nh häc nh mét bé m«n häc b¾t buéc vµ ®· trë thµnh mét trong ba m«n thi tèt nghiÖp b¾t buéc trong k× thi THPT quèc gia kÓ tõ n¨m häc 2014-2015. M«n tiÕng Anh lµ m«n häc míi ®èi víi c¸c em häc sinh nãi chung ë trong khu vùc miÒn nói nh huyÖn Yªn ThÕ còng nh ®èi víi ®a sè häc sinh cña trêng THPT Yªn ThÕ nãi riªng. Do ®ã, trong qu¸ tr×nh gi¶ng d¹y vµ tiÕp thu kiÕn thøc c¶ häc sinh vµ gi¸o viªn tiÕng Anh cßn gÆp nhiÒu khã kh¨n , víng m¾c . XuÊt ph¸t tõ yªu cÇu ®ã, ngêi gi¸o viªn cÇn ph¶i ph¶i n¾m v÷ng, hiÓu s©u néi dung ch¬ng tr×nh, vµ biÕt ¸p dông nh÷ng ph¬ng ph¸p, kü n¨ng nµo cho thÝch hîp nhÊt ®èi víi tõng ®èi tîng häc sinh ë trêng m×nh ®Ó g©y niÒm høng thó, niÒm say mª häc tiÕng Anh vµ gióp c¸c em rÌn luyÖn vµ sö dông thµnh th¹o c¸c kü n¨ng giao tiÕp tiÕng Anh vµ cñng cè nh÷ng kiÕn thøc ng«n ng÷ cho c¸c em, t¹o ®iÒu kiÖn thuËn lîi cho viÖc tù häc vµ «n tËp chuÈn bÞ cho k× thi THPT Quèc gia s¾p tíi. Qua c¸c ph¬ng tiÖn th«ng tin ®¹i chóng: V« tuyÕn truyÒn h×nh, b¸o chÝ, ®µi ph¸t thanh ,m¹ng Internet .... b¶n th©n t«i lµ gi¸o viªn tiÕng Anh ®· t×m hiÓu vµ ph©n tÝch nh÷ng d¹ng bµi vµ néi dung kiÕn thøc trong ®Ò minh häa cña bé Gi¸o dôc ph¸t hµnh. T«i thÊy r»ng ®a sè häc sinh tiÕp thu kiÕn thøc cßn chËm( thËm chÝ ®èi víi c¶ líp khèi D ), vËn dông thùc hµnh c¸c mÉu c©u, cÊu tróc ng÷ ph¸p vµ tõ vùng cßn h¹n chÕ. C¸c em cßn gÆp nhiÒu khã kh¨n trong qu¸ tr×nh lµm bµi thi m«n tiÕng Anh vµ kÕt qu¶ ®¹t ®îc cßn thÊp. Trong ®ã, d¹ng bµi söa lçi sai lµ mét trong sè nh÷ng d¹ng bµi mµ c¸c em cßn nhiÒu b¨n kho¨n. XuÊt ph¸t tõ nh÷ng nhËn thøc trªn t«i thÊy viÖc rÌn luyÖn vµ vËn dông kiÕn thøc tæng hîp cña tiÕng Anh ®Ó lµm bµi tËp söa lçi sai lµ rÊt cÇn thiÕt nhÊt lµ ®èi tîng c¸c em häc sinh líp 12 ®Ó chuÈn bÞ lîng kiÕn thøc c¬ b¶n cho k× thi quan träng cña c¸c em s¾p tíi. V× vËy t«i ®· chän ®Ò tµi " Bµi tËp chuyªn ®Ò söa lçi sai trong luyÖn thi THPT Quèc gia”. §Ó qua ®ã ngµy cµng ®¸p øng víi yªu cÇu viÖc båi dìng vµ bæ sung kiÕn thøc chuÈn bÞ cho k× thi Quèc gia s¾p tíi. II. NhiÖm vô cña ®Ò tµi: B¶n th©n t«i trong khi nghiªn cøu vµ thùc hiÖn ®Ò tµi: " Bµi tËp chuyªn ®Ò söa lçi sai trong luyÖn thi THPT Quèc gia” cßn gÆp nhiÒu khã kh¨n vÒ s¸ch gi¸o khoa, tµi liÖu tham kh¶o, trang thiÕt bÞ phôc vô cho viÖc gi¶ng d¹y nªn t«i chØ ®Ò cËp mét sè néi dung c¬ b¶n sau cña ®Ò tµi nµy lµ: * Nghiªn cøu, t×m hiÓu, ®¸nh gi¸ vµ ph©n lo¹i tõng ®èi tîng häc sinh ®Ó tõ ®ã cã nh÷ng biÖn ph¸p cô thÓ ®Ó híng dÉn rÌn luyÖn d¹ng bµi tËp söa lçi sai * Su tÇm vµ cung cÊp mét nguån t liÖu h÷u Ých cho c¸c gi¸o viªn vµ häc sinh trong trêng ®Ó qua ®ã x©y dùng lªn mét ch¬ng tr×nh «n tËp ®Çy ®ñ vµ hiÖu qu¶ cho viÖc gi¶ng d¹y vµ «n luyÖn m«n tiÕng Anh. * Gióp häc sinh cã kÕt qu¶ thi tèt trong k× thi THPT quèc gia. ( Dùa vµo c¸c mÉu c©u, cÊu tróc ng÷ ph¸p vµ tõ vùng tiÕng Anh mµ c¸c em ®· ®îc häc ë ch¬ng tr×nh THPT ) * Trong qu¸ tr×nh gi¶ng d¹y gi¸o viªn ph¶i su tÇm tµi liÖu ( S¸ch gi¸o khoa, s¸ch tham kh¶o, ®å dïng trùc quan ... ) ®Ó phôc vô cho tiÕt d¹y tèt h¬n. Qua ®ã gióp cho c¸c em häc sinh n¾m bµi ngay t¹i líp . III. §èi tîng nghiªn cøu: §Ó nghiªn cøu thùc hµnh vµ hoµn thµnh ®Ò tµi t«i ®· chän ®èi tîng nghiªn cøu trong ph¹m vi khèi 12 gåm cã líp : 12 A2,12A9, 12A3 víi tæng sè häc sinh lµ 113 em. Líp 12a2 = 39 em, 12A9 = 41 em, 12A3 = 33 em MÆc dï lµ ®èi tîng ®îc tuyÓn chän tuy nhiªn tr×nh ®é nhËn thøc cña c¸c em kh«ng ®ång ®Òu: Giái cã, kh¸ cã, trung b×nh cã vµ thËm chÝ c¶ yÕu, v× vËy viÖc ph©n lo¹i häc sinh lµ cÇn thiÕt ®Ó cã híng phô ®¹o vµ båi dìng. Cô thÓ qua viÖc kh¶o s¸t ®Çu n¨m: Líp SÜ sè Giái Kh¸ Trung b×nh YÕu TS % TS % TS % TS % 12A3 33 10 30 20 61 3 9 0 0 12A2 39 0 0 5 13 20 51 14 36 12A9 41 0 0 6 15 20 49 15 36 Tæng céng 113 10 9 31 27 43 38 29 26 Qua kÕt qu¶ kh¶o s¸t ®Çu n¨m häc t«i thÊy kü n¨ng rÌn luyÖn vµ thùc hµnh tiÕng Anh cña c¸c em kh«ng ®ång ®Òu. Mét sè em 12A3 cã kiÕn thøc kh¸ tèt vµ cã nhu cÇu thi ®¹i häc cao ®¼ng cßn ®a sè c¸c em ë hai líp cßn l¹i th× chØ cã nhu cÇu «n thi tèt nghiÖp nhng l¹i thi chung mét bµi thi nªn viÖc «n tËp sÏ cÇn cã sù ph©n hãa lín. V× vËy t«i m¹nh d¹n ¸p dông mét sè s¸ng kiÕn kinh nghiÖm nµy víi hai phÇn bµi tËp dµnh cho c¶ kiÕn thøc c¨n b¶n vµ n©ng cao cho chuyªn ®Ò söa lçi sai nµy. IV. c¬ së nghiªn cøu: - T æng kÕt kinh nghiÖm qu¸ tr×nh gi¶ng d¹y trªn líp cho c¸c em häc sinh khèi 12 . - Kh¶o s¸t ý kiÕn ®Ò xuÊt cña häc sinh c¸c líp - Su tÇm vµ chØnh lÝ tµi liÖu tham kh¶o. - Tham kh¶o ý kiÕn cña mét sè gi¸o viªn cã kinh nghiÖm trong gi¶ng d¹y, qua ®ã gióp cho häc sinh vµ gi¸o viªn c¶i tiÕn viÖc d¹y vµ häc . PhÇn thø hai Néi dung cña ®Ò tµi I. Lý thuyÕt: Dạng bài xác định lỗi sai trong đề thi THPT Quèc Gia là một dạng bài tương đối khó vì nó kiểm tra kiến thức toàn diện của các em học sinh. Có 2 dạng bài xác định lỗi: lỗi chính tả và lỗi ngữ pháp. Lỗi sai chính tả: Người ra đề sẽ cho một từ viết sai chính tả (sai vì thừa hoặc thiếu chữ cái). Nhiệm vụ của các em là phải tìm ra lỗi sai đó thông qua kiến thức từ vựng đã học. Lỗi sai ngữ pháp: Đây là dạng phổ biến nhất trong dạng bài xác định lỗi sai. Dưới đây là một số lỗi mà các đề thi thường yêu cầu các em tìm ra: 1. Sai về sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ Quy tắc cơ bản là chủ ngữ số ít đi với động từ chia ở dạng số ít, chủ ngữ số nhiều đi với động từ chia ở dạng số nhiều. Ngoài ra còn có một số trường hợp khác mà các em cũng phải nắm vững. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau I like (A) pupils (B) who works (C) very hard (D). Who ở đây là thay cho pupils vì vậy động từ trong mệnh đề quan hệ phải phù hợp với chủ ngữ tức ở dạng số nhiều. Do đó lỗi sai cần tìm là C. Một số lưu ý : - Động từ hòa hợp với chủ từ, không hòa hợp với các danh từ theo các giới từ sau đây: with as well as besides order than along with together with in addition to like S1 - Ngược lại , khi hai chủ từ kết hợp với nhau bằng: Or eitheror not onlybut also Notbut neithernor S2 - Động từ quan hệ phải hòa hợp với chủ ngữ của nó, không hòa hợp với bổ ngữ: Eg: The best hope for the future is our children. Our children are the best hope for the future. - Thành ngữ bắt đầu với ONE OF thường đi với danh từ số nhiều nhưng kết hợp với động từ số ít. Eg: One of my friends is going to Ha Noi next week. - Trong các câu bắt đầu bằng từ there và here, động từ thường hòa hợp với chủ ngữ đứng sau nó hoặc ở cuối câu. Eg: There comes the bus. Here are your keys. - Khi chủ từ là danh từ không đếm được, dùng động từ số ít. Eg: The coffee is too hot for me to drink. Sugar is not always good for health. - Cụm từ bắt đầu bằng hình thái nguyên mẫu có to của động từ hoặc hình thái có –ing của động từ kết hợp với động từ số ít. Eg: To help you is my pleasure. Doing regular morning exercises is good for your health. - Mệnh đề bắt đầu với that kết hợp với động từ số ít. Eg: That you get good mark does not surprise me. That he has won the race is hot news. Danh từ được mở rộng bằng cụm giới từ -> V chia theo danh từ đứng trước giới từ -( Khi chủ từ là một cụm danh từ, động từ phải hòa hợp với danh từ chính trong cụm từ đó) - Khi một tính từ đứng sau the được dùng như một danh từ làm chủ từ, nó sẽ kết hợp với động từ số nhiều. Eg: The rich have the responsibility to help the poor. The homeless need helping immediately. - Động từ theo sau đại từ liên hệ sẽ hòa hợp với danh từ đứng trước được thay thế. Eg: The woman who teachs you English is my mother The students who are sitting around the table are not in my class. - Khi chủ từ là những từ như English, Vietnamesedùng động từ số ít nếu muốn đề cập đến ngôn ngữ (không dùng với the). Dùng động từ số nhiều nếu đề cập đến con người ở nước đó (dùng với the). Eg: English is so difficult to master. The English are very proud of their country. 2. Sai về thì của động từ Nếu các em lưu ý đến trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian trong câu thì việc xác định thì của động từ sẽ vô cùng dễ dàng. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau We (A) only get (B) home (C) from France (D) yesterday. Do có trạng từ yesterday (hôm qua) nên động từ phải chia ở thì quá khứ - lỗi sai cần tìm là B. 3. Sai đại từ quan hệ Các đại từ quan hệ who, whose, whom, which, that... đều có cách sử dụng khác nhau. Ví dụ who thay thế cho danh từ chỉ người đóng vai trò là chủ ngữ, which thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật... Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau He gave (A) orders to the manager (B) whose (C) passed them (D) on to the foreman. Whose là đại từ quan hệ đóng vai trò là tính từ sở hữu. Trong trường hợp này ta dùng một đại từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ manager. Do đó, ta dùng who – lỗi sai cần tìm là C 4. Sai về d¹ng cña ®éng tõ: Các em phải chú ý khi nào thì dùng to infinitive, bare infinitive hoặc V-ing. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau I want to travel (A) because (B) I enjoy to meet (C) people and seeing new places (D). Ta có cấu trúc: enjoy + V-ing nên lỗi sai cần tìm là C. 5. Sai về câu điều kiện Có 3 loại câu điều kiện với 3 cấu trúc và cách dùng khác nhau. Chỉ cần ghi nhớ và áp dụng đúng thì việc xác định lỗi sai sẽ không hề khó khăn. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau What would (A) you do (B) if you will win (C) a million (D) pounds? Đây là câu điều kiện không có thực ở hiện tại nên động từ ở mệnh đề if chia ở quá khứ. (To be được chia là were cho tất cả các ngôi). 6. Sai về giới từ Giới từ thường đi thành cụm cố định như to be fond of, to be fed up with, to depend on, at least.... Các em cần phải học thuộc lòng những cụm từ đó. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau We're relying (A) with (B) you to find (C) a solution (D) to this problem. To rely on sb: tin cậy, trông đợi vào ai. Do đó, B là đáp án cần tìm. 7. Sai hình thức so sánh Có 3 hình thức so sánh là so sánh bằng, so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất. Các em phải nắm vững cấu trúc của từng loại vì người ra đề thường cho sai hình thức so sánh của tính/ trạng từ hoặc cố tình làm lẫn giữa 3 loại so sánh với nhau. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau The North (A) of England (B) is as industrial (C) than the South (D). Đây là câu so sánh hơn vì có than – as industrial phải được chuyển thành more industrial. 8. Sai vÒ c¸c c¸ch dïng cña mÖnh ®Ò vµ côm tõ Mệnh đề chỉ mục đích - So That/In Order That để mà Form : S + V1/s/es + O So That In Order That S + can/will + V0 + O S + V2/ed + O S + could/would + V0 + O Lưu ý:Thông thường nếu không có NOT thì dùng can /could còn có NOT thì dùng won't / wouldn't ,trừ những trường hợp có ý ngăn cấm thì mới dùng can't/couldn't. ex1: I study hard so that I can pass the exam. Dùng SO THAT/IN ORDER THAT : ex1: I’m studying hard. I want to keep pace with my classmates. ] I’m studying hard so that I can keep pace with my classmates Dïng So...that... và such...that... Ta có 2 cấu trúc câu sau: So + adj/ adv + that + clause Such + (a/ an) + adj + n + that + clause Quan sát câu đã cho xem có mạo từ a/ an hay danh từ hay không để dùng so hoặc such. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau It seems (A) like so (B) a long way to drive (C) for just (D) one day. Có mạo từ a nên câu phải dùng cấu trúc such...that... B là đáp án cần tìm. 9. Sai lîng tõ :Many và much,a litle / a few/some /any/ a lot of/ plenty of.... Các em học sinh cũng hay nhầm lẫn giữa many và much. Many dùng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều còn much dùng trước danh từ không đếm được. Ví dụ: Xác định lỗi sai trong câu sau I don't want to invite (A) too much (B) people because (C) it's quite (D) a small flat. People là danh từ đếm được nên phải dùng many thay cho much. II. MỘT SỐ DẠNG BÀI TẬP TÌM LỖI SAI CƠ BẢN 1. Sai về sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ. 1. The study of languages are very interesting. A B C D 2. Today the number of people enjoying winter sports are almost double that of twenty years ago. A B C D 3. Every student in my class are good at English. A B C D 4. Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our large, industrial cities today. A B C D 5. Drug abuse have become one of America’s most serious social problems. A B C D 6. The threat of being dismissed do not worry me any more because I have started my own business. A B C D 7. Mrs. Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities. A B C D 8. If either of you take a vacation, we will not be able to finish the work. A B C D 9. Neither John nor his friends is going to the beach today. A B C D 10. Mary and her friends is going to a party tonight. A B C D 11. Mary as well as her friends are going to a party tonight. A B C D 12. Neither of his pens are able to be used. A B C D 13. A number of students is going to the class picnic. A B C D 14. Everybody want to buy a ticket for this live show. A B C D 15. The boys winning the first prize in the contest was very happy. A B C D 2. Sai về loại từ I have been working hardly for two weeks and now I feel like a rest. A B C D He studied very hard, so he passed the exam easy. A B C D Many species of wild animals would become extinction if people continued to cut down forests. A B C D Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods A B C D 5. I think it’s importance for us to find solutions to our problem. A B C D 6. He answered those questions perfect because he was intelligent. A B C D 7. Heavy polluted factories will be closed down sooner or later. A B C D 8. The driver of the car was serious injured. A B C D 9. Bill is often late for class, which makes his teachers angrily. A B C D 10. I am surprising at how much he smokes; I’m not used to it. A B C D 11. He walked slowly because of his injuring legs. A B C D 12. Dogs that are trained to lead the blind must be loyalty, intelligent and calm. A B C D 13. Most of us were feeling sleepily at the meeting because the speaker had a very monotonous voice. A B C D 14. The more frequent you exercise, the greater physical endurance you will have. A B C D 15. Several people arrived too lately to be admitted to the performance. A B C D 3. Sai về thì We are going to visit our grandparents when we will finish our final exams. A B C D 2. By the time the police come the robber had run away. A B C D 3. He said that he has done his homework since 7 o'clock. A B C D 4. She has disappeared three days ago, and they are still looking for her now. A B C D 5. While you had been out , Tom came to see you . A B C D 6. He never goes home before he will finish his work. A B C D 7. Her last book is published in 20 languages years ago. A B C D 8. Take the raincoat with you in case it will rain. A B C D 9. They will give her the message as soon as she arrived. A B C D 10. Although it is raining heavily, he went out without a raincoat. A B C D 11. When I was a child, I was riding a bicycle to school everyday. A B C D 12. I can’t go out now because I didn’t finish my homework yet. A B C D 13. We had better wait here until the rain will stop. A B C D 14. When the film started, I ready arrived ten minutes before. A B C D 15. While Mary did the washing up, she broke a cup A B C D 4. Sai về dạng của động từ She brought a lot of money with her so that she could bought some duty-free goods. A B C D Have you ever read any novels writing by Jack London? A B C D It is suggested that smoking should to be banned in pubs, restaurants, and other public places A B C D On Saturdays, I enjoy to go to the concert with my friends. A B C D 5. Before to go out, remember to turn off the lights. A B C D 6. I'd rather to stay at home than go out at weekends. A B C D 7. That old building is going to be pull down by the workers. A B C D 8. They stopped to work because of hot weather. A B C D 9. We were advised not drinking the water in the bottle. A B C D 10. Isabel expected admit to the university, but she wasn’t. A B C D 11. Mary was determined to leave the office by 4:30 for catching the early train home. A B C D 12. Yuri Gagarin was the first man flying into space. A B C D 13. She was among the few who wanted to quit smoke instead of cutting down. A B C D 14. I used to getting up late when I was small. A B C D 15. Did Carol agree to go camp with you? A B C D 16. Eaten too many sweets may cause stomach ache. A B C D 17. The result of that test must be inform before August. A B C D 18. It is believed that in the near future robots will be used to doing things such as cooking. A B C D 19. It is saying that the price of gold is going up. A B C D 20. She wanted to know how long it would take us getting there. A B C D 5. Sai về đại từ quan hệ 1. Today the number of people whom enjoy winter sports is almost double that of twenty years ago. A B C D 2. The boy which was given the first prize in the contest was very happy. A B C D 3. Peter said that it was the boy which had stolen his suitcase. A B C D 4. Nguyen Du, that wrote "Kieu Story", was a great Vietnamese poet. A B C D 5. There's the woman who she sold me the handbag. A B C D 6. The company did not want to hire the man that experience was so limited. A B C D 7. There are also many single mothers and single fathers which are raising children by themselves. A B C D 8. I thanked the woman whom had helped me. A B C D 9. Do you like the building that windows are green? A B C D 10. The man was injured in the accident was taken to the hospital. A B C D 11. Is this the book you are looking for it? A B C D 12. This is the picture of the town where we visited last summer. A B C D 13. The story to that I listened yesterday was interesting A B C D 14. Peter, that works at the university, is my friend. A B C D 15. He told us about the hotel that he had stayed the previous summer. A B C D 6. Sai về giới từ 1. Tom likes taking part sports, so he will join the football team of his school. A B C D 2. People consider it rude to point about anyone. A B C D 3. You have to study hard to keep pace in your classmates. A B C D 4. John's mother thought that chocolates were bad to him. A B C D 5. She is tired with doing the same thing everyday. A B C D 6. Instead of calling off the meeting, maybe we can just put it over until next month. A B C D 7. In the end of the party, Mary found herself washing the dishes alone again, as usual. A B C D 8. The children were frightened with the noise. A B C D 9. There is a severe famine in Somalia, and thousands of people are dying from hunger. A B C D 10. If you need to keep fit, then why not take on a sport such as badminton or tennis? A B C D 7. Sai về câu điều kiện, câu so sánh 1. The weather is more hot than it was yesterday. A B C D 2. His health gets good and better because he does gymnastics regularly. A B C D 3. If I had enough money, I would have traveled around the world. A B C D 4. The older you are, the worst your memory is. A B C D 5. The early we leave, the sooner we will arrive. A B C D 6. The more I got to know them, the fewer I liked them. A B C D 7. Of the two sisters , Linda is the most beautiful. A B C D 8. He finished the test more rapidly of all in his class. A B C D 9. Jane is not more intelligent as her brother. A B C D 10. If it would be convenient, let’s go out for a drink tonight. A B C D 8. Sai về liên từ 1. He has made a lot of mistakes in his writing because his carelessness. A B C D 2. They had to sell their house because of they needed money. A B C D 3. People are not allowed to enter the park after midnight because lack of security. A B C D 4. In spite of my father is old, he still goes to work. A B C D 5. In spite the danger, they managed to cross the river during the night. A B C D 6. We haven’t seen each other from we left school. A B C D 7. Although Nam worked very hard, but he didn’t pass the final exam. A B C D 8. Dinosaurs became extinct millions of years ago because of the earth's climate changed drastically. A B C D 9. It was not when he talked to her that he knew the truth. A B C D 10. Although taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert. A B C D 11.When many of my friends take a shower in the morning, I usually take one before bed. A B C D 12. Although it was raining, Anna didn’t take her swimming lesson. A B C D 13. He got a job in a bank because he had no qualifications. A B C D 14. The boys were punished although they made many mistakes. A B C D 15.Thanks for the liberation of women, women can now take part in social activities. A B C D 9. Sai về lượng từ, mạo từ 1. Peter earned a large number of money last year. A B C D 2. I’d like to go on a holiday , but I haven’t got many money. A B C D 3. We visited Canada and United States two years ago. A B C D 4. The teacher said that Peter had made much mistakes in his essays. A B C D 5. People respected him because he was a honest man. A B C D 6. I was amazed that Smith showed so few grief at his mother’s death. A B C D 7. How much times did Rich and Jennifer have to do the experiment? A B C D 8. We should manage, with a few of luck. A B C D 9. We had the dinner in a restaurant last night. A B C D 10. The server is designed to store huge numbers of data. A B C D 10. Một số cấu trúc khác 1. Neither plants or animals can survive for very long without water. A B C D 2. The little boy's mother bought him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his birthday. A B C D 3. Jack London is known as one of the great novelist of the world. A B C D 4. My friend not only had excellent ideas but also he did a good job. A B C D 5. She worked too hard that she became ill. A B C D 6. It was such good book that I couldn’t put it down. A B C D 7. Robots in the home might not be enough creative to do the cooking, plan the meal and so on. A B C D 8. I’m not used to drive on the left. A B C D 9. This apprentice has spent two weeks to work on that new machine. A B C D 10. Jason’s professor had him to rewrite his thesis many times before allowing him to hand it in. A B C D 11. She wishes that we didn’t send her the candy yesterday because she’s on a diet. A B C D 12. The soup you made was too hot for me to eat it. A B C D 13. Man build the house and women do it home. A B C D 14. My mother is the person I often divide my secrets with. A B C D 15. International students should take full use of tutorial appointments. A B C D III. Bµi tËp t×m lçi sai n©ng cao: TEST 1 1. Some methods to prevent soil erosion are plowing parallel with the slopes of hills, to plant trees on unproductive land, and rotating crops. 2. Chicago, is called the Windy City because of the winds coming down across the lake from Canada, is never very hot in summer. 3. Disease is not as widespread than before because of better preventive medicine and vastly improved nutrition. 4. When scientists discovered how soap works, it became possible to do synthetic detergents out of petroleum. 5. Electric telegraph, invented in 1835 by Samuel Morse, was first used in 1844. 6. Every scientist knows that gravity is the force that maintains the earth and the planets in its orbits around the sun. 7. After studying all the new materials, the student was able to rise his test score by twenty-five points. 8. Mr Anderson used to jogging in the crisp morning air during the winter months, but now he has stopped. 9. The tongue is the principle organ of taste, and is crucial for chewing, swallowed, and speaking. 10. Clare Boothe Luce wrote and productioned her first play while she was in high school. 11. Gamma globulin, a protein found in blood plasma, it is used to prevent such infectious disease as measles and viral hepatitis 12. The plants that they belong to the family of ferns are quite varied in their size and structure. 13. Vasco da Gamma, accompanied by a large crew and a fleet of twenty ships, were trying to establish Portuguese domination in Africa and India during the sixteenth century. 14. Scientists had previously estimated that the Grand Canyon in Arizona is ten million years old; but now, by using a more modern dating method, they agree that the age is closer to six million years. 15. In 1950 it was naively predicted that eight or ten computer would be sufficient to handle all of the scientific and business needs in the United States. 16. George Ellery Hale and his colleagues designed the two-hundred-inch telescope on Mount Palomar study the structure of the universe. 17. There is about 600 schools in the United States that use the Montessori method to encourage individual initiative. 18. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trades [GATT] is an international agreement designing to increase trade among member nations. 19. J. Edgar Hoover has served as director of the FBI from 1924 until his death in 1972. 20. I put my new book of zoology here on the desk a few minutes ago, but I cannot seem to find it. TEST 2 1. Each of the nurses report to the operating room when his or her name is called. 2. Species like snakes, lizards, coyotes, squirrels, and jack rabbits seems to exist quite happily in the desert. 3. The freshman failed to follow the advice of her senior that he studied hard and not go out too much. 4. Parks which are found in downtown areas where office workers and store employees can enjoy their lunch hours sitting on the green grass in clean, fresh air. 5. The guide told the tourists that it was a good restaurant specializing in seafood just round the corner from the museum. 6. Doctors believe there is better in this modern world of ours to try to prevent illnesses than to rely on medicines to cure them. 7. By the turn of the century, most of the inventions that were to bring in all the comforts of modern living have already been thought of. 8. Mercury and alcohol are widely used in thermometers because their volume increases uniform with temperature. 9. The Commitments of Traders Report is released by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission on eleventh day of each month. 10. Mary and her sister just bought two new winters coats at the clearance sale. 11. It is the role of the National Bureau of Standards to establish accurate measurements for science , industrial, and commerce. 12. While verbalization is the most common form of language inexistence, humans make use of many others systems and techniques to express their thoughts and feelings. 13. It is interesting to compare the early stylized art forms of ancient civilizations to the modern abstract forms of art. 14. For the first time in the history of the country, the person which was recommended by the president to replace a retiring justice on the Supreme Court is a woman. 15. Although jogging is a good way to lose weight and improve one's physical condition, most doctors recommend that the potential jogger begin in a correct manner by getting a complete checkup. 16. The Greek historian Herodotus reported that one hundred thousand men are employed for twenty years to build the Great Pyramid at Gizeh. 17. It was her, Elizabeth I, not her father, King Henry, who led England into the Age of Empire. 18. Because blood from different individuals may different in the type of antigen on the surface of the red cells and the type of antibody in the plasma, a dangerous reaction can occur between the donor and recipient in a blood transfusion. 19. When mining for gold, you must first obtain the gold ore and then apart the gold from the ore. 20. The amount of women earning Master's Degrees has risen sharply in recent years. TEST 3 1. When a patient's blood pressure is much higher than it should be, a doctor usually insists that he will not smoke. 2. Geochemistry includes the study of the movement of elements from one place to another as a result of processes chemical. 3. Even on the most careful prepared trip, problems will sometimes develop. 4. I don't care you do just so long as you do it immediately. 5. The master of ceremonies announced in a loud and clear voice and told that the dinner would be late due to unforsee 6. Sate universities bear the name of their state, and itsachievements are recognized as state achievements. 7. Narcissus, a character in mythology, gazed at his own image in a pool so ardently that he fell into itself and downed. 8. I do not know where could he have gone so early in the morning. 9. In 1961 America's first manned spacecraft launched. 10. Today's job seekers are confronted with such question as "Are you computer literate?" and "Can you set up a data base?" 11. Nuclear powers production in the US is controlled by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission [NRC]. 12. What happened in New York were a reaction from city workers, including firemen and policemen who had been laid off from their jobs. 13. The Indians of the southwestern United States are famous for their beautiful art work, especially handmade jewelry cast from silver, carved from stones, or decorations with beads and feathers. 14. Venomous snakes with modified teeth connected to poison glands in which the venom is secreted and stored. 15. Spell correctly is easy with the ai
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